July 1st, 2008, 01:52 AM
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition>tool.exe structure levels/t
est/mymap mymap
Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
building intermediate geometry...
choose a type for the shader 'coag_rocks':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
choose a type for the shader 'coag_grass':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
some shaders were not defined
While trying to compile my structure.bsp/scenario file, this happens. It stops there, nothing compiles. I have a bitmaps folder in the tags/levels/test/mymap directory (tags/levels/test/mymap/bitmaps). It contains the needed bitmap files. My data/levels/test/mymap/model folder contains mymap.jms. When I try to do this, I get those two shaders in a blank format, with only those names, in the tags folder. I'm extremely frustrated, and would appreciate help. Tutorial compiles just fine. Whenever I compile twice in a row, it tells me I have a zillion open edges.
I also tried deleting the tags/levels/test/mymap folder entirely, because the editing reference tells me it will create a directory automatically, but this does not happen, and it tells me I have a zillion open edges again (100% sure of no open edges).
Also, new problem with 3ds max. Whenever I try to move/rotate my view, all objects disappear and only the bounding box shows. This gets VERY annoying, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help. NOTHING ON MY FUCKING COMPUTER WORKS ANYMORE GAAAHHHH. Sorry.
est/mymap mymap
Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
building intermediate geometry...
choose a type for the shader 'coag_rocks':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
choose a type for the shader 'coag_grass':
1. shader_environment
2. shader_model
3. shader_transparent_generic
4. shader_transparent_chicago
5. shader_transparent_chicago_extended
6. shader_transparent_water
7. shader_transparent_glass
8. shader_transparent_meter
9. shader_transparent_plasma
choice (1-9): 1
some shaders were not defined
While trying to compile my structure.bsp/scenario file, this happens. It stops there, nothing compiles. I have a bitmaps folder in the tags/levels/test/mymap directory (tags/levels/test/mymap/bitmaps). It contains the needed bitmap files. My data/levels/test/mymap/model folder contains mymap.jms. When I try to do this, I get those two shaders in a blank format, with only those names, in the tags folder. I'm extremely frustrated, and would appreciate help. Tutorial compiles just fine. Whenever I compile twice in a row, it tells me I have a zillion open edges.
I also tried deleting the tags/levels/test/mymap folder entirely, because the editing reference tells me it will create a directory automatically, but this does not happen, and it tells me I have a zillion open edges again (100% sure of no open edges).
Also, new problem with 3ds max. Whenever I try to move/rotate my view, all objects disappear and only the bounding box shows. This gets VERY annoying, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Please help. NOTHING ON MY FUCKING COMPUTER WORKS ANYMORE GAAAHHHH. Sorry.