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View Full Version : [Map]&[Model] Desert_Reborn_Alpha

July 2nd, 2008, 06:29 PM
This is something thats been sitting on my pc for like a year now since I started it, decided I'd just release it in alpha form, its worth more released then it is sitting on my pc doing nothing.

I also included with it the model files for the bsp. Theres 2 version, ones an older version, and ones the newer one which I cleaned up slightly to release it as an alpha.

First lemme get to the credit before I go on about errors or stuff thats wrong...

-Knave, Killa, and others who helped me with answering questions on vehicles
(there is a custom turret, and a custom vehicle that I made some time ago like last summer)

-Masters for the sky, which I believe is from headlong, idk it fits really well.

-Dominator and Cow, my life long mapping buddies XD.

-Also Snafubar, my go to guy for comments, criticism and help with anything and everything thats 3dsmax or art related.

Ok, errors... idc, theres UV errors everywhere, the textures are EWW, then what ever else I'm missing. Post anything else you find if you want but don't expect me to change anything, theres a reason I released the bsp models, I'm letting the map go, if someone wants to finish it and fix stuff feel free to. E: Forgot to mention the seats on the Concept hog are completely fubared.... lol

Also feel free to finish my warthog concept and texture it for me :D Just rip it from the map ;P

Now onto the eye candy pictures and stuff. (Note: Bloom mod was on.. lol sho shinneyyy)




btw if your wondering, I didn't rip the base models, they were remade from scratch, and yes there from the silent cartographer level.

The Concept Warthog... I kno crappy pic...

And at last.. the link..


Anyway, do with the models what ever you want, and if anyone feels like finishing it be my guest, hope you like it.

Oh btw... it works on Slayer, CTF, and oddball.

You should use all vehicles other wise the new ones I added might not show up.

E: I highly recommend playing it with bloom on lol.

E: bleh... I didn't realize that I used a tag set with weapon bugs when I compiled the map, sorry about the zoom functions not working, if I get around to adding anything worthy of another more finished release I'll fix it.

t3h m00kz
July 2nd, 2008, 06:43 PM

I'd like to see that warthog concept from a few more angles tbh, looks interesting

July 2nd, 2008, 06:48 PM

Here you go, the textures are horrific.. lol

July 2nd, 2008, 06:51 PM
Well, this looks quite interesting, and I've always wanted to see that concept for the Warthog put in-game. I'll download this map, and check it out. Nice job on the Silent Cartographer structures, they look pretty good.

EDIT : Alright, I checked it out, and it isn't bad, but I've encountered a few things that could be fixed.. All the people in the concept Warthog face backwards, and stick through the vehicle. There is also a lack of seats in it. However, it is fun to drive. The map seems a little empty, no rocks, no little bushes or anything. Maybe it would be nicer if you cut in cactuses around the map, and more rocks. I also don't like how you removed the zoom off every weapon.

July 2nd, 2008, 08:01 PM
I like the atmosphere a lot

July 2nd, 2008, 09:17 PM
Looks neat...

July 2nd, 2008, 09:27 PM
Geometry needs work to make it a little more interesting, playable, tactical, etc, but you've got a sweet idea going.

July 2nd, 2008, 10:21 PM
As I stated... the models up for download too, and I'm encouraging people to use it... XD

I started this map over a year ago, and haven't touched it for like half a year.

Thanks for the comments though, also yeah, forgot to mention the concept hogs seats are completely screwed up, never bothered to fix it.

teh lag
July 3rd, 2008, 08:39 AM
My god...

The sheer orangeness of it...


For your next map, I'd turn it down a notch or twelve.

July 3rd, 2008, 11:52 AM
I do like the two structures though :3

mb some destroyed fragments of other structures minimalisticly scattered in the desert wasteland?

And mb a bush here and there...thin leafless bushes of mostly dried stem. And if at all possible, not so much MEGATILING, and this would be a neat map.

July 3rd, 2008, 01:44 PM
And mb a bush here and there...thin leafless bushes of mostly dried stem. And if at all possible, not so much MEGATILING, and this would be a neat map.

I agree with that, some sort of destroyed forerunner structures half buried in the sand for cover, cuz its kind of very open atm still... idk tho, I might not touch it anymore at the same time I my self would like to see it finished lol, its just that its so old, and the terrain displeases me too much nowadays.

July 4th, 2008, 05:20 PM
I agree with that, some sort of destroyed forerunner structures half buried in the sand for cover, cuz its kind of very open atm still... idk tho, I might not touch it anymore at the same time I my self would like to see it finished lol, its just that its so old, and the terrain displeases me too much nowadays.
Most of the time I stick around here to lurk and see what is going on, but I tested out your map and decided to hop in here to tell you you shouldn't like this project die, because it looks like it has good potential.

As I am just a player and don't edit maps myself I don't know the time frame for you to add the cover and things in. It does look very good and you should continue to make it a map that looks tight and has good game play.

July 4th, 2008, 08:13 PM
I do vote for you to continue to work on this :D

July 5th, 2008, 04:05 AM
I also don't like how you removed the zoom off every weapon.

yargh... I just realized, the tag set I used to run this build through tool is messed up... I have multiple tag sets (for my own weird reasons apart from being messy with tags) and the map happened to not load (missing tags) on my fixed tag set, so I used this one, didn't notice the weapon problems it had till now... :embarrassed:

I realize why I never really finished a map, tagging is too damn time consuming/confusing, I can never get through the polishing stages... XD

Hopefully I'll get around to fixing that... I didn't intentionally remove the zoom, I actually don't know why its doing that, I had modded the weapons and something weird happened to the zoom... I think it has to do with a missing bitmap, sorry about that...