View Full Version : RPG_Beta5 Released
July 25th, 2008, 12:27 AM
Will be on Halomaps as soon as Dennis updates!
July 25th, 2008, 12:29 AM
What the fuck is this? It looks like garbage.
July 25th, 2008, 12:35 AM
^ cool it fence
it needed some work before it was released, lots of UV errors and open areas
July 25th, 2008, 12:36 AM
July 25th, 2008, 12:37 AM
I direct you to this thread
And if that's not your first... well... :\
July 25th, 2008, 12:41 AM
July 25th, 2008, 12:55 AM
Don't talk if you haven't tryed... this is just one screenshot sheesh because I thought it needed atleast one for the thread to remain open. If you really wanna take a look then look inside the Frigate, The Island and the Laboratory.
July 25th, 2008, 02:23 AM
Like in RPG_Beta 4 the textures need serious work. Actually scale the textures so that they are not stretched/torn.
The textures inside the Amber clad I think it is could do with a bit more of a variety rather than the same. The grassy area within the playable area could do with having something like dirt or pathways that would make it look much better. The only thing I dislike about it is the textures/texturing. Overall though I think it will be fun with more players.
Also what's with the oddball being a huge guy in 3p?
July 25th, 2008, 02:52 AM
ALL of these RPG maps were rubbish.
July 25th, 2008, 03:10 AM
Like in RPG_Beta 4 the textures need serious work. Actually scale the textures so that they are not stretched/torn.
The textures inside the Amber clad I think it is could do with a bit more of a variety rather than the same. The grassy area within the playable area could do with having something like dirt or pathways that would make it look much better. The only thing I dislike about it is the textures/texturing. Overall though I think it will be fun with more players.
Also what's with the oddball being a huge guy in 3p?
Just for the fun I guess... nice pic btw I always loved that Monkey.
July 25th, 2008, 03:18 AM
Thats his sig :/
July 25th, 2008, 06:30 AM
Thats his sig :/
He may have meant Evil_Monkeys' avatar.
If I wasn't capped I'd download D:
July 25th, 2008, 07:11 AM
My god, it's really not good no offense intended. Take a look at Con's post before posting maps like that here, you can spam that in halomaps but people don't like low effort put into a map. I've seen all of the RPG Beta maps, why are they called betas anyway? And what is so RPG about it.
Spend more time correcting UV's, making more natural landscapes, and basically making everything look correct. You should really invest more time into making maps if you're going to post here... people will not be kind about what they say to you.
July 25th, 2008, 09:28 AM
I can't even downlaod it to give you my opinion on it. Everytime I download I get a 9kb file.
Please tell me this isn't a torrent.
July 25th, 2008, 10:01 AM
I've seen all of the RPG Beta maps, why are they called betas anyway?
That's what I would like to know because every RPG map he/they have created the bsp is different. Isn't a beta something that is being tested and you build upon it by gathering feedback. The maps might as well not contain the prefix RPG_Beta and just have a custom name.
July 25th, 2008, 10:06 AM
That's what I would like to know because every RPG map he/they have created the bsp is different. Isn't a beta something that is being tested and you build upon it by gathering feedback. The maps might as well not contain the prefix RPG_Beta and just have a custom name.
Pssh....when a map is this AWESOME, it doesen't need to go by conventional rules.
July 25th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Psshh I see all of you bitch about it but I know most of you haven't tryed it and that's sort of disapointing because I Did spend alot of time on this map and whatever the screenshot looks like, There's a bunch to do in there. Of course it's not meant to be a pretty map or any thing such but for RPers, there's alot to do. Coming from the fast there's actually a lot of corridors in each areas with enough rooms to sustain a good plot that you don't need to change map every 10 minutes to get... It's like trying to RP on a map like snowgrove. I know lots of people here fanboy about how pretty it is and all but for RPing, it's really nothing worth checking. It's made with a purpose in mind that's not ours and it's easy to see. If you don't like RPGs then you should probably simply not take a look at the map. I know how bad the screenshots are and how ''Technically bad'' it is but most feedback I get from people playing it(which are the people the map is targetted for Anyway) simply Are enjoying it. Sorry if it's not your type but please be kind enough and show some respect.
July 25th, 2008, 01:07 PM
I tried it otherwise I wouldn't have given feedback.
July 25th, 2008, 01:51 PM
I tried it otherwise I wouldn't have given feedback.
Well thanks then I encourage you to explore it fully. It's always better to be toured anyway... there's the forerunner cave and the lab that's pretty to see if you have not.
July 25th, 2008, 02:10 PM
You really need to post good screens of your map, if there is anything good to show about it at all... what we see here is terrible, and nobody will want to download it. This isn't halomaps forums, kk?
July 25th, 2008, 02:35 PM
You really need to post good screens of your map, if there is anything good to show about it at all... what we see here is terrible, and nobody will want to download it. This isn't halomaps forums, kk?
This :XD:
July 25th, 2008, 05:24 PM
Some things I noticed that need fixing:
Some of the proximity doors don't open.
When you ripped the control room from the campaign you failed to rip the glass that the player walks on for the large walkways.
Some death planes should be created, otherwise you can get stuck in many pits and can't get out.
July 26th, 2008, 01:22 AM
I remember playing the first version of the map a looong time ago, I was so bad then lol....
I'll DL this to see whats up w/ it.. gj keeping old projects alive. Also when will this no longer be "beta"? =p
July 26th, 2008, 01:55 PM
I remember playing RPG_Beta4, and that one was really fun when played properly. I'll take a look at this one, just to see what it's like, since I don't play much Halo CE anymore.
Dr Pepper
July 26th, 2008, 10:38 PM
1. You need to put a lot more effort into this instead of wiping it out.
2. More population. There are placed where there is just nothing in rooms or spots.
3. UV's and models are not that good. You shouldn't make people spawn in the base all the time. Maybe o the ground because it's a pain to get to the ground from the ship.
July 26th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Don't talk if you haven't tryed... this is just one screenshot sheesh because I thought it needed atleast one for the thread to remain open. If you really wanna take a look then look inside the Frigate, The Island and the Laboratory.
And yet there are no pictures of these locations...
Most roleplaying people will settle for this map, but it's still poorly done from what I can see of the exterior. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt about these other map locations, but the quality outside makes me wonder about the quality inside. Anyway, more detail is needed in the modeling. Some more dynamic and interesting terrain would help too. It's really quite boring to look at. The UV work looks rushed.
July 26th, 2008, 11:12 PM
I have played rpg4, and wasn't thrilled. I expected the same here, however since you insist that I download and see for myself, I did. To my surprise it was no better than the last rpg maps. The ship lacks an interesting interior; it consists of long boring box hallways snaking in confusing directions. The underground base is virtually the same, save for water flooding the hallways. Texturing was also painful to look at. And a heads up, the collision on the troop warthog is pretty funky. The back isn't solid.
July 27th, 2008, 12:02 AM
I said the same as you guys except I was quick and to the point. I got an infraction. Cute. idc
Despite this, I DID dl it and tried it out. Turns out it IS rubbish. I wont lie and say that I didn't ride around it for a while before quitting. Got me through a few episodes of Naruto.
July 27th, 2008, 01:26 AM
I dunno why there's such a big deal on it. He says he knows it isn't visually pleasing but you guys continue to harass him about something he knows. Yea it could be looking a bit better in areas but if he really wanted to he'd probably concentrate on it and take crit. Right now he just wants to work on making them fun for other Halo CE'ers (lol). Anyways leave it to the professionals to make something amazingly beautiful. I'm pretty sure this is just a normal guy (not thinking of pursuing a game design career right?) trying to have fun with his friends and benefit the community. Take it easy.
EDIT: And if you don't like the map don't download it, or if you already have, delete it. There's NOTHING in this world that pleases EVERYBODY.
July 27th, 2008, 04:38 AM
I'm not one to judge but I joined a random server with 12/16 people and said hey guys is this map gay.. Someone said nah this is the best map ever.
If they like it then go for it, not my style like it used to be.
July 28th, 2008, 02:34 PM
I said the same as you guys except I was quick and to the point. I got an infraction. Cute. idc
That might be because yours was an insult. Everyone else has been giving criticism and ideas.
I personally never really liked these kind of maps either. I need to be killing something. The farthest role playing I'll do is hell jumping in Coldsnap.
On topic:
An interesting modification for this map would be to make those little human cutouts fall down when you shoot them. Just like the real thing used in target practice.
July 28th, 2008, 02:40 PM
yeah, but looking at the guy's responses to criticism I figured it'd be useless.
On topic: I like the idea of the cutouts.
July 28th, 2008, 03:48 PM
Opsy this may have not been the best place to post this. People here are extremely critical. You should take it to Halomods.
July 28th, 2008, 03:50 PM
Opsy this may have not been the best place to post this. People here are extremely critical. You should take it to Halomods.
Yeah but what's wrong with preferring high quality work? :S
July 28th, 2008, 03:58 PM
Yeah but what's wrong with preferring high quality work? :S
I can't play it or I would, but really all the RPG Beta's haven't really been made with a lot of effort in my eyes. If you're going to post maps here atleast spend the time drawing a concept, even if its a horrible concept, planning out which points of the map will give the players what advantage (I.E. Open field for warthog flagrunners). I realize this Map is for RPing, and I've always had a strange hate to those RPers seeing as everytime I think of it, it reminds me of little kids playing with dolls and pretending to live in some house of some sort.
There's nothing wrong with having it like it is, I wouldn't recommend posting it here if it looks like someone scrapped it together withing maybe 2 hours of modeling.
July 29th, 2008, 05:20 PM
all it really needs is fixxing up on the interoirs and signs saying where everything is on the ship then its not that bad (oh and more doors on the ship)
July 30th, 2008, 02:29 AM
The whole map is huge, many things to find, but I do have to say that it needs work on the textures. It has been however one of the best rpg maps that I have seen from the series, mainly because of the variety of rooms, and if you actually RP in it, then it may actually become fun. Other than that, there is not much gameplay that i see in it.
The place is so huge, we got lost in the frigate, and in the base underground.
I just spent hours of playing in this just finding crevices where I could fit in with a couple of my mates in ES (after hard convincing) and they actually liked the map just because of the many things to explore.
August 15th, 2008, 11:11 AM
Not as buggy as 4-4.
Very easy to get lost.
Annoying as hell if you fall in the sea as if you have no grenades left you lose your ration by switching and switching back (or logging out and in)
Love the track-hogs.
Kestrel =/ - Why have it just for devmode?
Wall renders are a bit poo =/
Otherwise it's a good map :D
t3h m00kz
August 15th, 2008, 12:20 PM
I'm not one to judge but I joined a random server with 12/16 people and said hey guys is this map gay.. Someone said nah this is the best map ever.
If they like it then go for it, not my style like it used to be.
IAWTC, there's something beyond graphics that makes maps good.
Otherwise I wouldn't have whipped out my emulator and beaten the original Legend of Zelda a few days ago. Nor would I still enjoy the original Unreal Tournament. Nor would I have enjoyed the H2 team maps. Oh, anyone remember the AK47 from Goldeneye? AKA the "Pencil Gun" because that's what it looked like?
Also, Overdose owns.
So I'll download it for the lulz. If I cared about graphics over game play I'd go play Unreal Tournament 3... which bombed btw. But gosh darn, it sure is pretty.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate the time people spend putting into models and shit, but what's going through my mind when I'm trying to blow someone's brains out? It ain't "Oh boy this gun sure is pretty!" I notice the graphics when I first start up a map for the first time.
August 18th, 2008, 01:10 AM
The whole map is huge, many things to find, but I do have to say that it needs work on the textures. It has been however one of the best rpg maps that I have seen from the series, mainly because of the variety of rooms, and if you actually RP in it, then it may actually become fun. Other than that, there is not much gameplay that i see in it.
The place is so huge, we got lost in the frigate, and in the base underground.
I just spent hours of playing in this just finding crevices where I could fit in with a couple of my mates in ES (after hard convincing) and they actually liked the map just because of the many things to explore.
Thanks and that's exactly the spirit I was looking for. It's a first map, I'm already much better at mapping but in the end, I had to release it. I couldn't progress by staying on the same project forever so I moved on to something new, something to push me to learn new stuff.
Again, Some locked doors can be openned by Melee. Others just are locked because there's nothing behind them. I couldn't have added more Doors or anything in sapien because basically, it kept spamming me the ''Max Rendered Object''... Some people told me it didn't matter but it does. Due to it, Several vehicles/items do not spawn properly on every gametype.
Even If I wanted detail, it was a tradeoff. Either I detailed some section more and took off other, fun to explore areas or kept it the way it is with as much stuff to do as possible, lots of options to explore, chill and RP. Since my map was targetting RPers, the second option prevailed.
As for Shaders, Obviously they needed work, I kept them very simple ( although personally I like the lab's because they weren't Haloish) and yeah, Alot of the modelling is kid simple but as I said, I needed to move on.
And for those who care to see what I'm working at right now...
August 18th, 2008, 09:34 PM
My my, you've gotten better.
August 20th, 2008, 02:41 PM
My my, you've gotten better.
Thanks teek but walls are easy to make. I still have Alot to learn modelling wise... interiors and natural stuff included aswell as details.
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