View Full Version : H2V Tournament - 4v4

June 7th, 2008, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by Touch:

I going to organize a halo 2 vista tournament! HELL YEAH. It will be a 4v4 tournament without prices. You can signup with your team before june 15. I hope some of you make teams although you normally are not in a team. The link for the forum is:

http://h2vtournament.forumotion.com/index.htm (http://h2vtournament.forumotion.com/index.htm)

I already made rules (which are probably going to be changed 10 more times) And the gametypes. Im still working on it but you can already signup. Btw there is a maximum of 1 controller per team!

As you can see, my clan/teammate is making a H2V Tournament for everyone. Even though if you don't belong to any team you can still sign up. Just sign up as an indvivdual and Touch will make you into teams later.


Please don't reply to this thread if you're about to say: "I quit H2V a long time ago" or "H2V was dead even before it came out" or anything like that. I don't need your useless comlpaining.

So, now, when 75 % have pressed the back-button, I hope we'll meet soon, the 15th June! ^^

If you have any questions, add me and Touch on xfire:
northground = me
raider007 = touch

t3h m00kz
June 7th, 2008, 05:51 AM
I think this kind of stuff isn't allowed on the forums... promoting websites and whatnot. But this seems more like an in-game get together. I MIGHT make it.. not much has gone on in H2V since it came out

June 7th, 2008, 11:35 AM
Sounds interesting.. I will discuss this with my {XF} clan... BR isn't our normal style, but "so what" for a little tourney fun.

I'll continue any of our discussions on your board..

June 7th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Sounds interesting.. I will discuss this with my {XF} clan... BR isn't our normal style, but "so what" for a little tourney fun.

I'll continue any of our discussions on your board..

Yeah, the serious-ness is far away from MLG. ;)