View Full Version : My hometown got owned.

Llama Juice
June 14th, 2008, 11:01 AM
This was recorded one city block away from my parents house.

Same intersection, just from the opposite angle. The camera woman is looking at where she was standing before. My house was behind her to the right up the hill :D haha.

I just got off the phone with my sister and she said that they closed off pretty much every highway running through our town. At first they just setup barricades, but people started going through them to get to their homes... and eventually they had to bring the national guard in and station them on the road with M16s and such haha.

This footage is from a town about 15 minutes away from my hometown. I used to go here about once a week or so to play DDR and such at the arcade...


The houses weren't too close to the river.... there was a good chunk of land between the house and the river... but... all of that land is now downstream.


Storm all started on about a week ago. It all started with some light rain... then came the tornadoes... then they got a lot more rain... and it just didn't stop raining...

My sister ran down into the basement when the tornado sirens went off... she told my dad and brother to come with but they were like "yea yea whatever"... She said my brother came downstairs a few minutes later because the sky turned an ugly green.

Two years ago on 6/6/06 the same area was hit by a few tornadoes which... on that date we thought it was kinda funny in that weird way...


I recognize that strip of road... I used to drive it every day to work. I used to work in the Wisconsin Dells... which is connected to Lake Delton... which is the town that had the houses float away. After work I'd usually go to the arcade in Lake Delton.

The spot where the tornado is touching down was actually destroying my uncle's bar. Nobody was injured there, but there was a bunch of homes destroyed and stuff... they found picnic tables from that bar like three miles away.... it was crazy.

June 14th, 2008, 11:17 AM
al Gore: 1
Llama's hometown: 0

June 14th, 2008, 11:25 AM

Full video for that 666 tornado video you just posted.

June 14th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Lol, gotta love stupid rednecks who chase after tornadoes with cameras.

also, i would totally surf on top of that house.

Llama Juice
June 14th, 2008, 12:17 PM
lol at irony^

Thanks for posting the full video Zeph. When they do the drivethrough at the end when they say "Oh we didn't see that... but the bar is okay"

that's my uncles house.... and then bar. His house got destroyed, not the bar.

It was like... a little house that he only had there so that if he had to work late he didn't have far to go to go "home".. and if his friends got too drunk at the bar they had a place nearby to stay so they didn't have to drive.

I don't know who's house that was earlier that they showed... but... it made me sad every time I drove past there because they couldn't repair it that fast... and ended up living there with like a tarp for a roof for a few months... it was ghetto.

There was a billboard out in front of their house though.... that got repaired in like two days.