View Full Version : Shuffling through old filing cabinets--the Garland Halo script

May 25th, 2008, 11:16 PM
So yeah. How many of you have read this? (http://www.pdfscreenplays.net/pdfscripts/index.php?dir=unproduced/&file=Halo.pdf) I've got a lot to say about this one, but I'll start commenting once a few of you have gotten a chance to read it.

Found it while browsing this site (http://www.pdfscreenplays.net/pdfscripts/, go to "unproduced"). Some of the more interesting ones are Akiva Goldman's (couldn't find the Protosevich one, though) I Am Legend, an early draft of Watchmen, a draft of Iron Man, the Mummy III, Edward Norton's first revision to the Incredible Hulk script, and two scrapped Indy Jones concepts.

May 25th, 2008, 11:17 PM
Oh yeah, I remember this. I thought a lot of it was pretty cool, but most of the stuff kinda ruined it.

May 25th, 2008, 11:24 PM
Yes. He took way too much creative license with the basic plot... with his omissions, additions, segues, and twists to keep those already familiar with the game guessing and whatnot.

I wonder how long it'll take for Stuart Beattie's script to get put up, seeing as his GoW one is there.

May 26th, 2008, 04:07 AM
Good post dole.

This thing fucking owns, I've never heard of it before, who made it and whats the deal behind it. Is it just some fellas creative spin on popular fictional universe's, or did this guy actually have a hand in making the story's?

need more.
This is about 10 000 times better then the halo books.

May 26th, 2008, 09:02 AM
The requested page could not be found.
MY own imagination = Best Script Writer?!

May 26th, 2008, 09:33 AM
MY own imagination = Best Script Writer?!
Oops. Site's under maintenance, go to this link instead and scroll down to Halo: http://www.pdfscreenplays.net/pdfscripts/index.php?dir=unproduced/

This thing fucking owns, I've never heard of it before, who made it and whats the deal behind it. Is it just some fellas creative spin on popular fictional universe's, or did this guy actually have a hand in making the story's?This is the first script for what was going to be the Halo movie (if and when it gets made, most of what you just read in this one probably won't make it in). It was sold to Fox or Universal or something like that for $1 million. In any event, it was written by Alex Garland (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0307497/), the guy who wrote the screenplay for Sunshine and 28 Days Later. (http://www.hulu.com/watch/14177/28-days-later) (you've got to sign up for an account on that link, but it's worth it)

To answer your other question, he didn't have a hand in creating the Halo mythos proper, but if any of this translates to film (it's a bit too deviant for my liking as it is) technically he will have had a hand in it's realization.

May 26th, 2008, 10:58 AM
Awesome, but thou shalt not speak of Master Chiefs' Face.

May 26th, 2008, 12:17 PM
Awesome, but thou shalt not speak of Master Chiefs' Face.Read the Halo books, they describe him at some point, I think.

May 26th, 2008, 12:44 PM
This is about 10 000 times better then the halo books.
Damn you Universal/Fox/M$oft for not letting this happen :shakefist:

Rob Oplawar
May 26th, 2008, 01:02 PM
I'm currently reading the Pillar Of Autumn bridge scene, and I'm wondering why he changed so many of the lines.
For example:
"Ma'am! Fire control for the main cannon is offline!"
replaced with "Sir! We've lost the main cannon!"

It may just be because the original lines are more familiar to me, but it really seems like the original lines were much better. I mean, what happened to "enough dead heroes"? That was a great line. :/

e: It seems like the author just wanted to be more original, and refused to copy lines from the game. I guess that's alright, but, eh.
What this is telling me is that if they make a movie following the plot of one of the games, I'll hate it, but if they make a movie with an original plot, like a prequel or something, I'll love it. Case in point: I love Fall of Reach, but I was unimpressed by The Flood.

ee: *reading on* Ok, definitely getting better. ; )

May 26th, 2008, 02:46 PM
^HINT: MC flies off in a pelican at the end. wtf
Sure i realize that hes the stereotipical badass blackman and a shameless ripoff from aliens [alien 2] but he was way too awesome to get no love at all.

Rob Oplawar
May 26th, 2008, 02:54 PM

WHAT THE HELL. That does not sit well with me. So what if Johnson is a rip off of every army movie sergeant ever. The whole game is made up of little rip offs like that.

*has finished reading the script*
Well, it was ok, and if the effects were done well, had I seen it in the theater, I'd have enjoyed it, but still felt a little deprived. OK for a first draft, but I can see why they rejected the script, and I hope that if they do make the movie they keep the good from this script and toss the bad. AND BRING BACK JOHNSON, MOTHERFUCKERS.

May 26th, 2008, 09:23 PM

It could be because it's unlikely any actor can do that voice.

May 26th, 2008, 09:27 PM
It could be because it's unlikely any actor can do that voice.

Pull a Vader then. Get an actor, and dub his lines. Actually, that'd probably be pretty good.

May 26th, 2008, 09:29 PM
Pull a Vader then. Get an actor, and dub his lines. Actually, that'd probably be pretty good.
Lip synching wasn't an issue for a man behind a mask, though.

May 26th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Lip synching wasn't an issue for a man behind a mask, though.

Pfft. 3D's good enough now-days. We can make mouths.

May 26th, 2008, 09:48 PM
Pfft. 3D's good enough now-days. We can make mouths.
If they're willing to spend on it, that is. The total twenty-odd seconds of Oliver Reed CGI in Gladiator costed $3 million.

May 26th, 2008, 09:53 PM
If they're willing to spend on it, that is. The total twenty-odd seconds of Oliver Reed CGI in Gladiator costed $3 million.

That's frickin' rediculous. :eek:

May 27th, 2008, 04:54 AM
That link attempted to open a pdf.

I am not dealing with adobie's shit.
Any other host?

May 27th, 2008, 04:57 AM
Try switching to the Foxit reader. it's loading times are <9000 times better than adobes :/

Rob Oplawar
May 27th, 2008, 09:47 AM

It could be because it's unlikely any actor can do that voice.

Uhm, what about David Scully?
I mean, dur. He even looks like sarge. :-3

Honestly, if they didn't use the original cast, I wouldn't go see it. I would boycott that movie.
Steve Downes IS Master Chief.
Jen Taylor IS Cortana.
David Scully IS Sergeant Johnson.

I mean, there is no substitute.

May 27th, 2008, 09:51 AM
So why don't just make the movie all CGI? it would be cheaper, moar awesome (voice-wise) and im sure in a few years they polished the technology to the point they can produce quality stuff unlike the beowulf crappfest

May 27th, 2008, 12:26 PM
Uhm, what about David Scully?
I mean, dur. He even looks like sarge. :-3

Honestly, if they didn't use the original cast, I wouldn't go see it. I would boycott that movie.
Steve Downes IS Master Chief.
Jen Taylor IS Cortana.
David Scully IS Sergeant Johnson.

I mean, there is no substitute.

May 27th, 2008, 04:23 PM
I dont want to see what chief looks like, I still see him as some one not human..

Rob Oplawar
May 27th, 2008, 08:43 PM
I think that MC isn't human on the outside, but everything that he is, everything he does, everything he stands for is for humanity. He's inhuman, and yet he's more human than anyone else.
It looks like this script tried to do that, but fell a little short. Garland started on that, what with MC's interaction with Major whats-his-face, but didn't quite wrap that up. He tried to get it with the scene where MC addresses the gravemind through Keyes
(which by the way, I thought was excellent, and I sincerely hope they stick with something similar if they go ahead with the movie), but even so, somehow it wasn't quite there. Maybe in the next draft. :-3

May 27th, 2008, 11:10 PM
OK, I just read the thing.

I'm a bit disappointed that they skipped Assault on the Control Room, but I suppose that would get a bit old after a while.
I also thought the final Keyes scene was a little... Cheesy. I think that they should stick with what unfolds in the level "Keyes" and leave it at that.
Also, wtf? Foehammer never rescued the Master Chief, she was shot down by Banshees. I think I like it better with her dying like that, not something where she gets infected by the Flood.
I'm disappointed by the lack of Johnson. It seemed like Silvia took his place.

May 27th, 2008, 11:35 PM
OK, I just read the thing.

I'm a bit disappointed that they skipped Assault on the Control Room, but I suppose that would get a bit old after a while.
I also thought the final Keyes scene was a little... Cheesy. I think that they should stick with what unfolds in the level "Keyes" and leave it at that.
Also, wtf? Foehammer never rescued the Master Chief, she was shot down by Banshees. I think I like it better with her dying like that, not something where she gets infected by the Flood.
I'm disappointed by the lack of Johnson. It seemed like Silvia took his place.
This sums up my feelings exactly. I do like the interactions between Cortana and MC, but they don't really go into why Cortana is so important.