View Full Version : [APP] Halo CE 1.08 SightJacker
August 10th, 2008, 02:24 PM
Please read the ENTIRE readme file before using. If you have any problems or bugs, please submit them here. I will update with any new features and bug fixes that I can. A future update will include this for Halo PC 1.08 and Halo Trial all-in-one. I will try to make this into an application, so there is no injection required. It was just easiest at the time to inject a DLL straight into the process.
The file scanned brings up a few false positive flags. This is just the method the injector uses. Here are the results:
Here's a video preview(kinda blurry):
Edit: Sightjacker was updated so that wireframe and crosshair cannot be used without sightjacker activated OR if you are sightjacking your own player. This way it cannot be abused.
Edit: BUG FIX! If you recieve an error about a missing d3dx9_37.dll, don't freak! This is exactly what it means. Since I am using a Direct3D menu, you may have missing files if your DirectX version is not up to date! I have uploaded the file to my webserver. Just extract the dll file and put it in your Windows/System32 folder.
August 10th, 2008, 02:35 PM
Thanks man.
This will come in handy if you release the bot too:rolleyes:
don't ^
August 10th, 2008, 02:55 PM
If it helps heres a general summary of what was talked about in the other thread.
1) Don't release that aimbot :p
2) Esp to replace the wireframe feature would be nice.
3) A Toggle for crosshairs as long as you can't use it with the ESP.
Otherwise you said you're already working on the Halo PC version and such so I'll leave it there and be patient. :)
August 10th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Thanks. I could use feedback from everyone.
I am doing an update right now to avoid being able to use wireframe or crosshair if you are not currently in sightjack mode or not sightjacking your own player.
August 10th, 2008, 02:59 PM
I would say if possible just skip the wireframe and try for the ESP. I wouldn't mind being a little more patient if it meant not getting the headache watching wireframe gives. :p
August 10th, 2008, 03:05 PM
I might include ESP later. It's alot of work. I know there is a way to change the BSP and wireframe color, I just can't remember. I will have the update up as soon as I'm done. I just realized that someone could wireframe and use crosshair. Don't want that now do we.
August 10th, 2008, 03:54 PM
This is off topic, but...
I know beggars can't be choosers, but have you ever thought about using your programming skills to make a server app like the rec0's ? I know that'd be a lot of time/effort for a game you hardly play, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks.
August 10th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Also, are there any other programs you want me to update that no longer work for 1.08?
Thirdperson app, kind of like BB's.
August 10th, 2008, 04:14 PM
Sightjacker was just updated, link is back up. Don't forget to give feeback and bug reports!
What does rec0's server app do? And where can I get it?
The app was just an administrative app that let you do certain things on a dedicated server. Rec0 coded it exclusively for the HIVer clan so it's not readily available for download. From what I've seen though, it has been given (leaked?) to a couple of people from the outside. Like many other programs, it broke during the 1.08 patch (for the outsiders anyhow, [hiv]bacon had someone fix it for him).
The best I can give you is a list of commands the application would perform:
August 10th, 2008, 04:23 PM
hey, that halo injector with the sitejacker 1.08, wont work for me. is it compatible with vista? or does it just take a while to work? i waited 5-10 minutes.
August 10th, 2008, 04:24 PM
I will just wait for an admin to come clean this mess up. I would probably need to speak with rec0 and ask him a few questions first. Anyone know how to get a hold of him? Did he completely rebuild a dedicated server program? Or is this just a 3rd part program?
August 10th, 2008, 04:26 PM
hey, that halo injector with the sitejacker 1.08, wont work for me. is it compatible with vista? or does it just take a while to work? i waited 5-10 minutes.
It should work instantly. What is the exact problem other than "it wont work"? It is compatible with Vista. Did you read the readme? You must open injector after you open CE or else it probably won't work right. Any error messages?
August 10th, 2008, 04:29 PM
well, i opened CE, then minimized opened the injector, but couldnt access the menu, so i read the readme more, and when i went over the icon, it just said waiting for process target to run. no error messages.
August 10th, 2008, 04:30 PM
I will just wait for an admin to come clean this mess up. I would probably need to speak with rec0 and ask him a few questions first. Anyone know how to get a hold of him? Did he completely rebuild a dedicated server program? Or is this just a 3rd part program?
I'm not privy to those details, but from what I can infer from the HIVer clan forums, he modified the dedicated server executable itself ( haloceded.exe ) and basically gave it the ability to use devmode commands.
As for contacting Rec0, I think he's pretty much done w/ anything related to Halo, so only the old timers would probably be able to contact him.
Anyhow, i'll stop hijacking this thread now. :D
August 10th, 2008, 04:32 PM
As for contacting Rec0, I think he's pretty much done w/ anything related to Halo, so only the old timers would probably be able to contact him.
I'm 99% sure about this, you will not be able to contact rec0.
August 10th, 2008, 04:41 PM
By the request of the thread poster, this thread is locked until I clean it of posts regarding the alleged aimbot. After reopening, there is to be no talk about the aimbot in this thread whatsoever.
August 10th, 2008, 04:46 PM
yea, now i have tried everything. from joining servers to main menu still wont work. is there a way i can inject the .ddl manually?
August 10th, 2008, 04:51 PM
I will just wait for an admin to come clean this mess up. I would probably need to speak with rec0 and ask him a few questions first. Anyone know how to get a hold of him? Did he completely rebuild a dedicated server program? Or is this just a 3rd part program?
When I was talking to him while he was making it, he said he reverse engineered the dedicated server file to accept commands from certain CD keys.
August 10th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Try this injector.
Click LoadDll. Browse to "Halo_CE_SightJacker.dll". Press open.
Open Halo CE. Minimize.
Click the Refresh button on the injector. Click haloce.exe so it's highlighted.
Press inject DLL. Close the injector.
August 10th, 2008, 04:52 PM
When I was talking to him while he was making it, he said he reverse engineered the dedicated server file to accept commands from certain CD keys.Well not the keys, but the hashs that identify each player (which is linked to the key) its the same hash that you ban people by, but yeah blind is right he made sure it would only work with certain people.
August 10th, 2008, 04:55 PM
I honestly can't trust a dedi that needs cd keys in any way ... Especially after my Halo 2 dedi got shut down. I have no clue what happened but I updated the server one day shutting it down properly according to the books and when it went back up I got an error saying "maximum # of servers exceeded... attempting to reconnect." How is 0 servers being run the "maximum." :p
I'd say good ol rcon password is the best way to go.
August 10th, 2008, 04:59 PM
this one, alerts my virus protection. i disabled to download, then it wont even open. i was really hoping to get it to work to, any other ideas? the gaming clan im in depends on this app too.
August 10th, 2008, 05:02 PM
I honestly can't trust a dedi that needs cd keys in any way ... Especially after my Halo 2 dedi got shut down. I have no clue what happened but I updated the server one day shutting it down properly according to the books and when it went back up I got an error saying "maximum # of servers exceeded... attempting to reconnect." How is 0 servers being run the "maximum." :p
I'd say good ol rcon password is the best way to go.
Well, the thing about rec0's app is that it made server administration easier. Of course it had its limitations and was unstable (mainly when it was abused.. ). But as previously mentioned, you could set the administrators based on cd key hash, set shortcuts commands for maps/gametype combinations, and a few other administrative/fun uses.
August 10th, 2008, 05:07 PM
I honestly can't trust a dedi that needs cd keys in any way ... Especially after my Halo 2 dedi got shut down. I have no clue what happened but I updated the server one day shutting it down properly according to the books and when it went back up I got an error saying "maximum # of servers exceeded... attempting to reconnect." How is 0 servers being run the "maximum." :p
I'd say good ol rcon password is the best way to go.
All servers take your hash and your IP.
And 9mm, I know. but most people here aren't that well educated on Halo server terms.
August 10th, 2008, 05:07 PM
There is a utopia of DLL Injectors on the internet. Some of them flag false positives, when they are completely safe. The 2 injectors that I have posted in this thread, I own the source code, so am I 100% sure there is nothing bad. You can google "dll injector" and probably find one that won't flag your anti-virus. But, the 2 I provided should work fine. It's probably not working because of that.
The reason I have a DLL application is because I can directly access memory without using slower Windows API's. Using a DLL is the only way to Detour Direct3D functions so I can draw menu's and player names.
August 10th, 2008, 05:21 PM
still nothing is working. the injector you put up, or the other .ddl you posted too. nothing worked. gonna google another 1 now.
August 10th, 2008, 05:23 PM
All servers take your hash and your IP.
And 9mm, I know. but most people here aren't that well educated on Halo server terms.
I knew that I meant using hash as part of its admistration. In my experience it just leads to further complications... Especially if there are keygens out there that are duplicating existing keys. :eyesroll:
August 10th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Just tried the sightjacker. Very nice work, silentkarma..
Jables, I know you've tried everything.. but just to make sure..
Two things
1) You're running Windows Vista, right? Did you try running the sightjacker as an admin?
2) I'm assuming you at least see the master chief pic when you load the sightjacker, right? If not, did you try updating DirectX? I was prompted for d3dx9_37.dll when I first tried the sightjacker so I went ahead and updated it via Microsoft's DirectX Web installer website:
August 10th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Whenever theres a new game I get an exception.
August 10th, 2008, 05:52 PM
ok i got it to work, and i dont need to run as admin, i know the issues there, but i disabled the UAC. gets annoying. but just took a few tries to get it up, and i like the sitejacker works awesome, now i wanna catch a bot, lol. ban them. but i also get exception data every new game.
August 10th, 2008, 05:53 PM
Thanks for all the feedback guys, keep it coming! The exception error seems to be caused if you have the SightJacker enabled before entering a server, or while the current server is resetting. A simple is in game check should fix it on the next build. For now, just make sure it is disabled before entering a new server or when a match is reset.
August 10th, 2008, 05:56 PM
I'm have a Question about SightJacker. Is there for Halo PC?
August 10th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I'm have a Question about SightJacker. Is there for Halo PC?
And I have a question for you, sir. Did you read my first post?
August 10th, 2008, 06:07 PM
i guess he didnt, lol, well im excited for the future releases, this is a awesome sitejacker, thank you for your work. people are shocked that its out. but glad in case aimbots occure. also thank you for your patience and helping me get this working.
August 10th, 2008, 06:11 PM
Oooo ok sorry about that..
August 10th, 2008, 06:16 PM
I knew that I meant using hash as part of its admistration. In my experience it just leads to further complications... Especially if there are keygens out there that are duplicating existing keys. :eyesroll:
When you get banned from a server, it bans your CD hash.
And there is no way to get someone's CD key from their hash.
August 10th, 2008, 06:53 PM
And there is no way to get someone's CD key from their hash.
actually rec0 supposedly made a program that converts it back from the hash, but he never released it for obvious reason.
August 10th, 2008, 07:05 PM
Um. All of my posts were removed from this thread. What the hell?
August 10th, 2008, 07:57 PM
When you get banned from a server, it bans your CD hash.
And there is no way to get someone's CD key from their hash.
Don't make me go Samuel L. Jackson on you...:p
I meant that requiring a CD-Key to actually execute commands in a server rcon or command line I think is a bad thing. Halo 2's dedicated server has proven that. Nothing to do with being banned or the dedi knowing our hash. Just don't require certain keys for someone to ban or whatever on a dedi.
I hope thats clear enough now. >.>
Um. All of my posts were removed from this thread. What the hell?
One of the admins came in and cleared all the "non topic" stuff away. They had good reason to do so.
August 10th, 2008, 09:29 PM
Yeah I definitely see how on topic this thread is now. :rolleyes:
I'd also like to know the good reason.
August 10th, 2008, 10:45 PM
There may be a new sj out already for the PC version but if they ESP sightjacker gets programmed I'll probably be hopping on that easily. ;)
Its about time wireframe was replaced.:p
August 10th, 2008, 11:13 PM
There may be a new sj out already for the PC version but if they ESP sightjacker gets programmed I'll probably be hopping on that easily. ;)
Its about time wireframe was replaced.:p
I can add it, but what would be the benefit?
August 11th, 2008, 12:17 AM
well im not sure the full benifits, the only thing i can see, is seeing if they snap through a wall. you do know someone is there at least.
August 11th, 2008, 12:41 AM
All I really care about is having a cursor or aimer when sight jacking so you don't have to edit that into the movie...
Some of us don't have movie edit programs.
August 11th, 2008, 12:47 AM
Some of us don't have movie edit programs.
Then why are you bothering to use the sightjacker? Unless you're highly trusted on a given server, I doubt anyone's going to ban someone for aimbotting on your testimony.
August 11th, 2008, 12:59 AM
I can still post the video it just is unedited... so there would be no aimer in the video and it won't be compressed. That's why i host it on filefront...
August 11th, 2008, 01:02 AM
All I really care about is having a cursor or aimer when sight jacking so you don't have to edit that into the movie...
Some of us don't have movie edit programs.
I added one in there... :)
August 11th, 2008, 01:09 AM
Ok I'm happy now.
August 11th, 2008, 09:54 AM
I can add it, but what would be the benefit?
Wireframe is probably one of the more headache inducing features, especially while trying to catch wall hacks. Its hard to tell where the hill ends and the open shot begins and just looking at it gives me a headache at least. :rolleyes:
The ESP however is clear, easy on the eyes, and even if the difference between friend and foe is a green arrow, you still can see the obvious signs such as tracking, snapping etc. Plus its far less of a headache to distinguish the hills. :)
Here are some of the scenarios I've seen use for it where its still a pain to use.
1) Same Team: If you're on the same team as a hacker going to the other team to jack them just leads to trouble/suspicion. Thus wireframe is the next logical step but because of the things mentioned above it just leads to a poor video and more frustration to figure out.
2) Shoddy programming: There are plenty of hacks out there that will work poorly and are easier to spot. For example, there was a bot one time that would lock onto the botter's teammate. I would have never noticed as it seemed like he was just snapping to an empty space of hill. Wire frame revealed there was a guy there a split second before he let go of shift and moved his cursor manually. I barely found that one on account that I had to toggle wireframe (something I try and avoid using) on.
3) Wall hackers: Wall hackers have a completely different set of signs that most bots don't. For example, wall hackers can see their teammates and how long said teammate has been shooting a guy up. This leads them to say, should I steal the kill/help my teammate or "Hey the guys almost dead lets move onto the next one. Wall hackers are usually harder to catch than bots because they don't snap/telesnap. Seeing as all I have to work off of are the green arrows, it usually takes much more time to catch a wall hacker than a bot.
I'm sure I could type up a few other reasons but I actually have to get ready for work soon. >.<
Super Sniper
Most operating systems after XP come with their own movie editor. I don't know what the mac version is but the windows version is "Windows Movie Maker" and its usually amongst the programs in a start menu. If not I believe theres a spot on microsoft's site you can download it free (there used to be at least) The movie maker lets you put in titles, comments, credits, cut out parts of the movie that are useless like when you're swapping after the botters death.
There is a way to put in crosshairs but its a total pain since centering it correctly takes quite a bit of time. :rolleyes:
Hope this helps! :)
Edit: By the way... Is anyone else getting logged off when they post?
August 11th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Well I had it on xp but then I upgrade to vista naturally there were many compatiblility issues when I upgrades. I fixed them all but one my graphics card which for some reason cannot be upgraded because bestbuy said that i didn't have enough ports in my computer... anyways so the reason I cannot use WMM is because i get an error saying that my graphics card isn't supported in this verison of WMM. So that is why I don't have a movie editor. I honestly didn't know graphics cards had a say in using a movie maker or not on vista but it does. So when I get my laptop then i can edit movies.
August 11th, 2008, 11:56 AM
Don't make me go Samuel L. Jackson on you...:p
I meant that requiring a CD-Key to actually execute commands in a server rcon or command line I think is a bad thing. Halo 2's dedicated server has proven that. Nothing to do with being banned or the dedi knowing our hash. Just don't require certain keys for someone to ban or whatever on a dedi.
I hope thats clear enough now. >.>
One of the admins came in and cleared all the "non topic" stuff away. They had good reason to do so.WELL. You need an individual key to do anything on a dedicated or even hosted server. Using someone's CD Key to do this would be idiotic and even Bungie isn't that dumb :rolleyes: so instead you have a unique CD-key hash that distinguishes you from everyone else in the server.
August 11th, 2008, 03:09 PM
Well I had it on xp but then I upgrade to vista naturally there were many compatiblility issues when I upgrades. I fixed them all but one my graphics card which for some reason cannot be upgraded because bestbuy said that i didn't have enough ports in my computer... anyways so the reason I cannot use WMM is because i get an error saying that my graphics card isn't supported in this verison of WMM. So that is why I don't have a movie editor. I honestly didn't know graphics cards had a say in using a movie maker or not on vista but it does. So when I get my laptop then i can edit movies.
A gift from one of my fellow Clan mates Ocelot then.
I think it should work. ;)
August 12th, 2008, 01:44 AM
actually rec0 supposedly made a program that converts it back from the hash, but he never released it for obvious reason.I don't believe that; I was told that your CD key hash is reversed and then MD5'd, and there's no way to figure out what the source of an MD5 hash is unless the source is known.
I knew that I meant using hash as part of its admistration. In my experience it just leads to further complications... Especially if there are keygens out there that are duplicating existing keys. :eyesroll:Basing admin identification on a CD key as opposed to distributing a password is by far much more secure; while any idiot can leak a remote console password, the chances of your CD key being stolen and used against you are very slim. Yes, I know there are keygenerators out there that happen to be generating existing keys, but how many people do you think are there that own a copy of Halo for the PC legitimately versus kiddies pirating it with a keygen?
August 12th, 2008, 02:04 AM
I heard rec0 also found a way to make yourself unbanable, by changing your hash or some shit like that.
If any one could do it pbear, it would be rec0.
August 12th, 2008, 08:42 AM
Rec0 said he did a lot of things... but why he never released them idk... I just wished he made videos of them so I could still awe at his work.
August 12th, 2008, 10:08 AM
I heard rec0 made this application that made your halo man have infinite lives o.o
August 12th, 2008, 10:21 AM
Basing admin identification on a CD key as opposed to distributing a password is by far much more secure; while any idiot can leak a remote console password, the chances of your CD key being stolen and used against you are very slim. Yes, I know there are keygenerators out there that happen to be generating existing keys, but how many people do you think are there that own a copy of Halo for the PC legitimately versus kiddies pirating it with a keygen?
I know its supposedly more secure but for example, with Halo 2 you have to put your key in as part of the login onto live. If someone hijacks that key (as I believe happened to mine and some of the other guys in the H2V section and on then theres no server at all. I remember one guy who got a fresh brand new copy of H2V but had to return it since his key had already been keygen'd.
Where as the original dedi was made just fine. If for some reason an idiot leaked the pass in an all chat the clan should deal with him/her accordingly. However the damage wasn't permanant. All you had to do was change the password which took 2 seconds to change and maybe 2 minutes to give to members/friends you trust. No key required, hell on one computer I installed the dedi, got it to run, and then installed Halo and played the server from the same machine. Thats right, Halo:PC dedi only needs the files included and strings.dll (downloadable), no product key required.
In order to get a new key however it takes at least 10 minutes (most likely more) to either call microsoft for a support call you'll probably end up paying for anyway (my dad once spent 3-4 hours being swapped from country to country on his call) or stopping into a gamestop to feed microsoft more money for their crappy products and support. :rolleyes:
Honestly, I'd much rather keep it with password. You can change it, if theres someone you need to give it to, you just xfire them, and you'll never (or at least shouldn't) contact microsoft/bungie going "ZOMG MY DEDI PASS HAS LEAKED/CHANGED! Need Halpz!" :p
August 12th, 2008, 11:12 AM
Honestly, I'd much rather keep it with password. You can change it, if theres someone you need to give it to, you just xfire them, and you'll never (or at least shouldn't) contact microsoft/bungie going "ZOMG MY DEDI PASS HAS LEAKED/CHANGED! Need Halpz!" :p
All that stuff you said about halo 2 has nothing to do with halo 1. It's a normal halo 1 server except the server automaticly recognizes admins.
Admin control based on CD Key hashes is still a lot better. :)
August 12th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Yeah. Looks like somebody doesn't understand what we've been talking about :eng101:
August 12th, 2008, 11:37 AM
isn't that the rec0 app?
August 12th, 2008, 01:01 PM
Rec0 said he did a lot of things... but why he never released them idk... I just wished he made videos of them so I could still awe at his work.
There are things rec0 made that shouldn't be inspiring others to make. That's why you wont see videos.
Hell, prohibited alt codes wouldn't be here without him first introducing it to our clan. I doubt enough of you were around at the time, but there was good amount of weeks and months even when people were taking the tags, so we needed something to stand out. Whilst the alt codes worked, and was eventually gone again because KiLLa worked out how to do it too, we still needed something to permanantly remove impersonators. If you were ever frequent in the [HIV] servers, you'd know any random player that joined with our tags would be kicked. People who got in with the tags, (excluding some guys that used a different term of the tags) Would be recognised, and would not be kicked. It's a very effective way of using the cd hash.
Also, rec0 isn't done with halo, he is just rarely available. I'm pretty sure he's still working in Nick's basement. :lol:
August 12th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Well I go to the HIV server whenever I play but wow wish I was around when rec0 was here. I kinda joined the community in 2005 so meh i missed all the developement stuff.
August 12th, 2008, 03:20 PM
What's with releasing both the aimbot and clickbot SilentK?
(Not going to provide link)
August 12th, 2008, 03:31 PM
People harassed him so yeah it was bound to happen eventually...
August 12th, 2008, 03:41 PM
What's with releasing both the aimbot and clickbot SilentK?
(Not going to provide link)
Whats with not trying to keep that topic out of this conversation again? Half the topic was deleted because of someone harassing him about an aimbot he didn't release. Please don't start this here again, I'd rather talk about how to improve the new sightjacker than immature banter harassing a member of this forum.
By the way, has anyone seen SilentK on or knows any new developments on the sightjacker?
August 12th, 2008, 04:41 PM
Half the topic was deleted because of someone harassing him about an aimbot he didn't release.
What? How the fuck am I harassing him when he has released both a clickbot and aimbot for PC...
Please don't start this here again, Would you have me make another topic?
I'd rather talk about how to improve the new sightjacker than immature banter harassing a member of this forum. A member who has created an aimbot and clickbot.
August 12th, 2008, 04:46 PM
YOU. (
August 12th, 2008, 08:24 PM
Well SilentK is banned so this sightjacer won't be supported or updated anymore so personally I think that this thread is officially dead.
August 12th, 2008, 11:17 PM
Why is SilentK banned..?
August 13th, 2008, 12:15 AM
for posting a vid of his aimbot, then releasing a bot, then alting after being banned.
August 13th, 2008, 04:06 PM
y every1 hate aimbot so much? i dont like it ethier but i like seing it sometimes when im bored =\
(now every1 is gonna flam me i know it =\)
August 13th, 2008, 04:34 PM
August 13th, 2008, 05:36 PM
y every1 hate aimbot so much? i dont like it ethier but i like seing it sometimes when im bored =\
(now every1 is gonna falm me i know it =\)
I hate the aimbot because it's a tool used to give one user a unfair advantage over another user.
August 13th, 2008, 05:56 PM
I hate it because its lame and not fun.
August 13th, 2008, 08:14 PM
I don't really think it matters if some of the worse players feel the need to cheat to compete with me :/
Just brings in a new challenge for me I suppose. But I guess most of you aren't good enough and have to bitch about it like this.. Even though its never going to stop until Gamespy shuts down the servers.
August 13th, 2008, 08:26 PM
Meh whatever I'll just have the fun in sj'ing him because silentk's sj is really amazing. I like the color coded names for teams.
August 14th, 2008, 02:37 AM
I don't really think it matters if some of the worse players feel the need to cheat to compete with me :/
Just brings in a new challenge for me I suppose. But I guess most of you aren't good enough and have to bitch about it like this.. Even though its never going to stop until Gamespy shuts down the servers.
This. It's really not that hard to take down most amateur botters, since the aimbots themselves are dodgy and ineffective on CE.
August 14th, 2008, 01:03 PM
On the subject of aimbots, wasn't someone screwing around with an idea involving putting bipeds in a players fp view or some shit to fuck with the bot? What happened to that?
August 14th, 2008, 02:55 PM
It was a script to be compiled into a map that attached and detached an invisible biped to players' heads in quick succession. In theory, the bot would lock onto the dummy, causing the bot to flip out.
I believe it was released.
Choking Victim
August 14th, 2008, 02:58 PM
(script continuous antiaimbot
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 0)) "head" biped1 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 1)) "head" biped2 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 2)) "head" biped3 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 3)) "head" biped4 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 4)) "head" biped5 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 5)) "head" biped6 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 6)) "head" biped7 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 7)) "head" biped8 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 8)) "head" biped9 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 9)) "head" biped10 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 10)) "head" biped11 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 11)) "head" biped12 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 12)) "head" biped13 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 13)) "head" biped14 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 14)) "head" biped15 "right hand")
(objects_attach (unit (list_get (players) 15)) "head" biped16 "right hand")
August 14th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Ohshit. Whats with all this bawwing at the aimbot then? Idgi
E-It causes an exception. ;_;
August 15th, 2008, 07:46 AM
Wont work due to the fact the aimbot doesnt look for bipeds. Nice try though.
August 15th, 2008, 09:22 AM
Wont work due to the fact the aimbot doesnt look for bipeds. Nice try though.
That and the fact that there are so many variants and so many of them are updated frequently. :rolleyes:
You saw that kid post about the "bounce bot."
Choking Victim
August 15th, 2008, 09:31 AM
btw, I didn't make the script, I just know how to use the search button. :)
August 15th, 2008, 10:56 AM
That and the fact that there are so many variants and so many of them are updated frequently. :rolleyes:
You saw that kid post about the "bounce bot."Lol I did see that.. I was ilke huh how can it bounce to the lock on...
August 15th, 2008, 12:34 PM
My best guess would be either it just slows down how fast it locks on, or it travels to the lock in an Arc instead of a straight line. This would make sense since bots try to lock on while they're behind hills anyway so they don't have to worry as much about being shot.
August 16th, 2008, 01:37 AM
Bounce bot? Never heard of that :P
August 16th, 2008, 02:13 AM
Lol check this thread:
August 16th, 2008, 02:49 AM
Lol bounces :D
If you didnt make it "snap", it would make it useless because it would stop snapping to the player when it is locked on.
August 16th, 2008, 08:59 AM
Wont work due to the fact the aimbot doesnt look for bipeds. Nice try though.
Wonder where you got that from :p
August 16th, 2008, 06:39 PM
Wonder where you got that from :p
Notepad, considering I have the sauce. :eek:
August 16th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Thought sauce didn't work with the new update yet?
August 16th, 2008, 08:21 PM
Thought sauce didn't work with the new update yet?
"Open Sauce" indeed. I was talking about some other sauce.
August 17th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Oh some "secret sauce"...
t3h m00kz
August 18th, 2008, 12:14 AM
... Ew.
August 18th, 2008, 04:53 AM
The aimbot is open source, it's not that hard to get ..
August 18th, 2008, 07:37 PM
The aimbot is open source, it's not that hard to get ..
Just because something is easy to get, doesn't by any means, make it open source.
Open source means that the code is available to the public, not just the program.
August 18th, 2008, 08:20 PM
uh... what?
odie released the source code to his bot..
August 18th, 2008, 09:23 PM
Why are you still posting in this parasites thread.
August 18th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Hes a parasite because he released a bot in retaliation to having his family threatened :?
August 19th, 2008, 04:51 AM
^ After other bots were already out in public, I might add.
August 19th, 2008, 01:15 PM
What bots where out in public that worked witn 1.08?
August 19th, 2008, 01:18 PM
What bots where out in public that worked witn 1.08?
I knew of 2, dunno their names though.
August 19th, 2008, 01:18 PM
Dang I didn't know of them... where do you get your resources from?
August 19th, 2008, 01:24 PM
I know people. Plus someone told me it was public, never saw it though but I know its real.
August 19th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Meh i've never seen it only public one I know is "silentk's"
August 19th, 2008, 02:14 PM
As I've stated, there were bots well before silentk even released the video. (Yes there are tricks other than SJ to detect bots)
Personally I would have liked to have seen this sightjacker finished rather than a couple kids who don't know when to stop harassing someone. Especially after the admins have closed this topic stating it should be about the SIGHTJACKER. Bots are always being remade, upgraded and improved every day but when someone wants to upgrade the long overdue sightjacker the best the rest of you can do is go "OMG BOTZORZ U R HAV SAUCE CODE TO BOTZORZ U DIk"
So really... congrats guys... you pissed off the one guy trying to offer an improved sightjacker with sight reticle and ESP into being banned.
So really for those who just couldn't stop...GG guys.... Gee f***ing...Gee.....:rolleyes:
August 19th, 2008, 02:37 PM
What other tricks are there to detect bots?
I mean, after playing the game for 4 years I'm pretty confident that I can tell when someone's botting or not just by looking at how they play. But.. you?
August 19th, 2008, 02:39 PM
Idk he seems to know everything, please tell us oh creator...
August 20th, 2008, 01:17 AM
I mean, after playing the game for 4 years I'm pretty confident that I can tell when someone's botting or not just by looking at how they play.
How long has Mal been playing? And that guy still tried to accuse me of botting <_<
t3h m00kz
August 20th, 2008, 05:51 AM
u guyz ned stop bottin ur ruinin th gaem omg.
God I'm fucking tired
E: 777!!!!! Bungie would be proud
August 20th, 2008, 11:28 AM
How long has Mal been playing? And that guy still tried to accuse me of botting <_<
Thats Mal though. I mean honestly I don't care if someones better than me at the game and is acting like a douche about it. I do the same.
November 19th, 2008, 03:21 AM
dead link...
November 19th, 2008, 11:10 AM
November 19th, 2008, 05:35 PM
Lol! thanks bacon.
November 20th, 2008, 01:04 AM
Do you even need this one if you have version changer?
November 20th, 2008, 10:30 AM
I don't use version changer :O, so this is handy (even if it was made by the guy who recompiled the aimbot for 1.08)
November 20th, 2008, 12:21 PM
awesome, nice to see the sight jacker evolving...
any news on a 1.08 ugrade for BB's 3rd person Fov?
November 25th, 2008, 10:32 PM
Search up sky's the limit.
November 25th, 2008, 10:59 PM
Search up sky's the limit.What I think he might be talking about is the ability to move the camera. Sky's the Limit only let's you go into third person at one set area, and not change it around. You might have already known that, however. I want the ability to move the camera back also :( Was fun making it sort of Gears of War style, using a bit of FoV hacks in combination with it.
November 26th, 2008, 03:15 AM
Sky's the limit puts the character into the middle of the screen so it hides what you're aiming at.
November 26th, 2008, 08:11 AM
What I think he might be talking about is the ability to move the camera. Sky's the Limit only let's you go into third person at one set area, and not change it around. You might have already known that, however. I want the ability to move the camera back also :( Was fun making it sort of Gears of War style, using a bit of FoV hacks in combination with it.
Yeah, Skys the limit does Suck, because it clashes with the all dev program. I prefered BB's because like ODX said, The "Gears of War effect" made it cool and allowed for a awesome feeling, and w/ skys the limit in some cases it places the camera too far away for my liking
November 26th, 2008, 11:26 AM
I was working on camera movement before, managed to get it to move freely once, sadly it was while I was making 3rd person so I lost it and didnt find it again. I could look for it sometime.
Also sevlag, the camera is positioned there for a reason, people (Vicky) were bitching about it aiding cheaters, that is why it is centred on the player.
June 23rd, 2009, 02:10 PM
wtf???? i cant open the link! i click on it and it opens a new tab and for about half a second it says site not found then it redirects me to the main page of the site! plz help!
June 24th, 2009, 05:08 PM
go to and search up halo ce sightjacker 1.08. You'll find it there.
June 29th, 2009, 03:43 PM
go to and search up halo ce sightjacker 1.08. You'll find it there.
I think thats the old release..I think filefront deleted the mirror =\
July 2nd, 2009, 10:36 AM
Is there a 1.08 version for CE yet? There isn't one on halomaps, and the link for this one in the first post is broken. Would be good to have one for the HCEL, otherwise we will be using version changer and using the old SJ.
July 2nd, 2009, 03:32 PM
I have it let me upload it.
July 2nd, 2009, 03:58 PM
Does anyone have the source to this? I want to see how it does its overlays. (It works with OpenSauce, so I'm interested in using it for the C-S Medal Overlay app)
July 2nd, 2009, 05:10 PM
You are going to have to ask SilentK
He open sources all his stuff so if you ask he will give it to you no doubt about it.
Only thing he asks is that you give credit when needed.
I'll search around to see if he uploaded it anywhere.
July 2nd, 2009, 08:14 PM
Thanks for link. :)
July 3rd, 2009, 10:28 AM
You are going to have to ask SilentK
He open sources all his stuff so if you ask he will give it to you no doubt about it.
Only thing he asks is that you give credit when needed.
I'll search around to see if he uploaded it anywhere.
SilentK = SKarma just to let you know so pm him :)
I have the source for something similar to this that does Direct X Overlays, however its Skarma's code so you'll have to ask him.
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