August 5th, 2008, 11:05 PM
K some i'm compiling a map and Tool decides to do this (download the attachment it's way to big to post lol)
Ruling out the open edges, and it not being able to find a shader, degenerate triangles, triangles thrown outside BSP, and the non convex surfaces... because i've had those errors before and the map would compile just fine).
There's a error at the bottom that says my disk is full (uh yea right 1TB, and that i'm out of memory 1.5GB being used out of 3GB)... Not to sure what to do about this other than trying to get rid of the errors but that will take a long ass time since the .wrl file is being slightly retarded.
No attachments eh... Fine i'll upload the bastard:
Anyone got any ideas about this?
UPDATE 1: I'm down to 3 open edges (1 degenerate triangle), 32 non convex surfaces, and 14 triangles thrown outside of the BSP. I still get the same out of memory error. I should have all the errors done with an a while.
UPDATE 2: I compiled the map without a lightmap and that succeeded so this has to be a problem with the lightmapper. Ofcourse since this is the first build Sapien can't load it without a lightmap so I just used the lightmap from Example and the map loaded into Sapien just fine (even with the errors).
So it's the lightmap... WTF!
Ruling out the open edges, and it not being able to find a shader, degenerate triangles, triangles thrown outside BSP, and the non convex surfaces... because i've had those errors before and the map would compile just fine).
There's a error at the bottom that says my disk is full (uh yea right 1TB, and that i'm out of memory 1.5GB being used out of 3GB)... Not to sure what to do about this other than trying to get rid of the errors but that will take a long ass time since the .wrl file is being slightly retarded.
No attachments eh... Fine i'll upload the bastard:
Anyone got any ideas about this?
UPDATE 1: I'm down to 3 open edges (1 degenerate triangle), 32 non convex surfaces, and 14 triangles thrown outside of the BSP. I still get the same out of memory error. I should have all the errors done with an a while.
UPDATE 2: I compiled the map without a lightmap and that succeeded so this has to be a problem with the lightmapper. Ofcourse since this is the first build Sapien can't load it without a lightmap so I just used the lightmap from Example and the map loaded into Sapien just fine (even with the errors).
So it's the lightmap... WTF!