View Full Version : lol drug lords maybe?

Mr Buckshot
June 1st, 2008, 09:47 PM
So for the past six months, I've been feeling rather suspicious about what's been going on at a house that's like 4 houses to the left of mine.

On any weekend where my parents decide to bring me for a dinner out, we always have to maneuver super carefully past that house because a bunch of cars, all with American plates (Washington state), park right outside and leave just enough space for one car to drive through. I shook this off as a mere annoyance, but I soon realized that this was happening every damn week. The six Americans park in the same locations, right outside the mansion, for the same periods of time (Friday till Monday morning).

I haven't dared to take any pictures because they might catch me in the act and send out some goons to fill me with lead. But I can describe the house and the cars. The house is a giant mansion complete with swimming pool and probably exceeds the 1.5-million-dollar mark (my house is larger than any house I've lived in and it was a steal at 800k...it's miniscule compared to the mansion). I saw that the fence and the front porch are lined with security cameras to keep out...rival gangs mb? The exterior was clearly designed by someone with lavish taste - it stands out from most of the plain-looking two-floor houses surrounding it (there are similar mansions around the neighborhood of course, but they're rare).

As for the cars, they're not exactly high end, but they are all fairly upscale and expensive vehicles, even for U.S.-spec models. There are always 6 of them coming every weekend - a BMW 750 Li, a Toyota Land Cruiser 4.7L V8, a Mercedes-Benz C320, a Volkswagen Touareg, a Porsche Cayenne-S, and a Cadillac Deville. These vehicles are all luxurious models, but there's nothing too special about their exteriors, nothing that really attracts the eye, unlike what would happen with, say, a Lamborghini or a Rolls. You see tons of these vehicles every day in both the U.S. and Canada. Three of them are clearly designed for heavy duty (the Land cruiser, Touareg, and Cayenne).

These really strange events have piqued my curiosity. I've chatted with my other neighbours about what could go on in there, and all of them, like me, know absolutely nothing about who lives there and what they do. All they know is that the owner and the American visitors are all well-dressed whites and they usually go out really late at night so it's hard to glimpse them. I think I saw the BMW driving away once in daylight, but the driver was wearing sunglasses and his windows tended to show too many reflections, so it was impossible to see any details of his face.

My theory is that the six Americans must be part of some organized crime ring, possibly narcotics, and they have an important contact living in Canada, where the security is not as tight, and where it's much easier to get away with crimes. Maybe they meet every weekend to safely discuss business plans, or count the money they've just made from drug sales. In addition, the exterior of the mansion has many obvious security measures in place. Plus, it would be difficult for American agents to follow them in Canada.

Discuss! I'm really fascinated yet nervous about what I always see every weekend. It's Sunday at 7:42 pm (pacific time) and those cars are currently parked outside the mansion and I can see them clearly. Are they criminals? Or just some really strange rich men making an honest living?

June 1st, 2008, 09:57 PM
Terrible, American-fearing, conspiracy theorizing, fantasy land, better-than-you shitpost.

June 1st, 2008, 09:59 PM
Maybe they have relatives visiting, and they have to stay in their cars because the mansion is too messy? There are way too many other reasons then "drug dealers". If the cars parked in the road are bothering you that much, just ask them to stop parking there or call the police.


June 1st, 2008, 10:01 PM
I suppose that you're fearing they're drug lords because they're Americans coming to a house bigger than yours with more cars than you. :rolleyes:

June 1st, 2008, 10:02 PM

q-(T T)-p


d-(T T)-b

This seems like your imagination running wild. The guy's probably just a wealthy man, who has wealthy American friends.

Mr Buckshot
June 1st, 2008, 10:07 PM
They must be very very very good buddies if they want to drive all the way up from America every weekend. Those cars are all gas-guzzling models. They've got to have something really important. I've never seen the Canadian owner's car before as it usually sits in a garage.

btw Snaf, my house is considered mid-size in this city, and it's the same size and price as over 90% of the houses in the Vancouver suburbs. Most of my teachers and school friends live in similar houses. In California, a house that's of the same size as mine could fetch 2 million, yet mine only cost 800k. The mansion I'm talking about seriously dwarfs my house and all the other houses around it. I probably way underestimated its value (I guessed 1.5 million).

June 1st, 2008, 10:12 PM
Heres what you can do for me.

1. Unplug your keyboard

2. Unplug your monitor

3. Throw the monitor into a chipper

4. Beat yourself with the keyboard.

June 1st, 2008, 10:14 PM
or maybe the guy is wealthy enough to drive up and down constantly but not wealthy enough to own a helicopter or leer jet? and you think that they would park OUTSIDE a gated mansion with the plates exposed and using the same cars every week to run drugs?


June 1st, 2008, 10:19 PM
Buckshot....we're coming for you....

June 1st, 2008, 10:20 PM
So you are that kid that is watching us.

Peng and I are going to roll u, ur going down.

June 1st, 2008, 10:29 PM
It's me, I'm their important Canadian contact

You know too much, we're sending over some goons to silence you right now

hope that helps http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-ms.gif


1. Unplug you're keyboard

2. Unplug you're monitor

Come on people, you must've taken an English course sometime in your lives.

ATTN: Admins
Can we have a you're/your warning please thanks in advance

Mr Buckshot
June 1st, 2008, 10:30 PM
crapf***, I gotta fortify my defenses with BB guns. Gimme some time to drive away ok? Your cars are faster than mine.

June 1st, 2008, 10:30 PM
:cocks rifle: nighty night nosy boy.

June 1st, 2008, 10:31 PM
Have a nice evening.

June 1st, 2008, 10:33 PM
crapf***, I gotta fortify my defenses with BB guns. Gimme some time to drive away ok? Your cars are faster than mine.

Better hope you're not the one starting the car :ssh:

p.s. this is the internet, you can swear here.

Mr Buckshot
June 1st, 2008, 10:35 PM
I'm scared, you guys must be professionals to be able to sneak your guns past border security.

June 1st, 2008, 10:39 PM
I'm scared, you guys must be professionals to be able to sneak your guns past border security.
We didn't sneak guns past them, they knew about them for a little.

Only a little.

June 1st, 2008, 10:44 PM
Maybe they're all just rich business associates going to a joint-owned mansion in Canada during the weekend to play some rock band? You're paranoid.

June 1st, 2008, 10:47 PM
We didn't sneak guns past them, they knew about them for a little.

Only a little.

Oh, I was under the impression you guys had guns that could shoot into other countr--- oh, wait.

June 1st, 2008, 10:53 PM
I'm scared, you guys must be professionals to be able to sneak your guns past border security.

We all know there's no guns in Canada, right guys? Right?

June 1st, 2008, 11:21 PM
We all know there's no guns in Canada, right guys? Right?

Not anymore :woop:

Bad Waffle
June 2nd, 2008, 12:43 AM
god, buckshot---i'm going to tell these stories to all my buddies. You should do standup. do you make this stuff up yourself? Prolly why you're in IB. Go write my extended essay.

June 2nd, 2008, 12:51 AM
god, buckshot---i'm going to tell these stories to all my buddies. You should do standup. do you make this stuff up yourself? Prolly why you're in IB. Go write my extended essay.I dunno, I prefer Jay's writing talents.

June 2nd, 2008, 03:02 AM
Uhhh, Sounds like a couple of buddies that hit it big early on and like to party....

June 2nd, 2008, 03:27 AM
Chill the fuck out man. I'm sure if they're doing drugs they're only smoking dope.

Or if they're really nasty evil demons they're having fun with acid while the asian people a few doors down sit down at the dinner table all serious like talking about such calamities as a renegade car washer scratching the family lexus, or that Evil shit that collects on the windows whenever it gets cold outside.

Stop breaking shit down into something more complex than it really is.

June 2nd, 2008, 03:38 AM
I lold buckshot.

just lol.

June 2nd, 2008, 06:59 AM
Meh i'd say if they got some kind of druglab going on, rat on them and get their asses busted.
If its just a grow op...meh.

June 2nd, 2008, 07:50 AM
They must be very very very good buddies if they want to drive all the way up from America every weekend. Those cars are all gas-guzzling models. They've got to have something really important. I've never seen the Canadian owner's car before as it usually sits in a garage.

btw Snaf, my house is considered mid-size in this city, and it's the same size and price as over 90% of the houses in the Vancouver suburbs. Most of my teachers and school friends live in similar houses. In California, a house that's of the same size as mine could fetch 2 million, yet mine only cost 800k. The mansion I'm talking about seriously dwarfs my house and all the other houses around it. I probably way underestimated its value (I guessed 1.5 million).

LOL, you think people who live in a 1.5 million dollar mansion would be concerned about the fuel economy of their cars?

They aren't drug lords. If they were drug lords, they'd park their cars inside the property and there would be people coming and going in quick succession.

June 2nd, 2008, 03:58 PM
0_o Zeph has had some experience in this?

Mr Buckshot
June 2nd, 2008, 06:22 PM
The events are true about the Americans visiting every weekend, just that my initial perspective was totally wrong. Still makes for funny conspiracies though

Have a sense of humor guys.

Also this is Canada, so the drug lords might be less tight about security. In this city, you can willingly shoot a defenseless innocent 10-year-old boy to death and get released from jail, free to walk the streets, in a month or less.

But yes, like Timo said, they could be bored rich men meeting up with their Canadian friend(s) to play games. Though it's kinda suspicious that they stay indoors for at least 18 hours for each day they visit. And if I owned the BMW 7-series that one of them drives, I wouldn't want to park it by the roadside for that long, even in a residential area.

Bad Waffle
June 2nd, 2008, 08:47 PM
It's hard to have a sense of humor when you keep crying wolf, so no--i wont have a sense of humor. Cut it out, you just look retarded and you aren't winning any buddies.

June 2nd, 2008, 09:09 PM
Buckshot. Go on a vacation for about a month. Seriously, you need the air.

June 2nd, 2008, 09:12 PM
He wasn't completely serious about this, lighten up guys. I actually thought it was pretty amusing when i read it.

Mr Buckshot
June 3rd, 2008, 12:56 AM
While the "drug lord" thing was literally my first thought, I wasn't trying to say I was completely serious about that theory. I do have more common sense than Jay2645.

I have to say that those Americans drive pretty "stealthy" cars for rich men. The Volkswagen Touareg (v8 version) and the Toyota Land Cruiser are pretty expensive SUVs that break the 50k barrier and have a lot of luxury amenities like heated leather (as standard), but their badges are not associated with prestige. I’ve read in gangster fiction that the top players in the game drive high-class but conservatively styled, nothing-too-special cars that will never turn heads.

June 3rd, 2008, 07:19 AM
goddammit buckshot.

