View Full Version : Cyborg animations
May 25th, 2008, 10:55 AM
I've looked over the few threads here about animations for cyborg. None have really answered the question of correctly exporting the animation ( you change every bip to frame, does it need frame0, then frame pelvis, or does it need more to it?) and merging it to the existing cyborg animation graph (i used the animation tool Kornman00 spoke of and I got this:
05.24.08 16:40:31 the model 'characters\cyborg\cyborg' and the animation graph 'characters\cyborg_mp\cyborg_goose' don't match
05.24.08 16:40:31 the object 'characters\cyborg_mp\cyborg_mp' will not animate
Any help appreciated, Thanks in advance
May 25th, 2008, 11:58 AM
Your animations have a different node count or something than the model does.
May 25th, 2008, 01:06 PM
ok, I'll check that closely....ty
Should I remove the hand, feet and other markers before exporting?
May 25th, 2008, 01:09 PM
Copy the node checksum from cyborg.model_animations and paste it over the gbxmodel's (the one you are using) old node checksum.
May 25th, 2008, 01:37 PM
Figured it out, (btw I had already did the checksum fix b4, no worky) ok here it is.
Rename all bip to say frame
Dont use markers and you get rid of bip0,
So frame pelvis, frame thigh
and so on,
Export via blitzkrieg,
Tool as a single animation,
Open cyborg_animation graph in Kornman00 animation editor,
Open your single animation you tooled,
Press "Replace Animation",
Make sure to tick fix checksum,
Merge animations,
Open animation in guerilla,
Make sure your node count is 19 for cyborg,
Point cyborg to new animations.
May 25th, 2008, 05:36 PM
or you know... you could re make the biped's skeleton like many have inclusing myself quiet easily..... it really isn't that hard and you have an easier job animating as everything moves for you around the feet and hands...
simple process.
create the biped.
you want. 2 spine links
no finger links or finger number's.
1 toe link and 1 toe number.
and 1 neck link.
no tail links.
no hair/ponytail links.
first thing you do...
rescale the skele to fit the model.
second thing you do...
select the model for the toe's...
right click unlink.
then right click. convert to editable mesh... *this stops it from being in the node checksum according to tool.* and you might want to select the model while in editable mesh and remove the poly's without deleting them otherwise when you just plain delete the model it will delete the rest of the skele aswell... no shock there
make sure everything is scaled accordingly.
Rip the cyborg model BUT! don't rip the frame's/bones and rip the markers.
link the marker's to there respectfull bone. it isn't that hard to figure it out as they are right on the marker's that they want to get linked to.
link the mesh to the pelvis not Bip01 or it won't export the mesh yada yada yada. although if it is simply for animations dw about marker's or the mesh you just use the mesh as a refrence as to how far you can move the model before it starts to stick through its self.
and your done. not that hard to make it accurate. once you have the MC riged to a real biped skele its far easier to animate and you gain a lot of experience while doing that :)
May 26th, 2008, 07:20 AM
^ Yes.
Btw...are you "the1" from long time ago Halomods?
May 26th, 2008, 08:06 AM
yep thats me.
and gearboxsoftware... i still for the life of me get a straight answer as to why my account and I.P. was banned there... but i had ghost confirm that the IP that made the post that got me banned wasn't the same as my IP... the Mod's and Admin's are arrogant over there... but yeah. its been a while... surprised i still remember most of the stuff i still know.
May 26th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Nice to have another oldie with experience on this forum. :D
May 26th, 2008, 08:24 AM
yeah. would you believe i had a noob telling me that i had un nessacary begin's in a script with an if statement... some people... noob 2 the max and doing the opposit of progressing!. lol
May 27th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Took him long enough to find the place >_>
May 27th, 2008, 05:21 PM
who me?
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