View Full Version : Battlefield: Bad Company
June 10th, 2008, 04:47 PM
BF Heroes is for kiddies.
I played the demo on Xbox Live today, and I must say that it looks like utter win and cake. The graphics (partictularly the effects) are absolutely fantastic, the controls are very fluid, the action is incredibly intense, and yet it feels just like the Battlefield of old; but most prominent is the destructible environments. You can blow more shit to pieces than in Crysis; handy use of a grenade launcher can literally blow out entire walls of most buildings, and those straw-hutted sniper towers are just torn apart with a well-aimed RPG.
The single-player looks most promising as well. For the uninformed, there's a campaign. An actual story and set of missions centered around actual characters, as opposed to the simple bot matches of Battlefield past. The exposition is that you're new recruit Preston Marlow, just transferred to B Company (nicknamed Bad Company) of the U.S. Army, which takes soldiers-turned-criminals and, rather than putting them in jail, uses them for cannon-fodder in operations deemed too dangerous for ordinary soldiers. You and your squad stumble upon a little something during your first mission that gives you an entirely new personal objective, but that's where the demo ends.
Thankfully, the demo came with an entirely functional multiplayer level, featuring the new gametype of Gold Rush, in which the Attackers have stanadard tickets but the Defenders have special gold caches which the Attackers need to destroy. It's based around gold because that fits within the context of the campaign. From what I could tell, however, there was no in-depth squad assignment, commanding positions, or fancy communications, although this may just be restricted to the demo, gametype, or possibly the 360. Still, what's there is excellently done, and I had a good time with it, although I'm hungering for a good old-fashioned Conquest game.
Either way, Bad Company's jumped pretty high up the list of wants for me, and since it's releasing this month, I don't have long to wait.
(Also, bad country/surf music plays on the radio when you're driving a truck, and the grenades have little yellow happy faces on the pins. It's a very effective contrast that had me cackling when I chucked a 'nade into an enemy building and ran over a couple of guys while listening to a wild piano solo.)
June 10th, 2008, 05:28 PM
I played the demo yesterday, its awesome. The multiplayer was really fun but it was really laggy, but I'm sure the actual game will have better, faster servers running on release. I also really like the contrast that the music gives to the game, like you said.
June 10th, 2008, 05:37 PM
How big is the XBL demo? I may download it just to see what its like. Is it like the other demos and only has like an hour you can play for?
June 10th, 2008, 05:49 PM
Gold Rush
What's with these guys and ripping off TF2 :eyesroll:
I'm not saying that it's going to be a bad game, or that the gametype is anything similar, but honestly. They could have come up with a better name, especially given that there's already been controversy about battlefield heroes copying tf2's art style :\
June 10th, 2008, 05:56 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the difficulty selections copy Halo 3's descriptions. The last phrase of the easy difficulty reads "The game essentially plays itself," and the last phrase of the normal one reads "This is how Bad Company is meant to be played."
Sound familiar? >_>
(The demo's about 1.5 GB, btw.)
June 10th, 2008, 05:59 PM
It's Electronic Arts, of COURSE its going to be a copycat.
Yeah its 1.5GB, might get it, you get to do MP so I may.
June 10th, 2008, 07:05 PM
MP is so awesome, and the campaign feels really epic as well, they nailed the sounds IMO.
I reached the highest mp ran possible already D: (had it two-three days)
June 10th, 2008, 07:42 PM
I like to make wall holes. :D
June 10th, 2008, 10:53 PM
Awesome. Chopper missile speed leaves something to be desired, but otherwise it's all good :P
June 10th, 2008, 11:25 PM
Getting sick of the battlefield games here and their pathetic attempts at accuracy. For example in BF2 they push/pull every possible thing on the M4 EXCEPT what actually has to be done to reload the weapon. Only thing that makes this look remotely interesting is blowing shit up. Other that that i have no desire to get it.
June 10th, 2008, 11:26 PM
Shit, the one month I don't have Gold and I can't download it. ._.
June 11th, 2008, 02:51 AM
This game is so awesome! Finally I get to experience BF2..
..Too bad the players on XBL have no maturity, and keep shooting my chopper down so they can crash it on take off. :|
Anyway, anyone wanna hook up and be a squad? :-3
June 11th, 2008, 05:34 AM
June 11th, 2008, 04:48 PM
XBL isn't lagging half as bad anymore, so I've spent the entire day playing. It still hasn't got old. A few more things I've noticed online:
-When I'm lost in a building, I keep searching around for the door, forgetting that I can just pull out the grenade launcher (I'm an Assaultfag) and blow an exit out of the nearby wall.
-Too many tanks. D:
-I still can't help cracking up when I see three bodies fly out of the hole I just blew in a room with a grenade. I keep thinking how they see the little :) on the grenade before it blasts 'em to shreds.
-The game always puts me on the team that sucks. It's not my fault; I always get in the top 3 scores and almost always get the objectives, but my team always sucks asstesticles.
-The Russian commander sounds less like he's speaking Russian and more like "SHLEBEBELEBREFEBLEHREBERKER."
-"You... Guys... Suck!" - Defeat voiceover on American team
June 11th, 2008, 07:39 PM
I might play a little tomorrow since you say its not as laggy, it really was annoying. and yes, too many tanks.
June 11th, 2008, 08:51 PM
Getting sick of the battlefield games here and their pathetic attempts at accuracy. For example in BF2 they push/pull every possible thing on the M4 EXCEPT what actually has to be done to reload the weapon. Only thing that makes this look remotely interesting is blowing shit up. Other that that i have no desire to get it.
I've yet to see a game accurately reload that weapon. Then again, it's kinda a good thing in case some stupid kid gets a hold of one.
June 11th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Believe it or not Infinity Ward got it right in call of duty 4. All you do is push the bolt release button on the side >_>. Anyway I guess I'll download this and try it out.
June 11th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Now aint that just the fucking truth.
You want a good cartoony game with wicked multiplayer?
Just get TF2.
and hey, they'll continue to release new content, updates and patches for it for as as you have it.
Fuck EA.
i mean Goldrush??? Seriously wth.
June 11th, 2008, 09:43 PM
Well, unlike TF2, Battlefield Heroes is entirely free.
Except that you have to pay to get better weapons.
And it probably sucks too.
>_> As far as I'm concerned, Heroes is not a true entry into the series and is merely a marketing ploy by EA to try and draw in TF2 fans. That's why I'm sticking to Bad Company, since that's true Battlefield.
June 11th, 2008, 10:27 PM
BF BC was very fun when I played it, I didn't play but 3 or 4 matches and 2 runs through campaign (demo) but I enjoyed it.
June 12th, 2008, 01:21 AM
-The Russian commander sounds less like he's speaking Russian and more like "SHLEBEBELEBREFEBLEHREBERKER."You'd think they're speaking Russian, but it's all the same things that the MEC soldiers say in BF2. It's a middle eastern language.
June 12th, 2008, 02:39 AM
Well, unlike TF2, Battlefield Heroes is entirely free.
Except that you have to pay to get better weapons.
Dont Support that kind of bullshit.
June 12th, 2008, 03:52 PM
The point I was trying to make is that they advertise Heroes as entirely free and fail to mention the microtransaction process until you actually start playing.
I don't support this at all, but BF Heroes has its own topic, I believe. Let's stick to Bad Company.
From what I've heard, there are five weapons which are exclusive to the "Gold" edition (although you unlock them when you reach the highest rank), and one which you only get if you preorder the game, but you're not actually directly paying for more weapons. There are four others which have special criteria, but everything else is just the usual Unlock style.
You'd think they're speaking Russian, but it's all the same things that the MEC soldiers say in BF2. It's a middle eastern language.
Ah, pardon me. Then they sound like "DERKA DERKA JIHAD DERK MUHAMMED DERKA DERKA DERK"
June 12th, 2008, 07:10 PM
I have been sidetracked by DBZ but I like this game.
E: Pay? WTF >:[
June 12th, 2008, 09:27 PM
Alright, I downloaded the demo, figured I'd try it out. And here's what I think so far. It's alright, control layout is pretty crappy, sensitivity sucks, i feel like a catatonic patient trying to fight a war. Movement is too stiff. Graphics are an improvement but explosions still suck for some reason. Field of view feels small as hell, or there's just something about your view that i don't like, i just feels to narrow. Model detail is still shit and model accuracy, is god awful. They are the people i would love to rip open a new one for shitty accuracy. and they STILL CAN'T FUCKING RELOAD THE HK416 CORRECTLY. Come on already. Models just suck. period. And the worst part is you basically have to physically stop moving before you can aim down sights after sprinting.
Here's what i do like, Blowing shit up, Sounds, Being able to respawn with your squad rather than at the same respawn point. That's a cool idea, however they need to let you cycle through your players rather than a random one. Maps...well the one you get to play, seems smaller then their older maps, therefor walking to the enemy does not seem like such horrible nightmare anymore. Also campaign seems like it has a cool story line.
I'd probably give this 6/10...maybe 5.5/10, it's still pretty fun but they still fucked shit up. I may still have to buy it though cause it is entertaining.
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