View Full Version : CoD 4 Perks and Weapons
July 13th, 2008, 06:30 PM
So, I'm not sure where this thread should go or if there was ever one.
If you have CoD4, post your favorite weapons or perks.
Right now:
M14 w/ Red dot/ ACOG
Desert Eagle
Perk 1: 3x Stun
Perk 2:UAV Jammer
Perk 3: Dead Silence.
July 13th, 2008, 06:34 PM
Yeah, it's the right forum.
Here's the setup I run with:
AK-47 w/ silencer
Desert Eagle
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Double Tap
Perk 3: Martyrdom
July 13th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I personally stay away from the AK because of its high recoil and because of my tendency to spam the target with fire.
July 13th, 2008, 07:09 PM
Either an AK or Skorpion (depending on the map) with a suppressor
USP with suppressor
The perk that increases damage (can't remember the name)
Dead Silence
July 13th, 2008, 07:23 PM
These are my Custom Classes: LVL 48
Rifleman: M14 (ACUDigiCamo)-Red Dot Sight....I PWN with M14 (Fav weapon ingame and real life)
Desert Eagle
-Frag x 3
-Stun x 1
-Stopping Power
Recon Sniper: R700 (ACUDigiCamo)-Normal Scope
Desert Eagle
-Frag/Stun x 1
-Claymore x 2
-Stopping Power
-Deep Impact
Assault Gunner: M60-Red Dot Sight
M16-Red Dot Sight
-Frag/Stun x 1
-Deep Impact
Ghost Recon: AK74u (ACUDigiCamo)-Silencer......PWNS NOOBZ and PROS alike
Desert Eagle
-Frag/Stun x 1
-Bandolier (really useful in this setup)
-Stopping Power
Pointman: M1014-Red Dot Sight...pretty much never use this class.
G3-Red Dot Sight
-Frag x 1
-Flash x 3
-Stopping Power
This is a really good website for everything you want to know about COD4: CoD 4 Central (
M16 is still the best medium range rapage weapon to me, though. Haha Stupid M21 becomes M14 when you slap the ACOG on it. What's the point in renaming the M14 to M21 just because it has a scope on it? And isn't the sniper variant of the M14 actually the M25 or XM25? I'm too lazy to wiki it. I bought CoH: Gold two days ago so I'm goin to play.
July 13th, 2008, 07:28 PM
Two favorites for me.
M16 w/ Red Dot Sight
-Bomb Squad
-Storpping Power
-Last Stand
P90 w/ Silencer
M19 w/ Silencer
-UAV Jammer
July 13th, 2008, 08:19 PM
Either an AK or Skorpion (depending on the map) with a suppressor
USP with suppressor
The perk that increases damage (can't remember the name)
Dead Silence
^It's called stopping power.
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, (not sure if this makes a difference, but for me it did) Hardcore or normal? And PC or Xbox 260
E: The M14 and M21 are the same, but I use the M14 because it seems to be cooler. (No bipod) Also, the M21 seems to have less hip fire accuracy.
July 13th, 2008, 09:53 PM
^It's called stopping power.
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, (not sure if this makes a difference, but for me it did) Hardcore or normal? And PC or Xbox 260
E: The M14 and M21 are the same, but I use the M14 because it seems to be cooler. (No bipod) Also, the M21 seems to have less hip fire accuracy.
I play both hardcore and normal but I found Hardcore extremely frustrating before I got my trusty M14. PC.
When I wanted to feel cool and like I was using an M14 I'd just run around with the M21 and no scope people, it's the same as the M14. I find no difference in the hip accuracy.
July 13th, 2008, 10:10 PM
I guess it's just me then. But yeah, the M14 is a great weapon.
I was experimenting with a new class, and made this one:
M4 w/red dot sight
Desert Eagle
perk 1: Bomb Squad
Perk 2: Double tap
Perk 3: Steady Aim
I think it works great. I got a pretty good stream of kills with it. At one point, I had 3 airstrikes. I had died right after the 5th or 6th kill, but bounced back.
July 13th, 2008, 10:29 PM
Level 55 and 360.
List of them and why I love 'em.
P90 with Red Dot.
Gold Desert Eagle (for giggles)
3 Frag
Stopping Power
Smoke Grenade
-This is my "Play like a bitch" Set because I can chuck random grenades, Spray and pray, and get Martyrdom kills.
P90 with Silencer
USP .45 with Silencer
UAV Jammer
Dead Silence
Frag/Smoke x1
-I like this set because when the enemy gets a UAV, I switch to this little baby and people dont even look for me. People rely too heavily on their radars.
Barret .50cal
USP .45 with Silencer
Claymore x2
Stopping Power
Iron Lungs
Frag/Smoke x1
- A lovely class because with stopping power, the Barrett is a one shot kill anywhere.
G3 with Red Dot Sight
USP .45 with Silencer
Frag x3
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Smoke Grenade
-Perfect because I can shoot in quick sucession. The G3 is a two hit killer this way.
G36C with Red Dot Sight
Gold Desert Eagle
Frag x3
Stopping Power
Deep Impact
Smoke Grenade
-Matbe a favourite...Instant killer when you can aim well.
July 13th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Level 55 No Prestige (xbox 360)
Assault Class:
Ak47 w/ grenade launcher (Digital)
Gold Desert Eagle
Perk1: attachment
Perk2: Stopping Power
Perk3: Deep Impact
SMG Class:
P90 w/ Silencer (no paint)
Gold Desert Eagle
Perk1: Bandolier
Perk2: UAV Jammer
Perk3: Dead Silence
LMG Class:
M249 w/ Grip (Digital)
Gold Desert Eagle
Perk1: attachment
Perk2: Stopping Power
Perk3: Deep Impact
Shotgun Class: (Woodland)
M1014 w/ Grip
Gold Desert Eagle
Perk1: attachment
Perk2: Stopping Power
Perk3: Martyrdom
Sniper Class (my personal favorite):
M21 (Blue Tiger)
Gold Desert Eagle
Perk1: Bandolier
Perk2: Stopping Power
Perk3: Hip accuracy
July 14th, 2008, 06:57 PM
So, I'm level 55 now, and I am trying out the Barrett for the first time. My current perks are:
Barrett .50 Cal./ M82
Overkill: M4 With Red dot sight
Perk 1: Frag x3 (Something I usually like to stay away from, but I find that sometimes it takes more than one grenade to take out a camper in Chinatown.)
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Iron Lungs
So, Any tips out there? I started using it yesterday, and in two days, I got 37 kills. I wanted to get to 100 soon, because using the ACOG on the Barrett is great. (The Scope just swings back to where it was.)
July 14th, 2008, 08:24 PM
So, I'm level 55 now, and I am trying out the Barrett for the first time. My current perks are:
Barrett .50 Cal./ M82
Overkill: M4 With Red dot sight
Perk 1: Frag x3 (Something I usually like to stay away from, but I find that sometimes it takes more than one grenade to take out a camper in Chinatown.)
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Iron Lungs
So, Any tips out there? I started using it yesterday, and in two days, I got 37 kills. I wanted to get to 100 soon, because using the ACOG on the Barrett is great. (The Scope just swings back to where it was.)
Yeah, Chinatown is a bitch for flushing people out. The new maps are cool but I still like the originals better. Crash, Showdown, Bog, and, District are my faves because I know the best places to be in each of those maps to rack up multiple 10 kill streaks no problem.
Also, wouldn't you have to be rather close to your target to use an ACOG scope? Otherwise, it'll be really hard to hit your target at long range with that damn shaky hand. When I used overkill with my Rifleman class (see previous page), I had an R700(ACUDigiCamo) with ACOG and that was fine because I'm always running around with the Rifleman class and it was great for killing people at close-medium range. But how effective would the M82/M107 be with so much recoil at close range? I've managed to no scope the odd person but it generally doesn't work well firing from the hip with a stock Barett .50Cal.
July 14th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Of all my classes my favourite is a G3 w/ red-dot + AK-47 w/ silencer, with Overkill, Bandolier and Deep Impact as perks. Great for Hardcore, which is more or less the only set of gametypes I play anymore :3
July 14th, 2008, 09:23 PM
Yeah, Chinatown is a bitch for flushing people out. The new maps are cool but I still like the originals better. Crash, Showdown, Bog, and, District are my faves because I know the best places to be in each of those maps to rack up multiple 10 kill streaks no problem.
Also, wouldn't you have to be rather close to your target to use an ACOG scope? Otherwise, it'll be really hard to hit your target at long range with that damn shaky hand. When I used overkill with my Rifleman class (see previous page), I had an R700(ACUDigiCamo) with ACOG and that was fine because I'm always running around with the Rifleman class and it was great for killing people at close-medium range. But how effect would the M82/M107 be with so much recoil at close range? I've managed to no scope the odd person but it generally doesn't work will firing from the hip with a stock Barett .50Cal.
The ACOG is fine for long range. It isn't quite as great as a regular scope, but the perk to it is that doesn't have to be steadied, and it drifts back to the spot you had your reticule on before you fired.
As for the R700, its recoil is wayyy to much for a gun that has really no trade off. Seeing as how I play Hardcore like Timo, the M40A3 gives ample damage. It's a one hit kill. So, the way I see it, less recoil, more rounds per "clip" and more accurate.
July 14th, 2008, 09:40 PM
Blarg Honk Honk
G36C+ACOG Sight
Dragunov SVD (Overkill)
Steady Aim
July 14th, 2008, 09:47 PM
I hate the bog.
July 15th, 2008, 12:40 AM
MP5 with red dot
Silenced 1911
Stun Grenades x3
UAV Jammer
PC, because 360 can go RRoD itself.
July 15th, 2008, 04:33 PM
Also, it may be worth mentioning that in all my 3 months of owning the game, I've never even once played as the Spetsnaz or the OpFor. If I get auto-switched to the "evil" team, I switch back to USMC or SAS at no expense.
July 15th, 2008, 06:04 PM
stopping power
3x nade (or rpg after prestige)
stopping power
3x nade (or rpg after prestige)
stopping power
3x nade (or rpg after prestige)
I will wreck all of you (special thanks to the 20 days the court had my license >_<)
July 15th, 2008, 08:06 PM
stopping power
3x nade (or rpg after prestige)
I will wreck all of you (special thanks to the 20 days the court had my license >_<)
My Ghost Recon class would wreck that dude. Also, drive responsibly
July 16th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Also, it may be worth mentioning that in all my 3 months of owning the game, I've never even once played as the Spetsnaz or the OpFor. If I get auto-switched to the "evil" team, I switch back to USMC or SAS at no expense.
And fuckwits like you are the reason I've never once played a balanced game in CoD 4. :)
July 16th, 2008, 03:52 PM
And fuckwits like you are the reason I've never once played a balanced game in CoD 4. :)
Well most of the time I try to keep the game balanced. If there are only a few minutes left in the game I'd just spectate and see what I could learn. Yeah, I actually do that. Generally, you are correct. I am a dumbfuck for choosing to do what I want but rarely ever do many good players get stacked onto one team in a 64-player match.
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