View Full Version : [TF2] Backburner
July 21st, 2008, 01:58 AM
your opinions plz.
i personally dont like it, because of the nature of Crits in TF2, (there extremely hard to dodge because they have a much larger successful hit area, and the range greatly increase's.
And this causes some problems with the backburner, because in order for it to be extremely effective you dont have to be anywhere near the weapon in order to be critted and killed. I've been caught a few times as a scout where i've been running backwards out of range of the flames and then turned around and got fucking owned.
i reckon the range of Crits on the Back burner need to be Turned right down in order for it to truly be the "ambush/stealthy" way to play the pyro. because at the moment it's just a spray and pray weapon.
and to test out the ranges in crits just go as a heavy and fire at people just on the edge of your range. Once your crit kicks in those people will be absolutely owned and everey bullet will pretty much be a direct hit.
July 21st, 2008, 02:29 AM
Personally I think the flamethrower in general needs to be toned back down... there wasn't anything wrong with the Pyro before the update, valve basically just took it in the ass from all the whingieng fanboys who think Pyro should be about getting kills. now its just incredibly annoying to be a Medic healing someone and get chased down and killed within half a second by some stupid Pyro :\ or even within a picosecond if you're getting backburner critted
July 21st, 2008, 03:32 AM
You can take my virginity but leave me my backburner D:
Seriously, it's not as bad as people make it out to be IMO. Scouts should never let themselves get near a pyro (and if they do then they get what they get) simply because they always made short work of them (or atleast set them on fire and with a scout's health..). Medics just need to be more careful/aware and more vocal with their patients. One thing this has done is make medics less clingy so instead of a pure heavy medic, you have a medic + a heap of other people and this can only be good for the team and the game.
The backburner is a bit overpowered (I don't think it needs the health bonus) but it's not that bad. Besides, Backburner + flare gun on goldrush stage 2 cap 2 OWNS EVERYTHING!!
July 21st, 2008, 03:41 AM
Yeah, pretty much what Pooky said. I feel as if the pyro is a bit too strong. Though, I was not around TF2 before the update, so who knows, I may even think that that pyro was too weak. :p
July 21st, 2008, 05:17 AM
The pyro needed some skill to play well. Not like the spy but atleast as much as the medic.
As it stands If your a decent shot and have some predicting skill, you can ignite somebody halfway across the map without too much trouble and for the weaker classes (snipers/engy/medic) this can be a real pain.
+ if you can get behind anybody who's preoccupied (shooting heavys/ scoped snipers, stupid soldiers/demo's/medics) then you can end them pretty quickly.
It just means everybody has to be more careful (makes me abit worried about the spy update :tinfoil:)
July 21st, 2008, 07:09 AM
Pyro has always been a bit overpowered, imo. Any noob can come in as a Pyro or the Heavy and get just as many points as a skilled player by just running in and spraying. Backburner is kind of eh, but the compressed blast just tops off that the pyro can kill just about anybody.
July 21st, 2008, 07:30 AM
The compressed air blast takes a sizable chunk out of the pyro's amo reserve with each shot, and you have to be accurate and stand infront of the rocket/grenade to use it (so if you stuff up, your going to take a pile of damage or worse).
The pyro never used to be overpowered short of a string of lucky crits. He could easily be picked off by soldiers/snipers and still can these days.
I think I'll make my stance clear. The pyro is more powerful than it used to be, no doubt about it. Is it too easy to get kills? Probably. But I do not think it's as overpowered as people seem to think it is. It's just a matter of people having to adapt their playing styles to counteract it's new abilitys.
July 21st, 2008, 08:05 AM
Seeing as most maps have a lot of close-quarter zones it's kind of annoying. Also, theres not a lot of maps with long range distances.
July 21st, 2008, 08:25 PM
2Fort: kill them as they cross the bridge, get some sentrys to cover each other and they won't do much harm.
Well: snipe them as they come into the base/intel room (or last CP)
Dustbowl: plenty of sniping for red, blue just has to deal with it (but then that's what the pyro is meant to do right?)
Hydro: some combo's have sniping, some don't. just keep your distance and don't turn around.
Gold rush: again plenty of sniping for red, and a fair bit for blue too. just watch your back.
Gravel pit: snipey rockety goodness
July 21st, 2008, 09:44 PM
When you factor in lag, I've gotten ignited by Pyros from some absurdly long distances, which is really frustrating for Scouts and Medics (you know, the shit I actually play)
Also it stands you don't really need skill anymore to get Pyro kills on most classes, you just run straight at them holding down LMB.
July 21st, 2008, 10:18 PM
If you run straight at them holding LMB and they have even the tiniest bit of skill, you'll be dead before you know it.
At any rate, I've been bonesawed repeatedly at 5 meters so I think lag can be kept out of it.
July 22nd, 2008, 01:36 AM
Pyro's one of my 5 mains (I know a lot).
He really started to become a main of mine through the compressed air blast. I have the Backburner and just don't choose to use it because I find I'm using the compressed air blast maybe like 1-2 times, at least, per life. 90% of the time I use it just to push players away from me.
Scouts: so that can't hit me close up
Medics: away from the person their healing
Snipers: so they are going "WTF IS GOING ON?!"
The list goes on for each. Plus I got my timing down for the air blast perfect for Soldiers but my Demoman tactics could use a little work. Also the regular flamethrower does enough damage anyways
tl;dr: Backburner sucks hard compared to regular flamer.
July 22nd, 2008, 02:06 AM
But crits have an increased range, so the Ambushing nature of the Back burner is degraded by teh extreme range of crits.
the scout was an example of being out of range, until i turned around. Yet in that time i would have covered more distance and gotten further away. It's not an ambush weapon as such it's just something that depending on which direction a player is facing the Range is increased exponentially.
i dont want it gone, i just want it to have the same range for critting that it it has for when an enemy is facing you.
July 22nd, 2008, 02:50 AM
If you run straight at them holding LMB and they have even the tiniest bit of skill, you'll be dead before you know it.
That's bullshit and you know it. The flame does such a ridiculous amount of damage now that even if you do kill them you're just as likely to fall over dead within a second yourself.
July 22nd, 2008, 03:43 AM
Bullshit my ass.
July 22nd, 2008, 11:20 AM
Bullshit my ass.
Not to mention the fact that I'm usually the lone medic who my team can't be fucked to help.
Tell me how Medics are all supposed to have the skill to take down an offensive class (with 225 HP and a weapon that kills you within 1 and a half seconds, no less) without dying?
I'm the only Medic I've seen who can even do it with regularity.
July 22nd, 2008, 04:14 PM
Not to mention the fact that I'm usually the lone medic who my team can't be fucked to help.
Tell me how Medics are all supposed to have the skill to take down an offensive class (with 225 HP and a weapon that kills you within 1 and a half seconds, no less) without dying?
I'm the only Medic I've seen who can even do it with regularity.
July 22nd, 2008, 05:32 PM
Probably because most medics suck manginas. S + buttseaker + LMB = dead pyro
If your patients are too retarded to protect you, they don't deserve your protection.
July 23rd, 2008, 01:56 AM
Tell me how Medics are all supposed to have the skill to take down an offensive class (with 225 HP and a weapon that kills you within 1 and a half seconds, no less) without dying?
I'm the only Medic I've seen who can even do it with regularity.
They're not supposed to?
Medics are support not front run and gun guys. I'm actually really impressed that you're even able to survive that. (Though I would've airblasted you into a wall and owned you :P)
July 23rd, 2008, 01:59 AM
It's not that bad, honestly. If I'm playing a strong class, I can usually kill them if I'm attentive. Soldier, aim for the feet, demo, stickies to the feet, pyro, shotgun then flame, heavy, just turn quick and keep the crosshair on them. The other classes shouldn't be near a pyro, except for medic and scout. Scouts can flee for a medkit pretty easily, and medics have superior speed and usually have someone between the pyro and themselves that's overhealed.
It's not so much the crits, it's the 50 health, but even then, that's not too much of a problem.
July 23rd, 2008, 11:09 PM
I'm very careful about only entering fights I'm decently sure I can actually win. I mostly only play sniper or engineer, so I don't usually run into pyros, and if I do, there's really not much to be done.
I would say that the pyro's effectiveness against buildings is a little bit ridiculous, I personally think a pyro without an uber should not be comfortable killing a level three sentry gun that has an engineer on it, even if he has a medic.
July 24th, 2008, 01:10 AM
Pyro's have always been able to get sentrys around edges with the flame thrower so that can't be what your on about. Things haven't really changed in regards to strafing sentry's either. TBH if engy's would just look up more often and use their shotgun, there'd be a lot more dead pyro's (and spys) in the world and a few more sentrys.
July 28th, 2008, 01:43 PM
Pyro's have always been able to get sentrys around edges with the flame thrower so that can't be what your on about. Things haven't really changed in regards to strafing sentry's either. TBH if engy's would just look up more often and use their shotgun, there'd be a lot more dead pyro's (and spys) in the world and a few more sentrys.
The thing about playing Engy like that, is 99% of your kills end up coming from the shotgun, which leads you to wonder what was the point of the fucking sentry in the first place. At least, that's how it usually works when I play engy :\
Half the time you can just get kills by setting up a sentry and watching some idiot go charging straight at it... then you shoot him in the back.
July 28th, 2008, 05:42 PM
Really? Certainly not the case for me. When I engy (lets say.. dustbowl, stage 3 cap 1), I usually get heaps of kills with my sentry gun. If you can get 3 set up there you can hold the point for ages.
The only time I get kills with my shotgun is when I need to (spys, demo, etc) to defend my sentry so it can mop up the other classes.
Though I love setting up sentrys in those "who the fuck puts a sentry there" places and getting surprise kills with no risk to myself.
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