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July 3rd, 2008, 12:59 AM
I know it sounds like a porn site but its not :/
I was wondering how many of you have heard of InstantAction.com
InstantAction is a website where 3D games can be played in a browser. InstantAction is in open beta now. Instant Action has 6 games available.
Their all pretty decent and support multiplayer. Its worth checking out. It has an interface much like Xbox Live.

Fallen Empires: Legions
Fallen Empire: Legions (or simply Legions) is a First Person Shooter that features a jetpack that allows for a style of movement known as 6 Degrees of Freedom
Fallen Empire: Legions is often considered the spiritual successor to the popular Tribes series of games. Noted for its fast-paced multiplayer action, the Tribes series of games were developed by Dynamix (later purchased by Vivendi and later again by Universal) from whence the founders and many current employees at GarageGames came.


Rokkitball (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GarageGames#Rokkitball) is a team based game where team members try to get a ball into the other team's goal.http://gadgets.boingboing.net/gimages/Rokkitbol1-thumb-500x281.jpg

Marble Blast Online
[No Image]
The latest version of a series of Marble Blast related IPs. Originally released in 2002, the cross-platform game Marble Blast was created with Torque Game Engine and has been published on Shockwave.com, Yahoo Games, and Real Arcade. Marble Blast Gold available on GarageGames' website and Marble Blast Ultra is currently an Arcade Hit title on Xbox LIVE Arcade. The newest in the series, Marble Blast Online, appears exclusively on InstantAction.com.

Think Tanks
Think Tanks is the online successor to Think Tanks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GarageGames#Think_Tanks) for the PC. There are two modes in ThinkTanks: Deathmatch and Scrum. In these modes you can start a solo or team game. In Deathmatch, players try to shoot and destroy the other teams' tanks.

ZAP! Zero All Productivity
Zap is a game similar to the Zap! PC game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zap!_(computer_game)). In this game there are five modes: BustIn, CTF (Capture the Flag), ZoneControl, Retrieve, Hunters, and ZapMatch.

The first game from Wideload Shorts, Cyclomite is an action/puzzle game that can be played competitively or cooperatively. Wideload Shorts is a division of Wideload Games development studio founded in 2003 by Alexander Seropian, the co-founder of Bungie and head behind the games Halo: Combat Evolved, Myth, and Marathon. Cyclomite is expected to launch on the InstantAction game platform in 2008.

Previous Games

Screwjumper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screwjumper%21) was a game where players try to get to the bottom of the mine shaft
Upcoming Games

Metal Drift
[No Image]
Metal Drift is a first person hover tank combat game. The game puts you in the cockpit of the tank. The objective of the game is to capture the flag. Players can upgrade there vehicles with weapons and power-ups. The game is fast paced and enjoyable for hardcore games to casual gamers. Players will have the ability to get experience to level up there tank. While leveling you you will unlock more weapons and power-up!

[No Image]
Galcon is an RTS (real time strategy) game where players try to eliminate the enemy by sending ships to take over their planet.

Its a rather interesting concept and I have known about it for a while but wanted to see if any of you have heard of it or anything better.

July 3rd, 2008, 01:41 AM
So if any of you liked the Tribes series games, pay attention. Instant Action has recently released an Open Beta of a game called Fallen Empire: Legions. All you guys have to do is sign up on InstantAction.com to play it, it's a free web browser based game that requires no actual installation of game files... It's really quite a mind boggling system that they have going, a lot of their other games are pretty nifty as well!

If I understand it correctly, the old developers (some of them at least) of Tribes have teamed up with the guys at Instant Action and built this game from a lot of the Tribes material.

I don't really know A LOT about Tribes, but I know that this game provided me and a buddy (as well as all the other players online) literal HOURS of fun.


Mine's in the right forum as well! OK so I didn't talk about all their games like you did, but Fallen Empire: Legions is going to be their flagship imo.

Perhaps we can has thread merge?

July 3rd, 2008, 01:44 AM
Yes! Please add your info. And sorry for posting another one...I searched but the search sucks...

July 3rd, 2008, 02:08 AM
Yes! Please add your info. And sorry for posting another one...I searched but the search sucks...
I searched "Instant Action"...

July 3rd, 2008, 02:17 AM
I lied....I was just lazy...

July 3rd, 2008, 02:30 AM
I lied....I was just lazy...
Burn the lying witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I added my info in a quote of myself up top.

July 3rd, 2008, 11:03 AM
I tried that empire one, glitchy, and laggy. :(

July 3rd, 2008, 11:44 AM
Not anymore, I played a few rounds.
Fun, I usually led like 20 to 10 and stuff.
hadn't tried rokkitball or whatever.
Looks to be a hoot.

July 3rd, 2008, 11:54 AM
I'll check this out, I'm interested in trying Fallen Empires : Legions the most out of all of them. Thanks for showing us this.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:12 PM
Its really the best :D

July 3rd, 2008, 12:18 PM
I tried legions but I thought it was pretty lame... guess I'm just not into that kind of fps.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:27 PM
Yeah, Legions isn't bad, but it's so hard to get a kill. It could just be that I suck at it horribly, but I'm sure there's still some work that could be done on it.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:56 PM
I snipe and I own :D

July 3rd, 2008, 02:02 PM
heh looks interesting, just signed up. (My username is Apoc4lypse you can search it).

I haven't played anything yet, still just looking around at stuff, I'm gonna try legions in a sec, then maybe that other one (second one u mentioned.)

EDIT: this really does remind of the xbox live menu, like the style, not so much looks.

July 3rd, 2008, 04:37 PM
Sniping in Legions is cake once you get used to it, that's how I started... I play Chaingun Specialist now, rockets are your main weapon, and since the Rocket Specialist bonus is shit, I choose to upgrade my chaingun.

I usually get 1st-3rd place when I play... Probably because I've been playing since they released it to open beta, literally, I was F5ing the page.

July 3rd, 2008, 04:44 PM
this games tough, and I completely suck at it lol...

Hard controls with the jetpack buttons and such, and the fighting is a tad annoying imo, you basically just time your jetpack jumps and shoot each other with rockets. You wait for ur enemies jetpack to die, wait for em to hit the ground, then blast em with a rocket. Then his jetpack recharges and it happens again. Its kind of boring... or annoying, and hard to do.

Guns seem like crap... rockets are the only things I get kills with, its nearly impossible to aim a machine gun when ur flying through the air all the time and jamming the middle mouse button to control ur flight. Then if u even get onto the ground to shoot, ur most likely going to die cuz your a sitting duck for rockets if your on the ground.

I tried the sniper, and I only once ever hit someone with it... you can't shoot it while in the air, and you need to charge it, not to mention when u charge it it lets out a laser sight that everyone can see, so they no exactly where you are and that someones sniping.... idgi...

w/e its kind of fun, but the balancing issues bug me, a lot.

July 3rd, 2008, 05:56 PM
If youve played the other Tribes games then playing legions isnt that much of a difference. Im pretty damn good in legions, but I guess I got to thank Starsiege:Tribes for that since it was my first FPS i ever played online, and I still play it today.

July 3rd, 2008, 07:10 PM
Anybody know how to actually use the overdrive feature? R doesn't do shit.

July 4th, 2008, 12:08 AM
You have to have your speed up to 90. Some kid was trying to teach it to me. Also, a good thing to learn is rocket jumping. I can get across a whole level in a few seconds.

July 4th, 2008, 12:27 AM
I can do that by boosting down hills.