View Full Version : Kid Decapitated at Six Flags.

June 28th, 2008, 11:29 PM
http://news.aol.com/story/_a/teen-decapitated-by-six-flags-coaster/20080628184409990001?icid=100214839x1204931612x120 0224317
Its amazing how stupid people are these days. He jumped 2 six foot fences and passed a crap load of signs saying restricted area to supposedly get his hat from under a roller coaster. He then got decapitated by the speeding coaster. How smart. http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l42/selentic/Emotes/applause.gif
Sort of scares me though, how inattentive six flags is. Makes me scared shitless to go there now.

June 28th, 2008, 11:34 PM
Is there a video or any pictures?

June 28th, 2008, 11:35 PM
You're an idiot if you don't want to go there because of the ignorance of one kid. You have absolutely nothing to worry about if you follow basic area rules.

June 28th, 2008, 11:36 PM
People can be so genius.

June 28th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Is there a video or any pictures?

This sort of thing doesn't happen at Cedar Fair parks (http://www.cedarfair.com/).[/blatent advertising for a company I own stock in]

June 28th, 2008, 11:42 PM
He deserved it :3.

Seriously, what the fuck kind of idiot cant watch out for a loud, noisy piece of shit like the Batman ride? Who the fuck would risk being thrown out of the park/having one's head thrown out of the park over a fucking hat? Evolution at work.

June 28th, 2008, 11:46 PM

This sort of thing doesn't happen at Cedar Fair parks (http://www.cedarfair.com/).[/blatent advertising for a company I own stock in]
But Knotts Berry Farm doesn't stand to Magic Mountain. :(

June 28th, 2008, 11:49 PM
I'm normally not enough of a bastard to laugh at a guy getting his head lopped off, but I have to say that this moron completely deserved it.

Kids, this is why you don't smoke pot.

June 29th, 2008, 12:05 AM
That shit happens all the time down here in Joja.

June 29th, 2008, 12:09 AM
That shit happens all the time down here in Joja.
Kids get decapitated a lot where you live? :raise:

June 29th, 2008, 12:10 AM
Well, I feel really sad for his family now, no matter how dumb the kid was, he was still loved by the people around him, and it must have been horrible for the parents to find this out.

June 29th, 2008, 12:11 AM
Stupid gene pool, like we need more of those.

June 29th, 2008, 12:11 AM
Kids get decapitated a lot where you live? :raise:
Yeah, people can get real stupid.

June 29th, 2008, 12:16 AM
Is there a video or any pictures?

Best bet would be to check rotten in a few days...

June 29th, 2008, 12:16 AM
I'm normally not enough of a bastard to laugh at a guy getting his head lopped off, but I have to say that this moron completely deserved it.

Kids, this is why you don't smoke pot.
I thought it was because at any given time one could be broke, I wasn't aware there were any other reasons.

Poor family has a dead son who's famous for being stupid.
Suppose they should have raised him better.

June 29th, 2008, 12:21 AM
Wonder if anyone's going to enter him in the Darwin Awards...

June 29th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Wonder if anyone's going to enter him in the Darwin Awards...
Like the JATO guy? The JATO guy was awesome.

June 29th, 2008, 12:27 AM
Like the JATO guy? The JATO guy was awesome.
"1995 Darwin Awards Winner; Confirmed Bogus by Darwin"
Great story though.

June 29th, 2008, 02:51 AM
Damn. What a sad interruption of a family vacation.

June 29th, 2008, 08:03 AM
Went in looking for his hat, now he doesnt have a place to wear that hat. Shame.

June 29th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Don't do drugs, children.

Rather sad, but a real "WTF" moment when you look at how the kid brought it upon themself.

Rob Oplawar
June 29th, 2008, 09:29 AM
Mama said I'd lose my head
If it wasn't fastened on.
Today I guess it wasn't
'Cause while playing with my cousin
It fell off and rolled away
And now its gone.

And I can't look for it
'Cause my eyes are in it,
And I can't call to it
'Cause my mouth is on it
(Couldn't hear me anyway
'Cause my ears are on it),
Can't even think about it
'Cause my brain is in it.
So I guess I'll sit down
On this rock
And rest for just a minute…

June 29th, 2008, 09:39 AM
Would have made an awful mess. I feel bad for whoever had to clean that up.

Edward Elrich
June 29th, 2008, 09:42 AM
Good, now we're quoting Shel Silverstein?

Anyway, the kid was stupid, and probably should have realized a park official could have gotten the hat and mailed it to him after they were sure the ride wasn't in operation.

June 29th, 2008, 10:17 AM
Isn't this all just an example of modern natural selection?

June 29th, 2008, 11:17 AM
I'm not exactly sure how you miss a rollercoaster coming at you...

Mr Buckshot
June 29th, 2008, 12:14 PM
No sympathy for him...I mean, I would've just left the hat there. If it were some $1000 diamond encrusted hat, the guy could've easily informed the park attendants and waited till closing time so that the ride would be shut down and the attendants could get it for him.

Snowy, the rollercoaster is moving much faster than a car on a city road...it's not that easy to duck in time.

June 29th, 2008, 04:09 PM
I'm not exactly sure how you miss a rollercoaster coming at you...

That's Final Destination 3 right there.

Rob Oplawar
June 29th, 2008, 05:31 PM
How do you think the people on the ride felt? I wouldn't be surprised if several lunches were lost (further adding to the unfortunate mess). I think that would ruin the experience of rollercoasters for me (being in the car that decapitated a boy, that is. Being decapitated by a rollercoaster would do quite a bit more than ruin the experience for me). This was a hanging rollercoaster- pretty much the only position he could have been in to be decapitated is in full view of the passengers. One wonders the manner of his decapitation, and how the front passengers participated in this event- did their dangling legs, for example, collide with any part of the boy, and along what trajectory did the severed head travel, perhaps intersecting with the path of one of the passengers...
ok, jesus christ, even I'm finding this in extremely poor taste. time to stop.

June 29th, 2008, 05:34 PM
How do you think the people on the ride felt? I wouldn't be surprised if several lunches were lost (further adding to the unfortunate mess). I think that would ruin the experience of rollercoasters for me (being in the car that decapitated a boy, that is. Being decapitated by a rollercoaster would do quite a bit more than ruin the experience for me). This was a hanging rollercoaster- pretty much the only position he could have been in to be decapitated is in full view of the passengers. One wonders the manner of his decapitation, and how the front passengers participated in this event- did their dangling legs, for example, collide with any part of the boy, and along what trajectory did the severed head travel, perhaps intersecting with the path of one of the passengers...
ok, jesus christ, even I'm finding this in extremely poor taste. time to stop.
you think way too hard about this

fake edit:lolninjatextrevealed

June 29th, 2008, 06:24 PM
Snowy, the rollercoaster is moving much faster than a car on a city road...it's not that easy to duck in time.
But it's moving along a fixed track, so it shouldn't be hard to notice a pattern to its movement.

June 29th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Just let evolution do its work and move on... Unlike the common cashier, evolution doesn't deserve to be annoyed on the job.

June 29th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Snowy, the rollercoaster is moving much faster than a car on a city road...it's not that easy to duck in time.
It's a noisy thing full of noisy teenagers following a fixed path. It would be difficult to not notice it coming.

How do you think the people on the ride felt? I wouldn't be surprised if several lunches were lost (further adding to the unfortunate mess). I think that would ruin the experience of rollercoasters for me (being in the car that decapitated a boy, that is. Being decapitated by a rollercoaster would do quite a bit more than ruin the experience for me). This was a hanging rollercoaster- pretty much the only position he could have been in to be decapitated is in full view of the passengers. One wonders the manner of his decapitation, and how the front passengers participated in this event- did their dangling legs, for example, collide with any part of the boy, and along what trajectory did the severed head travel, perhaps intersecting with the path of one of the passengers...
ok, jesus christ, even I'm finding this in extremely poor taste. time to stop.
You have way to much time on your hands.

June 29th, 2008, 09:23 PM
I approve this horrible death:


June 29th, 2008, 09:24 PM
... I'm curious about what ROB said, in a strange and sickly sadistic matter...

idk... thats just fucked up, they should make the ride higher. (guaranteed many people will say this at least the older folks...) as for us... oh its natural selection, the kids fuken retarded.

right... he deserved to get his head chopped off...

How many times have you people ignored signs.. seriously? Maybe you deserve to get your heads chopped off too...

You want to know what I think about this natural selection thing, I think that we as humans are fucking retarded for making machines such as roller coasters... Its entertainment I guess.. sure... but its also completely unnecessary for our survival...

The worlds cruel, and in the end shit happens, but I don't think anyone has the right (especially six flags) to blame it on the kid being retarded, especially considering he was 17...

I have an 18 year old friend we went on the superman ride, and he lost his tin of dip, he was ready to hop the fences to go looking for it, fortunately we stopped him.

In the end though yes I guess he was stupid, but seriously... higher fences, maybe, make the ride further above the ground maybe... in the article it stated that a grounds keeper was killed by the same thing (not decapitated but just hit by someones leg dangling down from the ride) and you gotta wonder what happened to that persons leg too.

If it can happen once it'll happen again, the ground's keeper's death was a mere warning, the kid dieing was just the consequences to doing nothing.

EDIT: ... btw I don't think anyone no matter how stupid deserves to get there head chopped off... seriously your just fucked up if you think someone deserved to get there head lopped off, especially if they didn't do anything to harm another person.

I approve this horrible death:


How old are you?

Has everyone gone insane?

June 29th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Wait he was 17?
I was expecting him to be 12 or something.

What a douche.

June 29th, 2008, 09:32 PM
If it can happen once it'll happen again, the ground's keeper's death was a mere warning, the kid dieing was just the consequences to doing nothing.

Putting up several signs saying the area is restricted and putting up two six-foot-tall fences isn't doing anything?

June 29th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Putting up several signs saying the area is restricted and putting up two six-foot-tall fences isn't doing anything?
obviously not.

Clearly the next step is to put barbed wire on top of the fences and have armed sentries patrol them.

June 29th, 2008, 09:41 PM
... I'm curious about what ROB said, in a strange and sickly sadistic matter...

idk... thats just fucked up, they should make the ride higher. (guaranteed many people will say this at least the older folks...) as for us... oh its natural selection, the kids fuken retarded.

Yeah that makes sense. Decrease the thrill factor for the ride because more people will come if you don't feel so threatened. The point is the thrill of nearly crashing into the ground at 80mph, then turning back skyward. You DEFINITELY have to be in some momentarily retarded state of mind to jump two fences and run past danger signs, endangering your life to retrieve a 10 dollar item.

right... he deserved to get his head chopped off...

How many times have you people ignored signs.. seriously? Maybe you deserve to get your heads chopped off too...

I dunno about you but if I see signs warning of a threat to my life I generally don't go HURR HURR lemme try it and tempt fate.

You want to know what I think about this natural selection thing, I think that we as humans are fucking retarded for making machines such as roller coasters... Its entertainment I guess.. sure... but its also completely unnecessary for our survival...

See that's the thing about humans. We're advanced enough not to have to build everything for survival. We're GENIUSES for building roller coasters. No other living creature can come within .01 percent of that achievement. What's necessary for survival is minding warning signs that we're capable of understanding and comprehending consequences of disobeying.

The worlds cruel, and in the end shit happens, but I don't think anyone has the right (especially six flags) to blame it on the kid being retarded, especially considering he was 17...

I have an 18 year old friend we went on the superman ride, and he lost his tin of dip, he was ready to hop the fences to go looking for it, fortunately we stopped him.

What else is there to blame it on? He did a really REALLY stupid thing. Six Flags sure as hell ain't to blame. They took multiple precautions to protect the patrons. He took his life into his own hands on this one.

I'm sorry to say this but your friend is really flipping stupid to risk his life over a 10 dollar tin of dip.

In the end though yes I guess he was stupid, but seriously... higher fences, maybe, make the ride further above the ground maybe... in the article it stated that a grounds keeper was killed by the same thing (not decapitated but just hit by someones leg dangling down from the ride) and you gotta wonder what happened to that persons leg too.

Could it be possible that the grounds keeper was also very stupid? I think it'll be an overwhelming yes for that one.

If it can happen once it'll happen again, the ground's keeper's death was a mere warning, the kid dieing was just the consequences to doing nothing.

EDIT: ... btw I don't think anyone no matter how stupid deserves to get there head chopped off... seriously your just fucked up if you think someone deserved to get there head lopped off, especially if they didn't do anything to harm another person.

How old are you?

Has everyone gone insane?

In retrospect, I wonder if he managed to get his hat on before it was lopped off.

June 29th, 2008, 09:52 PM
obviously not.

Clearly the next step is to put barbed wire on top of the fences and have armed sentries patrol them.

This. Kid's a fucking retard, he deserved it.

June 29th, 2008, 09:58 PM

I am sixteen years old. You could have figured that out by checking my public profile.

While you may think I wrote:

I approve this horrible death:


I actually meant to write "I approve this horrible death thread," but now I'm thinking of keeping it.

It could possibly go either way in this argument but I'm leaning towards the "he was a retard" category. The thing is...when I see a sign I know it's made for a reason. When I see a stop sign when driving, I stop. When I get a notice that my computer is overheating, I turn it off and consult google or a professional. If I see a six-foot tall fence with multiple "Danger!" warnings, I'd think twice about taking the hassle to jump the fuck over a fence to grab that shit.

Apparently you can't see that if you're that ignorant, you do deserve something bad to happen to you. I only agree through morality that this guy should not have head his chopped off, that's just gruesome. What about in reality where stupidity is worth more than morality? Well why the fuck not? If I'm stupid to drive 50-70 Km/h over the speed limit and end up losing control and killing someone but not getting a scratch on myself, does that mean I don't get charged big time or even sentenced to life? I knew very well what I was doing and that all those warning about driving safe weren't just for formality of the government. I knew there was the chance I'd lose control and crash into someone, potentially killing them and/or myself. What more do you want them to do to prevent people from jumping the fences? If you bring some-what obvious hazardous scenarios upon yourself, then maybe you do deserve to die.

I still kind of feel disturbed of myself after saying that last line.

Also, Mr. Apoc4lypse, did you -Rep everyone else in this thread as you did to me?

June 29th, 2008, 10:02 PM
jee... thanks for that uhm, enlightening edit of my post snaf.

The snafurer has spoken, lets go and lop all the retarded kid's head's off now.

Lets have a another holocaust, kill all the stupid people... we can save time that way instead of waiting for them to die.

After all he is the snafurer, come on snaf, why don't you start us off, I'll back ya. :XD:

on a more serious note...

I don't understand people.

My real feelings about the situation; I feel sorry for the kid, no one especially a kid who's that young should ever be killed for making one mistake. He didn't deserve to have his life ended this way.

Also, hopping over a 6 ft high fence is easy, the great adventure near me has like 10ft high fences from what I recall; which is more like it. 6ft is like the average height of a tall person... not the right height for a fence intended to keep people out of the way of danger and possible death.

Conclusion: I just don't understand the folks who come in here and yell "Natural selection, the kid deserved it"

Do you people have a soul? :confused:

E: for my next act, I will now answer the stupidest question I've ever been asked I think...

Also, Mr. Apoc4lypse, did you -Rep everyone else in this thread as you did to me?Of course not Amit, I hate your living guts, thats why I only -Rep'ed you to show my complete disdain for you.

For Christ sakes I don't even really know who you are on these forums let alone hardly read your posts... don't take rep so personally, negative rep me I don't care, but if it helps you sleep at night, I'll +rep you the next chance I get...

Once again I don't understand people, and oh btw... I'm so damn ignorant, that I actually took the time to think about what the kid was thinking, then thought about what we think.

In the end its an even fight, and to go either way on the argument could be considered "ignorant" your ignorant for thinking the kid didn't deserve it, yes this is true, your also ignorant for thinking he didn't deserver anything else.

The kid deserved to live, in the end morales are the only thing that really dictate this argument.

Which is why I question everyone who said "Good for him" and treated him like an expendable object.

June 29th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Admittedly, I don't tend to agree with Snaf's opinions, but he hit everything right on the money here. While I do understand the severe loss his family & friends are feeling, this guy willingly and knowingly ignored a bunch of warning signs (and common sense) and just climbed over a fence right under a rollercoaster track.
He took the risk of ignoring the warnings and the fences, and paid for it with his head. I don't see how that's unfair. His family is probably brokenhearted, but that doesn't change the fact that this guy is a moron, and deserves his punishment for not recognizing and avoiding all the hazards.

June 29th, 2008, 10:10 PM
It's 6 ft. tall because it'd still require some degree of effort for tall people and the average person isn't even 6ft. tall. I guess they expect tall people to be old enough and right in the head to not ignore all the signs. Also, this is no natural selection, we aren't questioning the boy's academic intelligence, we're questioning his common sense.

BTW, you spelled Fuhrer wrong.

June 29th, 2008, 10:12 PM
His decision making is completely at fault for this event. I mean, no ones going to argue with that, unless they're fucking idiots, which hasn't proven out of range for parent activists. :/

But are you fucking seriously going to bluntly say that he "deserved it." That's a fucking human life, xet.

June 29th, 2008, 10:15 PM
BTW, you spelled Fuhrer wrong.

.... okay whats your point? That I'm uneducated, and stupid, maybe I should die too right?

Your stupid, and your 16, and your going along with what everyone else is saying, or maybe your just messed up in the head too.

Xetsuei™;270059']This. Kid's a fucking retard, he deserved it.

Is what almost everyone said about this so far...

Please explain to me how it is ok to say this about anyones death.

Especially one as gruesome as this... ffs.

I ask again, do any of you have a soul?


His decision making is completely at fault for this event. I mean, no ones going to argue with that, unless they're fucking idiots, which hasn't proven out of range for parent activists. :/

But are you fucking seriously going to bluntly say that he "deserved it." That's a fucking human life, xet.

Exhibit A. refer to my previous quote please.

June 29th, 2008, 10:21 PM
.... okay whats your point? That I'm uneducated, and stupid, maybe I should die too right?

Your stupid, and your 16, and your going along with what everyone else is saying, or maybe your just messed up in the head too.

What's up with you and these wild accusations and calling people messed up? It's really a fair and honest opinion, the kid did something stupid. I might not go as far as to say the kid was a total fucking retard and this is natural selection at it's finest, but at least I acknowledge the fact that the kid did a really stupid thing... to get his fucking hat! He really did bring it upon himself. No one with any common sense at all ignores multiple restricted and warning signs and scales two fences in order to get something that he could easily buy another of.

June 29th, 2008, 10:32 PM
What's up with you and these wild accusations and calling people messed up? It's really a fair and honest opinion, the kid did something stupid. I might not go as far as to say the kid was a total fucking retard and this is natural selection at it's finest, but at least I acknowledge the fact that the kid did a really stupid thing... to get his fucking hat! He really did bring it upon himself. No one with any common sense at all ignores multiple restricted and warning signs and scales two fences in order to get something that he could easily buy another of.

Because I am constantly reminded of the heartless society we live in even when I try to avoid it by spending some time online.

"Civilization isn't civil" who ever said that was right...

Another possible scenario here that people didn't consider, he could have been on drugs. These drugs also could have been peer pressured onto him... I know I'm going to get even more reamed by people for saying this but I'm just saying...

The reason I reacted the way I did was, all I saw when I opened this post were comments about how stupid the kid had to be, nothing about how much that sucks, no one dared to think about his situation, and when they did they thought, oh that'd never happen to me, I'm not that stupid.

My heart skipped a beat when I read the topic title, the words that flashed through my head were "what the fuck?" and I was actually sad, sadness was replaced with anger once I saw how incredibly un-receptive most of you seem to be.

This seems like a perfect time to advertise.. though anyway.
Donate money towards my name, now... please...

EDIT: I do agree with this part of what snaf said though...

You want to know what I think about this natural selection thing, I think that we as humans are fucking retarded for making machines such as roller coasters... Its entertainment I guess.. sure... but its also completely unnecessary for our survival...

See that's the thing about humans. We're advanced enough not to have to build everything for survival. We're GENIUSES for building roller coasters.

I guess I was wrong on that one, we are geniuses for building roller coasters, it demonstrates our imagination and creative skills, albeit in a potentially dangerous manner, oh well.

June 29th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Hey, look what I found:

E: for my next act, I will now answer the stupidest question I've ever been asked I think...

1. Of course not Amit, I hate your living guts, thats why I only -Rep'ed you to show my complete disdain for you.

2. For Christ sakes I don't even really know who you are on these forums let alone hardly read your posts... don't take rep so personally, negative rep me I don't care, but if it helps you sleep at night, I'll +rep you the next chance I get...

3.Once again I don't understand people, and oh btw... I'm so damn ignorant, that I actually took the time to think about what the kid was thinking, then thought about what we think.

4. In the end its an even fight, and to go either way on the argument could be considered "ignorant" your ignorant for thinking the kid didn't deserve it, yes this is true, your also ignorant for thinking he didn't deserver anything else.

5. The kid deserved to live, in the end morales are the only thing that really dictate this argument.

Which is why I question everyone who said "Good for him" and treated him like an expendable object.Man, I don't even know where to start with this one. Maybe I should number them off but please keep in mind, while these messages are directed at you, Apoc4lypse, don't let them hinder our unfound friendship and prevent us from solving this situation. Alright:

1. I'm not sure if that was sarcasm but if not, I don't see why you hate me more than anyone else in this thread. I didn't just come out and say the guy was a retard, I gave facts and examples to show why this shouldn't be a problem.

2. I haven't really noticed your posts either. Usually I'm not picky about REP, it's rep...on the internet, who cares? My problem with it is when you just randomly attack me with "FUK YU" for something as trivial as this.

Also, when I get into a scrap with someone, I don't -Rep them back, what good would that do? Ask a few people that I've scrapped with but am now friends with: Xet, Atty, nooBBooze, I'm sure there are more. I don't -Rep people back when they have even half-decent points. You're no different. You've got your points, I've got mine...opinions, that's all this is. What's the problem. Do you have to personally attack me and make ludacris accusations just to try to show that I'm a ravaging maniac?

3. How do you know what the kid was thinking? HOw much do you need to think to jump over multiple fences? Not much. I don't think he had, "I know I should do this and I could get hurt," running through his head.

I like your points 4 and 5, they actually try to use logic here. Read ahead for the rest.

6. okay whats your point? That I'm uneducated, and stupid, maybe I should die too right?

7. Your stupid, and your 16, and your going along with what everyone else is saying, or maybe your just messed up in the head too.

Is what almost everyone said about this so far...

8. Please explain to me how it is okay to say this about anyone's death.

6. My point is that the sooner you get the correct spelling, the sooner you use it correctly.

7. I'm stupid because I'm sixteen years old. Right everyone? Well does one year make a difference? Clearly not in this scenario. That kid was stupid. Right?

I don't think he was stupid in general. I think he was just stupid to try to pull that off, in the end the only that was pulled off was his head.

8. Was this guy your brother or something? I'm just mind-boggled as to why you haven't just abandoned this thread because of all the people without souls in it.

June 29th, 2008, 10:43 PM
I have to agree with Amit here. If the kid had thought about it for 2 seconds, he would have realized going into the path of a roller coaster was a pretty stupid thing to do.

Common sense isn't so common, unfortunately.

June 29th, 2008, 10:51 PM
I give up... also.. amit, yes that was sarcasm.

I'm glad your having fun picking apart my posts.

I serve to please.

Nothing of what you can say will change my opinion, the kid didn't deserve to die.

Did the kid basically sign his own death warrant, yes... did he know it, probably not. He figured, oh I'll be quick, the rides high enough, my hats no where near the track, it'll be easy enough to get, and the fences are low enough, I climb fences all the time.

I'm still sticking with my argument that 6 ft high fences are small stuff especially for teenagers.

EDIT: ever since I started my whole foruming thingy at halomods.com about.. 3 years prolly more ago, everyones been obsessive and protective of spelling and grammar. idgi... whats the fuss. I talk on here how I would talk on aim, is that good probably not, do I care, no not really, do I make typos, yes... I'm human. Also, for the people who might say they don't talk like this on aim and use proper grammar, just so you know, most people think your weird and uptight...

The only things that matter are when you can't understand what the persons saying...

Rob Oplawar
June 29th, 2008, 11:00 PM
this thread is getting way ot and way tl;dr

June 29th, 2008, 11:04 PM
But are you fucking seriously going to bluntly say that he "deserved it." That's a fucking human life, xet.

That was worth less than a $10 hat.... :v:

I'm not going to continue replying. I really don't see how you can argue saying that this isn't the kills fault, I just don't. If he blatantly ignores all the warning signs and gets so close to the coaster that it happens to tear his head off, then sure. It's like being at a canyon, and a strong gust of wind blows your hat to the edge. Instead of getting a park ranger to get it for you, you jump over two fences and ignore warning signs about the huge drop. Then when you reach to get your hat, you fall. It's entirely your fault.

Also, just because a fence is low doesn't mean "Oh hur hur since the fence is low it means I am supposed to go into that area because I can hop then fences, the designers of the fences obviously knew that!" Guard rails on some highways aren't high enough to keep the car from going over them if they crash.

Also, oh wah I said he deserved it, BECAUSE HE DID. I must be the most heartless person in the universe, and I also have no soul. :downs:

June 29th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Wow... Gotta say guys... i've seen some pretty nasty posts in here...

I mean, i could go on and on about how ridiculous it is to see people spitting thoughts about darwinism at the kids' face... Albeit, the DEAD kids' face... What are you guys, some kind of martyrs that preach about evolution? So you have the the right to say that he's dead because he's the product of evolution at its finest? A "halo 3 achievement: EPIC FAIL?"

Please don't tell me the majority of the people in this thread are laughing at that halo 3 achievement image... You all know very well that's wrong; completely wrong.

Oh jeez... usually I see these kind of news reports and i don't think of it much, but...

Like apocolypse just said... who in their own right deserves to die for making a mistake like that. Can't believe you're attacking him and correcting his spelling just to try to defend your reputation on these boards... Why are you playing god and determining whether this kid was stupid enough to die that he actually deserved it?

btw... i really wish his family can see this thread... would you guys spit in her face too about her son being an evolutionary failure and deserving to die?...

June 29th, 2008, 11:07 PM
And I suppose people who get into car accidents deserve to right?

Not all car accidents occur because someone did something wrong either, so I don't want to hear about that one. Were talking accidents...

People don't deserve to die over accidents.

E: Thank god, and I thought I had stepped into the twilight zone for the past 20 minutes...

June 29th, 2008, 11:14 PM
I give up... also.. amit, yes that was sarcasm.

I'm glad your having fun picking apart my posts.

I serve to please.

Nothing of what you can say will change my opinion, the kid didn't deserve to die.

Did the kid basically sign his own death warrant, yes... did he know it, probably not. He figured, oh I'll be quick, the rides high enough, my hats no where near the track, it'll be easy enough to get, and the fences are low enough, I climb fences all the time.

I'm still sticking with my argument that 6 ft high fences are small stuff especially for teenagers.

You think it's fun to be attacked and have to try to make you see that these are opinions and nothing else? You don't think he should have died, neither do I. I dunno why you keep bringing it back even thought I've already agreed with you on that part, unless you haven't paid enough attention to what I've written. Is it because I explained what goes on in the head of someone who was driven by stupidity to ignore signs? If so, it's the reality of it, live with it, don't keep slopping it around in the plate.

BTW, Breaking the topics down in a post help people to understand each statement I make regarding the point.

Anyways, it was good exercise and I'm sure you don't want to continue this endless "game," if that's what it is to you. So in closing, you're 50% right and I'd say i'm around 70-75% correct because I understand the situation whereas you have failed to see the connection between thought and stupidity and quickly dismissing it as selection of probability.

So you have the the right to say that he's dead because he's the product of evolution at its finest? A "halo 3 achievement: EPIC FAIL?"Did you even read my second post? It was a mistake. And what warrants it as a "Halo 3" achievement?

btw... i really wish his family can see this thread... would you guys spit in her face too about her son being an evolutionary failure and deserving to die?...

I hope you're not generalizing me into that category of people.

June 29th, 2008, 11:18 PM
I most definitely wasn't the person who used the words natural selection first, if I was I was referring to who ever mentioned Darwin, even then I'm pretty sure I didn't say that first.

Also the reason I -repped you was to avoid confrontation, which you so noticeably felt had to be taken into topic...

if I said what I truly felt about you and your post and your achievement award, I would no longer be a part of this forum. :embarrassed:

June 29th, 2008, 11:23 PM
And I suppose people who get into car accidents deserve to right?

Not all car accidents occur because someone did something wrong either, so I don't want to hear about that one. Were talking accidents...

People don't deserve to die over accidents.

E: Thank god, and I thought I had stepped into the twilight zone for the past 20 minutes...

WOWWW you COMPLETELY missed that. The point, just because something isn't big enough to stop you doesn't mean it's an invitation to do it. Also, in no means was this an accident. He could of completely avoided this, but no. In all seriousness this guy was a complete fucking retard to do this.

June 29th, 2008, 11:25 PM
people spitting thoughts about darwinism at the kids' face...
actually it was a roller coaster.
E: that's a joke.

June 29th, 2008, 11:26 PM
Hey let's cool it down in here please. This can be discussed in a more civil manner. Or else I'll have to lock it.

June 29th, 2008, 11:28 PM
1. Also the reason I -repped you was to avoid confrontation, which you so noticeably felt had to be taken into topic...

2. If I said what I truly felt about you and your post and your achievement award, I would no longer be a part of this forum. :embarrassed:

1. Alright, I respect that. It's just that when I'm strolling along, about to change my signature and I find a "FUK U!" in my Rep box, I don't think that person has the best intentions for me if they don't even post an explanation. No harm done though, it only took one rep point off of what I currently have :D

2. One word: lulz....

It's quite evident that if you simply left, you didn't belong in this community to begin with. I believe there are two parts to flaming. The first is obvious, the people fight, don't solve anything, and then the thread is locked. The second is conflict resolution. I hate to say it but every last one of my arguments with people on this forum have turned out for the better. Sometimes you just get so caught up in all the flames that you forget that most of the time it's all just personal opinion. That's what I'm gonna leave it at.

Conflict Resolution: -something the community needs to learn.

June 29th, 2008, 11:31 PM
Xetsuei™;270087']That was worth less than a $10 hat.... :v:

I'm not going to continue replying. I really don't see how you can argue saying that this isn't the kills fault, I just don't. If he blatantly ignores all the warning signs and gets so close to the coaster that it happens to tear his head off, then sure. It's like being at a canyon, and a strong gust of wind blows your hat to the edge. Instead of getting a park ranger to get it for you, you jump over two fences and ignore warning signs about the huge drop. Then when you reach to get your hat, you fall. It's entirely your fault.

Also, just because a fence is low doesn't mean "Oh hur hur since the fence is low it means I am supposed to go into that area because I can hop then fences, the designers of the fences obviously knew that!" Guard rails on some highways aren't high enough to keep the car from going over them if they crash.

Also, oh wah I said he deserved it, BECAUSE HE DID. I must be the most heartless person in the universe, and I also have no soul. :downs:
Well, it's quite clear you didn't actually read the post you were responding to, and may indeed be confused as to who you are arguing with. May I suggest that next time you want to sound smarter than somebody, or at least half-assedly justify being an asshole for kicks, it would be wise to bolster your statements with an argument that extends beyond "I said it because it is true," or some other variety of babbling stupidity worthy of creationism.

Oh, and if by your statements you are attempting to convey the notion that during this scenario you would prefer it if this mongoloid's journey of incredible ignorance and horrible decision making skill ended in decapitation, I sincerely implore you to dig a hole and die in it.

June 29th, 2008, 11:37 PM
Well, it's quite clear you didn't actually read the post you were responding to, and may indeed be confused as to who you are arguing with. May I suggest that next time you want to sound smarter than somebody, or at least half-assedly justify being an asshole for kicks, it would be wise to bolster your statements with an argument that extends beyond "I said it because it is true," or some other variety of babbling stupidity worthy of creationism.

Oh, and if by your statements you are attempting to convey the notion that during this scenario you would prefer it if this mongoloid's journey of incredible ignorance and horrible decision making skill ended in decapitation, I sincerely implore you to dig a hole and die in it. lol what

Common sense says it's true.

June 29th, 2008, 11:39 PM
If I have to give out any more infractions this thread is done.

June 29th, 2008, 11:41 PM
So...anyone else wanna get in before this is done?

June 30th, 2008, 12:09 AM
No, I believe that we should just end it here, and let the thread die, since it's going there either way. You both have your valid points, but you also both have some things that I don't agree with. This, obviously, is because everybody has a different point of view on the same situation, and not everybody will agree on the same thing.

June 30th, 2008, 12:38 AM
I'm ending it now.

I'm disgusted with you people. If you guys can bash the kid and his family for "lack of common sense," can I bash you guys for "lack of common decency?"

There's a fine line between being a realist and being an asshole. Sure, the kid was dumb to ignore the signs, but honestly, watch what you fucking say.

June 30th, 2008, 12:45 AM
e: oshi, postin in a locked thread