View Full Version : A warning to all that our existence is doomed.

June 15th, 2008, 12:23 AM
As I was searching Youtube for annoying Japanese techno videos/DDR music to use against my brother in a spamwar of epic proportions I came across something so hideous that I shudder when I say it's name aloud. This is an old enemy of mine that few of the new members may know about but it is imperative that everyone listens, for your actions now may determine the fate of our very universe!

Anyway, as I clicked this video I remembered my days as a member of the Infected...the feeling of having my soul ripped away is clear to me this very day. I tremble as I paste this link in, and I must warn everyone that it's addictive properties may seep into your very soul and make you one of the Infected! I am one of the few who managed to recover and get my soul back, so listen to my words! Be prepared and do not click the spoiler box below without being prepared for the level of evil contained within...


I watched this and could not believe what I saw...sensations of fear, loss and depression entered my soul and the darkness began to return...but I did not let it win. None of you must let it win! Every single one of you must not let it win! It is imperative that everyone here understands the importance of this. THE PLAGUE HAS RETURNED, AND IT HAS ADAPTED! IT HAS NO WEAKNESSES AND WE ARE ALL DOOMED TO BE CONSUMED BY IT AND THE INFECTED! REPENT! FOR IT IS AS VIRULENT AS THE FLOOD AND WILL COME FOR US ALL UNLESS WE PREPARE FOR IT'S ARRIVAL. We must fight the Plague tooth and nail wherever it rears it's ugly head, whether it is your local library computer or in your own house! CAUTERIZE. ANESTHETIZE. UNPLUG. Do whatever you must, but the spread of this must be stopped NOW! The very source of this evil is contained here, but once again, beware! This is it's head and if we are to stop this plague we must cut it off! (http://www.runescape.com/kbase/view.ws?guid=dev_diary08a)

TL;DR: lol cocks. RS has new graphics but still sucks cock. Go play Battlefield Heroes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlefield_Heroes) or Quake Live (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quake_Live). Seriously, this game should have died in 7th grade.

June 15th, 2008, 12:30 AM
Runescape sucks anyway. :haw:

On a more serious note, I can't get into MMORPGs anymore. Too much time needs to be invested. Time that I don't have.

Also, about damn time they actually made textures.

June 15th, 2008, 12:34 AM
Could have been photoshooped?

I dont think there would be only two pictures in the EXACT same position...

http://www.modacity.net/forums/styles/modacity/buttons/edit.gif: Nvm....clicked link.

June 15th, 2008, 12:54 AM
Why did they have to disgrace such a good LP song...for something as insignificant as this??:gonk:

June 15th, 2008, 12:58 AM
Thats not even a significant graphics change... Why exactly did you make this thread if you don't play the game anyways? I played it for about 3 years and got bored. Perfection is the devils advocate in MMORPGs. I doubt a little change in graphics is going to draw people back into it

June 15th, 2008, 01:17 AM
epic thread is epic fail.


June 15th, 2008, 01:38 AM
Thats not even a significant graphics change... Why exactly did you make this thread if you don't play the game anyways? I played it for about 3 years and got bored. Perfection is the devils advocate in MMORPGs. I doubt a little change in graphics is going to draw people back into it

I thought it was amusing that Jagex was trying to improve the graphics of the game when the community was what they should have been working towards improving. Jagex should have worked on getting rid of all the spamming/scamming issues instead of spending time on updating the graphics. People don't really care much about the graphics in this case; most of the people play Runescape because it is free. If the gameplay sucks or a single bad experiences ruins the fun (and I use that term loosely here, MMORPG's in generally don't appeal to me much anymore) then why should that person bother playing? I used to play Runescape because of the economic element of the game (selling/supplying bulk amounts of ore/coal/bars/some stuff to clans made me feel like an arms dealer :3). Then I discovered the RTS/FPS genre (thereby regaining my soul) and moved on.


June 15th, 2008, 02:24 AM
I'm guessing that within the next year or so, they'll be moving away from Java, and onto a real engine. Then I MIGHT play it.

June 15th, 2008, 03:07 AM
I've been slightly erratic when coming to RS, I used to play it, came back, and then lost interest. This graphical enhancement doesn't mean anything to me in the slightest :lol:.

Bad Waffle
June 15th, 2008, 04:06 AM
...i played it from 11-14. I never got hacked, once. Had a pretty nice character too, and my laid-back style of gaming shone through even then. I'm glad even at that age i was smart enough not to waste time doing all this shit to get money to buy some retarded ingame items horribly inflated by other users. Like those retarded party hats.

But i did earn enough to buy a black cavalier, which was the closest to a fedora. I've always had a thing for fedoras.

i might drop by the game again with my newer characters, Wave of Lag, once these updates come out. It really is a wonder how much the java-based mmorpg has come. Too bad it has a bad stigma because of its heavy child-friendly chat filters etc. Honestly, if they embraced the fact that MOST GAMERS ARE 18-26 YEARS OLD and refitted the game (got rid of the child locks...) then their business would skyrocket.

They need to do something a little more with the graphics considering today's average PC. There isnt even spec maps on anything. nothing is shiny!

June 15th, 2008, 05:05 AM

Played it since the beginning of it's time. Hated rs2, left.
I play it whenever a friend has a clanwar or needs help with a high-raid.

June 15th, 2008, 08:14 AM
I played it for 6 minutes with 6 friends. I stopped playing after pissing off 6 people.

June 15th, 2008, 09:29 AM
I played it for about two hours but couldn't get into it. My friends were all addicted to it though.

June 15th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Oshit, were all screwed :haw:

June 15th, 2008, 09:40 AM
wtf credits say it was edited in sony vegas? looks like goddamn windows movie maker to me :-3

June 15th, 2008, 10:49 AM
[10:34] ssɐɯ: you see, what I never understood is why the economy in runescape isn't constantly inflating
[10:34] ssɐɯ: I mean, the money doesn't come from anywhere
[10:35] ssɐɯ: it magically appears
[10:35] Selentic The Panda: lol
[10:35] Selentic The Panda: Ill give that it is an interesting economy
[10:35] ssɐɯ: so as the player base accumulates massive amounts of money
[10:36] Selentic The Panda: As I recall it keeps spawning
[10:36] Selentic The Panda: randomly
[10:36] ssɐɯ: the wealth per capita is theoretically exponentially
[10:36] ssɐɯ: growing
[10:36] Selentic The Panda: Stop talking in math words
[10:36] Selentic The Panda: D:
[10:37] ssɐɯ: so, wouldn't this mean that prices would go up on individual items?
[10:37] Selentic The Panda: I guess
[10:38] ssɐɯ: But this inflation in the player market would play out bizzarely when it meets the NPC run marketplace
[10:38] ssɐɯ: where prices wouldn't adapt to the higher standard of runescape living
[10:40] ssɐɯ: which means the runescape economy must be growing even faster, as more players are able to atain products which are infinitely supplied.
[10:40] ssɐɯ: I mean, I myself have accumulated 150,000 "coins"
[10:41] ssɐɯ: and my objective isn't even to make money...I can't think of anything that could cost nearly that much outside of the player market
[10:44] ssɐɯ: perhaps the influx of new players and therefore ultra-low income consumers in addition to the manner in which money can disappear much the same way it appears, (on the ground) and furthermore the way in which many high "salary" players, such as myself, stagnate the economy through our unwillingness to make large purchases all come together to balance out what would otherwise be wild and continuous inflation.
[10:45] Selentic The Panda: Im confused
[10:45] Selentic The Panda: D:
[10:45] Selentic The Panda: Stop that

June 15th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Why did they have to disgrace such a good LP song...for something as insignificant as this??:gonk:

is this a joke?

June 15th, 2008, 01:13 PM
is this a joke?

I hope so, LP blows.

June 15th, 2008, 01:32 PM
Faint is like the only halfway decent LP song, and they used it on this shitty little update slideshow. :gonk:

June 16th, 2008, 01:28 AM
I never played runescape

June 16th, 2008, 02:03 AM
...i played it from 11-14. I never got hacked, once. Had a pretty nice character too, and my laid-back style of gaming shone through even then. I'm glad even at that age i was smart enough not to waste time doing all this shit to get money to buy some retarded ingame items horribly inflated by other users. Like those retarded party hats.

But i did earn enough to buy a black cavalier, which was the closest to a fedora. I've always had a thing for fedoras.

i might drop by the game again with my newer characters, Wave of Lag, once these updates come out. It really is a wonder how much the java-based mmorpg has come. Too bad it has a bad stigma because of its heavy child-friendly chat filters etc. Honestly, if they embraced the fact that MOST GAMERS ARE 18-26 YEARS OLD and refitted the game (got rid of the child locks...) then their business would skyrocket.

They need to do something a little more with the graphics considering today's average PC. There isnt even spec maps on anything. nothing is shiny!

Thank you. It really isn't a horrible game. The gameplay was simple but solid, and I found it easy to get into thanks to the player controlled economy. Honestly, if they were to upgrade the engine to something with more horse power and up the graphics to an acceptable level (and end all the BS anti scam shit) I would play it again in my free time.

June 16th, 2008, 04:39 AM
Pfft Runescape.

Pimpwar's where it's at.

June 16th, 2008, 10:44 AM
I tried to understand it.

I couldn't. Then WoW came...