View Full Version : Yet another 007 game

Mr Buckshot
July 2nd, 2008, 05:56 PM

It better do the Call of Duty 4 engine some justice. While I am a diehard 007 fan, I've never been particularly impressed with most of the games, except for Goldeneye 007, Everything or Nothing (I love this one), and the console version of Nightfire (the PC version was utter crap, being different in most aspects in a negative way). From Russia With Love wasn't a bad game but it couldn't hold a candle to Everything or Nothing. Agent Under Fire had a few great ideas that Nightfire improved upon, but it (AUF) also had a few outstanding flaws.

Bond's main pistol appears to stick with the Walther P99 (in some screenshots), while in other shots he appears to be using a Colt .45 - this gun's design may be nearly 100 years old but it packs a lotta punch and is a worthy alternative to the P99 (it served the U.S. armed forces for 74 years!) I'm also happy to see a UMP-9.

Nevertheless, the video game adaptation of Quantum of Solace (the upcoming Bond movie starring Daniel Craig once again) looks fairly promising. I just wish the visuals looked a little better - I know it is still in the alpha stage, but Halo 3's alpha screenshots sure looked better than these. Right now Quantum of Solace doesn't look terrible, but it looks like what the Xbox 1 could handle.

July 2nd, 2008, 06:15 PM
To me, this doesn't really seem like a 007 game, probably for the same reason the movie didn't feel like a 007 movie, because James Bond is supposed to have black hair, not blond. The graphics aren't bad, but they could be better. They don't look Xbox 1 graphics, but not modern 360, High Definition, graphics either. Nonetheless, like you said, the game does look promising, judging from the little info and screenshots we have, so I'll probably take a look at it sometime, once it comes out.

July 2nd, 2008, 06:50 PM
Character and scenery don't blend well =( graphics wise.

Oh well, I'll nag my pal about it.

Mr Buckshot
July 2nd, 2008, 06:56 PM
I hope they bring back some of the gadgets in this game though. In Everything or Nothing, the gadgets were less cheesy than before, limited to grapple guns and exploding coins (frag, flash, or EMP), RC spider-like drones, and best of all this Network Tap gun that allowed Bond to remotely control automated turrets. The gadget-required sequences were all well executed at appropriate situations, and they didn't feel all cheesy like in Nightfire.

Hey, the hair thing isn't what reduces the Bond factor - I mean, Roger Moore was Bond for 12 years and his hair wasn't black, and I liked his movies more than I liked Pierce Brosnan's.

About the graphics, I'd say they aren't that 360-ish, I mean, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for the xbox looked about the same quality, and its graphics are still considered pretty good.

One request to Treyarch though, is not to include any cut-from-the-film sequences in the cutscenes. It's ok to have live action clips that weren't from either of the original movies, but splicing from-the-movie clips with 3D renders just never works out.

July 2nd, 2008, 07:02 PM
I know, the hair isn't everything, but Daniel Craig just doesn't seem like a James Bond. Every time I see Pierce Brosnan, I immediately think "James Bond", but that's not how it is with Craig. Maybe it's because he's only been in one movie so far, so I just haven't gotten used to him yet, but to me, he's not Bond.

As for the gadgets, I seriously doubt that they will be there, but I hope that they are. In Everything or Nothing, I loved using all the drones, turrets, etc... They added a nice type of gameplay.

July 2nd, 2008, 07:29 PM
Personally, i think Daniel Craig is great as Bond where Bond has to be gritty and violent, but Pierce Brosnan is better when Bond has to, uh, be Bondlike.

July 2nd, 2008, 07:34 PM
Pierce Brosnan is the perfect bond, period. Sean Connery is great, too but Pierce just has a Bond voice, look, and style.

July 2nd, 2008, 07:52 PM
Pierce Brosnan is the perfect bond, period. Sean Connery is great, too but Pierce just has a Bond voice, look, and style.
Exactly what I was thinking. Brosnan is the perfect image of Bond.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:12 AM
Exactly what I was saying, he just has a complete inability to look badass instead of suave.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:30 AM
I hope some Goldeneye maps come back as homages. Complex ftw. The Halo CE versions left out some hidden spots. Also, Stack.
Pierce Brosnan ftw.

July 3rd, 2008, 01:14 AM
The hair doesn't have to be black, but it could at least not be blonde :\

Blonde bond ftl

July 3rd, 2008, 01:20 AM
Personally, i think Daniel Craig is great as Bond where Bond has to be gritty and violent, but Pierce Brosnan is better when Bond has to, uh, be Bondlike.
I whole heartily agree. Way back when, when they first announced CR, I was all http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/rubshandstogetherandgrinsevilly.gifbecause I saw it wasn't Pierce and some new chap, but then I finally got CR on dvd (didn't have the pleasure to see on the big screen) and quickly grew to like Daniel's adaption of the Bond persona.

Can't wait to see how this turns out

July 3rd, 2008, 02:18 AM
The hair doesn't have to be black, but it could at least not be blonde :\

Blonde bond ftlBlond rhymes with Bond. The awesome of this coincidence cancels out any negatives.

July 3rd, 2008, 04:08 AM
I never actually saw the newest movie with James Blonde but I heard he was really good in it. We actually have it, I just choose not to be bothered by DVD's.

July 3rd, 2008, 06:20 AM
I never really liked Daniel Craig being bond, to me, Pierce was Bond. Daniel is a great actor and comes across as a good action hero, but hes just not bond. I did like the new bond, but it definitely wasnt the best.

I'm a tad worried with this game, sure its a new bond, great?. But I dont see it really changing any thing, I really hoped the new bond would push the boundaries and bring something new to the table. It just seems like its going to just be another bond game and be a pretty average game.

July 3rd, 2008, 01:28 PM
Personally, i think Daniel Craig is great as Bond where Bond has to be gritty and violent, but Pierce Brosnan is better when Bond has to, uh, be Bondlike.

He hasn't really had a chance to be Bondlike yet. I mean, a poker game isn't super-spy work. I think that now we've pushed past the part where he's heartbroken and focused solely on his job, we'll see Craig being much more Bondlike.

Character and scenery don't blend well =( graphics wise.

Part of it is the screen chosen. Putting your subject and background in different lighting conditions isn't the best thing. As for movie --> game games, it actually looks halfway decent.

Pierce Brosnan is the perfect bond, period. Sean Connery is great, too but Pierce just has a Bond voice, look, and style.
It did take him a while to get settled into the role. Even by then, the movies turned bad as the decision to de-sexualize women gained ground.

Exactly what I was saying, he just has a complete inability to look badass instead of suave.
Successful acting, I say. He's a rookie 00-agent at this point in time.

July 3rd, 2008, 04:06 PM
I love how they've totally screwed up the timeline. He's a rookie in Casino Royale, yet they talk about "After 9/11" and have all these new gadgets and stuff. Previous movies, like from 30 years ago, are supposedly after his rookie days, 'cept they're actually set 30 years ago :v:
Maybe he moves backwards in time as he ages :downs:

July 3rd, 2008, 05:07 PM
ExAm obviously has never heard of books of course, and has never realised this movie is a remake of the previous Casino Royale bond movie :P

Just playing exam, but they added the whole 9/11 thing to be "hip" and make it more interesting for newer generations, rather than saying about topics when the book was written.

Also this movie didnt really have gagdets.

July 3rd, 2008, 06:08 PM
I love how they've totally screwed up the timeline. He's a rookie in Casino Royale, yet they talk about "After 9/11" and have all these new gadgets and stuff. Previous movies, like from 30 years ago, are supposedly after his rookie days, 'cept they're actually set 30 years ago :v:
Maybe he moves backwards in time as he ages :downs:
You also probably would not recognize the card game being played either: Baccarat

The whole Casino Royale thing of it being the first book so it should be like that just doesn't make sense at this time. The old retelling would just push the series back and the new re-imagining of Bond is a different yet equally effective approach.

On-topic: Needs more Golden Eye for N64

July 3rd, 2008, 06:08 PM
The new Bond is that- a NEW adaptation of Bond. It's going to be done differently, and frankly, I like it. Daniel Craig looks like the Bond who can kill a mofo. He gets shit done.

July 3rd, 2008, 09:44 PM
The most recent one I bought was Agent Under Fire. Terrible game tbh. Goldeneye 64 was by far the best, my friend has it for an emulator on his laptop. :-3

July 3rd, 2008, 11:54 PM
idg why everyone hated agent under fire so much :S

I liked it, especially the multiplayer

July 4th, 2008, 12:24 AM
I play goldeneye64 online :D

Mr Buckshot
July 4th, 2008, 03:40 PM
While I liked GE007, I actually preferred Everything or Nothing. It is the second-highest-rated of all the 007 video games to date:


Unlike other Bond games that had their own original stories, this game featured a balanced arsenal, an AI that was actually challenging, and plenty of incentive to replay missions like 5 times over. I especially enjoyed replaying levels for the Platinum medals, since those would unlock cheats that could cause very funny twists to the gameplay. Sequences that required the use of the few gadgets were actually entertaining, and not some lame shit like "laser the padlock with the wristwatch" or something. I love the spider drone gadget.

And platinum medal or not, the level called "The Pontchartrain Bridge" is worth replaying over and over again - that's where Bond rides a Triumph Daytona 600 motorcycle (equipped with a side-firing flamethrower and heat-seeking rockets) across the bridge in pursuit of a tanker armed with deadly nanobots. All vehicle levels used the NFS engine too :P.

The story did not differ from typical Brosnan-era Bond movies, but the action was just so good, unlike Agent Under Fire's. The only thing I disliked about the game was the multiplayer - in THIS field, GE007 was the clear winner.

Quantum of Solace (the video game that this thread is about) now has some pretty high standards to follow after the excellent EoN. What I predict is that it's going to follow the movie formula and minimize the gadget usage, but it should more than make up for that with good action like that of The Bourne Conspiracy (it was one of the few movie-inspired games of the 21st century that was worth buying). If this game succeeds, it could set a new standard for other movie tie-ins (those superhero movie games are so bad they might as well not exist).

Gamespot's preview added one more detail - there's going to be a DS version. My hopes are up, as I've been itching for a DS version of GE007.

I play goldeneye64 online :D

Which emulator do you use? I heard of some laggy emulators that can simulate the split screen mode over the Internet/LAN.

July 4th, 2008, 07:59 PM

It uses the kaillera Client.

I mostly use it for mariokart or SSB.