View Full Version : [TF2] Farming: your opinion?
June 20th, 2008, 11:59 PM
I'm one of those people who really hate to see people farming at anything, let alone unlocks like in TF2. I get that with the medic achievments, there are some that you really did need to farm but for the most part you could do them without it. And with the pyro, I've already get my flaregun just playing normally (though I was taunting a little more than usual) and there's really no need at all.
Then, when I see people going "yeah, I've allready gotten all of them :haw:" it really shits me. Do you think this is a sign of skill? Far from it. And when people join a team that's allready like 70% pyro and they go pyro too.. do something useful for the team ffs.
It's just shit like that which ruins TF2 for a week.
June 21st, 2008, 12:01 AM
I farmed most the medic ones, and 23 of the Pyro ones. My reasoning is: The update came out today. Why the fuck should I have to wait until I get the stupid achievements to use the new content Valve spent so much time hyping? I don't care if other people do it, and I don't really care about the people who whine and moan and bitch at people who do do it. All I care about is actually getting to use the new weapons.
Besides, if you come and farm with the tN| people, it's actually pretty fun.
June 21st, 2008, 03:09 AM
I have to agree with Pooky on this one, but i'm not a fan of the guys that brag about the fact that they have all of them already and they're uber awesome because of it. I'm also sick of joining a team that has 9 pyros, with only 3 people using the other classes.
June 21st, 2008, 03:33 AM
Fair enough, get the weapons but at least try to get them without farming, the challenge makes it interesting. Hell, I still haven't gotten my ubersaw yet (just need chief of staff though).
You've gone how many months without them? And how many not even knowing their going to ever exist? Does a little wait hurt?
/spirit of the game rant
June 21st, 2008, 04:35 AM
I got around 7 in-game, and 8 in an achievement server, for the pyro. How often are you going to come across a spy flicking a cigarette? :P
June 21st, 2008, 04:51 AM
End of round, that's how I got mine.
But really, with the pyro ones there's no need to farm. You should be able to get enough to get all the gear anyways, just a matter of persistence (like the maken bacon one).
June 21st, 2008, 05:33 AM
I'm not one for patience when it comes to video games ;). I do agree that you get a lot more satisfaction from gaining an achievement through hard work, but I get more out of shooting someone with the flare gun than I do from getting the achievements :p
June 21st, 2008, 08:16 AM
Just got my backburner and I'm well on my way to the axetinguisher (which I doubt I'll use anyway).
2 days, 2 achievements, it's not that hard.
June 21st, 2008, 10:02 AM
The pyro whores are blessings in disguise. Use long range players such as the sniper, and you can easy kills the entire match. Also most of the pyro whores dont know how to use them, they just think they can charge in and flame flame flame, and if you get close enough to an entrance gaurded by one, just back pedal quickly and theyll follow blindly along, firing. You can easily shoot them down while back pedaling, as theyre not the fastest things around.
June 21st, 2008, 10:31 AM
Of the one set of rounds I played with the new updates, I didn't see any groups of people standing around farming achievements with each other, the teams just went at each other. Achievements were still being handed out like it was Christmas, though, I ended up getting three in that series of rounds (I was expecting it to require a lot more grinding, actually :p). The Pyro dominance isn't all that bad, it's a temporary madness that could create a little variety.
June 21st, 2008, 11:22 AM
End of round, that's how I got mine.
But really, with the pyro ones there's no need to farm. You should be able to get enough to get all the gear anyways, just a matter of persistence (like the maken bacon one).
See, you're talking like it's an MMO, which is exactly how I don't want to play this game. Fuck persistence and hard work, it's an FPS!
June 21st, 2008, 12:09 PM
I just go into an achievement server, get the achievements, and wait a while for the Farming to go down.
June 21st, 2008, 01:08 PM
A lot of the medic ones were ridiculous, like saving someone from a falling death, and Big Pharma (Farmer), so I farmed about 8 of the toughest ones before it became too much for me. After that, I've gotten the Kritzkrieg legit. I don't blame someone for farming the medic ones, however.
The pyro achievements, on the other hand, are a lot easier to do, less farming ones, and you can choose 15 of them that you don't want to do. I just played on about 3 servers with ctf_well last night for about 2 hours, and got Combined Fire, Weenie Roast, Baptism by Fire, Cooking the Books, Plan B, and BarbeQueQ. (making someone rage quit is always funny) Now I just need one more achievement for the Backburner. I bet by Monday I'll have the Axtinguisher legit, which will be a great feeling.
People who farm the pyros ones are really impatient, and I look down on them a little more. But whatever. It's up to them.
The pyro whores are blessings in disguise. Use long range players such as the sniper, and you can easy kills the entire match. Also most of the pyro whores dont know how to use them, they just think they can charge in and flame flame flame, and if you get close enough to an entrance gaurded by one, just back pedal quickly and theyll follow blindly along, firing. You can easily shoot them down while back pedaling, as theyre not the fastest things around.Heh, the moment after the update came out, I went on a Goldrush server. I was on red, and blu had already captured Stage 1 Point 1. However, I just quickly set up a sentry on the corner of the building next to the spawn, that overlooks most of the track, and I racked up an obscene amount of kills, dominated 5 people, and only had a sentry destroyed once, when one of them had decided to go soldier to stop it, and I was out of metal. I such at sniper, though, so I have to do Engineer, Heavy, or Soldier (which are still VERY good against pyros, and half of the pyros don't even have the air burst)
June 21st, 2008, 03:00 PM
Yeah I farmed the first two unlocks in a private server. I wish I didn't have to waste my time to try out the new guns though. That's not what TF2 is about.
Once we were done, we set up sentries and camped whoever joined hoping to do achievements :haw:
Seriously, once the lock went off 16 or so people poured in :lol:
June 21st, 2008, 07:20 PM
And it's crap like that that artificially inflates your stats. :/
See, you're talking like it's an MMO, which is exactly how I don't want to play this game. Fuck persistence and hard work, it's an FPS!
What hard work? Playing the game = hard work now?
E: Also, got the axetinguisher. :awesome:
June 21st, 2008, 08:29 PM
What hard work? Playing the game = hard work now?
I don't think that's what he meant. What I think he meant was that why should you have to try to get lucky just to try the new weapons? That's basically what most of the achievements are, getting lucky (besides the ones such as accumulate this many points..) Basically what my take on farming is, one will most likely get all the achievements at some point, but it can take any amount of time, from a couple weeks to a couple years, depending on if you're actually trying to get the achievements or not. Now exactly what's the point of trying to get the achievements by regularly playing when in the end you're still going to get it? Does it really matter how you got the achievement? Sure you might be satisfied at how "interesting it was" trying to get the achievement, but that sort of satisfaction disappears after you have it. And to be honest, everyone has their own feelings on it, some people like to wait and get the achievements normally and some like to farm them without even using much effort. In complete honesty though, achievements do not prove a skill level, whether you get them legitametly or by farming. If you got them legitametly, that only shows that at one point you got lucky and stumbled upon getting the achievement (you were in the right place at the right time). If you farm that just shows you don't care about getting lucky and wanting to try the new weapons as soon as possible (which I see nothing wrong with).
Another point is why wait for getting all the achievements to try the new weapons when in the end? You're not going to get any special award or prize or extra weapon for getting the achievements legitametly, unless you count your own pride in getting them that way. But like I said, that sort of satisfaction doesn't last long, for me anyways.
June 21st, 2008, 08:31 PM
Am I the only one that clicked on this via front page thinking it was about real life farming?
I havent played TF2 since before the new medic update thing. Firstly other games have me drawn in and now I got 360 I have no spare time lol, plus I knew people would be whoring the medic just to get achievement.
June 21st, 2008, 08:33 PM
And it's crap like that that artificially inflates your stats. :\
Who cares about stats :\
June 21st, 2008, 08:48 PM
Am I the only one that clicked on this via front page thinking it was about real life farming?
no :p
June 21st, 2008, 09:28 PM
Who cares about stats :\
People who like comparing E-peens and seeing who's better than who (especially clans). It's a useful and interesting feature.
June 21st, 2008, 11:16 PM
I dont like farming tbh but some of the medic achievements are fucking rediculous, i decided to bite the bullet yesterday and farm a few achievements, mainly the "blunt trama" (punch two ppl with an uber'd heavy) and the one where you get 20+ kills with a heavy when none of you die.
and thats quite simply because i have had a massive rampage with a heavy already where i would have unlocked them but the updates whernt out.
and also the fact of the matter is that for most achievements with the medic you have to rely on the skill and co-operation of others.
and fuck me it's hard to find a smart heavy around or one thats willing to sacrafice there kills to allow you to get some stupid achivement that you should already have.
I think i only farmed OMGWTFBBQ with the pyro, the rest i'll get on my own by just playing because it's all acumalative. Pyro achivements are a walk in the park compared to some of the medic achievements.
June 21st, 2008, 11:52 PM
Yeah, I acknowledge that with he medic ones, you really did need to farm a couple. That was really stupid on valve's part.
June 22nd, 2008, 12:35 AM
People who like comparing E-peens and seeing who's better than who (especially clans). It's a useful and interesting feature.
I stopped caring about stats really when I realized I'm never going to beat my 37 points in one life as medic. Even farming I didn't beat that :|
June 22nd, 2008, 12:59 AM
I don't think that's what he meant. What I think he meant was that why should you have to try to get lucky just to try the new weapons? That's basically what most of the achievements are, getting lucky (besides the ones such as accumulate this many points..)Luck, huh? Yeah, killing people with a shotgun after you burn them requires an extreme amount of luck. This isn't the medic update, you don't HAVE to get the achievement where you save a falling teammate from dying. (You don't even have to burn a spy flicking a cigarette, either. How about that?)
The way it feels to me, is like cheating. If I just farm to get the weapons, then I suddenly have them, and it's an empty feeling. It's like just noclipping through all of Half Life 2, or giving yourself the best weapons in an RPG with cheats, only to find it boring after you've annihilated everything.
Of course, that's a bad example, seeing as you won't be annihilating everyone with the unlockables, but I still feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Seeing myself getting Combined Fire after an intense round of ctf_well was awesome. But I guess people don't care for the achievements, they just want the weapons, and myself or others can't really convince them otherwise.
June 22nd, 2008, 01:12 AM
The way it feels to me, is like cheating. If I just farm to get the weapons, then I suddenly have them, and it's an empty feeling. It's like just noclipping through all of Half Life 2, or giving yourself the best weapons in an RPG with cheats, only to find it boring after you've annihilated everything.I fully agree - I used to love Diablo 2 back in the day, but then got a character editor, and built my 'perfect' characters. Then, it just became absolutely pointless, because I didn't have to accomplish anything anymore.
I love getting the achievements in the course of normal gameplay. Hell, I haven't even played as pyro since the update, and probably won't for a good long while, due to the fact that I just like to play as a Scout or be a part of a Heavy/Medic pair.
June 22nd, 2008, 01:36 AM
Luck, huh? Yeah, killing people with a shotgun after you burn them requires an extreme amount of luck. This isn't the medic update, you don't HAVE to get the achievement where you save a falling teammate from dying. (You don't even have to burn a spy flicking a cigarette, either. How about that?)
The way it feels to me, is like cheating. If I just farm to get the weapons, then I suddenly have them, and it's an empty feeling. It's like just noclipping through all of Half Life 2, or giving yourself the best weapons in an RPG with cheats, only to find it boring after you've annihilated everything.
Of course, that's a bad example, seeing as you won't be annihilating everyone with the unlockables, but I still feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Seeing myself getting Combined Fire after an intense round of ctf_well was awesome. But I guess people don't care for the achievements, they just want the weapons, and myself or others can't really convince them otherwise.
qft. <3
June 22nd, 2008, 01:40 AM
qft. <3
So what you're telling me is you have some retarded sense of honor about a bunch of 1's and 0's and you look down on people who just want to enjoy themselves.
June 22nd, 2008, 01:52 AM
It's more that I hate people who come across as impatient gits and don't enjoy a (relativity small) challenge.
That and people who are using overpowered weapons when they really don't deserve to be (if the backburner isn't overpowered, I don't know what is).
June 22nd, 2008, 03:04 AM
So what you're telling me is you have some retarded sense of honor about a bunch of 1's and 0's and you look down on people who just want to enjoy themselves.I dunno, I find it a lot more fun to try and light people on fire and kill them with a shotgun, or try and get in a lucky shotgun taunt on an unaware sniper for an awesome moment, than just mindlessly grinding away on a pub server to get some weapons.
June 22nd, 2008, 03:38 AM
I heard about unlockable weapons and immediately thought "lame." Unlockables in an online FPS are a bad idea. Look at Halo 3; the unlockables there don't even affect gameplay and people still piss and moan. :rolleyes:
I've got no opinion on farming for achievements in any situation, tbqh. I just hate the faggots who base their penis size on how many achievements they've unlocked already. :/
June 22nd, 2008, 07:41 AM
It's more that I hate people who come across as impatient gits and don't enjoy a (relativity small) challenge.
That and people who are using overpowered weapons when they really don't deserve to be (if the backburner isn't overpowered, I don't know what is).
hell no dude.
Compressed air blast owns all.
i can remember plenty of times i've come around a corner against a soldier and a medic on a ledge where i've just blown the soldier off and annihilated the medic before getting the fuck out of there.
i wont switch for back burner <3
It's just sucks how you get owned everynow and then (when you shouldnt be) like you do with face stabs.
June 22nd, 2008, 07:53 AM
Long response.
Luck, huh? Yeah, killing people with a shotgun after you burn them requires an extreme amount of luck. This isn't the medic update, you don't HAVE to get the achievement where you save a falling teammate from dying. (You don't even have to burn a spy flicking a cigarette, either. How about that?)
I was talking about achievements in general, while you're assuming I'm only talking about pyro achievements. I admit I did exaggerate when I said that it takes luck to get achievements. Let me change the perspective. While you're trying to get the achievements, if you are trying to get the achievements legitametly, it's not that you need luck, you need time. For example the achievement you mentioned, it's not like I'm going be able to ignite someone and then finish them with the shotgun and do that 19 more times 1 or 2 games, I probably wouldn't be able to do it in 1 or 2 days. But that's just because I'm not that good at this game. It would take me probably a week, give or take a few days to get that achievement. The way I feel about achievements is that I want to get them as soon as possible so I can try the new weapons. I see no incentive for me to get the achievements through normal gameplay and have to wait possibly a long time just to try the new weapons, when they're still going to be the same thing, any way I get them. If you're a good player and can get these achievements quickly without needing to try that hard, then go for it, just don't look down on me or any others that don't care about getting a "sense of honor" or "fulfilling feeling."
The way it feels to me, is like cheating. If I just farm to get the weapons, then I suddenly have them, and it's an empty feeling. It's like just noclipping through all of Half Life 2, or giving yourself the best weapons in an RPG with cheats, only to find it boring after you've annihilated everything.
I don't see it as cheating, I see it as a shortcut. This is a game, not school ffs. Here's an analogy for you:
Farming : Achievements :: Cheating : Good Grades
Cheating to get good grades through school will make you look good, but when you get into college or serious work and have no idea what you're doing, you wish that you had learned something back in school, cheating has come back to haunt you. I dislike cheating in school, because I have a conscience and feeling that the people who cheat and get good grades don't deserve them.
But in a game, getting the achievements by farming will never come back to haunt anyone. Will I feel like I'm missing out on something? Nope, not as long as there are players on TF2, I will be able to experience it over and over. I'm sorry, but I'm not playing this game to get satisfaction from getting the achievements. I'm playing to play with and kill other players online, that's the kind of fulfilling feeling that makes me want to play this game, not the achievements, I could give less of a shit about them or how they make me look. Like I said in my previous post, achievements don't represent skill and achievements shouldn't be used to judge someone.
Of course, that's a bad example, seeing as you won't be annihilating everyone with the unlockables, but I still feel like I'm missing out on a lot.
I might not be annihilating everyone, but I'll probably be having damn fun trying the new weapons.
Seeing myself getting Combined Fire after an intense round of ctf_well was awesome.
Good for you.
But I guess people don't care for the achievements, they just want the weapons, and myself or others can't really convince them otherwise.
It's more that I hate people who come across as impatient gits and don't enjoy a (relativity small) challenge.
Go on and hate then, I'll enjoy playing the game much more than trying to complete a challenge.
That and people who are using overpowered weapons when they really don't deserve to be (if the backburner isn't overpowered, I don't know what is).
So basically, you're saying since I suck at this game and probably won't be getting enough achievements to get the weapons within a couple months (because I just suck that much) and would rather have them now, I don't deserve to use the weapons? Again, this is a game, I could care less whether you think I deserve to use them or not. As for the backburner, I wouldn't know if it was overpowered or not, since I don't even have it yet. It's not like as soon as I get on TF2 I look for achievement servers, hell I only have 23 achievements, TOTAL. I'm not even that much into getting achievements, I just came along a server that was doing achievements and decided to help. I just think there's nothing wrong, as long as you don't try to brag about your achievements, like p0lar bear said.
June 23rd, 2008, 12:25 AM
It's more that I feel people like you don't deserve them.
June 23rd, 2008, 02:02 AM
It's more that I feel people like you don't deserve them.
Now you're just sounding like an elitist douche <_<
How do you not deserve a weapon in a computer game?
June 23rd, 2008, 02:20 AM
If you can't just play the game and be like "oh hey, I got an achievment" and instead have to be like "omg new weapons farm farm farm" then I loose respect for you.
It's just a pet peeve and an opinion of mine and I know I'm not going to convince you guys to change yours.
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