View Full Version : Multiple display WTFs

July 14th, 2008, 04:35 AM
So, I'm trying to set up multiple displays, just for the hell of it. First time I set them up, it worked fine. I went into the nvidia control panel, and changed a couple of settings - everything was peachy. However, I decided to change one setting, to try and get my second monitor's resolution to be different - 1280x1020 as opposed to the 1680x1050 of my primary monitor. That didn't work, so I went back to the other setting. Surprise! My primary monitor is locked at 1600x1200, and no settings above are viewable! Everything looks like shit! So I go back to single monitor and try to retrace my footsteps as when I first did it. Same, crappy result.

Okay, so, now what I want is at least to be able to have my primary monitor stay at its maximum 1680x1050 resolution. Ideally, I'd like my primary monitor to be that, and my secondary monitor (a CRT) to be at 1280x1020. Anyone got any fixes?

EDIT: Oh, and the nVidia multiple display wizard does it right ONLY in the "15 second preview" of the new settings. When I click on "finish" at the end of the wizard, it goes back to broken.

EDIT: And it seems that Windows doesn't recognize that there's a second monitor plugged in, I can't select a second monitor in the display properties, and it shows a single monitor with extremely wide and very weird resolutions listed when I apply settings in the nVidia control panel.

July 14th, 2008, 04:48 AM
Before I reinstalled windows, I remembered having an option to force my main monitor to 1280x1024 and my secondary to 1024x768, and it was simple enough to do.

But seeing as they have updated their control panel.... I have no idea how to do it anymore :(

(I used to have way old drivers :P)

July 14th, 2008, 04:52 AM
The "manage custom resolutions" tab seemed to be it, but it didn't actually set my settings, and didn't add a new profile when I made one. It appears to be broken... Maybe I should wait for the next set of drivers?

July 14th, 2008, 12:35 PM
EDIT: And it seems that Windows doesn't recognize that there's a second monitor plugged in, I can't select a second monitor in the display properties, and it shows a single monitor with extremely wide and very weird resolutions listed when I apply settings in the nVidia control panel.You're in span mode, set it to dual view in the driver control panel.

also, custom resolution feature is usually broken but works with some tricks. Oh and use 1280x1024, not 1020 :raise:

July 14th, 2008, 04:16 PM
Can you tell me where this "driver control panel" is? And can you tell me what "tricks" there are to get that to work?

July 14th, 2008, 06:00 PM
Nvidia control panel... right click on the desktop....

Getting the custom resolutions to work can take anywhere from setting the custom resolution on the wrong display, to trying out multiple driver sets. Just use 1280x1024 since it's always there.

July 14th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Uh, nvidia control panel is what I was using to try and set it up in the first place. I couldn't even get past getting an image on the second screen if it weren't for that, since Windows doesn't think I have a second monitor :/

EDIT: According to the nvidia help panel, there should be a third option (As opposed to horizontal or vertical span mode) called Dualview, which is what I assume you meant. There isn't.

July 14th, 2008, 06:29 PM
Windows thinks you only have one because it's in span mode.

I'm running 177.35 and all the different dual display modes are here...


July 14th, 2008, 07:06 PM
Huh, I can't find those drivers on the EVGA website

EDIT: Found 175.19 drivers on the nvidia website, but for the 8 series, I see nothing higher. How'd you get those drivers?

July 14th, 2008, 07:55 PM
They are betas. Look on laptopvideo2go for them.

July 14th, 2008, 09:04 PM
Looks like they only work with GTX 200 series cards.

EDIT: Could you give me an IM address or something? That would make this go a lot faster.

EDIT: Upgrading the drivers worked. Now to upgrade further and do some experimenting...

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