View Full Version : School Slacker Sites

June 15th, 2008, 04:53 AM
Since I dont like working or paying for anything in life (I do realize I will have trouble surviving) I would like to know if anyone knows any sites for things such as Essays for download, Answers to books, cheating tricks, or tricks for getting around things. I'd like to coast through this next year :D

Anything school related that lets you be a slacker would be appreciated :)

I come here because you people are a good source of internet references.

The List Begins (Hopefully Large List)
http://www.xnet.se/fd/ Lets you create destroyed files and blame the comps
http://www.antiessays.com/ Searchable free essays from 10 or so categories.
http://www.antistudy.com/ Search free book notes sites. You can also browse the whole list.
http://www.cyberessays.com/tp8/ Page with links to lots of other essay sites.
http://www.jonhs.com/essays Site with links to free essay sites. Seems to be updated often. Also has sections for paid essays, and essays in other languages.
http://defeatschool.freesuperhost.com/ Guides on hiding crib notes in tests, scantron cheating, how to do projects quickly, and other stuff like essays and summaries.
http://www.madnotes.com/ Has a LOT of summaries. Can list by author or title.
http://sparknotes.com/ Summaries, character descriptions, etc of many books, including those commonly used in school.

Bad Waffle
June 15th, 2008, 06:08 AM
You know, i hate school just as much as you do, and i'm already a master of most of these slacker techniques from personal ingenuity. IB kids aren't just smart because we take harder classes, they're smart because we're extremely good at finding cheat methods on our own.

One day i woke up and realized--whats the point of all the cheating, the grades, the numbers? I have not once gone to school to learn about anything--most everything i really LEARN happens outside of the 'educational system' on grounds that i volunteer on.

I knew now i had not once actually realized that i was supposed to LEARN at my highschool. every day i go to highschool, its just to talk to some of my buddies---write something perhaps, shuffle some paper, and live until the next day's mindless work. There is no order, no set, no nothing...just day to day living with no purpose. Is that what learning is supposed to be, when you don't even know what you're supposed to learn with a class?

You walk into your first period room and you sit down--why? because you're SUPPOSED to. In my school, if people aren't in their classes, you get surrounded by security guards. When you walk into your first period class--you have no idea why you are there, what you want to get out of the class, and what it will give you in the long run. You just sit down and eat information.

The designation teacher doesnt mean anything anymore. Teachers don't teach, they play a number and facts game. Students play that game if they want a high paying future. Education today is not education.

Me and my dad had an interesting conversation about this on a car trip home. He knows exactly my stance on school--that it's a joke, and he understands. For the most part, he agrees with what i have to say. Education has been desensitized by stuff like No Child Left Behind and shit like racially based scholarships so everybody can get into college (so, i'm white...so obviously i have enough money to go to college? you're going to give that money to some retarded guy just because he's black, and he needs the money to get a degree in communications or some shit at a community college? wrong, a lot of black people DO HAVE MONEY. it's being racist to assume that all black people are poor. And it's worse to give scholarships to people who really have no idea why they would NEED a scholarship). Basically, my dad made a great point--school is just a test, it's to show you how to learn how to learn. Basically, school teaches you to crave for your own knowledge, and then know how to obtain it. School also teaches you discipline so you don't go get a job and then start hitting on your boss.

And every day i go to school, i repeat my dad's words. And i have ever since freshman year.

holy shit, that was one of the longest posts ive ever made

June 15th, 2008, 06:57 AM
The designation teacher doesnt mean anything anymore. Teachers don't teach, they play a number and facts game. Students play that game if they want a high paying future. Education today is not education.
I don't see how school can be anything more than that and i highly doubt that implication that it once used to be anything else. I for one believe that the real education that offers you the chance to cultivate your mind and really grow can only occur after school and with a certain amount of freedom but to think that school can be anything but a facility to help kids survive in our society and adapt to its economy is a bit too idealistic for my taste.

My bottomline of <12 years of school ist that in the end it's not the actual contents or subjects that might or might not be [the latter occurs way more often] intersting or elevant that will become usefull after highschool [cause when does literature actually help finding a job xept for teacher] but the methodology of dealing with crap you don't actually care about at all in a fashion that satisfies your superiors.

June 15th, 2008, 07:06 AM
(although I hate to reduce such a good post to that)

That was, without better words, the best post I've read here....surely the most meaningful.

I believe, however, that you live by your character.
If your a serious person, you lead a serious life.
Care free person leads carefree life.
Troublesome person leads troublesome life.

I like to think that I'm a laid back person and would rather lead a carefree, laid back, uneventful, slacker life at the risk of missing life's wonders. Its basically living life after a suicide. (not to offend anyone with that)

School isn't meant (in my mind) to teach you about the context of the lessons, but the way its handled and obtained. In life theirs always gonna be something you have to do that you really could not give any less of a fuck about, but you have to do it. Theirs always gonna be that asshole boss or peer. Theirs always gonna be that upsetting result.

School is supposed to teach you a means to handle things, and I decide to handle them with deception, lies, and the easiest way out.

I am the kid that pays to get punish work done.
I am the kid that steals notebooks and takes the work that I need, then leave the notebooks in the halls.
I am the kid that gets perfect grades, dispite my total lack of effort, and thats how I want to keep it.

I realize that I am.....pretty much a useless piece of human garbage.....but I'm perfectly content with that...and who are you...or anybody...to tell me that its the wrong way of life, eh?

June 15th, 2008, 08:29 AM
Dude, not cool.

Doing work does suck, but they do it for a reason. You will never get any where in life cheating. As for these fake essays, teachers type bits into google and try to find matches, they will realise its not you and you'll get in some deep shit. They could kick you out for it.

I hate to be a killjoy, but seriously reconsider.

The most important things in life arent taught at school, but school teaches you very important lessons, cheating is one of them. You might cut corners and breeze it, it will bite you hard in the ass, and you wont be able to get it.

June 15th, 2008, 09:03 AM
In response to WOL's post, this is my take on school.

I believe that most stuff that is taught up until high school will help a person in life. Knowing stuff like simple arithmetic, knowing some general information about other countries, knowing about some common reactions, explanations etc from science, and knowing how to read and assess novels and learn more vocabulary. These are things taught in middle school. In high school is where I believe most things that are taught are useless. In high school you start taking classes like Algebra, Chemistry, World History, Biology, Pre cal, etc. In Algebra you learn about special numbers like how to use pi and e and imaginary numbers. In chemistry this past year, I learned about chemical reactions, gas laws, heat like enthalpy and entropy, solubility, and some other stuff. I'm going to use these 2 classes as examples. Will I ever need to know this information in my future? Will it help me unless I decide to pick a career that is related to these subjects? I don't think so. Don't teachers know that as soon as we get out of school for the summer, we will have forgotten most of the information they taught us? What's the point of taking tests and such if we're just going to forget all the information as soon as we leave? In my opinion, tests aren't trying to see if you understand the information, they're to see if you can remember what was previously taught and like WOL said, how you can cheat. As soon as I'm over a test, I forget the information. Does anyone ever go back and review information that they were taught earlier? Most people don't.

Probably the only classes that will be useful to me in the future are Civics/Economics, a language class, maybe some of a business class, and a bit of English. Other than that, there's no real purpose to high school except to teach us the basics of how to act and to give us a social life. So I ask myself, why should there be school when we aren't really learning when we "learn?" Well, I guess since most of us high school students are still teenagers, society just believes that we're too young to take responsibility and go out in the world at an early age like this. Therefore, they don't want us just sitting around at home and doing nothing, society wants to put us somewhere until we are old enough to go to college. Now my take on college is that it does actually benefit us, but only certain courses. Since in college you get to pick what your major is, you will be placed in a class that will actually benefit you in your future.

And yeah that's just my opinion.

June 15th, 2008, 09:08 AM
You will never get any where in life cheating.

Not true.

As for these fake essays, teachers type bits into google and try to find matches, they will realise its not you and you'll get in some deep shit. They could kick you out for it.
Partially true but i guess in high school chances are you gat a pat on your hand and thats it. It will be serious trouble in college tough.

June 15th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Not true.

Partially true but i guess in high school chances are you gat a pat on your hand and thats it. It will be serious trouble in college tough.

Our school expels for plagiarism.

And about the generator that generators broken files... I've done that myself lol. We had a video due on a friday and I made a WMV file and looped the same 2 min scene to make it seem really long, then opened the file in wordpad and just started deleting random lines and adding new lines till it gave errors when opening. Got into class and managed to pull that off and got to go monday :P

June 15th, 2008, 09:56 AM
Can someone explain to me exactly what the first site does? Creates destroyed files? Idgi :confused:

June 15th, 2008, 10:07 AM
Dude, not cool.

Doing work does suck, but they do it for a reason. You will never get any where in life cheating. As for these fake essays, teachers type bits into google and try to find matches, they will realise its not you and you'll get in some deep shit. They could kick you out for it.

I hate to be a killjoy, but seriously reconsider.

That's only if you are stupid enough not to change anything. My english class 1 out of 2 people took someone's work for a book project and all of them got caught; she didn't do anything to them. Heck even I did, but I don't go on the internet. Me and my friends split the work 50/50, and we change what the other person did. Just less work to find the 74 quotes she wanted :U whore.

e: The people that got caught are the ones that have 10 different font types, seriously how dumb do you get?

June 15th, 2008, 10:23 AM
I don't see what the point of cheating in High school is. I mean, essays really aren't that hard to write and you can slack off until the day before and still produce some A+ quality stuff. I even crammed for my exit exams and can say I did well. You just have to master cramming.
Also, plagarizing is so easy to get away from as all you need to do is rephrase something in such a way that it isn't worded like the original. BAM- now its yours. No reason why you should let youself get caught and punished for it. I know 3 people who got kicked out of a History course for that.

Also, if you're doing literature, I would recommend using Wikipedia if it is a well known piece of work. Sometimes it has some indepth information that is useful for essay writing. For example, I used it to help me formulate some ideas for a Macbeth essay I was going to write the next day. It helped me see sides of things and helps you to analyze alot better when you see other people's perspectives.
Saves you alot of observation time, and gives you more time to lay out your essay.

http://www.stupidhomework.com is a relatively nice community for this sort of thing.

June 15th, 2008, 10:32 AM
Why some of you think taking the easy way out is the way to go I'll never know. Taking the easy way will return to bite you. I took the easy way out during a couple subjects (math) during High School and now they are my biggest weakpoints during community college (one more year of hell and I'm off to a real college..). For the ones I tried, I'm pretty much set to go. I regret not taking my High School education seriously at the start and while my GPA was at least decent (3.1), I felt I wasn't ready for a University just yet.
Don't get me wrong, everyone slacks off at times. Been there done that. But taking it to the extreme is where it will get you into trouble later on. I believe my past experiences will be huge in helping me get into a college that I will actually enjoy.

Edit: And do I actually support the way education is being taught at schools? Not at all, there needs to be a better way than the whole "no child left behind" ordal. And being in a "special education" program because I was hearing impaired and having a couple other issues, I believe that the program needs to be adjusted as well. I felt that they just wanted to teach me the easy things and shoot me off to a community college so they could deal with me...

June 15th, 2008, 11:55 AM
IB kids aren't just smart because we take harder classes, they're smart because we're extremely good at finding cheat methods on our own.
I thought the smart students all took AP classes because IB is a waste of time? It's true.

One day i woke up and realized--whats the point of all the cheating, the grades, the numbers? I have not once gone to school to learn about anything--most everything i really LEARN happens outside of the 'educational system' on grounds that i volunteer on.

I knew now i had not once actually realized that i was supposed to LEARN at my highschool... stuff stuff stufff...
Maybe it's just your school that sucks at teaching? I learned stuff in high school. :shrug:

June 15th, 2008, 12:09 PM
I think the school system is really messed up. I wrote the biggest bullshit essay EVER and I got a higher mark then most people which was a 4+.

Heath Ledger also plays as a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. Another thrilling movie I would recommend our English class in watching.... I really enjoyed the part when King Kong came in and killed all three of the Dinosaurs.

It was a movie review about '10 things I hate about you'. There is a lot more.

June 15th, 2008, 12:11 PM
I get A's on all my tests, I comprehend every piece of information. Why should I be expected to do more? Because you said so? Because life sucks ass and I should know how to deal with it?

One of my teachers actually built a curriculum out of grading notes, 10% was in the tests, which everyone failed besides me. So even though my 90-100% performance on the tests should be plenty to illustrate whatever notes I was taking or reading I was doing was plenty sufficient for comprehension this bitch gives me a C because her class is based on grading notes based on quality compared to a rubric, a notes rubric!

You can't even say that out loud without the massive logic shortage engulfing your vocal chords in pure irrational pain.

June 15th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Sorry, I just had to.


Anyway, I have no problems with cheating at school. Even when I don't cheat, I still get good grades, but I sometimes bring some cheat notes just to be sure.

June 15th, 2008, 03:16 PM
Cheating gets you know where in life? Really? When did this happen...

Surely not in the last 15 years. I have made it all the way to 11th grade with the minimalist of effort. Works fine for me, and I think myself a pretty sharp fellow.

I do understand your points, really. And I dont tend to slack for my entire life. I just want the option may it be my whim......

Bad Waffle
June 15th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Dude, not cool.

Doing work does suck, but they do it for a reason. You will never get any where in life cheating. As for these fake essays, teachers type bits into google and try to find matches, they will realise its not you and you'll get in some deep shit. They could kick you out for it.

I hate to be a killjoy, but seriously reconsider.

The most important things in life arent taught at school, but school teaches you very important lessons, cheating is one of them. You might cut corners and breeze it, it will bite you hard in the ass, and you wont be able to get it.

Although i hate school, i never cheat on essays or tests. I only cheat on the busywork.

June 15th, 2008, 03:46 PM
The Problem is the school systems are still teaching a industrial way of life. They need to get with the present and make changes. This is the computer age for crying out loud.

June 15th, 2008, 04:43 PM
Okay, so say you cheat in a math test, equations perhaps. You wont learn it correct? What happens if later in life you need to use that skill for your work, you cant just look it up, your qualification says you've learnt it, but you really havent? Your only kidding yourself.

Cheating gets you know where in life? Really? When did this happen...

Surely not in the last 15 years. I have made it all the way to 11th grade with the minimalist of effort. Works fine for me, and I think myself a pretty sharp fellow.

I do understand your points, really. And I dont tend to slack for my entire life. I just want the option may it be my whim......
Oh, hell I'm not talking about school, you do realise grades mean fuck all in life? Unless you want a dead end job working in mc donalds...high school grades are only used to get you into college and higher education. Even then when your in they dont give a crap what your scores are.


Teachers know your style of writing, if you some retarded idiot and then hand in an essay that looks like shakespeare wrote it, they will get very suspicious. Changing a few odd words wont help, unless you drastically change it all.

Not true.
It wont get you any were decent in life.

TBH you all need to grow up and face society, life isnt as sugar coated as school...sadly =\

June 15th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Watch out, Heathen. You're going to get a lot of heat for daring not to dedicate your life to school. I just asked how to get Steam onto school computers and got flamed a bit, then massive debates happened in the thread. It seems like that's what's happening here.

June 15th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Watch out, Heathen. You're going to get a lot of heat for daring not to dedicate your life to school. I just asked how to get Steam onto school computers and got flamed a bit, then massive debates happened in the thread. It seems like that's what's happening here.

Now hold on, I never said I wasn't a dedicated student. I have always been a great student and a great peer. How I keep this up while being rediculously carefree is no ones business but my own. If someone does a good job you dont ask how...you simply grin and hope it works out. I was just hoping to find a way to "shortcut" through all the BS.

June 15th, 2008, 08:26 PM
WoL's post reminded me of that one South Park episode where Cartman teaches all those mexicans to cheat.

June 15th, 2008, 08:31 PM
I honestly enjoy school aside from the bullshit homework. And I definitely learned mathematical and scientific ideas that I would not have learned outside of school. That being said I thought elementary school and middle school were a boring joke, but high school (and some of the college courses I took in addition) were enjoyable to some extent. I would not have figured out on my own physics concepts and equations, nor would I have learned the basics of calculus.

However I agree with WOL with bullshit work, if I am confident in my understanding of the material it would be a waste to work through n problems all of which are intrinsically the same.

Honestly, cheating on everything now will only postpone the need to learn once you decide on a specific field you want to go into. But if you know you will not be a chemist cheating on your chemistry exam is only making life easier for you.

June 15th, 2008, 08:59 PM
I will meet the snags when I get to them.

June 15th, 2008, 10:40 PM
file destructor? finally I wont have to do it by hand.

June 15th, 2008, 10:54 PM
Dont you people watch Venture Brothers? Watch the new episode......they talk exactly about what we are :P

June 16th, 2008, 09:08 AM
I will meet the snags when I get to them.Isnt it blindingly oblivious your hitting them now?

Anyways, its your decision, just be careful :)

June 16th, 2008, 10:44 AM
Can someone explain to me exactly what the first site does? Creates destroyed files? Idgi :confused:

Can someone please explain?

Edit: From what I can see, it will create a file that seems corrupted so when you try to open it at school or somewhere, you can just say that it's not your fault and you actually did it? Can someone confirm that for me?

If that is what the site does, wouldn't ever work at my school since if something like a presentation doesn't work, it's an automatic 0, no second chances.

June 16th, 2008, 06:01 PM
Well actually Im 15 and Im going to be a senior this year because of my number of quality points. I started school a year earlier because of my birthday and on top of that I'm skipping my junior year.

I actually dont need these sites. Just curious what other people could find.