View Full Version : Dharma Wants YOU

July 29th, 2008, 01:40 PM
www.dharmawantsyou.com (http://www.dharmawantsyou.com)

Register for the Dharma Initiative. I'm guessing this is the start of the ARG during the wait for Season 5 of LOST to start.


July 29th, 2008, 04:21 PM
Are the various errors im getting while trying to accses the site part of that arg?

July 29th, 2008, 05:06 PM
Nope, I don't think so. Looks like too many people were trying to connect to the site and it crashed.

July 29th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Hmm, interesting find. I get errors too.

July 29th, 2008, 07:08 PM
k im registred. what now

July 29th, 2008, 07:41 PM
Doesn't wanna load anything but the intro for me.

July 29th, 2008, 07:50 PM
k im registred. what now
Now we wait for the site to stop crashing. Oh, and for the Volunteer Assessment to commence.

August 10th, 2008, 02:22 PM
Sorry for double post but, just got this email:


As many of you may be aware there have been a number of security breaches in recent days related to the nature of the Dharma Initiative's latest research.

Apart from the leak of a sensitive internal communication there was also the unauthorized release of confidential video documentation during a sponsored panel discussion with the makers of the TV show "LOST" at Comic-Con 2008 in San Diego. Consequently, the person responsible for this breach, a promising recruit by the name of Dan Bronson, has been expelled from the volunteer program and had his Dharma Initiative membership permanently revoked. Furthermore, the Dharma Initiative has withdrawn their sponsorship from "LOST".

The Dharma Initiative must stress that the video material leaked at Comic-Con 2008 was viewed entirely out of context. Furthermore, the way in which the material was presented utterly distorted its significance and credibility as scientific data.

The Dharma Initiative is extremely disappointed with this outcome and has ordered a security audit of all departments. As part of this audit the DharmaWantsYou recruiting website will undergo a security upgrade in the next few days.

Upon completion of this upgrade a date will be announced for the official commencement of Volunteer Assessments.

All recruits are reminded that the unauthorized release of confidential information pertaining to the details of your activities within the Dharma Initiative will result in instant dismissal from the volunteer program.

Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative


August 10th, 2008, 06:32 PM
The video at comic-con rocked...
I got this email too...i love Lost's ARG's they're fantastic, can't wait to see more from this one.

August 10th, 2008, 06:38 PM
The video at comic-con rocked...
I got this email too...i love Lost's ARG's they're fantastic, can't wait to see more from this one.
Throw me a link will ya?

August 10th, 2008, 07:22 PM

August 10th, 2008, 09:04 PM
That was so staged, but awesome nuther theles

August 10th, 2008, 09:08 PM
Rumor has it that the person that filmed the actual video was Daniel Faraday, due to the whole time travel thing.

August 10th, 2008, 09:27 PM
Wait, do you mean the guy at comic con, or the dude filming the Hallowax

August 10th, 2008, 09:29 PM
This has been going on for a while now. Show was awsome this year, but it totally jumped the shark.

August 10th, 2008, 09:31 PM
This has been going on for a while now. Show was awsome this year, but it totally jumped the shark.
Huh? Do you mean the fact about time/teleport travel?

August 10th, 2008, 09:32 PM
haha, I signed up for this site about 2 weeks ago. Can't wait for season 5 :)

August 10th, 2008, 09:42 PM
Wait, do you mean the guy at comic con, or the dude filming the Hallowax
The one filming Hallowax/Candle/Cheng. Also, it is also rumored that the baby you hear crying is Charollete (spelling?), which also has to do with the whole time travelling theories. Man, this show is getting fucked up.

August 11th, 2008, 02:07 AM
This has been going on for a while now. Show was awsome this year, but it totally jumped the shark.

Jumping the shark (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark)

A point in a TV show or movie series' history where the plot veers off into ridiculous story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations, undergoing too many changes to retain the original appeal of the series.

I'm intrigued by this new ARG though.

August 11th, 2008, 02:26 AM
Been there, done that. I love all the LOST ARGs.

August 11th, 2008, 11:30 AM
Huh? Do you mean the fact about time/teleport travel?
And frozen donkey wheels which move islands. Oh and Zombies. Not to mention whatever Jacob is.

The show was better when it had supernatural things happening, rather than full out sci-fi.

August 11th, 2008, 11:43 AM
All the supernatural things in the earlier seasons were just build up to something bigger, thats been the intent of the show since the beginning. The writers have known what they were going to do since the beginning, its not like they're just throwing in a bunch of bullshit to keep the show going.

August 11th, 2008, 11:54 AM
No one here will win an argument about LOST. I would stop while you all are ahead.

August 11th, 2008, 02:08 PM
Honestly, I think we need some sort of forum/thread where we can discuss all theories pertaing to LOST and the upcoming seasons. Any one interested?

August 11th, 2008, 02:19 PM
Considering every single person I know, apart from my sister hates Lost with a passion I agree Saggy.

And yeah I agree masters, I loved it when it felt more real, this whole teleportation, time travelling crap really has lowered the show for me, luckily the rest of the show has been so brilliant it makes up for it, nearly.

August 11th, 2008, 03:40 PM
All the supernatural things in the earlier seasons were just build up to something bigger, thats been the intent of the show since the beginning. The writers have known what they were going to do since the beginning, its not like they're just throwing in a bunch of bullshit to keep the show going.
That's what they've said, but they've gone back on their word so many times already. They've even admitted that writing last season's finale they didn't really have a full idea of where they wanted to go. They've even said the only reason they came up with a Desmound storyline involving time travel and flashes was to give him and Charlie a story for season 3, which has only expanded into this season.

The problem with the show is they now cator to the hardcore fans who post all over the internet, who love this sci-fi shit, rather than the general audiance who is always silent and is being turned away by moving islands and frozen donkey wheels.

August 11th, 2008, 03:44 PM
I thought they totally denied the idea of wormholes and parrell universes, I also got the impression teleportation was out of the question too, but they must have changed their mind.

August 11th, 2008, 03:46 PM
They actually did say often back around season 2 that time travel would never be used, exist, or have any part of the lost show.

August 11th, 2008, 03:52 PM
At least now they know where they are heading with the show as they already have the final episode planned out. Now there's not going to be anymore filler and hopefully, no more lies!

Also, interesting fact I found while watching Season 2 of LOST today, Widmore Labs makes pregnancy tests.

August 11th, 2008, 03:55 PM
Well I hope it doesnt become unreasonable, I can accept things that are reasonable, like the smoke monster, yea its a bit bizzare but it could have a completely reasonable answer of what it is. I just hope it doesnt go overboard with the sci-fi stuff and ruin the end of the show.

August 11th, 2008, 04:36 PM
Personally what Lost is doing isn't 'full on' time travel, but I personally love the way Lost has gone, and it makes me laugh when people say 'it has jumped the shark'...COM'ON IT HAD A MOVING ‘SENTIENT LIKE’ BLACK SMOKE MONSTER IN THE BEGINING. But I think it has extended on its already exceptional story and structure and i think Lost upped its bar in standards with Seasons 4's episode 'The Constant' it was fantastic.

I'm glad we got a lot of answers in season 4, but they need to really stop giving us more questions; with only 2 seasons left they really need to ramp it up with answers.

I really hope we find out the full past of Rousseau, I know that Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said at comic-con that we will but I wasn't persuaded with the way they pitched it… I’m also skeptical about this whole ‘new way of telling the story’ as I really LOVED the flash-forward aspect of season 4, but I’ll leave me full opinion until next year.

I'm really looking forward to 2009 and hopefully a great, action-packed, answer-filled season to ramp up to the shows final season.

August 11th, 2008, 04:49 PM
Personally what Lost is doing isn't 'full on' time travel, but I personally love the way Lost has gone, and it makes me laugh when people say 'it has jumped the shark'...COM'ON IT HAD A MOVING ‘SENTIENT LIKE’ BLACK SMOKE MONSTER IN THE BEGINING. But I think it has extended on its already exceptional story and structure and i think Lost upped its bar in standards with Seasons 4's episode 'The Constant' it was fantastic.

I'm glad we got a lot of answers in season 4, but they need to really stop giving us more questions; with only 2 seasons left they really need to ramp it up with answers.

I really hope we find out the full past of Rousseau, I know that Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said at comic-con that we will but I wasn't persuaded with the way they pitched it… I’m also skeptical about this whole ‘new way of telling the story’ as I really LOVED the flash-forward aspect of season 4, but I’ll leave me full opinion until next year.

I'm really looking forward to 2009 and hopefully a great, action-packed, answer-filled season to ramp up to the shows final season.
I completely agree. Some of the questions I have that will hopefully be answered next season are:

- What's going to happen now that Locke is leader of the others?
- How does Locke die and why/how is he off the island?
- Why do they have to get back to the island?
- What's the backstory for Daniel Faraday?
- WIll we see anyomre of Desmond and Penny?
- Are Michael and Jin REALLY dead? (Most likely they are but I ask this because, well, just look at all that happened to Mikhail)
- Are we going to see Mr. Eko again?
- Do the Oceanic 6 and Ben make it back to the island, or only some?

Man, I can't wait for next year.

August 11th, 2008, 07:21 PM
Personally what Lost is doing isn't 'full on' time travel, but I personally love the way Lost has gone, and it makes me laugh when people say 'it has jumped the shark'...COM'ON IT HAD A MOVING ‘SENTIENT LIKE’ BLACK SMOKE MONSTER IN THE BEGINING. But I think it has extended on its already exceptional story and structure and i think Lost upped its bar in standards with Seasons 4's episode 'The Constant' it was fantastic.

It is full on time travel. Between Ben traveling to the future, after turning the frozen donkey wheel, and the island moving in time (most likely into the dharma time of the island), how can you call it not "full on" time travel.

The difference with the smoke monster and whats going on now, is that as weird as it was, it was the only real sci-fi element on the show, and people just dealt with it. They were already invested in what the monster was, so people were fine with accepting that this was what the producers had been hinting at all along.

I liked Season 4, but it's nothing like the Lost I useto watch.

How people can like that episode "The Constant" is beyond me. It's an episode focused about ONE character, who leaves the island and starts time traveling. Everyone else in the entire episode, with the exception of Faraday is just there sitting on the sidelines. How can anyone honestly say it's a highlight of the show, when it throws everything the show is about out the window.

August 11th, 2008, 07:31 PM
I completely agree. Some of the questions I have that will hopefully be answered next season are:

- What's going to happen now that Locke is leader of the others?
- How does Locke die and why/how is he off the island? Interestingly enough, the producers weren't always sure who was going to be in the coffin...
- Why do they have to get back to the island?
- What's the backstory for Daniel Faraday?
- WIll we see anyomre of Desmond and Penny? Ben wants to kill Penny. This should be a no brainer.
- Are Michael and Jin REALLY dead? (Most likely they are but I ask this because, well, just look at all that happened to Mikhail) Michael is definatly, there was an interview with Harold (the man who plays him) were he said they wrote him off the show, and he wouldn't be returning. He also said if they ask him to return, he won't do it unless they tell him what their plans are. Daniel Da Kin who plays Jin is still a series regular this season. So unless he is comming back as a ghost for the whole season, he's alive.
- Are we going to see Mr. Eko again? The producers had conflicts with him, so he asked to leave the show.
- Do the Oceanic 6 and Ben make it back to the island, or only some?

Man, I can't wait for next year.


August 13th, 2008, 05:47 AM
Regarding video from Comic Con (not really that spoiler but want to be sure :D)

In the comic con video Chang said he was brought to the island to study the Kerr metric solution of Einstein's field equation.

To quote a lost website.

"the Kerr metric is used to describe the rotation of black holes and how everything, including light, must rotate when near a black hole. When the Kerr metric is applied to Einstein's theory of general relativity, we get a wormhole. Since the trajectory of observers and particles in general relativity are described by time-like curves, it is possible for observers in this region to return to their past. So, in theory, time travel is possible if one uses the Kerr metric."

Well looks to me like season 5 will dive more into the whole time travel/wormhole aspect, masters wont be too pleased lol.

August 13th, 2008, 05:32 PM
I completely agree. Some of the questions I have that will hopefully be answered next season are:

- What's going to happen now that Locke is leader of the others?
- How does Locke die and why/how is he off the island? Interestingly enough, the producers weren't always sure who was going to be in the coffin...
- Why do they have to get back to the island?
- What's the backstory for Daniel Faraday?
- WIll we see anyomre of Desmond and Penny? Ben wants to kill Penny. This should be a no brainer.
- Are Michael and Jin REALLY dead? (Most likely they are but I ask this because, well, just look at all that happened to Mikhail) Michael is definatly, there was an interview with Harold (the man who plays him) were he said they wrote him off the show, and he wouldn't be returning. He also said if they ask him to return, he won't do it unless they tell him what their plans are. Daniel Da Kin who plays Jin is still a series regular this season. So unless he is comming back as a ghost for the whole season, he's alive.
- Are we going to see Mr. Eko again? The producers had conflicts with him, so he asked to leave the show.
- Do the Oceanic 6 and Ben make it back to the island, or only some?

Man, I can't wait for next year.

Oh wow, some of that was pretty obvious wasn't it. I guess I've been so busy watching the past seasons that I've forgotten some of the things that have happened in Season 4, such as Ben wanting to kill Penny. I'm going to have to do some more research and get caught up again.

August 13th, 2008, 10:08 PM
You guys have made me start watching this show >:C
and the guy sucked into the airplane's engine made me continue watching

August 15th, 2008, 12:40 PM
New email out today, 8\15.


I am pleased to announce that, following an extensive security audit of all departments within the Dharma Initiative, I am totally satisfied that DharmaWantsYou.com is now secure. As a result I am able to confirm a date for the commencement of our latest volunteer testing program.

Visit www.dharmawantsyou.com (http://www.dharmawantsyou.com) to confirm the launch date.

I have heard from many of you in recent weeks via email asking what will be assessed in the program and what the nature of our latest research is. I have found your enthusiasm and relentless curiosity extremely endearing. However, in the interests of maintaining the integrity of the testing process, I cannot be forthcoming on these enquiries.

Despite this, I would like to affirm to you all that I am extremely optimistic about these upcoming evaluations and believe that they will yield recruits of the highest caliber.

Good luck to all applicants.

Together we can guide the world to a better tomorrow.

Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative

Site seems to be down though.

August 15th, 2008, 01:02 PM
ARG's never tickled my fancy, too much work when I could just learn of the cool stuff from the internets.

August 20th, 2008, 01:39 PM

Today is the most wonderful of days.

It marks the launch of the Dharma Initiative's Volunteer Recruitment Program.

Having completed the eligibility test you can now download your official Dharma Initiative ID card. Simply go to My Profile and download your card. Carry it with pride.

Today you will also be able to commence our extensive testing program that will assess your suitability for a range of research roles within the Dharma Initiative.

Many years ago I was asked to help rebuild this noble community of scientific inquiry. With its genuinely altruistic vision, I understood that a vibrant volunteer cohort would be a fundamental part of this effort.

Together, with my dedicated recruiting team, I have searched the globe for the best and brightest to join us, to form the foundations of the newly reconstituted Dharma Initiative.

Today we lay that foundation. So that together we can guide the world to a better tomorrow.

Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative

Sites taking heavy traffic at the moment.

August 28th, 2008, 01:57 PM


I am pleased to announce the release of the second assessment in the Dharma Initiative's Volunteer Recruitment Program.

This new test is a broad-spectrum knowledge analysis.

It is a multiple-choice test covering a range of topics.



Be prepared before embarking on this assessment - there will be NO SECOND CHANCES.

I would also like to encourage recruits to take the opportunity to earn extra "Dharma" points. These points WILL contribute to your overall test results and the eventual position you will be assigned within the Dharma Initiative.

I trust you will find these new tasks sufficiently challenging and will embrace the opportunity to grow the Dharma Initiative.

I look forward to reviewing your results.

Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative
Test #2 is up and running, post your results of either the previous test or this one.

August 29th, 2008, 01:08 AM
Done that. I'll get my results in a bit.