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July 8th, 2008, 03:22 AM
I refer you here (http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/7/7/205130/8997/236/547945).


July 8th, 2008, 03:35 AM

July 8th, 2008, 09:55 AM
I don't know exactly what to say to that. I mean, don't you Americans want free health care? I have a feeling that it's the government's decision, and you're just living with it, accepting life for what it is.

@N00b : Wasn't me...*shifty eyes*

July 8th, 2008, 10:57 AM
I've been sitting on my ass for the longest time. Am I a good American? :lol:

July 8th, 2008, 11:10 AM
Yo soy Mexicano, no Americano

Rob Oplawar
July 8th, 2008, 12:11 PM
Well, actually, I come from a long line of workaholics. In my family, if we're not doing something productive, we're not happy. That sitting on your ass thing comes after you retire, which comes after you've saved enough of your hard earned cash to do so.
The flip-side is, I have a friend who has a very serious mental condition that prevents her from being able to hold a steady job. Her family isn't very well off and can't afford to support her, so here support comes from Welfare. And I'm happy to pay taxes for that.

But mostly, I agree with the gist of this article- we're getting our eyeballs taxed right out of our heads, and we have no universal health care, and our public school system is failing, and our public transportation system is practically nonexistent. All of that money is going to defense. And we aren't doing anything about it.

I think the problem isn't that we're not lazy enough, it's that we're actually too lazy, and are content enough with our lives in general that we cba to go through the effort of forcing our government to stop sucking so much.

I know that's my problem- I complain about the obscene amounts of money missing from my paycheck each month, and I complain about the war in Iraq, and I complain about the very likely possibility that we will be going to war with Iran any minute now, and yet here I am whining about it on a webforum instead of taking an interest in politics and voting and mailing my congressman and all that.

Also, being a workaholic's not all that bad, and being lazy and letting robots do all the work isn't all that good- hasn't the author of that article seen Wall-e? :rolleyes:

July 8th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I come from a long LOOOONG line of workaholics and I am proud to be the dead stop in that pattern.

July 8th, 2008, 12:54 PM
Selfishness has nothing to do with paying taxes. I think the author of this confused selfishness and laziness several times, lmao.

July 8th, 2008, 04:36 PM
And yet we're still a fat country. Go figure. :lol:

July 8th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Meh tbh, i don't care if my hard earned cash feeds lazy slackers, kills foreign people, supports corporate crooks etc. after all, as soon as i actually pay my taxes, i have no control over whats happening to it and i can vote whoever i want, in the end it just doesnt matter. i dont care abotu this abstarct concept that is society. all i want is to get through life, possibly getting chances of evolving my personality and become something i can be proud of.
so i expect nothing from society. neither justice nor help.

And i only pay my taxes and follow [most of] the laws because i will have much less trouble accomplishing said goals. but as i said, i expect nothing in return. when im in a car accident, theres no doubt in my mind ill get screwed over, when i get old, theres no doubt in my mind theyll let me rot in a hole, when i get robbed or stabbed, i wont believe society will grant me justice.
so thats why i keep preserving whats mine, trying to stay alive everyday, avoiding any big troubles or obstacles while i keep reminding myself that in the end, i alone am responsible for myself and when it comes down to it, nobodys there to really help me/take the burden of living off my shoulders.

i like to think that I'm somewhat free and independent even if this probably only applies to my mind.

July 8th, 2008, 06:55 PM
We're selfish enough, just not lazy enough. legalize weed

Progress comes in waves, once a powerful or blunt reform is made political surface tension busts and changes pour through, (a marijuana law reform bill would be strong evidence some such thing had happened.) A massive left wing shift is in store for American politics, Same way the Gilded Age and Great Depression ended.

have hope, dear liberals

July 8th, 2008, 10:43 PM

July 8th, 2008, 10:48 PM

For being fat and lazy we do work more hours than many countries.

July 9th, 2008, 05:58 AM
I know IT guys who get paid for sitting on their ass playing vidya games 6 hours a day. Every so often, they actually do their job though.

July 9th, 2008, 06:07 AM
Here in Germany, you get payed for having a baby and for not working. I don't know why but yeah it just happens.

July 9th, 2008, 08:32 AM
Americans aren't selfish to the extent it's thought of. What they are is ignorant, and that is the largest problem I have with my country. Plain and simple ignorance.

July 9th, 2008, 08:33 AM
This article is dumb. Also false statement:

You Americans work longer than anyone, pay all these taxes, make all these robots, and then not only don't you sit on your ass, but you get mad when anyone else does. You're fucking crazy.

The reason people get mad at those living off welfare is because we work our asses off to get somewhere in life and get a real job, when these tool bags do jack shit and they get a free check in the mail, oh yeah this check is made up of our tax money which we worked for.

July 9th, 2008, 02:48 PM
I don't think this article is dumb. It's really just a clever way of saying "Shit. That's a lot of money you guys are spending on a war that like, more than half of you don't support."

July 9th, 2008, 05:51 PM
No, our government is spending all this money. We would be quite content with keeping it to ourselves. Maybe we don't support it, or most of our other governments action but either we pay taxes or gtfo. Whether it's wrong or not, that's the way it is. If it really bugs you that much to pay taxes then you're quite welcome to leave. I on the other hand, am quite comfortable where I am.

July 9th, 2008, 06:11 PM
No, our government is spending all this money. We would be quite content with keeping it to ourselves.
The government you elected into power.

Rob Oplawar
July 9th, 2008, 10:47 PM
You know what bugs me about it? I totally fucking called it. God dammit. In 2000 I said, Gore is a dweeb, but Bush is just downright stupid, and he's going to get us into trouble. I wasn't even a teenager yet and I knew this guy was bad news. And in 2004 I had 4 years of bad news to reinforce my suspicions. And I told everybody. Look at the fucking mess we've been in so far. Get that shit out of office. And everybody fucking voted for him. He was fucking re-elected. It blows my mind. The only people worse than Bush are the people who re-elected him. And I so fucking called it.
And now, everybody is in on the "I hate Bush and his administration" bandwagon, as though they weren't the morons who elected him in the first place.

Fuck, I talked politics, and now I'm angry. It never fails.

e: I'm fucking orange! Well, would you look at that! :-3

July 9th, 2008, 10:54 PM
I didn't care who won, gore was better yes. But he's still a pawn, we were going into Iraq either way.

Rob Oplawar
July 9th, 2008, 11:00 PM
True. Maybe it's for the best that we have a complete jackass in office. He makes the perfect scapegoat for all our problems. I blame Bush for the mortgage crisis. >=U

July 9th, 2008, 11:03 PM
The government you elected into power.
If only.

I didn't care who won, gore was better yes. But he's still a pawn, we were going into Iraq either way.


True. Maybe it's for the best that we have a complete jackass in office. He makes the perfect scapegoat for all our problems. I blame Bush for the mortgage crisis. >=U
Actually, we have Ronald Reagen for that.

and all republicans

July 9th, 2008, 11:21 PM
The government you elected into power.

Incorrect. At the time of the Bush/Gore election I was not old enough to vote, I had no say in the matter. And like I said, maybe I don't agree with everything but I'm quite happy where I am. Anyone else is more then welcome to leave. And if you all really want to start pointing fingers, then the whole blame for the turmoil in the middle east can be traced back to the stupidity of the British/French at the end of WWI.

July 9th, 2008, 11:36 PM
The government you elected into power.
It was rigged.

Incorrect. At the time of the Bush/Gore election I was not old enough to vote, I had no say in the matter. And like I said, maybe I don't agree with everything but I'm quite happy where I am. Anyone else is more then welcome to leave. And if you all really want to start pointing fingers, then the whole blame for the turmoil in the middle east can be traced back to the stupidity of the British/French at the end of WWI.
Fine be happy with it but I strongly disagree. Government is there to serve the people, not to do exactly the opposite of their will. You should not willingly hand over power to people who have an entirley different agenda to your own and simply say "I'm happy where I am, don't like it, leave." Hell I'm happy were I am too, but I would be happier if many of our national problems were fixed, simply kicking back and saying "good enough for me" will never change things for the better.

And about the "we were going into Iraq anyway" I have to say that every single candidate, from Bush to Gore to Clinton to McCain to Obama is preselected by people in power, things are not controlled by the white house or congress my friend. Democrat or Republican the people in charge get what they want...always.

July 9th, 2008, 11:40 PM
The government you elected into power.A, I wasn't old enough to vote, and B, there are a whole lot of stupid, ignorant, gullible assholes out there, they're the ones who voted Bush. I would be willing to bet that not one person here voted or would have voted Bush in the first place. Adding to that the fact that the Bush campaign had a shitload of connections, and the fact that they stole votes, your point is further crushed. You can't always blame the populace for the fact that a certain elected official is in office.

July 9th, 2008, 11:46 PM
Fine be happy with it but I strongly disagree. Government is there to serve the people, not to do exactly the opposite of their will. You should not willingly hand over power to people who have an entirley different agenda to your own and simply say "I'm happy where I am, don't like it, leave." Hell I'm happy were I am too, but I would be happier if many of our national problems were fixed, simply kicking back and saying "good enough for me" will never change things for the better.

And you're right, good enough won't do shit. But until I can run for president there isn't shit I, or anyone else can do (unless someone else with intelligence and balls runs for president). And some things will just never change, and that's due to human nature, and part of that we'll just have to accept.

July 10th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Incorrect. At the time of the Bush/Gore election I was not old enough to vote, I had no say in the matter. And like I said, maybe I don't agree with everything but I'm quite happy where I am. Anyone else is more then welcome to leave. And if you all really want to start pointing fingers, then the whole blame for the turmoil in the middle east can be traced back to the stupidity of the British/French at the end of WWI.
I was referring to you as in the American public as a whole. If you really didn't want him in power, you could have done something about it anyway. Something like finding like-minded individuals and holding a protest to a major government decision.

A, I wasn't old enough to vote, and B, there are a whole lot of stupid, ignorant, gullible assholes out there, they're the ones who voted Bush. I would be willing to bet that not one person here voted or would have voted Bush in the first place. Adding to that the fact that the Bush campaign had a shitload of connections, and the fact that they stole votes, your point is further crushed. You can't always blame the populace for the fact that a certain elected official is in office.
Why can't I blame the populace?
...1 a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

July 10th, 2008, 08:27 AM
I was referring to you as in the American public as a whole. If you really didn't want him in power, you could have done something about it anyway. Something like finding like-minded individuals and holding a protest to a major government decision.

Protest our president? Until a full blown civil war starts, never would our government put someone else into office just because the public doesn't like who's currently there. And protesting is not as effective as you'd think. Mass amounts of people have protested the war since it's beginning. You know what it got? A surge of troop deployment in the middle east.

You can't always blame the populace for the fact that a certain elected official is in office.

Well seeing as how the president is elected by a majority vote...I think you kinda can. >_> But you can't blame the actions of the government on the population.

July 10th, 2008, 08:50 AM
But you can't blame the actions of the government on the population.
Well at least its not directly responible for it. Anyways, you americans kinda could've seen it coming back in 2004.

Rob Oplawar
July 10th, 2008, 10:08 AM
Actually, we have Ronald Reagen for that.

and all republicans
Hey, don't blame me!

Anyone else is more then welcome to leave.
It's not easy to change citizenship. You can't just up and leave your country, and for a large majority of the population of the US it's just not an option.

It was rigged.

I have to say that every single candidate, from Bush to Gore to Clinton to McCain to Obama is preselected by people in power, things are not controlled by the white house or congress my friend. Democrat or Republican the people in charge get what they want...always.bigger :tinfoil:
I think it might be true that we were going to war either way... But it is abundantly clear that the Bush administration did a really, really bad job with this whole Iraq war thing. If war was inevitable, at least we could have had an administration that wouldn't horrifically mismanage it.

You can't always blame the populace for the fact that a certain elected official is in office.Not always, but it's not like the populace is completely powerless. Government is by people, for people, and there's no way around that. That's what it is. Government depends on people in order for it to work. If the population of the United States were to firmly and decisively say "we will not allow this government to remain in power", there's nothing the government could do about it. The government makes the rules and gives the orders, but the population holds the power, and the government only works if we're willing to follow the rules and obey the orders.

And some things will just never change, and that's due to human nature, and part of that we'll just have to accept.This is a generalization, but a valid one. It is extremely unlikely for anything like what I described above to ever actually occur in modern US society.

I was referring to you as in the American public as a whole. If you really didn't want him in power, you could have done something about it anyway. Something like finding like-minded individuals and holding a protest to a major government decision.

Why can't I blame the populace?
...1 a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
what he said.

But you can't blame the actions of the government on the population.
No, but through collective inaction we are at least partially responsible for it. The government is there with our support, and whatever our government does is only because of our support.

Anyways, you americans kinda could've seen it coming back in 2004.
I so saw it coming.

July 10th, 2008, 11:53 AM
Well at least its not directly responible for it. Anyways, you americans kinda could've seen it coming back in 2004.

Everyone knew it was coming way before that. And really, please tell me how the people can force the government to stop the war. There have been protests for 5 years now and they obviously don't give a shit. Not to mention we can't just up and leave at this point. Short of actually becoming part of the government, there isn't a whole hell of a lot you can do to change anything. So really, unless you plan on running for some sort of position maybe it's better not to bitch.

It's not easy to change citizenship. You can't just up and leave your country, and for a large majority of the population of the US it's just not an option.

It's actually fairly simple. Find a job somewhere else, most companies have buildings in other countries so just ask for a transfer, find a house, done. It's only not an option because you make it that way. If you want it to happen it'll happen easy enough.

July 10th, 2008, 12:02 PM
america: it's all your own stupid damn fault.

needs less whining, and more doing, OH WAIT, you're too fat do get up, my bad.
you're all so full of shit.

stop being indless sheep and fucking DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. stop whining, even though it's the ONE thing you're all great at.

tl;dr: lol america.

July 10th, 2008, 12:03 PM
So really, unless you plan on running for some sort of position maybe it's better not to bitch.

Actually i meant 2nd term Bush. But i guess when one is to choose between douchebag#1, already experienced but fucking up constantly and douchebag#2 same as #1 but without the experience of 1 year in office, i guess your partially right.

July 10th, 2008, 12:49 PM
Protest our president? Until a full blown civil war starts, never would our government put someone else into office just because the public doesn't like who's currently there. And protesting is not as effective as you'd think. Mass amounts of people have protested the war since it's beginning. You know what it got? A surge of troop deployment in the middle east.

Well seeing as how the president is elected by a majority vote...I think you kinda can. >_> But you can't blame the actions of the government on the population.
Not protesting the president, but protesting some new legislature or decision made by him. And protesting doesn't work? If you get enough people willing to spend a little of their time to sit outside the a government building with signs and just start marching, it gives the people in the building some sign that people don't support a certain decision. I mean, people in office can't be THAT clueless, can they?

Rob Oplawar
July 10th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Short of actually becoming part of the government, there isn't a whole hell of a lot you can do to change anything. Well, we could always grab pitchforks and torches.

It's actually fairly simple. Find a job somewhere else, most companies have buildings in other countries so just ask for a transfer, find a house, done. It's only not an option because you make it that way. If you want it to happen it'll happen easy enough. Try it sometime.

tl;dr: lol america. Eh, fuck you, buddeh.

July 10th, 2008, 03:43 PM
Actually i meant 2nd term Bush. But i guess when one is to choose between douchebag#1, already experienced but fucking up constantly and douchebag#2 same as #1 but without the experience of 1 year in office, i guess your partially right.

Exactly how I felt during that election. It was either, die fast, or die faster...but die faster with purple hearts!

Well, we could always grab pitchforks and torches.

Meet me in DC. I'll bring the explosives :)

Not protesting the president, but protesting some new legislature or decision made by him. And protesting doesn't work? If you get enough people willing to spend a little of their time to sit outside the a government building with signs and just start marching, it gives the people in the building some sign that people don't support a certain decision. I mean, people in office can't be THAT clueless, can they?

You have no idea -_-. There are things protesting and such can change, but other times it's proven to be useless. And people have marched many many times outside the white house trying to protest the war, it's done nothing. In some cases it works, but as of late hasn't done much. Hopefully the next presidential term won't be as much of a failure is the last one.

July 10th, 2008, 03:57 PM
Needs moar JFK.

July 10th, 2008, 04:50 PM
Needs moar JFK.
R.I.P. :smith:

Really, the U.S. isn't all that bad. People just love stereo-types, especially anything lower than them they can pick on.

You see, words are like bullets... no. Seriously, though if you live in the U.S. you probably have a pretty easy and fun way of life, while others spend their time working their asses off for almost the same amount as you make. Honestly, what would be easier? Not all Americans are fat, it's mostly in the south but hey every country has fat people just texas is the capital mating place for them. Bush Sr and Jr really have discraced this country, Clinton was a really good president and I'm really happy that Obama is probably going to be president.

Oh and country music needs to be murdered.

July 10th, 2008, 06:17 PM
Actually, Clinton, for as much as Republicans love to hate him, made things worse. He perpetuated and helped along the conservative revolution, he slashed taxes at the very top 8%, Bush only slashed them 5%.

The world of socially and nationally progressive politics that was quietly slaughtered at the end of the 70's is coming back, though. I wouldn't be surprised, (although I would be elated) if we had national health care, bulked up welfare and Social Security, a significantly slashed defence budget, a much more strongly regulated economy, and multiple large public works projects underway a dozen years from now.

July 10th, 2008, 06:25 PM
History repeats itself.

July 10th, 2008, 09:57 PM
Mogadishu is all I have to say about Clinton....but other than that, well put silent.

July 11th, 2008, 05:25 AM
This is what america needs and by god you need it quick.

You need to Question the politics, the Hard questions and Fucking think about More then whats going on in front of you, and think about the shit thats hidden from you.
And more importantly you need to have the Balls to Back the people that stand up against this. Think.
And for gods sake dont let this happen again.

July 11th, 2008, 05:43 AM
We question our politicians to hell, they just don't give a fuck and there's not much we can do about it.

July 11th, 2008, 06:02 AM
Riot in the streets.

Do it fucking now.

July 11th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Riot in the streets.

Do it fucking now.

I always thought thats the sole reason most americans are allowed to bear firearms. 'tis a shame your founding fathers never saw Faux News coming.

July 12th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Riot in the streets.

Do it fucking now.
When gas prices-->food prices

thats when the rioting begins

July 12th, 2008, 06:43 PM
Because it will be the governments fault. :downsgun: