July 14th, 2008, 02:36 PM
15: Demos of games we've already seen. (Fallout 3, RE5, and GoW 2)
30: Movies, music, and pictures, and how they are clearly what everyone has a 360 for. Cue introduction to dashboard and miis, I mean avatars.
15: A Mix of shit they stole from Nintendo and Sony, followed by Guitar Hero/Rock Band. The GH/RB sections are 1 of 2 good parts in the whole conference. List of stuff stolen:
- Mii
- Eyetoy (They didn't even give it a name)
- Karaoke Revolution (Lips?)
- Scene it (something they did last year too)
- Channels
5: Square Enix discussing 3 games we've already heard of, then suddenly, FFXIII, which is the second of two good parts. Only reason its good is because it's the only new-new game announcement.
10: Showing people what the fuck they're doing with the Wii/DS. Oh, cool, there's a legitimate purpose to their library.
5: Animal Crossing for Wii. Rather than wasting time showing what's already been done, they show new things that are available and why they did it. Oh, and they made a new peripheral. A mic? Took them long enough...
15: Some Wii games that they're releasing. Mostly casual, but that's what they said they'd be doing.
15: DS games, stuff about... wait, wtf? How the fuck... at a baseball stadium? Damn, they've made software for everything. Mostly kind of useless, but you have to give them credit, it is new after all...
10: Wii Sports Resort with the motion attachment. Oh, so THAT'S what it does. Hey, after over 9000 years, they made a swordfight game!
15: Wiimote drum solo? Oh, cool. Wii Music. New stuff, new stuff... It took them a while to do this, but damn it actually looks interesting.
5: They quietly admit to being a bit gimmicky. Knowing this, they promise to make gimmicks that are less shit.
Intro with a movie full of games, old and new.
5: "Yay bluray and cell processors!" Wait, is he talking about family? While talking about "kickass games"?
5: Well, hm, it seems the 2 games they've released in the last year have been really good. Oh, wait, there are games for this thing?
15: Woah, are those full length demos of games? Never thought I'd see the day. Resistance 2 stuff here.
10: User content and Little Big Planet. Damn, you have to admit, using a game's content editor as a business presentation is impressive. Shows lots of room for creativity.
5: Dear god, they're keeping the PS2 alive?? Oh, come on, you're putting Force Unleashed on it too? Isn't that bottlenecking their room to develop a next-gen game?
3: PSN. Migration to PS3 is easier and it's now on PC. Not bad. It seems like PSN is damn good at content, keeping movies and other media secondary like it should be. Who'dve thought, a game console with media abilities that still focuses on games.
2: Ratchet and Clank. Again, full demo of the game so far.
2: More games. Maybe this IS the year of the PS3.
3: GTTV. Basically, car/racing channels for PSN.
2: The media discussion begins with PSH. Here we go with personal avatars again. Though, the way they're used is pretty interesting.
8: Movies, movies, blahblah... PS3/PSP part is cool though.
10: Intro to PSP, then Resistance for PSP. More PSP games, lots of them sequels/sports games.
5: Merging PS3 with Google and SOE. SOE's demo of DC Universe online.
10: No price lowering, but double the drive space. Cue developers agreeing that PS3 hardware is now appropriate for its time.
5: A bunch of PS3 exclusives, old and new. God of War 3 and Infamous get spotlights.
5: Massive Action Game. 256 Players, holy shit. Looks like a MMOFPS.
I have to admit... Sony put on a damn good conference. While not giving quite as much, Nintendo put on a good show too. M$, however, gave us two truly new things over a 90 minute conference, neither of which were 100% new. The tables seem to have turned this year.
Could one of the mods change the thread title to "E3 Conferences in a Nutshell"? Or am I able to do that and can't see where...
15: Demos of games we've already seen. (Fallout 3, RE5, and GoW 2)
30: Movies, music, and pictures, and how they are clearly what everyone has a 360 for. Cue introduction to dashboard and miis, I mean avatars.
15: A Mix of shit they stole from Nintendo and Sony, followed by Guitar Hero/Rock Band. The GH/RB sections are 1 of 2 good parts in the whole conference. List of stuff stolen:
- Mii
- Eyetoy (They didn't even give it a name)
- Karaoke Revolution (Lips?)
- Scene it (something they did last year too)
- Channels
5: Square Enix discussing 3 games we've already heard of, then suddenly, FFXIII, which is the second of two good parts. Only reason its good is because it's the only new-new game announcement.
10: Showing people what the fuck they're doing with the Wii/DS. Oh, cool, there's a legitimate purpose to their library.
5: Animal Crossing for Wii. Rather than wasting time showing what's already been done, they show new things that are available and why they did it. Oh, and they made a new peripheral. A mic? Took them long enough...
15: Some Wii games that they're releasing. Mostly casual, but that's what they said they'd be doing.
15: DS games, stuff about... wait, wtf? How the fuck... at a baseball stadium? Damn, they've made software for everything. Mostly kind of useless, but you have to give them credit, it is new after all...
10: Wii Sports Resort with the motion attachment. Oh, so THAT'S what it does. Hey, after over 9000 years, they made a swordfight game!
15: Wiimote drum solo? Oh, cool. Wii Music. New stuff, new stuff... It took them a while to do this, but damn it actually looks interesting.
5: They quietly admit to being a bit gimmicky. Knowing this, they promise to make gimmicks that are less shit.
Intro with a movie full of games, old and new.
5: "Yay bluray and cell processors!" Wait, is he talking about family? While talking about "kickass games"?
5: Well, hm, it seems the 2 games they've released in the last year have been really good. Oh, wait, there are games for this thing?
15: Woah, are those full length demos of games? Never thought I'd see the day. Resistance 2 stuff here.
10: User content and Little Big Planet. Damn, you have to admit, using a game's content editor as a business presentation is impressive. Shows lots of room for creativity.
5: Dear god, they're keeping the PS2 alive?? Oh, come on, you're putting Force Unleashed on it too? Isn't that bottlenecking their room to develop a next-gen game?
3: PSN. Migration to PS3 is easier and it's now on PC. Not bad. It seems like PSN is damn good at content, keeping movies and other media secondary like it should be. Who'dve thought, a game console with media abilities that still focuses on games.
2: Ratchet and Clank. Again, full demo of the game so far.
2: More games. Maybe this IS the year of the PS3.
3: GTTV. Basically, car/racing channels for PSN.
2: The media discussion begins with PSH. Here we go with personal avatars again. Though, the way they're used is pretty interesting.
8: Movies, movies, blahblah... PS3/PSP part is cool though.
10: Intro to PSP, then Resistance for PSP. More PSP games, lots of them sequels/sports games.
5: Merging PS3 with Google and SOE. SOE's demo of DC Universe online.
10: No price lowering, but double the drive space. Cue developers agreeing that PS3 hardware is now appropriate for its time.
5: A bunch of PS3 exclusives, old and new. God of War 3 and Infamous get spotlights.
5: Massive Action Game. 256 Players, holy shit. Looks like a MMOFPS.
I have to admit... Sony put on a damn good conference. While not giving quite as much, Nintendo put on a good show too. M$, however, gave us two truly new things over a 90 minute conference, neither of which were 100% new. The tables seem to have turned this year.
Could one of the mods change the thread title to "E3 Conferences in a Nutshell"? Or am I able to do that and can't see where...