View Full Version : Shaders (The thorn in my side)

July 30th, 2008, 10:58 PM
K well I'm 95% sure this was never mentioned before even though the game's been out for a long time now.

If you can get your hands on the H2 map files, you can use a program called Entity to view the shaders (Most of should know about modding h2x right... RIGHT?!!!!).

It will list the:

- Shader Template
- Material Type
- All of the bitmaps being used in the shader
- some other settings that may be of importance to you if you're trying to recreate shaders.

I can't believe I was dumb enough to not think about this after the countless hours fighting with the shader templates trying to get things working.

(Since it references to the bitmaps you can also use the program to extract the bitmaps in a usable image file and create a replica of the shader you're wanting to use).

July 31st, 2008, 12:10 AM
So, like textures, you just extract the textures that make up the shader, edit them, then put it back in the tag folder to compile in a custom map? Or are you modding the original map itself?

July 31st, 2008, 12:14 AM
You extract the textures from h2x, and then compile them for h2v. Then you look at the shader settings and copy them when you're making you're shader in guerilla.

It's just like the usual process except you know what everything should look like and don't have to start guessing on things.

July 31st, 2008, 12:29 AM
wait...doesnt h2v already have all the shaders h2x does??

July 31st, 2008, 12:43 AM
They are practically the same game, so why would you extract the textures from h2x.. :\

I've modded h2x for years, and I know about all of the shader/texture business on the xbox. What does it have to do with h2vista?

Edit: I'm probably misreading your post.

July 31st, 2008, 01:06 AM
wait...doesnt h2v already have all the shaders h2x does??

Like 5 forerunner ones...

They are practically the same game, so why would you extract the textures from h2x.. :\

I've modded h2x for years, and I know about all of the shader/texture business on the xbox. What does it have to do with h2vista?

Edit: I'm probably misreading your post.

It is the same, I'm just using that as an example since they can't be extracted for h2v (AFAIK) or if you didn't download the ones korn released. Plus you can keep everything real simple by only using the ones you want.