View Full Version : [HALO 3] Official H3 Gaming Request Thread

August 13th, 2008, 07:47 AM
Post here when you want someone new to play H3 with. This can be as simple as a partner for Co-Op or Team Doubles, or a preemptive request for a gamernight. Be sure to include in each post:
1. Your gamertag.
2. The time at which you want to play.
3. What gametype - Co-Op, Matchmaking, or testing/playing a Custom Variant.
PS: Also, pay attention to each post's date.

So, here's mine, which is not only an example, but also the first request.

sever323 / any time for the next few hours / Co-Op on Legendary.

August 13th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Ah, good. I just got Halo 3 back right after the Modacity game night a while ago.

I'd be willing to play through Legendary Co-Op for fun. I've already beaten it solo (:awesome:) but it was a painful, drawn out experience.

EDIT: Gamertag is Terin7.