View Full Version : Dedi server problem: Maximum servers per key?

July 8th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Hello everyone,

I originally tried looking for help on bungie and microsoft's site concerning this error however microsoft just had a buncha game fixes and pointed to bungie for the server. Meanwhile bungie's forums had a buncha topics...summarized as "omg bot list" and "omg halo is dead" as well as trolling. Not to mention on their contacts page they point right back to the microsoft page I was just at....:confused:

So I figured I'd post here as plenty of people seem knowledgeable enough and I've been playing on {XF} clan's servers for a while now and they have done a really good job. Especially since these are not the regular run of the mill issues I've already seen posted anywhere.

Anyway, I have 2 issues with the Server I have set up. The first I'd like to solve ASAP, while the second is more something I've can't figure out. The lowdown is this Dedi was set up on a vista ultimate machine which due to the network setup here, it couldn't be set up on Server 2003 and another "side effect" is I can only remote desktop it from within the vlan.


Issue #1: The server has been running correctly for quite some time and people could play on it as well with no complaints even with full games, but when I checked it yesterday I recieved the following message.

Attempting to reconnect...
Reason: Maximum number of servers exceeded for this copy of Halo 2

Now I honestly don't get this message as I've only had one instance no less server running this dedi. I've never had problems disengaging or engaging the server in the past for machine maintenance.

Issue #1 I'd like to get resolved ASAP


Issue #2: Before the above error the only other problem I've had is I haven't been able to play on my Dedi (thus having other clan members check in from time to time and leaving the link to our site to report speed hacks and such).

I have it installed on a machine completely separate from my gaming rig and I've even tried the "tricks" such as putting it on another administrator account and switching names which is supposed to work even if installed on the same box. However none of them have worked.

Any help on either issue would be greatly appreciated. Especially since I'm trying to get some of our clan members into Halo 2 and not being able to get on our server kinda sorta puts a hitch in those plans.

Sorry about the long post and thanks in advance. :)

July 8th, 2008, 04:54 PM
Not being able to join a local server could very well be a firewall issue, had the same thing, was able to join one local server, not the others...

July 8th, 2008, 06:45 PM
My guess is it would have to do more with the Vlan. I tried putting the firewall ports in manually and turn the firewall off as well. Plus theres the fact that others have been able to get into the server just fine which means those ports seem open enough.

My theories for this issue are:

A) Its the matching product keys that are causeing conflict since I know most people have rented halo 2 servers from companies. (unlikely is my guess)

B) The vlan setup is causing conflict. Also seems unlikely as Halo 2 uses both ip addresses to bypass the external-local ip issue that prevents Halo 1 servers from working on a vlan.

I seriously wish it was as easy as setting ports.

July 9th, 2008, 10:39 AM
For the 'Maximum number of servers exceeded for this copy of Halo 2' try using someone elses key (if possible) to make it run again, or get another (probably way cheaper already) copy of h2v for a new key. Calling m$ and/or getting help from them is pretty much useless from what i've heard.

July 9th, 2008, 05:39 PM
For the 'Maximum number of servers exceeded for this copy of Halo 2' try using someone elses key (if possible) to make it run again, or get another (probably way cheaper already) copy of h2v for a new key. Calling m$ and/or getting help from them is pretty much useless from what i've heard.

Thats what I figured. I knew microsoft/bungie would have a crafty marketing ploy like that... Their Halo 2 forums don't even have a create new topic button. I had to answer someone elses question and hijack his thread titled "Dedicated Server Issues" :eyesroll:

So far the only activity on that board is the botter's thread. :XD:

Oh well hopefully the separate key will fix me not getting into the server too. If not... birthday present for one of my buddies I guess :p

July 9th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Believe me i'm being nice by saying this. unless you buy another copy or get someone else's key just for the DS your screwed. I had the same problem. M$, bungie, and xbox live kept directing me to one of the 3 and i was just running in circles. Good thing is the game costs less and if you have 2 copys you can have friends over to play. thats what i do. lol

July 10th, 2008, 10:14 PM
Yeah I posted over on bungie... Not a single reply yet but that new topics button came back so someone has to be checking it out. :p

I went to the mall today and saw H2 still running about $40. Considering I have rent to pay I'm holding off a bit longer to get my next paycheck and see if the price will go down a bit. :eyesroll:

July 13th, 2008, 07:00 AM
There was a time, during the few updates that came out, when my original product key that I had working for months, suddenly stopped working, and gave the same error you mentioned.

This problem was solved by getting some more keys in the works. You say you have some clan members, than that's where you should be able to get some extra keys. Now that I have 4-5 extra keys on record from my clanmates, each for their own server, everything works great.

July 13th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Yeah I tried asking them to test to see if another key would solve both problems but all I get are no response on xfire... :eyesroll: