View Full Version : Learn Free Running or Parkour

July 15th, 2008, 08:05 AM
I want to learn to Free Run...or Parkour...or whatever you want to call it. It would help out with my hobby of Urban Exploration and I was wondering if anyone had any basic to detailed tutorial sites. When I say basic I'm talking BASIC. Beginners tips about landing, jumping, and stuff like that. And then I want to ease my way to more adept stuff. I'd like all the sites and help I can get. Thanks beforehand.

Rob Oplawar
July 15th, 2008, 09:26 AM
See if there's a gymnastics type gym around where you live, and if they have an "open floor" kind of deal so you can go in and just play around for a while. In my experience it's not something you can learn very well by watching or by being told; you have to do it, and it helps to have someone there guiding you, although people who are really good at that sort of stuff learn cooler moves by experimentation.

They also tend to severely injure themselves by experimentation.

If you don't have any prior experience with this sort of thing, do yourself a favor. Take some gymnastics classes.

Llama Juice
July 15th, 2008, 10:22 AM

That's about all I can do.

Theres a bunch of stuff on youtube like this, that's about as good as you're going to get for free.

July 15th, 2008, 11:41 AM
Wow, I parkour all the time. Basically it isn't anything more than Assassins creed, but theres different shit you can do.

Go to a gym and try to find a good spot to backflip or start out with backwards summersaults. Look up things like Thief's, Monkeys and Kong's. All basic parkour jumps.

You can really be heavy and do parkour. You can't really 'learn' it either, but basically you gotta be able to do 20 pull ups.

July 15th, 2008, 04:57 PM
I want to learn to Free Run...or Parkour...or whatever you want to call it. It would help out with my hobby of Urban Exploration and I was wondering if anyone had any basic to detailed tutorial sites. When I say basic I'm talking BASIC. Beginners tips about landing, jumping, and stuff like that. And then I want to ease my way to more adept stuff. I'd like all the sites and help I can get. Thanks beforehand.

One word.... MATS.... lots of them, especially if you don't know what your doing.

Oh... and trampolines... you also need to be in shape. (Particularly being flexible and not be over weight).

I used to want to attempt this for a while, but theres nothing to free run on where I live... I did how ever learn front flips (I could do em on grass and such, not that big of an accomplishment). I sort of stopped after I finished a front flip while rolling my left ankle at the same time... worst pain ever, because the force of my flip went strait into it...

Backflips... uh, I don't do them, not even on trampolines, those are more of a mental thing though, because you don't see where your going, and if you don't commit you won't finish it completely. (best place to learn em, rope swing + river, do backflips, so you can get into the motion of tucking for them).

I'd suggest finding a gym though to practice at... I used to screw around after swim practice in the ymca gym..

My problem is I like to skateboard too much... and I already sprain my ankles enough doing that as it is... I'm still recovering from a fall I had on a quarter pipe, I rolled my left ankle again, I then managed to roll it a second time while drunk at a party... XD so its still healing, sux tbh.

but basically you gotta be able to do 20 pull ups.

Arm strength helps alot...

July 15th, 2008, 07:26 PM
Well my uncle has a Gym room in his house and...the most amazing thing I can do is flip and land on my feet without jumping off of anything lol.

I have tried to do many wallflips, but I never get landing down. Its finding the ground before my knees hit it ....

And as far as strength....My strong point used to be only my legs, but in order to sleep, for the past few years...I have been doing pullups, situps, and pushups everynight in order to go to sleep.

July 15th, 2008, 07:29 PM
Get better shoes, I forget some parkour brands. It's easy to get wall flips down just like push down your leg and like push as hard and fast against the wall and just sorta flip yourself.

July 15th, 2008, 07:43 PM
I have trouble doing wall flips too, as someone said, its a mental thing. I used to try to do it during weight lifting class during the school year on mats, but when going backwards it becomes a mental thing and I sorta freak myself out thinking I'm going to break my neck or something. therefore i cant do flips, although I'm pretty decent at climbing on shit and running on the walls, something I've always done even before I knew about Parkour.

July 15th, 2008, 08:05 PM
I have never had fear of falling or clipping my feet and hittig my face...ect.

And I have before. The worst I ever hit...I was jumping onto a railing and it was wet.

See...I was jumping from the side so I just had to get my feet side by side. The front of my shoes slipped out from under me at the same time and I hit my stomach, then slid and hit my forehead on concrete.

I lay on the ramp for a while and then said...."That...fucking....sucked"

July 15th, 2008, 09:35 PM
It's a cool thing to do but it's not something you learn, you just do it.

i used to do this kind of shit when i was down the river. run.

July 15th, 2008, 09:43 PM
And not to sound like I wanna brag about being a rebel or anything becaues thats not my style, but me and friends often have had to run from cops and I was hoping we could do this as a hobby, while learning some tricks.

July 15th, 2008, 09:59 PM
Wear a yellow backpack and you'll be all set. :awesome:
Mirror's Edge reference btw

July 16th, 2008, 02:32 PM
It's a cool thing to do but it's not something you learn, you just do it.

Also, it's not really that great to run from the cops. Seeing as they sometimes have helicopters and they can take pics of what you look like.

Not the smartest idea but go for it.

July 16th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Their not gonna pull helicopters in my hometown for a couple of kids.