View Full Version : Microsoft: Capitalization for Capital?

July 10th, 2008, 07:20 PM
A few hours earlier, I made the announcement of a gamenight (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=10743) that would be taking place sometime within the next two days and will be hosted by us. Thinking of a way to get everyone united without a custom game browser, I thought to create a gamertag for the website and have one common friends list. I went through the process, as anyone would do, and I completed creating a gamertag in a few minutes, making sure that there were no misspellings or typos.

By the time the account creation process was over and I was given the message that a new gamertag had been successfully created with the name of "Modacity," I logged in to the Xbox LIVE home screen to find out that there was a miscapitalization. Instead of reading Modacity, it read MOdacity. I was pretty sure I had not made a mistake along the way, holding down the shift key for more than one letter, as anyone sometimes does. However, even though in the top right it displayed "MOdacity," the gamercard displayed "Modacity." Thinking it was maybe a display glitch, I logged out and back in again. I was right that it was a display glitch, but only on the gamercard, as it was now reading "MOdacity" as well. Tracing back my steps, I wanted to double check the registration field to be sure that I didn't make a mistake. Thanks to Firefox's autocomplete, I was able to reassure myself that it, indeed, was not my fault, but Microsoft's.

So what's the deal? It's not like AIM where you can change your display name to whatever you please, and the only way to correct a gamertag is by paying 800 MSP.

Update: So it seems that when Modacity is added to my friends list, it appears correctly... Hey Microsoft, fix your service.

Screenshot 1 (http://jcap.h2vista.net/files/halo/WHAT.jpg) | Screenshot 2 (http://jcap.h2vista.net/files/halo/WHAT2.jpg) | Screenshot 3 (http://jcap.h2vista.net/files/halo/WHAT3.jpg)

July 10th, 2008, 07:29 PM
I'm clueless. Call up Microsoft and explain the situation to them. They might be able to help.

July 10th, 2008, 07:30 PM
Could you delete the account and remake it?

July 10th, 2008, 08:07 PM
I'm sure MS would rename it for you instead of you having to pay 800 MSP, It's their fault.