View Full Version : [APP] FoV and 3rd Person Enabler
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 31st, 2008, 08:30 AM
I was deciding weather or not to release it, and I posted a poll, the majority said to release, So I shall release!
Its a FOV/3P hack, therefore its not for cheating :) some people say it may give an advantage, but hey, its not that much, and if you use that logic, using a widescreen monitor is cheating, so the logic is defeated!
Anyways heres the readme that isnt included in the download!
s1r 0wns alots PVT Hack (aka Pyong or Lone wolf)
sprt4n117 did the coding, I built the GUI and told him what to do :p
Controlls for ingame (xbox controller only!)
Fov change Hold LB and left or right on the dpad (doesnt decrease FOV for cheating reasons)
To go into 3p hold LB and press down (or up on the dpad, I forget which)
FOV: Virtually none
3P If you enter a vehicle, and exit, you will be in first person
Sometimes in 3p, your camera will be a bit higher or lower (sometimes alot higher though) and your just going to have to respawn for it to work, also, dont press the 3p command until about 5 seconds after you spawn, often times it causes the extra height, also you often cant do any commands until about 5 seconds after you spawn anyways.
Have fun though!
Hope you guys will like this hack, :) Hope it improves h2v!
Edit: Link Fixed, Fov Also works on Xp, with 1.6 or higher setting.
Edit2: Link Fixed, Again.
Edit3: New Link
July 31st, 2008, 11:47 AM
Good ol' spart4n.
Just to let you know, its increasing the FOV that could called "cheating" (even though its not), rather than decreasing.
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 31st, 2008, 11:50 AM
Decreasing could be considered cheating, because you can scope more.
July 31st, 2008, 11:55 AM
As in, see more? Like stuff to the sides that you wouldnt normally see? Thats increasing.
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 31st, 2008, 12:06 PM
No, I mean, being able to zoom in more to get a better shot, basically you could get 15x scope on a sniper.
July 31st, 2008, 12:55 PM
Yeah, but then you lose parts you used to be able to see. xD
July 31st, 2008, 12:58 PM
nice program :)
July 31st, 2008, 01:11 PM
You going to release a speedhack too? I think this is crap.... A hack is a hack is a hack.
July 31st, 2008, 01:27 PM
I really dont see where you would need 15x on a sniper. This is good for people w/o widescreen monitors
July 31st, 2008, 01:32 PM
You going to release a speedhack too? I think this is crap.... A hack is a hack is a hack.
And I think your a moron, but then again free speech was invented for us to moan like this wasnt it....
Can I ask you, jonnyblaz, have you actually ever used a FOV hack?
July 31st, 2008, 02:36 PM
You are intitled to your opinion and i take no offense because i think the same of you. On the top of that little app what's the last word? HACK!!. And if zooming in 15x more than other people is not an advantage i don't know what is....
July 31st, 2008, 02:50 PM
just leave.
July 31st, 2008, 03:55 PM
Alright. It seems online hacks are okay now. Moving on to a new game...
July 31st, 2008, 04:31 PM
It's up to the community to decide what is acceptable. There aren't set-in-stone rules for every game.
July 31st, 2008, 04:39 PM
You are intitled to your opinion and i take no offense because i think the same of you. On the top of that little app what's the last word? HACK!!. And if zooming in 15x more than other people is not an advantage i don't know what is....
Obviously you dont know what the difference is between cheating and hacking.
Cheating usually means you have an advantage over everyone else.
Hacking, yes some of the hacks are cheats and you get an advantage, but a TON more are just hacks for fun, like the portal gun, flycam, 3rd person, dev mode, physics gun, and tons more.
I've had tons of fun making and playing with hacks and others here have, did I cheat? No, I never used them in that way .
Sure thats your opinion, that doesnt mean your opinion is right or correct though.
I'm not going to lie to you and say there arent any hacks that cant be used to cheat, there is. But most of the people here agree the aimbot is bad.
Also, like I said and I will say it again, if you dont understand the hack or havent used it, I suggest you hypothesize instead of making critical judgement based on assumption. 15x zoom is bad yes, but your view is restricted. Its like looking down a telescope, you see further but you cant see as much.
July 31st, 2008, 05:05 PM
9mm hit the spot. There are good hacks (ex: fly cam, project yelo, ect) and there are bad hacks (ex: aimbots, wall hacks, speed hacks (excluding the times we've used it on rec0's app during stunts haha)). This isn't what I would call a bad hack. Not like you're going to magically get better at the game with this hack. If you do then you're special. :)
July 31st, 2008, 05:29 PM
The guy who made this called Sprt4n117 is on the VA team and his trainer is VERY GOOD. So please don't bitch him up for creating this program, he would have posted this himself on this site if he wouldn't have received so much negative feedback last time.
July 31st, 2008, 05:35 PM
Dude i know what i'm talking about. I could hack halo 2 sideways but i will not because if it even slightly gives someone an unfair advantage it's not fair and will ruin the game just like an aimbot.
And about this hack/cheat. I think everyone is forgetting there is a FOV function included. How is 15x extra zoom not a cheat? I mean christ, and you know people will use it that way also. Give a kid a cookie and he'll eat it. I agree 3rd person is not so bad.
There are sites for hacks, i though modacity had more class. How do hacks help the community?
I think the link should be removed. And if not atleast take the fov function out, 3rd person is bad but there is no advantage.
July 31st, 2008, 06:34 PM
It's about time we can change the FoV. I can't stand the 70 degree FoV in this game.
Comparing a FoV "hack" to an aimbot is comparing apples to oranges.
Is Kornman the devil now for releasing the FoV component of Yelo for Halo CE? Did Jahrain get shamed for releasing his 3rd person app?
From what I understand, you can't even press a button and change the FoV in game, like you could easily do with Yelo. Meaning, you'd have to minimize the game, change your FoV, then start shooting AND be extremely precise with your mouse because of how far you would be zoomed in. Then you would have to minimize the game, increase the FoV, and open the game back up again, otherwise you would be running around zoomed in 15x, giving everyone else the advantage.
Maybe add a minimum to the FoV tool. Don't let it go below 60 degrees, but maximum doesn't matter. Still, this is a fucking stupid argument.
Thanks for releasing this tool.
July 31st, 2008, 06:42 PM
How do hacks help the community?
I'm going to guess you've never heard of rec0. He made this nice program that cought aimbots and wall hackers, but it was taking advantage of some unlocked dev commands.
This is technically a hack, so it must be bad and it will KILL the community!
Wouldn't want those aimbotters to get harmed, right?
July 31st, 2008, 06:57 PM
I'll drop it after this final comment. I personally think this is crap but if the moderators say it's okay i'll just shut up.
This app gives an unfair advantage, You can't argue that. If a sniper finds a nice comfy spot on the edge of a map he can hit anyone using this. And moving the fov the other way helps you see what's going on around you. I have nothing against 3p because it's harder to aim. The fov was locked for a reason.
Sorry if you don't agree, seems like the world went mad. I bet if kiwi released this you'd be all up in arms. Oh well.
Oh P.S. to the creator. It's a good idea to protect your exe files unless you don't care if people decompile your app for their own purposes.
There i feel better.
July 31st, 2008, 07:30 PM
If Kiwi made it I wouldn't chew him out :p
Also, having the FOV super low would be more of an annoyance then an advantage. Sure, it may help someone hit stuff far away, but what are you going to do if someone gets behind you? Turn around and shoot him? Not with a 5-degree FOV you won't.
It's the opposite if you run a higher FOV. Now you'll be great in close combat, but that sniper on the other side of the map will be so small you won't know where the shot came from.
July 31st, 2008, 07:37 PM
How do hacks help the community?
I'm going to guess you've never heard of rec0. He made this nice program that cought aimbots and wall hackers, but it was taking advantage of some unlocked dev commands.
This is technically a hack, so it must be bad and it will KILL the community!
Wouldn't want those aimbotters to get harmed, right?
You're talking about a serverside 'hack'.
I was already thinking how to and in the process of making anticheats with the help of Johnny and we made good progress.
We actually had several projects going for H2V, anticheats, getting the servertool (including new bansystem based on gamertag, gamer ID or IP) to run good on vista and w2k8 as well, map-ports from Halo1 etc.etc...
Only one moderator decided to make this a 'valid' thread/release without even consulting another. He probably wanted the hack himself badly no matter what other people think about it.
One for Kiwi: Post your hacks here now, it's allowed now!
One from me: Have fun hacking the game! (it's easy, it's basicly clientsided so go nuts!)
July 31st, 2008, 07:56 PM
I'm pretty sure the sight jacker running on the user's system is not server side. :raise:
I was the one who approved the thread, but I don't have H2v installed, or Vista for that matter. Jcap and others seem to like it, so i'm not sure why you are so worked up over it. :(
July 31st, 2008, 08:38 PM
I don't have H2v installed, or Vista for that matter.
Maybe this is not the place for a 79 year old person, or decide to allow a HACK if you don't even have the game. Geez...
July 31st, 2008, 08:43 PM
Who here actually plays this game regularly? >.>
July 31st, 2008, 08:47 PM
Oh internet.
I've had it since launch.
Who here actually plays this game regularly? >.>
you do ;)
July 31st, 2008, 08:47 PM
Ok avoid the subject...
July 31st, 2008, 08:51 PM
you do ;)
That was a one time thing. :cool:
July 31st, 2008, 08:52 PM
I recall us owning up the servers more than one time. :cool:
July 31st, 2008, 09:14 PM
I play the game all the time, and i'm pretty good at it if i do say so myself. That's why i don't want to see hacks out that make noobs less noobish.
July 31st, 2008, 09:52 PM
He cant code, neither can owns alot. Sprt4n117 made a private hack just for him and hes being a r-tard and releaseing it. Consiter yourself banned from anything else we make
July 31st, 2008, 11:23 PM
bawwww he's banned from making speed/jump/aimbot CHEATS with you! oh no! he can't be a faggot!
July 31st, 2008, 11:39 PM
Who here actually plays this game regularly? >.>
Lol @ snaf
So this only works with a xbox controller? gay.
July 31st, 2008, 11:40 PM
I figure the people that want this can use it if they please. H2v isnt ranked is it?
July 31st, 2008, 11:59 PM
you can do ranked or browse games
August 1st, 2008, 12:58 AM
August 1st, 2008, 01:48 AM
Oh that dirty horrible awful cheater!
e: Looks like Vicky is calling it quits on the h2v server app because of this, lol.
August 1st, 2008, 02:32 AM
Oh that dirty horrible awful cheater!
e: Looks like Vicky is calling it quits on the h2v server app because of this, lol.
bawwww, not an app for an unsupported, unpopular game, bawww :(
August 1st, 2008, 03:33 AM
1) I didn't protect because I wasn't expecting a release
yes I agree this gives you an advantage but hardly a big one
Something you should try: stretch your arms out to your sides and I BET you can slightly see the tips of your fingers. Real life FOV is about 180 degress. look closely at h2v. It has... what? 90 degrees? if you ask me this is giving you "normal" field of view anyways.
August 1st, 2008, 04:05 AM
Something you should try: stretch your arms out to your sides and I BET you can slightly see the tips of your fingers. Real life FOV is about 180 degress. look closely at h2v. It has... what? 90 degrees? if you ask me this is giving you "normal" field of view anyways.
Actually it's more than 180 in real life :)
This trainer is nice and we should be thankful for anything H2V related out there...even if it's the most useless application out there, which this one is definitely not. ;)
Expect more in the future from us...Kiwi needs a bit of a chill.
August 1st, 2008, 06:47 AM
e: Looks like Vicky is calling it quits on the h2v server app because of this, lol.
Yeah, server-admins will love you for this.
August 1st, 2008, 07:41 AM
Yeah, server-admins will love you for this.
Exactly why I dont play halo 2 vista anymore, I might get bored and mess around but I dont hack to cheat and you mofos need to get it right. THERE IS NO MM SO WHATS THE POINT!!!!!
Also, I have created a list more hacks that many people know about. They are just on the Downlow and I plan to keep them that way. come to think of it only 1 hack was released by me, that one doesent work anymore. There was 3 checks to see if it was enabled. All 3 of those checks are broken so you have a non-working app. and it was protected. SO FUCK YOU GUYS!
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 1st, 2008, 09:38 AM
I find this kinda funny with all of the controversy, I set it so that you cant decrease FOV so you cant zoom in farther than normal, Which I personally found Good, If you wish, I can contact sprt4n117 and ask him to add Keyboard commands as well, probably similar to the ones in Bitterbannana's 3rd person/fov app for ce.
August 1st, 2008, 11:38 AM
Yeah, server-admins will love you for this.The thing is, it is you who are stopping development, not me. You're acting like a little kid who wants the world to turn his way. :)
August 1st, 2008, 01:01 PM
Won't run on my x64 Home premium
August 1st, 2008, 01:06 PM
Won't run on my x64 Home premium
Note: it uses directinput to check 360 controller input. make sure you have directx redistributable installed if it doesnt work
August 1st, 2008, 01:27 PM
The thing is, it is you who are stopping development, not me. You're acting like a little kid who wants the world to turn his way. :)
Modacity (h2vista actually) used to be: Post gamehack and you're banned. Thread removed as well of course. This decompilable hack that only works on H2V on Vista32 bit with an xbox controller gives people advantage over others, how small it may be. And not everyone playing H2V can even use it.
The poll was there for less than a day, only 17 people voted yes or no while H2V has hundreds of players, before you decided, without even playing the game yourself, to release this hack on Modacity.
I think Modacity was the most respected site/forum about games, mapping etc.etc. with quality and brains. If you wanted hacks you'd go to halomods or kiwi's site for example. Aperently you thought it was time to change the status of Modacity to be of the same status as previously named sites. Bad choice.
August 1st, 2008, 02:37 PM
Modacity (h2vista actually) used to be: Post gamehack and you're banned. Thread removed as well of course. This decompilable hack that only works on H2V on Vista32 bit with an xbox controller gives people advantage over others, how small it may be. And not everyone playing H2V can even use it.
The poll was there for less than a day, only 17 people voted yes or no while H2V has hundreds of players, before you decided, without even playing the game yourself, to release this hack on Modacity.
I think Modacity was the most respected site/forum about games, mapping etc.etc. with quality and brains. If you wanted hacks you'd go to halomods or kiwi's site for example. Aperently you thought it was time to change the status of Modacity to be of the same status as previously named sites. Bad choice.
So by your definition something like HMT for Halo PC should be banned as well because someone might use it to give their sniper rifle different zoom levels or put zoom on the needler :confused2:
Or make the warthog drive around with the sideseat clientside so you can spy on the other team from your own base :O Gosh those dirty hackers.
You're being an idiot, lots of things have the potential to be abused but that doesn't make them bad. It's like saying a hammer is inherently bad because you could hit someone on the head with it if you wanted to.
August 1st, 2008, 02:55 PM
You compare 2 totally different games. H2V is way more easier to hack than Halo1 (thanks M$/HG or whoever), H2V is mostly clientsided, seriously you can be an online god if you wanted to, so handing out hacks doesn't make the game better does it?
Bad Waffle
August 1st, 2008, 03:06 PM
Modacity (h2vista actually) used to be: Post gamehack and you're banned. Thread removed as well of course. This decompilable hack that only works on H2V on Vista32 bit with an xbox controller gives people advantage over others, how small it may be. And not everyone playing H2V can even use it.
The poll was there for less than a day, only 17 people voted yes or no while H2V has hundreds of players, before you decided, without even playing the game yourself, to release this hack on Modacity.
I think Modacity was the most respected site/forum about games, mapping etc.etc. with quality and brains. If you wanted hacks you'd go to halomods or kiwi's site for example. Aperently you thought it was time to change the status of Modacity to be of the same status as previously named sites. Bad choice.
Yes, you get banned for posting cheating hacks. It has never been that you could post aimbots or server crashers. You're too childish to understand that since the dawn of CE, even way before that, people have released fp hacks and not been burned at the stake for being evil. Why don't you actually go become a part of this community and produce something, then maybe you can stand up to all the people who HAVE done something to benefit all (InnerGoat, Jcap, Me, Snafubar, STLRamsFan, Limited, Patrickssj6) and maybe one or two of those people will take note of what you're saying.
August 1st, 2008, 03:10 PM
Why don't you actually go become a part of this community and produce something, then maybe you can stand up to all the people who HAVE done something to benefit all (InnerGoat, Jcap, Me, Snafubar, STLRamsFan, Limited, Patrickssj6) and maybe one or two of those people will take note of what you're saying.
Looks like you missed something.
August 1st, 2008, 03:21 PM
Lag, he made the biggest hack for H2V, a server app. Again, another good hack that was allowed to be posted here.
Don't know why you think i've never played the game though
August 1st, 2008, 03:26 PM
You compare 2 totally different games. H2V is way more easier to hack than Halo1 (thanks M$/HG or whoever), H2V is mostly clientsided, seriously you can be an online god if you wanted to, so handing out hacks doesn't make the game better does it?
They're different games, but they're the same hacks. We're not talking about becoming an "online god" here. That is exactly what is banned. The ones we really are against are the hacks that literally kill the game for other players. Something that modifies the FoV isn't going to do damage to a game. In fact, it can actually benefit it due to the complaints there have been regarding the 70 degree FoV for this game, while essentially every other game for the PC has a FoV of 90 degrees.
August 1st, 2008, 03:38 PM
The fact that it's decompilable opening hack-doors for anyone who can program a bit doesn't matter aperently, and it IS a gamehack no matter how significant. If, and only if this would be an allowed 'enabler' it should have been usable for everyone running the game. It is not. So the forumrules no longer apply it seems.
I'd say, have fun with the game-hackers on H2V!
August 1st, 2008, 03:59 PM
The "advantages" given by using this app are negligible. 360 controller users need to stop what they're doing, and then hold two buttons to alter the camera. Non-controller users need to minimize Halo 2 and manually change the settings in order to alter the camera.
While you can argue that a large FOV lets people see more, the range you can actually see without messing up everything isn't much at all, and too large distorts the shit out of everything and messes with depth perception, and, from my personal experience, causes motion sickness.
Thirdperson can result in players hiding around corners to see what's going on? God gave us grenades for a reason.
You really are getting worked up over nothing.
The fact that it's decompilable opening hack-doors for anyone who can program a bit doesn't matter aperently.
For what, more camera hacks? Onoz!
Might as well ban Halo 2 Vista, too. What's stopping someone from decompiling/reverse-engineering that and using bits and pieces from that for malicious purposes?
August 1st, 2008, 04:06 PM
I'll keep it short, neat app.
August 1st, 2008, 04:08 PM
Thirdperson can result in players hiding around corners to see what's going on? God gave us grenades for a reason.
So you nade every corner you go around? Guess you got a nade-hack as well then.
And i think you're forgetting about the players on Vista64bit.
August 1st, 2008, 04:13 PM
I swear, Vicky, you're the biggest crybaby on this site.
o no sum1 mayd a eff oh vee haxor fur mah gaem u killin it so ima sotp werkin on mah searvar app! :mad:
No, seriously, you're acting like you've got sand in your vagina.
E: I like how you changed your sig to troll. You're way cool now.
August 1st, 2008, 04:22 PM
Go trade ur mouth in for a brain snaf.
Why would i, work on, spent time on, and eventually release a servertool version with antihack features if on the same forum hacks are released?
August 1st, 2008, 04:27 PM
So you nade every corner you go around? Guess you got a nade-hack as well then.Uh, no, they pop out for some shots and you see them and bomb the crap out of them. Then they die or run like a bitch.
And i think you're forgetting about the players on Vista64bit.Negligible. Advantage. You're acting like someone created the ultimate, undetectable aimbot or something.
Hey, since it's decompilable, wouldn't it be great if someone made a version that worked on Vista 64? Or how about a version without the "I am Legend" book cover on it? Oh, right, sorry. It's such a horrible, horrible hack, I shouldn't be promoting the modification of it. :saddowns:
August 1st, 2008, 04:39 PM
Lag, he made the biggest hack for H2V, a server app. Again, another good hack that was allowed to be posted here.
Well, we have some things bit more complex than his application that won't/can't be released but that doesn't matter now.
Go trade ur mouth in for a brain snaf.
Why would i, work on, spent time on, and eventually release a servertool version with antihack features if on the same forum hacks are released?
You mean a server tool with the fugliest, most useless GUI ever? I found about 2 bugs in the first 5 minutes. Your great AntiHack features can't detect/fix this anyway.
Be honest, how old are you? Either you are young and very naive or you are old and your skills are not as admirable as you make them.
You compare 2 totally different games. H2V is way more easier to hack than Halo1 (thanks M$/HG or whoever), H2V is mostly clientsided, seriously you can be an online god if you wanted to, so handing out hacks doesn't make the game better does it?
There you have it. This hack, never ever in any game out there, was server checked. The reason is obviously, like many in this thread already stated, that this hack does no harm what so ever.
100 ping difference or a slower computer make about 100% more difference than this.
Now, would you please go play somewhere else?
August 1st, 2008, 04:48 PM
Sure, aperently it's ok for an admin to screw up.
August 1st, 2008, 05:11 PM
My monitor must be broken, because I can't find the screw-up :awesome:
August 1st, 2008, 05:23 PM
Screw up? Excuse me?
Just because the staff here doesn't agree with YOUR thinking doesn't mean that we "screwed up" anything.
YOU are the only person here overreacting to something INCREDIBLY MINOR and throwing an all out motherfucking HISSY FIT because we're not responding to your requests the way you want.
If the program also crashed your server app, we'd remove it. If the program was an aimbot, we'd remove it. If the program turned on godmode for the user, we'd remove it. This camera mod is allowed simply because it's more beneficial than destructive. Any "advantages" given by the program are countered by normal gameplay and technical limitations.
August 1st, 2008, 05:35 PM
:words:. H2V is mostly clientsided...
I don't know much about netcodes, but almost every game is server sided. If it were client sided speedhacks would workd, and if someone was lagging everyone else would lag.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 1st, 2008, 06:22 PM
It works with or without the controller, just changing settings doesnt, you just have to do it in the other window, Ill ask spartan to add keyboard settings to it soon.
August 1st, 2008, 06:22 PM
If the program also crashed your server app, we'd remove it.
Was this verified before releasing it?
I don't know much about netcodes, but almost every game is server sided. If it were client sided speedhacks would workd, and if someone was lagging everyone else would lag.
Yes, yes and no. Never saw speedhackers on h2v? That's actually the worst problem with this game. Unlike halo1 in h2v the players arent re-synched with or repositioned as the players position on the server (wondered why it's so low on cpu usage?), maybe you've seen the paulustrainer with the superjump, it doesnt lag for the player like on halo1, where you would be re-synched with the server and getting a feeling of very fast deja vu or repetion of going back to where you were, go fast again, go back etc.etc. No, on h2v it works flawless instead.
August 1st, 2008, 06:24 PM
Vicky, I think you are forgetting this app has been released for Halo 2 Xbox. Did that kill it? Did it make a ton of noob hackers? No, Halo 2 Xbox is still played by millions. Yes this is more accessible but the other hack is still out there, which is what you keep bitching on about, that its in public domain.
Why would i, work on, spent time on, and eventually release a servertool version with antihack features if on the same forum hacks are released?
For the exact same reason Bitter attempted to make an anti-aimbot tool. He wanted to fix someone elses misjudgement which was sadly connected to him.
You compare 2 totally different games. H2V is way more easier to hack than Halo1 (thanks M$/HG or whoever), H2V is mostly clientsided, seriously you can be an online god if you wanted to, so handing out hacks doesn't make the game better does it?
Halo 1 is more hackable than Halo 2, you obviously havent pushed the boundaries or thought about what is exactly possible.
Seriously Vicky why dont you just fuck off? Your insulting all of us and expect us to obey your demands? Its commendable your making the h2v server tool, it would suck if you stopped making that yes, but thats under your control. And never question Snaf's intelligence.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 1st, 2008, 06:37 PM
I find this fighting quite humourous.
August 1st, 2008, 09:17 PM
Halo 1 is more hackable than Halo 2, you obviously havent pushed the boundaries or thought about what is exactly possible.
LOL, guess you missed a post. How the hell would or could i make antihacks without pushing the game to it's limits? Matrix like movements, superman'ish (girl for you) movements, want to transport? Np, and all in a dedicated server. Get your head out of your ass before posting crap like that you worthless piece of shit. I know what i talk about, you don't.... you can't, even if you wanted to.
August 1st, 2008, 09:24 PM
Vicky, what are you striving to achieve with these posts.. ?
August 1st, 2008, 09:34 PM
If you dont want the app then dont get it.
If you think its unfair that they have it then ya know what? Even the odds. DL the damn thing.
IDK if thats what you were even talking about because your posts hurt my eyes and brain. And if its not, then its totally irrelevant and I dont have to read it in the first place.
August 1st, 2008, 09:38 PM
It could in one way increase how you play, around corners of course being able to peek around them, but not exactly. You would still basically have the same skills with just a little X-ray sort of powers, maybe.
August 1st, 2008, 09:51 PM
I was working on antihacks for h2v, some admin that doesn't even play h2v allowed hacks to be posted on this forum. That's it, i'm against any kind of (game)hack giving players using it advantage over others no matter how small or insignificant, my work down the drain within 15 hours after the request of release. And in case you didn't know, h2v is seriously being hacked, because it's that easy. (read up to know why)
It's as simple as that, and the timing couldn't be worse, i was really about to release a next version of the servertool and if all would've been normal here 'according to the forum-rules' the next version would've had antihack functionality. This whole thing made me decide not to release it.
August 1st, 2008, 09:52 PM
Like yeah, Wireframe or something would be kinda cheap, but if they have it, its avalable to you also, so NO hacks like this are truely unfair to me.
August 1st, 2008, 10:07 PM
Move on to a different game, or take a break. Things aren't always going to your way, if you're chill about it you shouldn't have a problem. Also, who cares about your anti-hack if people said it doesn't really work >_>
August 1st, 2008, 10:48 PM
I'm guessing you don't play TF2 where you can adjust fov ingame. Does that make anymore difference? Anyone here can go ahead and download this program and change their fov just as anyone on TF2 can go into settings and change it.
August 1st, 2008, 11:00 PM
I was really about to release a next version of the servertool and if all would've been normal here 'according to the forum-rules' the next version would've had antihack functionality. This whole thing made me decide not to release it.
lol thats ironic...tell me if i got this right. Because this Hack was released, you decided not to release your server tool with an anti-hack feature... but if you had it your way you wouldve released your new server tool which wouldnt really have been necessary in the first place because if you had it your way there would be no hacks to anti-hack in the first place... lol thats the most ironic thing ever. you decided not to release your server tool with antihack feature because a hack was released...
August 1st, 2008, 11:10 PM
Well Vicky, I was talking about Halo 1. Times have changed since then, it allowed Halo 2 to be coded differently.
I'm not saying a released speed hack is okay, I dont want a speed hack released and I think most people here dont either. A FoV hack is nothing like a speed hack in terms of what you get out of it and how much advantage you get from it.
So I take it you complained to Microsoft/HG for giving controllers autoaim, as by your terms thats giving them an advantage and makes your blood boil?
I know alot more than you think I know. I dont let on how much I know to people because they would blame me for alot of things and I dont want to brag about it.
August 2nd, 2008, 12:38 AM
i'm against any kind of (game)hack giving players using it advantage over others no matter how small or insignificant
Funny, your hack gives server administrators a vast advantage over normal players. Yet it's OK by you? :confused2:
August 2nd, 2008, 12:41 AM
Although actually I'm just using Yelo's weapon placement and HUD features. Personally can't stand Halo's normal weapon placements..
August 2nd, 2008, 12:46 AM
Funny, your hack gives server administrators a vast advantage over normal players. Yet it's OK by you? :confused2:
Polar, that's an EXCELLENT point you make there.
August 2nd, 2008, 01:43 AM
It's as simple as that, and the timing couldn't be worse, i was really about to release a next version of the servertool and if all would've been normal here 'according to the forum-rules' the next version would've had antihack functionality. This whole thing made me decide not to release it.
So now let's share the blame in why the game is going to suck even more because you are not going to stop cheaters? Ok.
August 2nd, 2008, 05:44 AM
Spartan leer lezen, polar dat slaat als een pik op een drumstel, tis een hack, de mazzel.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 2nd, 2008, 07:28 AM
May I also ask why your not angry, at other hacks that have been released isntead?
Your just angry you can't defend against this. :p
August 2nd, 2008, 07:56 AM
This is why i am just going to stay away from here. Hypocrisy rules!!! What one person get's praised for another would get banned. I think the proof is in the pudding, look above. To me it's not the hack that i'm upset about, it's the point, a hack is a hack is a hack, and if one gets allowed to be posted others will start trying to post theirs. Sure you may take it down but i seriously though this was a modding site and known for it's great modelers and game enthusiasts. Not hackers...
I think there is one simple question. Is this a hacking site or not? I just finished with a 3 month map project but i don't know if this is the place to post it. Maybe i'll just decompile that hack and use the info to make a zoom hack and post that. A flycam does not sound that bad now to. He sarcasticly says. Didn't someone get a medal of achievement for making a jump hack here? yes they did. And another person helped make it work and he got banned.
Further more the 2 or 3 people that are complaining about this are the only people that actually play the game on a regular basis. Does that not hold any weight atall? ALL of you guys are defending a hack for a game you don't play.
August 2nd, 2008, 09:15 AM
Alright, some of you are over reacting about a hack that offers little to no advantage. This isn't an aimbot, speed hack, infinite ammo, jump 5000 feet in the air..... type of hack. As I said before, this is not going to "magically" make you into a better player. Hacks like this have been released all the time. This isn't a cheating hack. Reading the huge fuss and not releasing a server app because of this I find laughable.
This hack is not going to destroy the game. Besides, does project yelo for Halo CE come into mind to any of you? That hack has a FOV feature, yet I saw no one complaining about it. Time to get over the release of this hack and move on.
This isn't what I would call a "hacking site". This is a community where people have the right to show off their stuff to others (however it must be apprioate within the beliefs of the majority that are here). When it was asked whether or not it should be released, the community had spoken and here we are. Not like we are in a hacking forum that has the full intent of cheating...
August 2nd, 2008, 09:42 AM
Spartan leer lezen, polar dat slaat als een pik op een drumstel, tis een hack, de mazzel.
Spartan learn to read, that polar saves as a cock on a drums, tis a hack, the mazzel.
o rly
August 2nd, 2008, 09:46 AM
Don't worry...his country will be under water in 10 years anyway :awesome:
Until then...hab deinen Spass du scheiss Lügner :)
Also, I might add that he is bluffing.
August 2nd, 2008, 09:54 AM
I really don't think a hack should be approved by an admin that does not even play the game. That's like George Bush saying it's alright for china to invade japan. How is that his call? It does not effect anyone he knows. Sorry for the political analogy.
August 2nd, 2008, 10:08 AM
Honestly, get over it. We all know what it's capable of and the majority here agree it's just fine. As what Jally said before "It's up to the community to decide what is acceptable. There aren't set-in-stone rules for every game."
As Jcap said before:
This is a fucking stupid argument.
August 2nd, 2008, 10:25 AM
Alright. It seems online hacks are okay now. Moving on to a new game...
I thought you moved on :O .. You know if you really believe it's a hack then don't use it, and move on.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 2nd, 2008, 11:00 AM
This is funny.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:03 AM
Hack away.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:24 AM
johnny, need I remind you that kornman00, bitterbanana, rec0, Jahrain, AdmiralBacon, and a number of others here hack the blam engine regularly? And that they released a number of hacks for the game? Shall I pick through and ban them for hacking, then ask for Dennis to erase their hacks off the face of the internet because hacking is bad?
You need to open your mind and realize that hacking is more than just making cheating tools. Your ignorance makes me want to slap you repeatedly; stop using the word "hack" so liberally.
I really don't think a hack should be approved by an admin that does not even play the game. That's like George Bush saying it's alright for china to invade japan. How is that his call? It does not effect anyone he knows. Sorry for the political analogy.
That has what to do with ANYTHING?!
InnerGoat, jcap, TheGhost, Timo, and a number of other staff members here play or have played the game and believe that the hack is beneficial (especially to Widescreen players). While Goat was in the wrong to just approve it without discussion, the fact that it's still up says that the staff doesn't mind it. It's why we have STAFF MEMBERS as opposed to STAFF MEMBER; if someone does something wrong, others will step in to repair and correct it, and if someone does something right, they have support.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:39 AM
I totally understand what you are saying polar and agree but most of those hacks you mentioned were for a benefit to the community, not for an advantage. And advantage was the only purpose for this hack. I understand they are out there and if someone wants a hack they can find it but i just thought hacking for advantage was not what this site was about. I have some maps i just finished and i really don't want to post them next to a hack. H2V is my bread and butter, unlike most i really like the game. Why not post antihacks like the ones mentioned above? They are made using hack methods but for another purpose.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:48 AM
The thing is though, this app gives little to no advantage.
Even though someone can zoom in further with it, keep in mind a number of other factors. The weapon is set to slow down turning speed to a certain amount when zoomed in. If you zoom in unscoped, or zoom in too far, moving your aim will result in you not knowing where the hell you're aiming because the camera will appear to move too fast. If you increase the FOV, you will be able to see around you more, but everything becomes distorted, and you lose your sense of depth perception.
The game, by default, uses a 70-degree FOV. The 90 degree field that everyone wants adds not even half an inch of space to the outer edges of the screen on typical monitors.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:53 AM
If it gives little to no advantage why do people want it? And also why is it posted here if it's worthless or a crutch? When a person shoots you from the side you are not supposed to see them. that's the advantage.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:57 AM
the hack is beneficial (especially to Widescreen players).
That's one of the biggest reasons why people would want this hack. Widescreen players are the ones that would be helped the most.
August 2nd, 2008, 12:06 PM
:/ this is still going on?
E: Look, how about we let this go, and you can just flame them ingame when you see someone using those extra 20 degrees to their extreme advantage. Make sure you can prove it too. I'm sure theirs gonna be a sightjacker to come out for h2v. You could use that, record it, and report them to bungie.
t3h m00kz
August 2nd, 2008, 12:24 PM
Either that or just not give a shit, because H2Vista has no ranking system of any kind, so it REALLY doesn't matter if someone has an advantage or not. If this were the XBox title, however, THEN I think there'd be an issue.
Not to mention, look at all the shit released for Halo 1 PC. Third Person FOV hacks and chasecams and shit. I really don't care if people use them, third person's fun sometimes to be honest. Gears of War camera ftw.
August 2nd, 2008, 12:26 PM
If it gives little to no advantage why do people want it? And also why is it posted here if it's worthless or a crutch? When a person shoots you from the side you are not supposed to see them. that's the advantage.
I took a look more into it using the 3p hack for CE.
The difference between 70 and 90 degrees is about an inch more around the whole screen. While yeah, you can see a bit more around you, in most cases you're focused more on what's around your crosshair. What it boils down to is personal preference; the 90 degree field makes the FP hand positions more realistic, and it seems less claustrophobic.
As for thirdperson, while you could move the camera around freely with bitter's hack, the fact that there's only one button on the Halo 2 hack leads me to believe that it does something like make the player's camera into the standard over-the-shoulder mounted turret camera. And again, peeking around the corner strategies here don't work that well; you can only peek around corners to your right, and if you pop out for a shot, your cover is blown and you end up eating a grenade sandwich.
August 2nd, 2008, 12:28 PM
I fully agree.
I was actually joking, saying to use a hack to catch a hacker. He would be just as guilty.
t3h m00kz
August 2nd, 2008, 12:38 PM
I just tested the third person. And, to my expectations, it makes your shots innacurate. I.E. They shoot BELOW the reticule. The third person, while giving the player a better FOV, also makes the shots innacurate.
You can't even zoom in with it in third person. DEFINITELY not an advantage while sniping. Especially since you have to MINIMIZE Halo 2 to hit the button.
August 2nd, 2008, 01:50 PM
I just tested the third person. And, to my expectations, it makes your shots innacurate. I.E. They shoot BELOW the reticule. The third person, while giving the player a better FOV, also makes the shots innacurate.
You can't even zoom in with it. DEFINITELY not an advantage while sniping. Especially since you have to MINIMIZE Halo 2 to hit the button.
I don't know if you guys recall bb's fixed TP for halo pc? Made sure the cross hair didn't screw up. Though, it was not all that good because you'd see cutting in the gameplay where the crosshair is trying to sort out where it SHOULD be when going up a hill, or down, or jumping.
I'm really sorry to say this, but from my experience of playing H2V, I have gotten bored so quickly that I can't even join servers. This game, even with new maps, doesn't make me go dang, up for h2v anyone? It makes me say oh, good job. I, myself use fov to sort out my widescreen moniter. Aswell as to go back to the fov we had on xbox. Everytime I've used this program, I've played worse. For one, as said before, the TP HUD is inaccurate.
Watching round corners is something you CAN do, but hell, every time I do it, the server is a laggy as fuck, and my melees turn into clusterfucks, and I end up receiving a gun planted in my back. (Lol, lunging melee)
While cheating is something I don't want to see in the future, I can fully see these apps helping with machinima, removing hud, making a better panoramic view for FP camera filming etc. Calm down guys, aslong as there are games there will be hacks. I haven't seen a game come out hack free. Hell, games with continuous support still have hacks, and the reason there is support is because alot of the community want to go beyond the game's playing box. Most devs are just making sure no dangerous apps come out, like player highlighting, see throughable bsp, etc.
I can fully understand why some apps are not removed, because they can make the game fun again. As soon as halo 1 became boring for me, I began pubbing with TP to try out new gameplay. I even filmed incase people thought I was unfairly using it. Honestly, this app will not give you an advantage. Just because an app is nulled out in updates doesn't make it intentional, I recall this happeneing to PY. If you have problems with a hack on the forums, just pm an admin/mod, because if a thread survives this long, it's fine. It will not be removed.
August 2nd, 2008, 04:25 PM
Rosco nailed it.
"Calm down guys, aslong as there are games there will be hacks. I haven't seen a game come out hack free."
I agree 100% with that quote.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 2nd, 2008, 05:31 PM
The height issue has been fixed, and sprt4n is adding the keyboard controlls, check the first post soon for the update.
August 2nd, 2008, 11:03 PM
Some of us want this only for single player, so no ethical problems there.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 3rd, 2008, 11:15 AM
True, and for those who have xp only, Im working on a version of it for xp :)
Bad Waffle
August 4th, 2008, 01:10 AM
Lag, he made the biggest hack for H2V, a server app. Again, another good hack that was allowed to be posted here.
Don't know why you think i've never played the game though
i never heard about it :v
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 4th, 2008, 10:15 PM
Turns out, my program will work on xp (fov only!) if you set it to 1.06 or higher.
August 5th, 2008, 01:27 AM
I know im replying a little late but,
@Vicky, wow, so it makes the camera view wider ZOMGZ HE NAOW INSTANTLY DOMINATES EVERY1 ONLINZEZ, im glad you stopped with your bitching.
@lone wolf, So us non controller users can minimize and change the fov with the application?
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 5th, 2008, 06:13 AM
Im working on that >.>
also the new fov makes the game play pc worthy.
August 7th, 2008, 06:09 PM
Well this enables you to do something that the creators locked. Maybe it's for a reason maybe by accident but that's beside the point. So it enables you to change your FOV via memory modification. A bypass to the Developer's idea and plan for fair gameplay. If they thought it fair it would be a simple thing for them to include.
Fair or unfair it's a hack and yes the community decided to allow it, i respect it but where do you draw the line? When does a good hack go bad? What if you could set your camera 10ft infront of you with a hotkey? is that bad? If you could jump a fraction of a unit higher than everyone else it would just be a slight advantage like this right? Or make the evergy sword strike slightly faster or even something like double shot for the BR? I know someone is working on that. How about the autoaim? I'm sure it is possible to ENABLE it for keyboard and mouse. I mentioned those because they are all obviously unfair but alot of people would like to see those. And they would only give you a slight advantage in certain aspects of the game.
The reason i don't like this "and i now see it's basicly just my opinion" is someone could easily use the info from this hack and make a dangerous FOV hack. Upping the FOV to say 1.6 makes a fisheyes type widescreen effect like this hack does but downstepping the address's value gives the player a zoom effect. that is more than unfair. And someone who knows what he's doing could make the camera lead instead of follow the player with the 3rd person mod just by using a differant cord address that is close to the one used. Or just differant values. Say your running with the flag and you want to see around a corner. Hit the hotkey and bam. there you go.
So my conclusion is if you see this just as a tool to "enable" the FOV and 3rd person and not a out and out hack you're wrong. And if this is okay why would Autoaim enabling or melee lunge distance be bad? Again Where do you draw the line?
Agree or disagree. I"m allowed my opinion and i think it's very valid.
August 7th, 2008, 07:02 PM
See, the point is (and I am not flaming him) that your opinion...however valid it may be, is utterly pointless now because its already been allowed. So you can opinionate up and down all you want, but all it succeeds in doing is create little quibbles. Making people crotchety is surely not your goal? So whether you deem it fair or not, its allowable and going to be used. So you might as well have quit a while ago.
Your just making people a little testy, and little testes are bad.
Thats my sights on this :/
But fuck all hell what I say, right?
P.S. Quotes (") are not used as parentheses...
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 7th, 2008, 07:38 PM
I really appreciate the Defense people are giving the app. and I am sorry to all who are offended by this, but because its easily obtainable, It shouldnt be a problem.
t3h m00kz
August 10th, 2008, 05:29 PM
I think complaining about this hack is a bit... dumb. And, since we're all talking about valid opinions...
1. Halo 2 doesn't have ranks. Winning doesn't really matter. (I feel like I'm repeating myself...)
2. Let's look at Halo 1, EVERYONE has an FOV hack. I don't hear anybody complaining about THAT.
3. Again, you have to MINIMIZE the game to use it unless you're using a controller, which is practically an aimbot anyway if you mix holding down a D-pad button with a rubber band with mouse and keyboard, it toggles the auto-aim.
The game doesn't have ranks, and has some seriously heavily exploitable glitches to begin with. I think a hack like this is the last thing you need to worry about. Instead, watch out for those controller fags.
Apparently having auto-aim by spending money on an XBox controller is legit, but using this third person hack that screws up your aim isn't.
y so srs
August 12th, 2008, 11:48 PM
See, the point is (and I am not flaming him) that your opinion...however valid it may be, is utterly pointless now because its already been allowed. So you can opinionate up and down all you want, but all it succeeds in doing is create little quibbles. Making people crotchety is surely not your goal? So whether you deem it fair or not, its allowable and going to be used. So you might as well have quit a while ago.
LOL!!! Well said. Never thought about it that way.....No point in defending this app if its already been allowed.... No point arguing against it either.... no point arguing about OTHER hacks that arent even out yet (like aimbot) because that would be off-topic eh? No point arguing about anything.
If you are in an arguing mood, however, I'll give you all something to argue about. I don't care what ANY OF YOU say. broccoli is simply the MOST disgusting thing in the universe. <---- argue against that if you want :p
August 13th, 2008, 10:45 PM
johnnyblaz20, I suggest you go hop into the gunner seat of a warthog, then tell me the creators locked 1st person.
Also spartan, if you chop the lil "leaf like" ends of a broccoli eat that with a bit of roast potatoe and chicken with gravy and omg it takes so good.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 14th, 2008, 09:37 AM
Broccolli also tastes really good in soup form :)
August 14th, 2008, 08:46 PM
I don't even care anymore. You guys like it, i don't. It's just a fact. I probably couldn't convince you guys that ice is cold or the sky is blue without getting told i'm wrong anyways.
August 14th, 2008, 09:08 PM
I don't even care anymore. You guys like it, i don't. It's just a fact. I probably couldn't convince you guys that ice is cold or the sky is blue without getting told i'm wrong anyways.
Hard to convince someone that already knows and accepts those facts, since, well, they already know and accept those facts.
August 15th, 2008, 07:49 AM
I don't even care anymore. You guys like it, i don't. It's just a fact. I probably couldn't convince you guys that ice is cold or the sky is blue without getting told i'm wrong anyways.
You didn't have to get into an argument, you could have pmed an administrator or moderator to sort the thread out instead of being proven wrong by them in public.
August 15th, 2008, 08:51 AM
you guys are insane, broccoli is probably the best vegetable there is.
August 15th, 2008, 03:46 PM
Is the link not working for anybody else?
August 15th, 2008, 05:48 PM
Well i was not proven wrong but i'd like to just move on. In my eyes this is a hack made through memory modifying made for nothing but advantage. In your eyes it is not. Fine.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 15th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Is the link not working for anybody else?
The link to the Hack isnt working? try again in about 15 min, and if it doesnt work, ill upload the fixed 3p height version.
August 15th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Well i was not proven wrong but i'd like to just move on. In my eyes this is a hack made through memory modifying made for nothing but advantage. In your eyes it is not. Fine.
Uhhh, yeah, about that first bit...
You are right about it being a hack. I think you meant to say it was a cheat though :downs:.
Yes, there is some conspiracy to gain an extra half an inch of screen real estate to give us some impossibly tiny nonexistant advantage! Oh noes guys, he's found us out!
Seriously, get it out of your head that this is a cheat. The only people who will get any actual usage out of an app like this are the people with widescreen monitors that want a larger FoV so that they can get the most out of their expensive screens. The only people who will try to use this to cheat are idiots - lowering the field of view makes it harder to track moving targets and also hinders your ability to see things in your peripheral vision.
Basically, you can't see shit and you can't hit shit, therefore you are shit if you try to use this as a hack. However, people like me who have widescreen monitors can enjoy non-stretched visuals.
Seriously, drop it and stop commenting about it because each time you say "O well i'd lik to move on" you are attracting more people with your comments.
@OP - User Interface is terrible but the concept and implementation is good.
August 15th, 2008, 09:41 PM
you guys are insane, broccoli is probably the best vegetable there is.
ill let that comment slide just because of your awesome sig. if you had any other sig, i wouldve *insert a descent threat here*
August 15th, 2008, 10:25 PM
Broccoli owns.
Onions suck.
Do not discuss. :cop:
August 15th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Thanks for the hack. :) Ugh drama...
Also, celery. :-3
August 18th, 2008, 11:56 PM
Forgot to reply but the link still does not work.
*sad panda*
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 19th, 2008, 10:06 AM
Link fixed, now I gotta find out where the hell I put the fixed 3p version
August 19th, 2008, 07:25 PM
Yeah... um its still not working. Is anybody else having issues?
August 19th, 2008, 07:32 PM
LOL!!! Well said. Never thought about it that way.....No point in defending this app if its already been allowed.... No point arguing against it either.... no point arguing about OTHER hacks that arent even out yet (like aimbot) because that would be off-topic eh? No point arguing about anything.
Well thanks for being an adult and admitting I'm smarter than you, and am always right. ;)
August 19th, 2008, 11:46 PM
TPE, maybe you need to clear firefox cache? tools -> clear private data. sometimes when you download something, it saves it in a temporary folder. Then, when you download it again, instead of redownloading the file, it uses the file you already download.
try clearing the cache and if it still doesnt work...then....iono :P
EDIT: I spoke too soon, link doesnt work it simply redirects us to filefront's main page
August 20th, 2008, 01:30 AM
TPE, maybe you need to clear firefox cache? tools -> clear private data. sometimes when you download something, it saves it in a temporary folder. Then, when you download it again, instead of redownloading the file, it uses the file you already download.
try clearing the cache and if it still doesnt work...then....iono :P
EDIT: I spoke too soon, link doesnt work it simply redirects us to filefront's main pageYeah my friend on xfire said it does too.
Different host plawkz
t3h m00kz
August 20th, 2008, 06:04 AM
ftfy :-3
August 21st, 2008, 09:30 PM
Damn muki. I was waiting for you to start screaming backwards in latin.
t3h m00kz
August 24th, 2008, 10:00 PM
Oh also link is broken :saddowns:
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 25th, 2008, 10:22 AM
Linky Fixed.
August 25th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Is it the fixed 3p height version.?
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 27th, 2008, 02:54 AM
i lost that :S
August 27th, 2008, 09:53 PM
would really like to see a fixed 3p height for xp...
August 29th, 2008, 06:29 AM
Well i was not proven wrong but i'd like to just move on. In my eyes this is a hack made through memory modifying made for nothing but advantage. In your eyes it is not. Fine.
Yes you were, because if you were right about this being a cheat, then it would have been taken down.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 29th, 2008, 09:18 AM
With his logic of having an unfair advantage = cheating, being 1337 at the game by practice, without hacks and such is cheating.
August 29th, 2008, 06:02 PM
I'm pretty sure acquired skill and experience would go under the category of 'fair advantage'.
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 29th, 2008, 06:16 PM
Then in this category, it would also be a "fair advantage" because anyone can get it.
September 1st, 2008, 01:29 AM
You know it is hard enough,running a decent server> Without you idiots making hacks and screwing it up or all the other players. It is not that u suck so bad that u need it, it also makes ppl lag in the game. If you have to cheat, then all that says is, you SUCK at the game and need it to play. Lone Wolf it is ppl like you that ruin it for everyone.
September 1st, 2008, 01:49 AM
Aw geez, not this shit again.
Can you (or anyone) provide definitive proof that this camera hack is directly responsible for laggy players?
September 1st, 2008, 03:38 AM
No, of course not. He's another person talking out of his ass about something he knows nothing about, just a troll.
September 1st, 2008, 04:41 AM
Lol, nice troll.
Moosifier?...You are a troll right?
Oh god. If people like this are going to be running the world in 40 years...
I'm off to find a large, heavy object to end myself with.
September 1st, 2008, 05:04 AM
we really need an iq filter on this site
September 1st, 2008, 02:11 PM
why does this troll have 2 bars of rep? fix it guys.
September 1st, 2008, 05:52 PM
Hes a donator wtf?
Pyong Kawaguchi
September 2nd, 2008, 07:12 PM
Obvious troll is obvious, need more ass kicking asap
September 2nd, 2008, 09:55 PM
more like needs more working 3p.
September 3rd, 2008, 05:57 AM
^ I agree with this.
September 4th, 2008, 12:28 PM
You know it is hard enough,running a decent server> Without you idiots making hacks and screwing it up or all the other players. It is not that u suck so bad that u need it, it also makes ppl lag in the game. If you have to cheat, then all that says is, you SUCK at the game and need it to play.
Actually, on reflection, most people that make hacks are pretty smart, and I'm also sure you get a great influx on a game with a frequent player list of about...26.
Hell, when this game actually gets more community support from hackers actually making the game fun then maybe your server will be the only server playing coagulation with constant delayers and chat spammers. Hell, what do I know, I totally wasn't pissed with this game when I bought it. :rolleyes:
Yeah, you heard me. Being an admin of a server is no walk in the park either. You want the tools for making the game fair right? Well they're implemented with hacks, and according to you, that's a form of advantage because the player sucks and has to play with them. Welcome to the forums, I hope you become a valid member and get more than 3 posts without being banned on account of stupidity. Also, thanks for donating to the site, that's a good start. Don't let that make you think you're respected, because for all the admins care, UC sarge can donate. Doesn't mean we like him though.
Pyong Kawaguchi
September 5th, 2008, 05:43 AM
Actually, on reflection, most people that make hacks are pretty smart, and I'm also sure you get a great influx on a game with a frequent player list of about...26.
Hell, when this game actually gets more community support from hackers actually making the game fun then maybe your server will be the only server playing coagulation with constant delayers and chat spammers. Hell, what do I know, I totally wasn't pissed with this game when I bought it. :rolleyes:
Yeah, you heard me. Being an admin of a server is no walk in the park either. You want the tools for making the game fair right? Well they're implemented with hacks, and according to you, that's a form of advantage because the player sucks and has to play with them. Welcome to the forums, I hope you become a valid member and get more than 3 posts without being banned on account of stupidity. Also, thanks for donating to the site, that's a good start. Don't let that make you think you're respected, because for all the admins care, UC sarge can donate. Doesn't mean we like him though.
September 13th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Ok so im such an idiot, lets see, so you do you have a server lonewolf, cause I'll come in there and make the hog fly and watch all the players near me (what i call lag) get jittery, maybe your camera hack doesn't effect the game, idk and don't want to. Like i said if you need the hack,it's just because you probally suck.So make a server that all hackers go to.then maybe us real players can enjoy the game, without the certian few coming in with advantages. It's kinda like a NOOB wanting you to help them get their acheivments ,without earning it. So let me know if you have a server, and I'll show you how hacks effect the games and you can deal with everyone complaining to you.
September 13th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Welcome to the forums, I hope you become a valid member and get more than 3 posts without being banned on account of stupidity. Also, thanks for donating to the site, that's a good start. Don't let that make you think you're respected, because for all the admins care, UC sarge can donate. Doesn't mean we like him though. I really don't care whether you like me or not, or if i get banned,i donated because of ppl like Vicky who are trying to clean up the mess ppl like you are making of the game. I don't need the 2 little bars, they mean nothing to me, hell i EARNED(by posts) a much higher rating in the SLi forums. I didn't ask for them. i can't help it that you are to cheap to donate to a forum you use. Hell if Vicky comes out with the final version i will donate $50.00 in his name, it's worth it. But i know i'm too dumb to realize real talent.
September 13th, 2008, 01:38 PM
Ok so im such an idiot, lets see, so you do you have a server lonewolf, cause I'll come in there and make the hog fly and watch all the players near me (what i call lag) get jittery, maybe your camera hack doesn't effect the game, idk and don't want to.
Funny you didn't mention going into his server and using the fov/3p hack to ruin his server.
Pyong Kawaguchi
September 13th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Also, My uncle doesnt play ANY shooting games because it makes him feel sick, and its because of the low fov games have.
Halo 2's FoV is so incredibly low, It doesnt even qualify as a pc game, heck, Halo 2 Xbox has a higher FOV
September 14th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Fuck off moosifer, you're just an ugly fucking troll.
September 14th, 2008, 06:22 PM
... He's a Donar? Lol he thinks he has respect now, heck I don't even have respect yet...
September 16th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Like I said in my PM, please have a clue before you post. Try actually testing your wild-ass theories before using them as fact. I fail to see how an application that locally manipulates the first-person camera's position and field of view would cause increased latency and/or packet loss between the server and any other clients besides the one running it. Don't give me the whole "oh it's a hack so it's bad" schpeil, either; a program that manipulates the camera ever so slightly is not in any means the same as a lagger, aimbot, wallhack, etc. Care to enlighten me on how modding a warthog to fly around the map is as bad as increasing your field of view from 70 to 90 degrees, or putting the camera just over the right shoulder?
As for it being used for cheating, how? The increased range of view doesn't help much at all (extra... what, inch around the screen?), and the position of the third person camera gives a few advantages that are easily thwarted by normal gameplay. Did you miss the part where we found it makes the game actually not painful to play for widescreen users? I agree that anyone using this to cheat is stupid, yes, because you can't cheat with it.
Pyong Kawaguchi
September 17th, 2008, 05:46 AM
Anyone who does anything that really can't be done, is probably stupid.
September 19th, 2008, 03:20 PM
Like I said in my PM, please have a clue before you post. Try actually testing your wild-ass theories before using them as fact. I fail to see how an application that locally manipulates the first-person camera's position and field of view would cause increased latency and/or packet loss between the server and any other clients besides the one running it. Don't give me the whole "oh it's a hack so it's bad" schpeil, either; a program that manipulates the camera ever so slightly is not in any means the same as a lagger, aimbot, wallhack, etc. Care to enlighten me on how modding a warthog to fly around the map is as bad as increasing your field of view from 70 to 90 degrees, or putting the camera just over the right shoulder?
As for it being used for cheating, how? The increased range of view doesn't help much at all (extra... what, inch around the screen?), and the position of the third person camera gives a few advantages that are easily thwarted by normal gameplay. Did you miss the part where we found it makes the game actually not painful to play for widescreen users? I agree that anyone using this to cheat is stupid, yes, because you can't cheat with it.So why did you bother to send me a private message if you were just going to post in here anyways. GO FUCK OFF!!
September 19th, 2008, 03:25 PM
And Vista and my monitor have little apps that let you zoom in. So why do you need this hack? Cause it lets you in the game which affects ppl. So kick me out of here I don't care, cause ppl like you that need these things, suck anyways. And as far as being a donor, now that you pissed Vicky off you will never see another dime from me. So FUCK OFF and STAY out of my SERVERS. Because thanks to VICKY, I can see who is hacking (even your little veiw app) and ban ur ass.
September 19th, 2008, 03:49 PM
100 bucks says thats vickys brother or something... lol
just ban him already ..
So FUCK OFF and STAY out of my SERVERS
September 19th, 2008, 05:10 PM
... sorry to burst your bubble but hardly anyone here actually plays h2vista. Maybe when the HEK is unlocked and the game's bugs defects were fixed people would play...
Oh and dude only reason your not banned yet is because your helping modacity out by being a donor...
How about instead of trying to prove a point that you cannot win you just give up and accept the fact that his app is more of a helpful thing for wide screen players and gives NO or barely any advantage what so ever.
September 19th, 2008, 05:37 PM
lol... people are still arguing about this? IT HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED. anyone who wanted to download it, already downloaded it. this will not make your internet lag (well i have no proof or statistics of this...but it seems pretty obvious.....ive used it plenty times with no side-effects)
I can see who is hacking (even your little veiw app) and ban ur ass.
I am pretty sure h2v does'nt sync information of FOV over the internet (again, I have no proof of this, but think about it, why the F*** would h2v do this....doing so would be stupid and inefficient)
my point is, ....I think you are bluffing :p
100 bucks says thats vickys brother or something... lol.
ROFL, I wouldn't doubt it.
(OH! and one last thing. the very first thing I said is "lol... people are still arguing about this?" and yet here i am arguing about this myself. LMAO how ironic)
September 19th, 2008, 06:14 PM
And Vista and my monitor have little apps that let you zoom in. So why do you need this hack? Cause it lets you in the game which affects ppl. So kick me out of here I don't care, cause ppl like you that need these things, suck anyways. And as far as being a donor, now that you pissed Vicky off you will never see another dime from me. So FUCK OFF and STAY out of my SERVERS. Because thanks to VICKY, I can see who is hacking (even your little veiw app) and ban ur ass.
If vicky's server app can detect these simple fov hacks, why are you guys all worked up over it at all?
on a sidenote, the fov app never worked for me :embarrassed:
September 19th, 2008, 09:15 PM
Well ur proving ur stupidity, like i said, the game is mostly (lets say 90%+) clientsided... go figure...
t3h m00kz
September 19th, 2008, 10:29 PM
k Moose.
I understand why you're upset. It's a hack. And uber pwnage leet ass gamers like yourself don't like hacks.
But, for the sake of your own argument, try sniping or BRing with it. See how much better you do. You won't, it throws the aim off. ALOT. It's actually HARDER to play with this hack. With the position of the camera, the shots land FAR from the crosshair. If the camera were lower and in more of a Gears of War style position, closer to the gun, then I'd say it's an advantage... but as it is now, it's not.
September 19th, 2008, 10:41 PM
I was going to post some sort of retort here, but I'm still reeling from the virtual bitchslap I received in the form of mooseifer's incredibly unintelligent and childlike post.
September 19th, 2008, 10:46 PM
5 posts and people already hate you? Psshaw.
September 20th, 2008, 12:04 AM
I was going to post some sort of retort here, but I'm still reeling from the virtual bitchslap I received in the form of mooseifer's incredibly unintelligent and childlike post. I only did that since you were childish and sent me the private msg and still posted it in here anyways. And since this will be my last post, cause you already banned mooseifer69. All I have to say is you cannot prove it doesn't effect the servers. I don't know what kinda of app the guy was using, other than they told me it was for sniping. I had ESA Control by Nvidia on my 780i mobo and it set all my voltages to the max limits and fried 2 sticks of ram. I didn't put 2 and 2 together until he came in again and I caught it in time and banned him. For those of you that don't know what ESA is, it lets you access your bios from your desktop,so you can see the effects. So you can say what you want, but it cost me a lot of money and I got rid of the ESA control. So you don't know what kinda effect these apps have on other apps in the server. And no need to ban me again, I won't come back.:mad:
September 20th, 2008, 12:13 AM
100 bucks says thats vickys brother or something... lol
just ban him already ..
And You lose, I am not related or know Vicky personally! I live in Florida and he doen't even live in the USA. SO you owe me a $100.00 While ur giving out money , why don't you give some to this forum as they will need it, for being too sensitive and permentlly banning ppl over a couple of comments when everyone was attacking me. Cause I won't be giving anymore.
September 20th, 2008, 12:20 AM
Also, My uncle doesnt play ANY shooting games because it makes him feel sick, and its because of the low fov games have.
Halo 2's FoV is so incredibly low, It doesnt even qualify as a pc game, heck, Halo 2 Xbox has a higher FOV
So why come out out with this then ,if it is so low? Why bother if you don't play it. Yeah ok who's the troll now? And why aren't you banned for your languge in your quote? about bungie and MS, Hmmm little favoritism going on???
September 20th, 2008, 12:21 AM
Start with page 18 first
Dear mooseifer,
Thanks for registering at Modacity Forums! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay. =)
All the best,
September 20th, 2008, 12:35 AM
and yet you came back just to make yourself look stupid again..
go away.
And since this will be my last post
and he quad posts right after... pure intelligence.
September 20th, 2008, 02:18 AM
and he quad postsFAILS right after... pure intelligence.
ftfy. also, reported his second account, should be bant soon.
and don't come back.
September 20th, 2008, 06:47 AM
Yo lone wolf did you ever find that fixed version yet?
gamer 2point0
September 20th, 2008, 11:35 PM
i tried to start the program and nothing happened
September 21st, 2008, 02:23 AM
I am back, man i could come up with a 100 email address a day. ok So now that the app has been out, a couple of ppl have aready decompiled it and recompiled it and turned it into a real hack. Dang imagine that, but hey, i'm just a troll. Now I can sit inside the base on Beaver Creek and guard the flag, cause i don't have to turn my head to see both corners. HMMM imagine that. BUT HEY IT IS HARLESS. so just keep them coming. hey maybe my next email wil be after u ban this one. LOL Oh and the other hack that came from this one that is almost done, is you look at something and zoom in and it takes you there, Gee Golly isn't that just wonderful. And last a little something to ponder: I am sure glad I don't ban ppl that cuss me out or disagree with me or My servers wouldn't be full anymore. Kinda like this place is empty now, hmm wonder why?
September 21st, 2008, 02:40 AM
69? Is that your favorite position? Should ask your dad about that dual choking or dual shocking...
September 21st, 2008, 02:56 AM
69? Is that your favorite position? Should ask your dad about that dual choking or dual shocking...
Well my Dad has been dead for some time now , so it will be hard to ask him. and I am not to the contrary of what you might think. I am accually 45 and happily married with 2 great kids.:)
September 21st, 2008, 03:35 AM
Well my Dad has been dead for some time now , so it will be hard to ask him. and I am not to the contrary of what you might think. I am accually 45 and happily married with 2 great kids.:)
Then you are pretty stupid. If my dad would have died I would make sure I would give my children the most attention I could because I know what it is like to have a life without one...instead you rant like a child on forum boards to virtual people you don't know?
September 21st, 2008, 11:00 AM
Dear Mooseifer,
Please fuck off like you said you would.
Locking this since it's just going to be a shitfest from here on in.
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