View Full Version : Long Run
July 20th, 2008, 12:07 AM
It has been a while since I have posted here. I don't remember how long. Anyways, I've been working on a new map. The maps name is "Long Run". I have some 3DS renders and a few In-game pictures. What do you guys think. Also, before you say it, Yes there are lots of non-planars that I will fix.
Most recent full map render: (The geometry has updated since this.)
A more recent render:
The air shaft upclose:
My pillars I made:
And, In-game pictures:
I will probably update the first set of cliffs' geometry. Also, The second set of cliffs, I have not finished. Also, I've flattened the ground a bit.
July 20th, 2008, 12:15 AM
Looks like a decent start. Keep at it.
July 20th, 2008, 01:42 AM
work on the terrain some more. Use height variation and not just little bumps. Mix it up with interesting terrain features too.
July 20th, 2008, 02:05 AM
too plain and "intersecty"? I dont know how to say it, but make the transition from wall to ground a little more transitiory....more subtle.
July 20th, 2008, 02:08 AM
On which part? Outside or inside? Or both?
July 20th, 2008, 02:15 AM
Mb both, more hills and terrain irregularities would fix that.
July 20th, 2008, 08:03 AM
Those cliff edges should not be flat. Look at AotCR to see how they should be done. Flat edges like that look unnatural.
July 20th, 2008, 09:10 AM
Those cliff edges should not be flat. Look at AotCR to see how they should be done. Flat edges like that look unnatural.
What he said. Also, textures look too plain, sorry but imo, it's like all the same, symmetrical and repetitive. You may be changing it later or something so sorry if it was just to show us. But yeah, more detail and maybe make a few more textures so it doesn't look all the same right around. Keep it up! :)
July 20th, 2008, 12:29 PM
Everything about it looks terrible. You guys have gone soft...
Please note, that using the noise modifier is not cruise control for awesome. All it does is make it look unnaturally uniform and bad. Also, NEVER have flat cliffs and cliff tops. Ever.
The structures lack any artistic basis at all, and are slapped together in a poorly proportioned mess. I can clearly see that all you did was rely on the basic tools; insetting, extruding and chamfering until you came to the conclusion that it was "detailed". No, it doesn't work that way. Look at other building models (doesn't have to be halo) and try to run through the steps of how they made the structure in your brain. It's the only way to break out of the bad habit of letting the tools tell you what to do.
This forum has been lacking decent criticism since tweek left.
July 20th, 2008, 01:04 PM
Everything about it looks terrible. You guys have gone soft...
Please note, that using the noise modifier is not cruise control for awesome. All it does is make it look unnaturally uniform and bad. Also, NEVER have flat cliffs and cliff tops. Ever.
The structures lack any artistic basis at all, and are slapped together in a poorly proportioned mess. I can clearly see that all you did was rely on the basic tools; insetting, extruding and chamfering until you came to the conclusion that it was "detailed". No, it doesn't work that way. Look at other building models (doesn't have to be halo) and try to run through the steps of how they made the structure in your brain. It's the only way to break out of the bad habit of letting the tools tell you what to do.
This forum has been lacking decent criticism since tweek left.
No, what criticism now lacks is insult. If I submitted my work for criticism, I'd prefer for somebody to say something along the lines of "Work on x and x, they're a bit y" Rather than "x Sucks, x is bad, etc." .
Anyway, not trying to derail this topic. As I said countless times before, try making the cliffs less bumpy, probably by having smooth transitions between the different shapes of the cliffs.
July 20th, 2008, 01:23 PM
Terrain is incredibly boring with very obviously tiled textures, so work on that.
Interior looks better, I like your design for the Forerunner hallways.
July 20th, 2008, 01:56 PM
I think the biggest mistake you made was not looking at enough reference pictures before you started modelling. Go on google's image search and look for decent pictures of cliffs and other terrain that is the same as what you're trying to recreate in your level.
Refrain from using the noise modifier. Yes it makes everything a lot quicker but it looks bad. Just take the time to move vertices around and make sure to not have even cliff edges or where the cliffs meet the ground. Remember Soft Selection is your friend.
The only other thing I can see is that your hallways are to narrow. They need to be able to have atleast two players able to pass each other.
Edit: Oh yea take a look at Containment for H2, it's good example of how to do cliffs.
July 20th, 2008, 02:06 PM
The forerunner stuff looks very sloppy.
July 20th, 2008, 02:51 PM
What is this noise modifier you are talking about? :confused2:
July 20th, 2008, 03:26 PM
What is this noise modifier you are talking about? :confused2:
Yell at your monitor, 3ds max is coded to do the rest.
July 22nd, 2008, 06:30 PM
Well, I'm on vacation right now with my laptop, so I can't update the map at all. I'm getting back Friday.
July 22nd, 2008, 06:41 PM
Holy shit, someone posts something decent and you gusy get up in arms. It's a good start, just work on the terain more, and the cliff edges. Other than that, it's a decent map. The people on the forums here are expecting everything they see to be unbelievable, don't get discouraged by them.
July 22nd, 2008, 07:26 PM
Pretty cute to me.
July 22nd, 2008, 08:21 PM
Holy shit, someone posts something decent and you gusy get up in arms. It's a good start, just work on the terain more, and the cliff edges. Other than that, it's a decent map. The people on the forums here are expecting everything they see to be unbelievable, don't get discouraged by them.
You have my deepest respect from this moment on.
I love this maps progress so far. Hes done a great job so far with NO team. For a single person modding he's doing great so far. Just take that criticism and weed through it, and use whats worth it and discard the rest as wasted fonts in the word of bits/bytes. If you need any help, PM me.
July 23rd, 2008, 11:29 AM
I think it looks pretty good to but the interior almost looks over detailed to me. Maybe that's just the pictures make it look that way but w/e. It looks nice and i can't wait to play this.
July 23rd, 2008, 12:58 PM
Holy shit, someone posts something decent and you gusy get up in arms. It's a good start, just work on the terain more, and the cliff edges. Other than that, it's a decent map. The people on the forums here are expecting everything they see to be unbelievable, don't get discouraged by them.
who got up in arms, masters? most of the comments are a reflection of your very own criticism.:eyesroll:
July 23rd, 2008, 01:21 PM
Just make sure the textures don't look obviously tiled so much, and blend the ground with the cliffs. Add a bit more variation into the geometry, and 100% into the lighting.
Change around the textures yourself as well! Make new shaders, keep it a bit original! Otherwise good start!
Add a snow weather particle, and also thicken the fog. It should be pretty thick because of how the environment looks, and it'll also add some flavor into your map.
July 23rd, 2008, 02:10 PM
who got up in arms, masters? most of the comments are a reflection of your very own criticism.:eyesroll:
Well, some people pretty much said "OMG ITS SO AWFUL GO KILL YOURSELF".
There's a difference between not sugarcoating, and shitcoating.
E: ok nvm, it was really just like, one or two people.
July 23rd, 2008, 07:46 PM
i have to say that its a big improvment from your rescent maps and you showed the best of your basic skill in this map. Two thumbs up for you because you show that you cannot give up on a project no matter how it looks you are probably one of my most favorite mapper who can improve really fast with your projects.:)
July 25th, 2008, 09:32 PM
I fixed some of the bad cliff areas, made the cliffs have a chamfered like effect out of the ground (I did not chamfer them though), And i moved some verts on the top of the first set of cliffs on the Z axis. Actually I moved all, not some. I may get some pictures if I get alot more done. BTW, I just got back from vacation. :)
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