View Full Version : Fort Mill School Graduation

June 7th, 2008, 04:27 PM
Graduation was annoying, hot, and a disappointment. A disappointment because of all the people I will miss. I know I will keep my high school memories close.

Now I need to get another temp job for the next 3 months, then I'm off to college. It only gets harder from here. Hopefully when I enter college I won't become too detached from the community. It's been a real blast.

June 7th, 2008, 04:41 PM
College eh? Rock on, you'll have an amazing time, best time of my life.

After that though, its all down hill...hopefully not though.

June 7th, 2008, 06:08 PM
You'll get over the fact that you won't see everyone from HS. I got over it rather quickly as I still keep in contact with some of my good friends from HS.
I can't wait to transfer from my community college in the 09 Fall Semester... Making awesome progress but still got a couple classes I'm not looking forward to this year.

June 7th, 2008, 07:50 PM
I can't wait to GTFO of my HS.

My senior year was crap, if you could believe it. I want college. Now. (well, after summer i guess)

June 7th, 2008, 10:12 PM
You should become a gigolo as a side job like Snaf. :-3

June 8th, 2008, 02:50 AM
Congradulations, you made it. Im sure you havent heard that yet >.>

June 8th, 2008, 04:31 PM
Like rams said it isnt that hard with HS.

I found it mega hard coming back home from uni, even though a couple of people I will be living with next year so I;'ll see them, but lots of other people I wont see again, plus people left my course, that was really hard, even though it was a year, your around them 24/7 and get really close.

Just make sure you try to keep contact, with me I said I'd keep in contact with my friends when I went to college, turns out I've hardly talked to them, its really hard to get in contact.

Mr Buckshot
June 8th, 2008, 04:58 PM
I'm graduating next year. Congratulations Teek, and best of luck to you in college. Hopefully, at least some of your good pals will join you there. It really sucks to go to a university without anyone whom you know personally. Making new friends, missing old friends, it just isn't so easy as it was in elementary school.

IB grad will be different from regular grad, because we get some awesome formal dinner where we receive our diplomas. Can't wait, although this only occurs after the hateful IB exams.

But my post-secondary options don't look too good. I fucked up the SAT I with a 2110 (probably because my English is not great), so my dreams of Ivy league acceptance are going down, unless I can do well on the October exam.

Once again, kudos and enjoy yourself in college. What are you majoring in?

June 8th, 2008, 05:57 PM
I'm glad I'm not graduated yet honestly.. I think I want to cling on to the last shreds of my adolescence as long as I can. Not that graduating takes you out of adolescence (some people never get out of it) but the responsibilities I'll have to accept after high school will (hopefully).

June 8th, 2008, 06:00 PM
Yeah, my brother is graduating this year, and he went through the IB. None of his friends are going to the same University as him, but I'm sure he'll try to stay in touch.

I'm not sure if he's going to be having a special grad dinner though, I'll have to go check.

Congratulations on getting in college Teekie, I wish you the best of luck.

June 8th, 2008, 06:15 PM
Congrats. Heh, I've still got another year ahead of me.

@Buckshot: D: 2110 is a "fuckup" grade for you? Shit, I was happy with my 1920.

June 8th, 2008, 06:23 PM
im barely passing this year of high school o.o, im trying as hard as i can

June 13th, 2008, 12:04 PM
hahah omg wtf is up with your town/school teekie :lol: :lol::lol:

7 busted after cheers erupt at S.C. graduations

COLUMBIA, S.C. - When Rock Hill school officials tell commencement crowds to hold their applause until the end, they mean it — police arrested seven people after they were accused of loud cheering during the ceremonies.

Six people at Fort Mill High School's graduation were charged Saturday and a seventh at the graduation for York Comprehensive High School was charged Friday with disorderly conduct, authorities said. Police said the seven yelled after students' names were called.

"I just thought they were going to escort me out," Jonathan Orr told The Herald of Rock Hill, about 70 miles north of Columbia. "I had no idea they were going to put handcuffs on me and take me to jail."

June 13th, 2008, 01:22 PM
I don't know. They took the event way too seriously just because it was televised. I found it annoying and stupid myself.

June 13th, 2008, 01:22 PM
But my post-secondary options don't look too good. I fucked up the SAT I with a 2110 (probably because my English is not great), so my dreams of Ivy league acceptance are going down, unless I can do well on the October exam.

Not to be an ass but my friend did not get into any ivies with a 2330 (he had an 800 on two sections) and he took all AP classes and two years of college calculus at a good college that is in my town. He got the highest score on every AP exam he took. But he is going to Duke next year. SATs are not everything

Ivy league schools are not the only top schools, other Universities like Stanford, MIT, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Cal Tech, University of Chicago, and Washington University in St. Louis are not Ivies and are ranked better than or equal to Ivy league schools.

I am going to Hopkins next year and I got a 1950 on the SAT I (1380 Math and Reading sections only).

Just spend time on your essays and application, and you never know what will happen. I was wait listed at far weaker schools than Hopkins so apply to every University you like and hope for the best.

June 13th, 2008, 01:32 PM
Gradjamating next year. SAT score as of right now is 1760 because I don't even read/write English primarily. My math was pretty good though.

I'm not relying on grades/tests as much as I am on my other activities. I'm in 7 music groups at school, am in the music honors society, teach music students, write music for the school, record the concerts, and I'm interning at a middle school band next year. Think that'll work?

June 14th, 2008, 08:13 AM
Exact same feeling here. Coming weeks we'll have big parties/orgies and after 3 months of doing jackshit I'm off to college.

Such big steps :(