View Full Version : Dmt-Air Release!
July 7th, 2008, 10:59 AM
Hooray! I'm finally done with Air and its ready for release :)
Air is a hover board racing game where you must race through a forerunner relic into the city high charity really really fast. It took about a mouth of hard work and lots of scripting but its here. I hope you guys like it. If the map is popular im planning on making a multiplayer version of it.
This map is NOT protected! I'm not the kind of person who prefers tag protection i WANT people to rip my tags and improve them and make more maps with my hover board.
Also here is the source script for anyone interested.
Please leave feedback id like to know what you guys think of this its not the kind of mod you usually see in halo obviously.
July 7th, 2008, 11:02 AM
Would you please post up some images? I would like to see what I'm downloading before I do it. Sounds interesting though.
July 7th, 2008, 11:06 AM
I jacked dennis's images from halo maps. :p
July 7th, 2008, 11:16 AM
It took about a mouth of hard work
hey, anything that takes a mouth of HARD work, you got my vote :downs:
July 7th, 2008, 11:32 AM
I played it through a couple times and it was pretty fun though the collision on some of the objects were off. Like I got my board stuck in the edge of those big round things that go up and down and then it exceptioned... so, there are some bugs but defititely worth some +rep.
July 7th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Goin try it out now
brb will E:
Exceptioned 2/2 times...before the map even loaded.
July 7th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Wtf? That's weird. What kind of computer are you on cause it maybe a GFX problem. The map has a lot of lighting and crap it in. Ive only had it crash like 2 times before. I know that the hover board physics are crap and they sometimes cause the game to glitch out and crash but Ive never had it crash on startup.
July 7th, 2008, 12:25 PM my little computer thing on my posts :D
July 7th, 2008, 12:31 PM
I don't think its your computer cause you have enough GFX power to run the game. I don't know maybe it has to do with luck.
July 7th, 2008, 12:39 PM
maybe...Ill check again later. Ill report.
July 7th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Ok. Oh and as a precaution your loading the map with map_name Dmt-Air right?
July 7th, 2008, 01:37 PM
Perhaps you should give proper credit for using Tech's assault carrier.
July 7th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Perhaps you should give proper credit for using Tech's Bungie's assault carrier.
Fixed, and I don't think he has to. I thought we had all gotten over the whole credit thing...
July 7th, 2008, 01:41 PM
Fixed, and I don't think he has to. I thought we had all gotten over the whole credit thing...
Its a minor annoyance. And if you're going to rip a carrier for gods sake don't use the one from Extinction. That carrier is nothing but an insult.
July 7th, 2008, 01:47 PM
Sorry but i couldn't find a better one. i looked through the entire models list for the first 2 levels of halo 2 but couldn't find the ship used in the cut scene.
July 7th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Then try and model it yourself, that one is just disgusting.
July 7th, 2008, 01:50 PM
If i had modeled it myself it would have been worse. Trust me.
July 7th, 2008, 01:57 PM
Haven't you watched that old Beretta tutorial? It should give you a good grasp on plane modeling.
July 7th, 2008, 02:17 PM
Well, I just played this, and I found it very entertaining. I love a new idea every now and then. However, it was pretty short, and there are a few things you could have added, to make it more fun. A suggestion would be some enemies that try to run into you, to knock you off your board, or some people shooting you a bit. I enjoyed the part where the board changed into a flying vehicle, though I disliked it how that only happened once. Maybe it would be better if you made that happen a few times, having several land and air parts.
All in all, it was great, and I hope to see you make more unique ideas in the future.
July 7th, 2008, 03:01 PM
Ok. Oh and as a precaution your loading the map with map_name Dmt-Air right?
nah but Ill try it.
:3 Didn't know it was a single player map :downs:
July 7th, 2008, 03:04 PM
I exceptioned a few times.
I fell off a few times and couldnt flip it back up.
I didn't like the flying part, but who gives a flying fuck?
I like it.
July 7th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Well, I just played this, and I found it very entertaining. I love a new idea every now and then. However, it was pretty short, and there are a few things you could have added, to make it more fun. A suggestion would be some enemies that try to run into you, to knock you off your board, or some people shooting you a bit. I enjoyed the part where the board changed into a flying vehicle, though I disliked it how that only happened once. Maybe it would be better if you made that happen a few times, having several land and air parts.
All in all, it was great, and I hope to see you make more unique ideas in the future.
Exact same things... one suggestion... Set rider seat ejection to zero next time, to avoid weird mishaps with the board.. well at least the one I had, I came out of that tunnel (which I might add is extremely sexay, except for some of the UV's and light maps) and I went to high on the wall of the tunnel and fell out, and my hover board stuck to the ground :( lol couldn't flip it or get in it.
I thought this was :awesome: so I wanted to post a picture hehe, very neat. Its unique, some very nice ideas in this map for racing.
One thing that came to mind which would be cool is to somehow get it into xbox to play it co-op hehe.
I'm actually going to add in another :awesome: the flying vehicle part was simply amazing...
I really enjoyed this haha, its unique, I would make it longer though, and have more parts like flying and stuff. Its probably a ton of work script wise, but its amazing... I loved all the interesting obsticles... one thing you should be mind full of... the control flip button can be abused, lol, if use right you can nearly make your hover board fly, altough I don't see any real advantages because you usually end up going out of control. One spot it helped me though is when you have to get onto the pipes, I simply just flipped and kept doing it to cross them, then crashed on one of those piston thingies.
I'd definitely add some aliens though, this reminds me of the warthog run's from the last level, I love the idea make more please lol. :)
Another thing thats definitely possible which I think you should look into, try to add timers to the game so you can see what your timing is, and what times you need to gold silver bronze etc. Check the last level, theres a timer for the warthog run, even something like that would work I'd imagine, try messing around with that.
but yeah, as some people mentioned, work on your modeling, you probably should have added a smoothing group to the tunnel (when it changed) also when it changed.. the lighting jumped from bright to dark, not that big of a deal but you know... game play wise its amazing, the obstacles make it entertaining, it just needs some more work aesthetically, and maybe some more length to it, and it'd be perfect, its great to see something unique like this.
Edit: I will say this bout the flying part, the check points are a little uhm... annoyingly placed.. maybe lol, plus they can be annoying to trigger sometimes I'd fly through it and it wouldn't like work.. idk I guess it makes it more challenging though.
July 7th, 2008, 05:56 PM
With an ATI Radeon x300 128MB, I'm surprised you can even play Halo..
EDIT: Sorry meant to be @ Heathen ^^
§partan 8
July 7th, 2008, 06:10 PM
Ok I don't know if its DMT maps or my pc but ever single DMT map I tried to play I get an exception error. The only one that does work is DMT OD Hideout fix.
July 7th, 2008, 06:23 PM
Its a single player map you have to run it with (map_name dmt-air) in the console.
Also @apocalypse
I was gonna add a timer but the timer on the last level is a countdown timer and i needed a count up timer.
And i was originally gonna make it longer but i ran out of good ideas for obstacles. And the reason you missed the checkpoints on the rings is because the h overboard is lower than the camera and so you think your lower than you actually are.
July 7th, 2008, 11:39 PM
With an ATI Radeon x300 128MB, I'm surprised you can even play Halo..
EDIT: Sorry meant to be @ Heathen ^^
Really? I have played other higher requirment games and it worked fine without having to lower anything...Maybe my xfire was wrong...
July 8th, 2008, 12:09 AM
With an ATI Radeon x300 128MB, I'm surprised you can even play Halo..
EDIT: Sorry meant to be @ Heathen ^^
I played Halo for years with one of those pieces of shit :S
July 8th, 2008, 12:17 AM
sticks and stones
July 15th, 2008, 01:12 AM
+ 5000 pts for originality.
It could definitely be more polished graphically.
The last part's checkpoints were a little iffy.
Overall though, nice job, it really reveals what people should/could do with singleplayer maps.
July 15th, 2008, 01:42 AM
i was surprised at how large this map is, and its pretty fun too, just wish the things went a little faster.
very pleasing to the eye, i loved the spinny things.
good job.
July 26th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Just got a chance to play this map, Very awesome. I wish we had more fun and creative custom maps like this coming out. I just wish the ghost hover board accelerated faster and had a greater top speed. spinny things where a bitch but really cool and fun. the skybox was also really cool I loved it.
I'd like to see another map using this board, preferably longer and with a faster board. and maybe some acrobatics on the flying board too, like a.... barrel roll.
July 26th, 2008, 06:55 PM
Yo ima try this out. Sounds like fun :) If your interested I have a alternate model hoverboard you could use in the future since I have no other use for it.
It was fun. Make it faster next time like mongoose fast....
July 26th, 2008, 08:38 PM
I demand you make another. That was the most fun I had in CE in a while.
July 27th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Lol, I might just have to Sync this online and make a serious race map then.
And if you have a better hover board model i could probably use it. Mine sucks. Period :puke:
July 27th, 2008, 04:46 PM
Lol, I might just have to Sync this online and make a serious race map then.
And if you have a better hover board model i could probably use it. Mine sucks. Period :puke:
Okay whats ur xfire? I'm not sure if I already have it or not.
July 27th, 2008, 05:18 PM
Its wankzta. With the z.
July 27th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Im not sure itd be as fun online because of what would work and what wouldn't due to the netcode limitations.
Either way I enjoyed this and think another single play map would be cool.
The suggestions I saw/liked I'd like to say again though.
The reason I liked it was because it reminded me of the warthog run, and I think we forget how much fun that level really is...
This was sort of a re-visit, but with no AI enemies, and some newer ideas added in (transform to flying) I think you could seriously manage to make a good Halo Racing Game... now I know most of you the second you hear that, it sounds cheesy and stupid lol... and I know it does.
If it was done correctly though itd be amazing, just like this and the Warthog Run levels. Halo 3 had another very enjoyable hog run level to end the game.
All itd need is a good back story to it... something along the lines of being like, transporting cargo, or troops into the battle field quickly. So there would then be enemy AI as well to make things interesting.
Not to mention it wouldn't all have to be racing, it could have some on foot battle moments too...
I think it could be a lot of fun... what ever its just an idea/rambling though.
The suggestions I really do like though for if you make another racing map.
-More interesting/clever obsticles
-AI to try and stop you like in the warthog run (grunts carrying Fuel rod guns and such)
-Flood enemies
-A timer, similar to the hog run level.
-More transformations if possible
I'm sure theres more too...
Thats my last attempt to get you to make another one :lol: I'll leave you alone now haha...
But yeah, multi-player could be fun, but itd have to be re-visited I think.. Things like device machines are very laggy, as well as anything animated, much like your obstacles, the tunnel with the rotating fans would be a nightmare in an online game when players would try to navigate it. Also I'm not sure transforming can be done either...
Its worth a shot though I think.
July 27th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Idk. You did give me a good idea all of a sudden with the "troop movement" thing. But really i have the current projects to finish but ill think about.
My main project is IMP (infernal map pack) which is more or less your standard custom map pack. New weapons, new levels, new vehicles.
Then i have 2 side projects "Cairo MP" and "The silent Photographer mod"
Then i have a entirely new SP level with a story that I'm going to do. I'm not gonna talk about except that its currently called "Brought to Light"
Oh and if anyone wants to help me out with my projects i would reaaaally appreciate it. Ive been doing all this work by myself so far and its hard as hell for me to build pretty much everything by myself.
July 28th, 2008, 12:24 AM
Would it be possible for the hover board to have it do a 360 around a tunnel, like up the wall and the ceiling then down the other side? I think that would just be a really fun and interesting feature to have. Also as some AI and new transformations would be cool, so an idea is have a new type of hover board spawn with a turret or some kind of weapon to kill the baddies. Just a though.
Also, a part of me really wants to help you with your projects, because thats what i do is help, but i also do this thing where i tell a million people i will help them then get too busy to do anything, soo....
July 28th, 2008, 03:59 AM
I'd say no weapon then it'd be too much like the ghost, but it should go faster. I'm collabing with him on the project. I'm trying to find a way to make the board jump with the space bar. I have a theory but will test it out later
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