View Full Version : Elite FP arms?
June 9th, 2008, 04:57 AM
Basically I need elite fp arms. Malolo told me he would finish them about a 2-3 months ago and i haven't seen him on in like 3 weeks so I'm guessing he disappeared... So I'm asking does anyone know if there are currently any good elite_fp arms out there? Or could someone finish the ones he started for me cause i cant get any farther on my map pack until i have them....
t3h m00kz
June 10th, 2008, 03:05 AM
I think Snaf is going to release a set sometime soon. Untextured and unrigged, but better than nothing... I think.
June 10th, 2008, 03:35 PM
Well im doing better than he is cause mine are textured and UVW'd and i already got the bone structure built. all they need is rigging.
I would do it myself but i've never rigged b4 and starting on fp arms is a bad idea. So i know if i do them its gonna look terrible and i want my Fp arms to look as good as the animations im gonna make for them.
Plz someone help me out here.
Heres pic (
June 10th, 2008, 04:01 PM
A render would've been nice, but they look pretty good.
June 10th, 2008, 04:11 PM
If i rendered you wouldn't be able to see the bone structure i set up. Oh and btw i think there H2 ripped.
teh lag
June 10th, 2008, 04:44 PM
Oh and btw i think there H2 ripped.
They are. Also, it's [shot] tags.
June 11th, 2008, 12:21 AM
Well im doing better than he is cause mine are textured and UVW'd and i already got the bone structure built. all they need is rigging.
Oh and btw i think there H2 ripped.
Then clearly you've done worse than he has cause his are custom. Yours are fail. CAD already has ripped ones in game with sexy shaders thanks to choking victim and a nice rig. So you lose.
June 11th, 2008, 12:35 AM
When i said "Im doing better than he is" I meant mine are closer to getting in game. And just because i cant model well doesn't mean i fail. It means i cant model.
June 11th, 2008, 12:38 PM
Yours are closer to getting in-game because you just ripped them instead of making them. He's taking the time to actually make them, therefor, you fail.
June 11th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Stop going ufail, it's getting annoying. wanksta, if they're ripped, and it won't have any extra awesome, like CADs had shaders and Snaf's are custom, are you going to release them or are they just going to be for personal use?
t3h m00kz
June 11th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Stop going ufail, it's getting annoying.
Wanksta can damn well do what he wants, it's his mod. Not an incredibly awesome custom team's mod.
Not everybody is capable of completely custom content.
June 11th, 2008, 02:34 PM
Are you going to release them or are they just going to be for personal use?
I'm going to release the entire tag set for my map pack when its done. I may release my Elite MP tags earlier though.
June 11th, 2008, 02:53 PM
I'd rather have Snaf's. He has experience, a lot of it.
June 11th, 2008, 04:45 PM
is he actually going to release them? cause i don't remember him saying he was in his topic. Most people told him it wasn't worth making them.
And duh his are going to be better if he finishes them. Hes an amazing modeler.
June 11th, 2008, 04:50 PM
I'd rather have Snaf's. He has experience, a lot of it. Most likely his are going to be far better than yours anyway.
Good to know TeeKup, but really, you don't have to be an ass about it. You're entitled to your own opinion and actions, but guess what, I mean this might come as a big shock but NO ONE CARES!
June 11th, 2008, 07:44 PM
Wanksta can damn well do what he wants, it's his mod. Not an incredibly awesome custom team's mod.
Not everybody is capable of completely custom content.
Agreed, but his choice of words was less than fitting.
t3h m00kz
June 11th, 2008, 08:35 PM
Still, calling his work fail was uncalled for. I still stand by the fact that it's his mod so he can do what he wants.
This isn't a contest of who's stuff is better, it's a modding community. Not everybody is capable of UBER PRO quality custom 3D content, because not everybody practices modeling and rigging 24/7, and I think it's BS that everyone who's new to modeling gets talked down to and told their shit is fail rather than getting helpful advice and constructive criticism rather than "Fix this it's bullshit."
If someone really wants to help someone else they don't do that, they encourage improvement and acknowledge the good parts as well as the flaws rather than being total assholes about the flaws and ignoring what's good about the model.
I've seen really good modelers here tell other people to go look at tutorials, rather than helping them out personally, because apparently it's too much of a bother to assist people new to modeling.
I'm NEVER going to post any models here that I may possibly whip out in the future because all I'm gonna get is "IT'S FAIL START OVER" and "WTF YOU SUCK" followed by negative rep for my apparently shitty model. I've little to no desire to start modeling due to the harsh criticism of 3D work in this community. I'll stick to weapon tagging and getting weapons balanced and working properly before I start caring about how uber awesome the graphics and models are.
Not to argue, just putting my opinion out there with the reasons why I see things the way I do.
June 11th, 2008, 08:44 PM
^^^That would be the nice way of putting it.
I knew I was gonna get an infraction for posting what I did, but either way I stand by it. There's too much arrogance and egotism within these forums and it's just not necessary. I mean why discourage by saying someone else's stuff is way better. The modeler doesn't need to know that. Why not be constructive and helpful for a change just like Muki is saying. I'm not usually one to post useless posts like the one above, but I just felt the need.
You may all be like, pshh, this guy's just a nOOb who just registered here....I've been lurking :p XD
I just mean, inferno can model quite well and designs maps with good gameplay, lets say, and if you put him down, then all that talent would just go to waste. Then the community has lost an amazing modeler/map designer. :(. Constructive Criticism=WIN
June 11th, 2008, 08:56 PM
We're saying he's "fail" because the way he wrote "I'm ahead of Snaf because mine are already textured and rigged" made it sound as if he was defending "his" model which is ripped.
t3h m00kz
June 11th, 2008, 09:00 PM
Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter how much higher up one person is. Fighting arrogance with arrogance stirs up drama and shit.
Don't get me wrong, I respect Snaf for his knowledge of modeling, but that doesn't mean I think ripped content completely sucks. ZTeam's shit is awesome and played quite often over the net on CE. It may be ripped, but the tagwork, which I'm assuming is made mostly from scratch, is excellent and nearly identical to Halo 2.
Point being ripped content isn't always terrible. This community isn't the police of Bungie's models. Bungie is, and if they have a problem with modders in this community using ripped content, I'm sure they'll let the modder know. Either way, you have to keep in mind that even making custom models of stuff by Bungie could be considered copyright infringement or something along those lines, same deal with fan art. Anything based on Bungie's stuff, Bungie has a say in what the user can and can't do with. I looked into it a while back.
I think what Inferno meant is his are closer to release than Snafs, because they're textured and UVed. His choice of words were a bit foolish I admit, his shit being "better than Snaf's," but does everyone being an ass to him really help the situation?
Maybe I'm over thinking things but ffs, that's what I do, being all into the whole "do unto others" shit and whatnot.
June 11th, 2008, 09:37 PM
I wasn't being an ass, I was stating my opinion and what was most likely to happen. I don't think Inferno took it that way either.
Now I'm going to be an ass.
Just who are you to make such a call against me anyway? Just who the fuck are you? It's been said before the lot of you from need more experience before coming here anyway. The only exception are those who have proved themselves to understand proper criticism and model well. And the only elitist here is Buckshot, thats already well known.
June 11th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Who are you to assume I'm from halomaps. I have visited both that site and this one the exact same amount. I was not planning on creating a account on either site but on halomaps, there was a leak which I had to clear up, and here, was because of your remark.
You may not have thought you were being an ass, but that's how it came out. And you cannot just assume someone did not take it the same way I did because he did take it the same way, he just didn't want his rep ruined. He saw that as a "jerk" type post too. (He being inferno).
Also, who am I? I'm a normally mature person who every once in a while goes overboard. If you cannot tell from my post after the "attack", I do not usually do such things. I realized the consequences beforehand, weighed the outcomes, and I made my decision.
Also, why does someone have to be an "elitest" or be able to map for their opinion to matter. Already your statement is somewhat flawed and undemocratic as you are not valuing everyone but only a select few. Just because you have the ability to create models, doesn't give you status over another. Another thing that is flawed is your definition of proper criticism, as what you posted before was clearly not constructive, therefore, not proper as it had no uses in helping inferno.
Basically, the paragraph above sums up a pretty big portion of the attitudes here at H2V/Modacity. Hopefully this has opened some peoples eyes and minds. I expect this to either get tons of -rep or be flagged but it's worth saying if it will change some people.
t3h m00kz
June 11th, 2008, 10:02 PM
Not to troll or anything, but "the only elitist here is Buckshot" conflicts with "It's been said before the lot of you from need more experience before coming here anyway." Basically saying that this community is better than Halomaps.
Don't get me wrong, Halomaps is full of people who are a bit too lazy to be modding, but still, this community isn't perfect either. There's definitely more elitism here than people want to admit to. It's like comparing Bumper Cars to MLG.
June 11th, 2008, 10:09 PM
I wasn't being an ass, I was stating my opinion and what was most likely to happen. I don't think Inferno took it that way either.
Now I'm going to be an ass.
Just who are you to make such a call against me anyway? Just who the fuck are you? It's been said before the lot of you from need more experience before coming here anyway. The only exception are those who have proved themselves to understand proper criticism and model well. And the only elitist here is Buckshot, thats already well known.
Why are you so absolutely against halomaps? It's not a horrible site. If it wasn't for the charity of the company that owns and runs halomaps, Halo custom edition would have gone nowhere. Sure there are some ignoramuses there but there are plenty here too. The only difference between halomaps and modacity is that at halomaps you have to actually earn respect by knowing things. Here your respect is based on the number of little green squares sit underneath your name. Besides, if you can't deal with the ignorant online then for gods sake never step foot outside of your house. Ignorance is as common as the air in this world.
Not to troll or anything, but "the only elitist here is Buckshot" conflicts with "It's been said before the lot of you from need more experience before coming here anyway." Basically saying that this community is better than Halomaps.
Quoted for truth. Also way to throw an insult buckshot's way even though he's got nothing to do with this. Real classy
June 11th, 2008, 10:11 PM
Who are you to assume I'm from halomaps. I have visited both that site and this one the exact same amount. I was not planning on creating a account on either site but on halomaps, there was a leak which I had to clear up, and here, was because of your remark.
Then you have my apology for that assumption.
You may not have thought you were being an ass, but that's how it came out. And you cannot just assume someone did not take it the same way I did because he did take it the same way, he just didn't want his rep ruined. He saw that as a "jerk" type post too. (He being inferno).
Then you need to analyze posts better.
Also, why does someone have to be an "elitest" or be able to map for their opinion to matter. Already your statement is somewhat flawed and undemocratic as you are not valuing everyone but only a select few. Just because you have the ability to create models, doesn't give you status over another. Another thing that is flawed is your definition of proper criticism, as what you posted before was clearly not constructive, therefore, not proper as it had no uses in helping inferno.
Did I at once say that I or snaf was better than everyone else? No, I said I prefered snaf's because his MODELS were better. Undemocractic? This is a fucking internet forum, democracy doesn't exist here, in the authority and in behavior. I never claimed my post was proper criticism nor did I want it analyzed that way. When I said people who understand proper criticism I ment those who can understand what people like Snaf and Penguin give to others. At no point did I define it.
Basically, the paragraph above sums up a pretty big portion of the attitudes here at H2V/Modacity. Hopefully this has opened some peoples eyes and minds. I expect this to either get tons of -rep or be flagged but it's worth saying if it will change some people.
Opened eyes? The people on these forums are some of the most open minded and intelligent individuals I've ever seen, the only thing you've helped to do is spark an unnecessary argument.
Answers in bold.
Why are you so absolutely against halomaps? It's not a horrible site. If it wasn't for the charity of the company that owns and runs halomaps, Halo custom edition would have gone nowhere. Sure there are some ignoramuses there but there are plenty here too. The only difference between halomaps and modacity is that at halomaps you have to actually earn respect by knowing things. Here your respect is based on the number of little green squares sit underneath your name. Besides, if you can't deal with the ignorant online then for gods sake never step foot outside of your house. Ignorance is as common as the air in this world.
I don't hate the site, the site is amazing, especially how it is organized. I'm extremely grateful for dennis's contribution to the community, he pays for it out of his own pocket. Its the community that has issues. Yes some of them are talented and tolerable. Several of our current members have lived up to that. Its just the majority of those who come here, model a box, and demand attention are those who come from the Halo maps community. And no I DO NOT measure respect from the rep bar, if someone comes here and presents an adequate model, it doesn't have to be perfect, and shows good attitude then I will show them the utmost respect. I'm sorry if I seem like an ass to you people I really am. Yes I know ignorance is everywhere Ironclad, but the majority of it is unnecessary and is caused by a total loss of common sense. I can't tolerate it I really can't. Common sense is easy to find as it is to open a fucking soda. At this point all you people can do about me is just deal with it.
Inferno I want to you to work an you're elite arms, but please try and make them custom so you as a modeler can gain some experience and for your portfolio.
June 11th, 2008, 10:11 PM
I think were really off-topic here....
June 11th, 2008, 10:20 PM
I'd like to say that this post was made before Teekup edited his above post to include a response to my last post. Not that that changes the point.
Then you need to analyze posts better. Couldn't it be remotely possible that you need to analyze your own posts better before you ever click "submit reply"? If you didn't see even the slightest possibility that this:
I'd rather have Snaf's. He has experience, a lot of it. Most likely his are going to be far better than yours anyway.
could be misinterpreted, you need to hire a literary analyst to read all your posts before they ever reach the internet.
June 11th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I edited my post if it really insulted you all that much. Honestly though its the internet people. Not everyones going to be nice. Ironclad hit me up on AIM.
June 11th, 2008, 10:25 PM
No thanks. I've said what I have to say, I don't care to carry on a conversation that could go south very very quickly. I'm done posting on this subject.. sorry for the derailment.
June 11th, 2008, 10:27 PM
This was in the works before ironclad posted.
I see that you are a good person TeeKup, but just a few things I would like to state.
1. If more than one person thought that a post was an attack or ass-like, then you gotta wonder, is it the reader that must analyze closer or is it the poster who must choose a better choice of words.
2. I was using YOU in the general sense. However, you, and I mean you in your post make it sound like the only opinions worth valuing are those of "elitests".
3. Someone must model to gain your respect? Odd wouldn't you say.
4. You say people should be able to recieve proper criticism, yet you could not give it out. Yes you did say your post was not meant to be analyzed as proper criticism, but then why post it in the first place. Seems somewhat hypocritical.
5. There really is no need to swear man.
6. Just because someone is intelligent, doesn't mean they don't treat others badly, or feel they are superior to others. (Just a general statement, not directed at anyone)
Finally, if I came off as ignorant, well I'm sorry. However, ignorant means uninformed, uneducated, unintelligent and I am none of those. I've been here for a while, and just because I have not made an account, doesn't mean I have not been informed about the "dramas of h2v". If you were not talking about me ironclad, then yea my mistake.
I think this is done. You'll see me in the next drama :p jkjk.
June 11th, 2008, 10:28 PM
I've had enough. Talk to me in the PM's.
t3h m00kz
June 11th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Also, why does someone have to be an "elitest" or be able to map for their opinion to matter. Already your statement is somewhat flawed and undemocratic as you are not valuing everyone but only a select few. Just because you have the ability to create models, doesn't give you status over another. Another thing that is flawed is your definition of proper criticism, as what you posted before was clearly not constructive, therefore, not proper as it had no uses in helping inferno.
Did I at once say that I or snaf was better than everyone else? No, I said I prefered snaf's because his MODELS were better. Undemocractic? This is a fucking internet forum, democracy doesn't exist here, in the authority and in behavior. I never claimed my post was proper criticism nor did I want it analyzed that way. When I said people who understand proper criticism I ment those who can understand what people like Snaf and Penguin give to others. At no point did I define it.
Snaf and Penguin have a bad way of criticizing sometimes, in my honest opinion. More often than not I'll see them telling the modeler what to fix while, at the same time, completely bitching about how bad the model is. It's really annoying sometimes to see people who know how to model really well talk down about other people's models, then when the person (NATURALLY) gets irritated by it, they tell them "Wow thanks for kicking us in the face for trying to help, we're completely innocent" when they were saying extremely unnecessary things to begin with.
Basically, the paragraph above sums up a pretty big portion of the attitudes here at H2V/Modacity. Hopefully this has opened some peoples eyes and minds. I expect this to either get tons of -rep or be flagged but it's worth saying if it will change some people.
Opened eyes? The people on these forums are some of the most open minded and intelligent individuals I've ever seen, the only thing you've helped to do is spark an unnecessary argument.
They may know their shit, but that doesn't mean they're perfect. I think this guy brings up quite a few good points.
Answers underlined. I'm not dragging this out any more. I respect your opinions, but this is turning into more of an argument than anything.
June 11th, 2008, 10:32 PM
Yea TeeKup, I'm done too. Ain't taking it to PMs.
June 11th, 2008, 10:35 PM
2 pages later...
June 11th, 2008, 10:41 PM
From this point on all of you should understand this is how I deal with things. I will try and refrain from posts that will cause a spark.
Inferno if you need help custom modeling you're arms, hit me with a PM and I can link you to some good tutorials. Please don't rip them, it wouldn't benefit you at all.
June 12th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Although this is a pointless post, I just want to let everyone know I have apologized for igniting the spark and also apologized for what I have said to TeeKup.
t3h m00kz
June 12th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Hah, so have I ironically. Hopefully we've all learned something from this.
June 12th, 2008, 08:16 PM
: dramabomb :
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