July 31st, 2008, 11:45 AM
So I've been trying to get back into Gears of War (if you haven't been playing that blasted game nonstop since 2006, you're going to suck) and I couldn't help but notice the abundance of rather small children cursing their heads off.
Now I'm not a stranger to these guys playing these games. Halo, Call of Duty 4, Unreal Tournament, TF2, and the likes have always had their small population of ignorant little bastards mucking up the servers, but lately it seems like there are more and more preteens running around playing stuff that any respectable parent would probably hide from their kids in a three-inch, lead reinforced crate. So I put the question to you:
Why the hell are these little kids playing Gears at 11:00 PM?
I'm fucking sick of small children running around yelling "U GUYS ARE CRYBABIES AND UR MOM IS STUPID" while sucking their royal ass off. I'm especially fucking sick of small children running around yelling "U GUYS ARE SHITTING STUPID SUCK MY FUCK LOL". Unless their parents are consistenly drunk and/or out of the house, there is no worldy reason for 8-year-olds to be swearing like sailors on M-Rated games this late in the night.
Now, if they at least had the good taste to not suck, I could appreciate it a little more, and if they could just unplug their fucking microphones, maybe I could ignore 'em all together. But without fail, there's always one kid trying to act like he's cool since he's playing Dad's copy of CoD4. I've even (on several occasions) hear kids saying "NO, I'M PLAYING BATTLEFIELD" and the classic "NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!" While it's funny the first time or two, it's just becomes pathetic and annoying.
tl;dr (shame on you): I'm fucking sick of all these little kids playing M-Rated games when they should be going to bed or playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
(Oh, and let me stress before the arguments come in that this is indeed a rant. All I'm saying is what I'm tired of and why I want it to go away, whether it'll happen or not. As I've stated previously, I'm an occasional substitute teacher, so I'm used to dealing with dumb kids.)
Now I'm not a stranger to these guys playing these games. Halo, Call of Duty 4, Unreal Tournament, TF2, and the likes have always had their small population of ignorant little bastards mucking up the servers, but lately it seems like there are more and more preteens running around playing stuff that any respectable parent would probably hide from their kids in a three-inch, lead reinforced crate. So I put the question to you:
Why the hell are these little kids playing Gears at 11:00 PM?
I'm fucking sick of small children running around yelling "U GUYS ARE CRYBABIES AND UR MOM IS STUPID" while sucking their royal ass off. I'm especially fucking sick of small children running around yelling "U GUYS ARE SHITTING STUPID SUCK MY FUCK LOL". Unless their parents are consistenly drunk and/or out of the house, there is no worldy reason for 8-year-olds to be swearing like sailors on M-Rated games this late in the night.
Now, if they at least had the good taste to not suck, I could appreciate it a little more, and if they could just unplug their fucking microphones, maybe I could ignore 'em all together. But without fail, there's always one kid trying to act like he's cool since he's playing Dad's copy of CoD4. I've even (on several occasions) hear kids saying "NO, I'M PLAYING BATTLEFIELD" and the classic "NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!" While it's funny the first time or two, it's just becomes pathetic and annoying.
tl;dr (shame on you): I'm fucking sick of all these little kids playing M-Rated games when they should be going to bed or playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
(Oh, and let me stress before the arguments come in that this is indeed a rant. All I'm saying is what I'm tired of and why I want it to go away, whether it'll happen or not. As I've stated previously, I'm an occasional substitute teacher, so I'm used to dealing with dumb kids.)