View Full Version : Help with compiling scenario file...

July 1st, 2008, 01:52 AM
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition>tool.exe structure levels/t
est/mymap mymap
Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
building intermediate geometry...
choose a type for the shader 'coag_rocks':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
choose a type for the shader 'coag_grass':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
some shaders were not defined

While trying to compile my structure.bsp/scenario file, this happens. It stops there, nothing compiles. I have a bitmaps folder in the tags/levels/test/mymap directory (tags/levels/test/mymap/bitmaps). It contains the needed bitmap files. My data/levels/test/mymap/model folder contains mymap.jms. When I try to do this, I get those two shaders in a blank format, with only those names, in the tags folder. I'm extremely frustrated, and would appreciate help. Tutorial compiles just fine. Whenever I compile twice in a row, it tells me I have a zillion open edges.

I also tried deleting the tags/levels/test/mymap folder entirely, because the editing reference tells me it will create a directory automatically, but this does not happen, and it tells me I have a zillion open edges again (100% sure of no open edges).

Also, new problem with 3ds max. Whenever I try to move/rotate my view, all objects disappear and only the bounding box shows. This gets VERY annoying, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help. NOTHING ON MY FUCKING COMPUTER WORKS ANYMORE GAAAHHHH. Sorry.

teh lag
July 1st, 2008, 07:18 AM
It doesn't matter that you have bitmaps in the folder - you also need to create shaders (for a BSP, shader_environment for solids, shader_transparent for lights, and shader_transparent_glass for... glass) that use the bitmaps and are named accordingly to your 3ds source file. Place them in a /shaders dicrectory in your map's tag folder.

For open edges, import <mapname>.wrl in 3ds (uncheck all 3 boxes on the import dialog) and look at what it's pointing to.

I don't know the solution to your 3ds problem though.

July 1st, 2008, 02:28 PM
Ok, now to figure out this open edge problem. All I did was make a simple box, and it tells me all of my edges are open, They are CLEARLY NOT open, I didn't even move a single vertex in edit poly. STL Check agrees. Also thanks teh lag

teh lag
July 1st, 2008, 02:55 PM
Ok, now to figure out this open edge problem. All I did was make a simple box, and it tells me all of my edges are open, They are CLEARLY NOT open, I didn't even move a single vertex in edit poly. STL Check agrees. Also thanks teh lag

There's your problem. Tool has been known to occasionally hate editable polies - convert to mesh before you export.

July 1st, 2008, 06:44 PM
There's your problem. Tool has been known to occasionally hate editable polies - convert to mesh before you export.

Ok, now my only problem is the 3ds max weird bounding box thing. Anyone had this happen to them or know about this? It does this: http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/6650/annoyinbboxmy0.jpg

Instead of actually displaying edges/vertices/polys while I'm moving the camera.

July 1st, 2008, 08:16 PM
Press O

July 1st, 2008, 08:28 PM
Press O

thanks. :/