View Full Version : Sonic : Genesis of the Azure Wind (CE Modification)

August 17th, 2008, 07:56 AM
Last year we released a demo to the public , and also the internet. This year we are releasing open source content and also we have developed the final concept and a few other things for Halo CE.

This year , we had to rush to get things done in time for the Sonic Amature Game Expo or "SAGE" (<lulz) so we had to make a site which would be our "booth" for the event , and also we had to make new content , concidering that nothing had been done for a year because of various things.

So ... I am back to present the final concept , and also show off some of the content to everyone again.


We based our site on the Smash Bros Dojo site , because it has a nice layout , and we liked the way it looked and it has taken off pretty well.Inside the site is all the information such as the story line , controls , how we are using bloom , and also exclusive pictures of the characters and levels.


The above video , is 1 out of 11 videos uploaded for the event to show case the progression of the modification and also to show off the recent progress.

And finally to finish this first post at Modacity , Sally with a Wiimote .... cause we are happy that we finally have some progress regarding our female character who is also playable in the modification along side Sonic.


Seraphim once told us , "Stick to one idea" and i quoted that from the original thread at Gearbox , which lead on for 83 pages or more , and from that we got alot more content done , now having taken that advice and finally developed the final concept , we are about 60% done with the modification , and we hope to get abit of help to finally complete it.


The above link is the page for all the SAGE booths , if you find us in the menu , and give us a Green Thumbs up , by left clicking it , it will help premote CE more , concidering SAGE gets more mainstream every year and hundreds of people flock to the site just to look at the booths.

Hope to show you more soon when its done , until then , enjoy the content , and during this week i will get round to open sourcing 2 characters , 2 levels and hopefully some more stuff.


August 17th, 2008, 08:50 AM
I remember checking on this mod nearly every day :D
Glad to see you've made such progress, it'll definitely be fun to play.
I checked out another SAGE game, Out Witha Whisper. Good fun :D

August 17th, 2008, 09:19 AM
great job with the wii mote thing

August 17th, 2008, 11:05 AM
Well done, still looking forward to this mod.

August 17th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :awesome:

August 17th, 2008, 12:08 PM
Wtf 2d. How did you manage that?

August 17th, 2008, 12:35 PM
lol its not 2d Rentafence , its simple some people that are fans of the mod have decided to make 2d fan games based on it.

August 17th, 2008, 12:38 PM
Lol. I cant rep you rentafence D: Looking forward to this big time.

August 17th, 2008, 12:40 PM
Uh. Of course. >_<
Made you look

August 17th, 2008, 01:15 PM
I remember checking on this mod nearly every day :D
Glad to see you've made such progress, it'll definitely be fun to play.
I checked out another SAGE game, Out Witha Whisper. Good fun :D


August 17th, 2008, 01:48 PM
Very, very nice.

August 17th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Lucky for you, I have a larger thumb than most people ;)

August 17th, 2008, 07:32 PM
I'm having trouble with this, I downloaded the demo, extracted it to my desktop in a folder, then extracted the other two files inside to that same folder. Halp

E: shit a readme, lemme see if it fixes the problem

August 18th, 2008, 03:39 AM
I'll be pleased when this is actually released, seems like a life time we've been waiting.

GJ though.

August 18th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Man right now this is kicking the metroid conversion's ass :D I love the wii mote thing.

Choking Victim
August 18th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Man right now this is kicking the metroid conversion's ass :D I love the wii mote thing.
It was never a competition, don't turn it into one.

August 18th, 2008, 11:45 AM
It was never a competition, don't turn it into one.

As for as myself and Seraphim go , theres no competition between the 2 teams and never will be. :D

August 18th, 2008, 12:03 PM
I'm not too much of a Sonic Fanboy but this Definatly looks good. Keep up the good work.

August 18th, 2008, 02:29 PM
Oh, I just noticed I can use both a wiimote and a 360 controller to play. Even better work, guys :D

August 18th, 2008, 03:45 PM
using a 360 controller to play halo ce isnt new stuff

August 18th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Wow this looks like its definitely coming along great!

1 Question for SonicXtreme: How did you manage to get Bloom into the Halo CE Engine? As I've been trying to find software to emulate that same effect in halo CE 1.08...

Choking Victim
August 18th, 2008, 05:39 PM
Wow this looks like its definitely coming along great!

1 Question for SonicXtreme: How did you manage to get Bloom into the Halo CE Engine? As I've been trying to find software to emulate that same effect in halo CE 1.08...

when halomods comes back up, the link will work.

August 18th, 2008, 07:39 PM
yeh, if that ENBSeries program is able to manipulate the Halo Engine in such a way as that, how come no one has thought of it before or made a different program with better improvements as i find the ENBseries program quite detail sacrificing when i have good bloom settings on.

August 18th, 2008, 08:36 PM
I didn't go to the link, but could that do AA?

August 18th, 2008, 09:49 PM

when halomods comes back up, the link will work.
How do you know? Thanks for the head up, though I had a hunch it was ENBSeries, I've used it definitely a nice program.

EDOT: Made a new thread no not jack this one.

August 22nd, 2008, 02:07 PM


Multiplayer has yet to have even an Alpha version ingame because of the Sonic Spartan Biped , shown in the picture above. He is officially our most annoying to get ingame biped , as he is refusing to go ingame for various reasons , fortunately for us Kirby who works with us on a regular basis has been working on getting our metal menace ingame and hopefully when he comes online we shall finally find out what his fate is.


Recently , after being contacted by a mysterious person who wishes to remain "anon" for personal reasons , i recieved some 3d models directly from the 360 and PS3 version of Sonic The Hedgehog , i am currently using them as reference. Basically i am using them to accurately create the rest of the enemy models for the mod and then UWVing them , it will take a while though because of how bad my UWV mapping skills are though , they are not amazing , but because i am only a 2nd year Games Design student , i still have alot of room to improve, a sign of our progression is the enemy above , its taken me 2 days to get it to this stage , and alot of flustration too , its not exactly like the 360 version , but its good for what it is.





Finally , More infoz on Sal , whilst showing her off at this years Sonic Amature Game Expo i decided to work on some various positions as reference for her animations when we finally get round to creating the real set of animations , as the ones we are using at the moment are place holder.

Oh and if anyone can do animations decent enough , contact me please , we kinda need help with them at the moment.

August 22nd, 2008, 02:30 PM

August 24th, 2008, 06:40 AM
With SAGE finishing today , i am happy to report that we ranked out of about 51 fan games ...

9th Place , we did not win in votes , but we did indeed do what we set out to at the end of the day , which was to premote CE , and also to get more interest from people who do not know about CE , and i am getting flooded on youtube at the moment with questions about CE , my inbox is currently full.

So indeed big thanks to everyone that voted :D

In other news , i am still after anyone who can animate so we can start getting more new content ingame , so if anyone can contact me about that , then please do.

August 24th, 2008, 08:28 AM
dude nice job :D

August 26th, 2008, 08:20 AM
After all the time's we've seen it, i still cant get over the awsomeness of the MC Sonic.

I never saw anything interesting about Sonic... UNTIL NOW! Great Job!

October 24th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Greetings again all , sorry to bump this after so long , but i just wanted to come back with some news , not all good.

Thing is , so far , nothings really been done since SAGE 08. This is because we really needed a 3rd person animation artist , and for a while i thought we had one , i hired a really good one off youtube , and he worked for a while , got a couple of things done , and now hes not been seen since , hes normally on almost every day , and i think things have just taken a turn for the worst , what with him not being on in like .... 2 months or more.

That is why i want to announce that even though it may not be worth it , if we dont get a animator that can stick with us , and help us out so we can complete the animations , cause thats all is left to do really , character animations and then the mod is done. Then i am just gonna have to open source the mod at some point in the future for the community and hope its finished , because its not going anywhere fast with me spending every living moment of my life working hard at University finishing my Games Design Degree course , and Yize doing the same.

If anyone can help , please contact me , its urgent.

October 25th, 2008, 04:44 PM
is the multiplayer sonic working yet?

October 25th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Thing is , so far , nothings really been done since SAGE 08.
If anyone can help , please contact me , its urgent.

^ ever read that?

November 15th, 2008, 01:26 PM
^ Thanks to those who contacted me , you know who you are , i will be back in touch with you soon, to everyone else , please if you can help us finish this then come fowards, we are in need of animators at the moment and what you have seen in the video is all that is left for the mod to be complete, so its really essential that this gets done ASAP and to the best of everyones abilitys.

November 15th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Awesome robots, but the first part of the video made me rage because of the furry.

November 15th, 2008, 03:34 PM
^What he said.

November 15th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Put some pants on that character model please. Refer to my sig as to why you want to do that.

Other than that everything is good.

November 15th, 2008, 05:57 PM
Had this same discussion at GBX ages back , and i remember it well , we are sticking with the original character design for that specific character, besides which all other Sonic character designs are similar.(I dont premote Furr fag stuff , i just believe in sticking to the original concept)

End of discussion in that specific area.

As for the rest , it would be alright if we got it ingame , i currently have a few people working on animations so we`ll see how it goes.

November 17th, 2008, 04:08 AM
side note: its considering btw... not concidering... and yes im a hypocrite because i hate people who correct spelling... I'm actually satirizing you right now. :XD: yes you... you know who you are, every one of you...

But yea... wiimote support XD sick... keep up the good work.


Put some pants on that character model please. Refer to my sig as to why you want to do that.

Now why on earth would he want to do that?

E: just relized everything i just typed was refering to the origional thread, which is old news...

That sux, hope you can find someone to animate... I can used to animate but I'll probably end up like that other dude tho...

November 19th, 2008, 09:05 PM
I have been cooking these up for some time ,they still retain some of the errors , so i am gonna have to fix them.

These are all the normal enemys in a group.

These small red crab like enemys have catapult style weapons which throw grenades at their enemy , they can attach themselfs to walls to make it harder to get to them.


These flying enemys make up the main enemy force , they have slow shooting machine guns that fire short bursts and are able to hover at various heights.


These rhino type enemys have 2 attacks , one is charging at the enemy full speed , and the other shoots stun grenades from its side pannels.


These other flying enemys , are mainly scouts , they have rapid fire machine guns on their abdomen , and also have built in grenade launchers.


This huge mech is the heavy weapons enemy , it has 2 huge shoulder mounted lazer weapons , aswell as a smaller one , its weakness is its rate of fire is so slow that you have time to slip past it.


This last enemy is one of the mods bosses , its a huge dog like enemy that trys to trample the enemy to death.


November 19th, 2008, 09:21 PM
really awesome, except, ditch those halo tele's :)

November 20th, 2008, 01:02 AM
Holey shit, I'm not even a sonic fan and I love it! :awesome:

I like how your using the existing ability's of the halo engine is ways they haven't been used before (to my knowledge).

E: wtf fanboy allert

November 20th, 2008, 01:03 AM
Hah yeah, it's pretty cool imo. :D

November 25th, 2008, 01:08 PM
Looks great

January 12th, 2009, 08:28 PM
Hello again everyone, back with an update.

Since before xmas , we where working on the ingame camera system which we have since changed slightly but we should be able to get working , but more on that will come later.

As of now , we are almost done with rigging , the only thing left to do is Sonic chief, which Doan tells me should be done tomorrow , if he remembers this time.


After all the rigging is done , its onward to animations which "L" is doing at the moment and i am also asking for help from Bobby aswell, of course the development is sped up depending on how many are working on it , and at the moment we set our deadline for release of a decent working version of the full modification around july of this year , so we need as much help from the community to get this done as quickly and with good quality too.


So if anyone else can help speed up progress with animations so we can finally see the mod done quicker , then please dont hesitate to get in contact with me.

Undernieth are concepts of the Bosses for the mod , i remade the Eggmobile again , instead of using SonicTags Sonic The Hedgehog 06 model i instead decided to keep with the classic feel and based this one off the Sonic Unleashed design , and then made 3d versions of the weapons that are normally attached to it in the 2d games for it , the last picture is of the final zone boss from Sonic 1 as we hope to get that working ingame for a decent ending boss.


The whole idea for the bosses is to use the camera script to change the camera into the 2d cam we have been working on , but because the best result we had was from a stationary position it would work with the boss fights aslong as we limit the areas in which the fight takes place , heres a video from youtube referenced from Sonic 1 to illustrate the idea better.


As a final note , we started working on attacks for the characters , Sonic has his boost to get through levels quicker like in Sonic Unleashed for the 360 , PS3 , PS2 and Wii , and Sally we are doing differently.

Sally is having a completely new system for attacking , we intend to have her permutate her animations for her attacking , we are having her do various melee attacks , by pressing the fire button and the 3rd person animation will be randomly played out of a number of various animations , thus like randomly generated bipeds are done , this should be able to string together random combinations of moves that you can do with her ingame similar to the werehog feature in Unleashed.


Above is the boost working ingame , we are just in the process of doing all the animations for Sally now (the alpha versions of the animations anyway) , the idea is to get everything animated very roughly to get an it all working ingame , and then go back and tweek all the animations once everything works so that it looks good ingame and works fine. (Kirby assures me that Sallys combo attack animation permutations will work)

Like i said , production is sped up by more people helping , and because we are so close to finishing the entire mod , its important that we try and get what ever help we can , so if you can help please contact me.

After all this is done , the levels will be (by me) finally made and everything will be put together to make the full modification package by myself.

January 12th, 2009, 09:42 PM
awesome :)

January 12th, 2009, 09:49 PM
This looks pretty intereting. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

January 12th, 2009, 10:26 PM
Lookin great..
But how much is actually working ina practicle manner for gameplay?
Most the vids are just clips of content here and there, and none of actual gameplay..

And I see you throwing all these names around..are you just like the cooridinator still?

January 13th, 2009, 12:49 AM
Those last three screens look cool.

January 13th, 2009, 02:29 AM
Lookin great..
But how much is actually working ina practicle manner for gameplay?
Most the vids are just clips of content here and there, and none of actual gameplay..

And I see you throwing all these names around..are you just like the cooridinator still?

Any rumors that have been said about me doing nothing for the mod are totally false Killa , i have always made models , levels and done textures for the mod , the only things i dont do are tags , rigging (i am still in the process of getting that right completely) , scripting , and animations. Reason why i dont do the other ones i have said is because i am still in the process of learning them at Uni , all apart from Scripting and Tags which i have touched apon slightly in the past.

As for how much is working , everything works so far apart from the stuff that has yet to be put ingame , for instance the permutated animations for Sally , or Sonicchief as the multiplayer biped, the whole idea is to come back at the end and check for anything thats not done , and make it work.

I have a Priority list on the blog for everything that needs to be done to get a fully working mod before our deadline , and as things are going well so far , we are up to ...

3: Start doing the basic animations for characters (In progress atm)
4: Get all characters and animations tweeked & working ingame
5: Get Sallys combo attacks working ingame
6: Get all enemys weapons/ attacks working ingame

(After all the above is done , then we should have basically most of the mod done)

7: Do Sallys HUD
8: Work on basic gameplay elements such as springs and spikes

(After all this is done, we should have a fully working modification)

The problem has always been characters , in the old version of the mod before we switched to SP , we had someone rigging , who got burned out on permutated bipeds because we did not have enough help , and thats why some of our really old videos have bipeds in the T pose.

The problem now is that the characters that have managed to be rigged , now need to be animated to go ingame , after which the whole focus will be on tweeking elements we have already working , going back and seeing whats not been done but needs to be completed , and also for me to make the levels , then put it all together and we will finally have a fully working mod.

As for everyone else thats replyed so far , thanks for the comments :)

January 13th, 2009, 08:53 AM
the pics on page 4, the last one...looks like egg cerberus. YES I played Sonic the Hedgehog for 360, and YES it was a total pile of fail, its just that last picture made me remember egg cerberus.

to the point:

lookin good my man, I grew up playing Sonic, but lately his games have sucked, lets see if you can bring back my love for the series (next to Sonic GL, which is kick ass and The fated hours, which I prefer the Sonic 3 config).

anyways, heres to a successful launch of your mod.

January 13th, 2009, 01:56 PM
Someones defensive...
I was just going off all that I read, and didn't I see your work mentioned is all..

Anywho, is there anything to showcase gameplay wise?
I see alot of cool sonic stuff, sure..but not much actual stuff gameplay wise, I'm intrested to see how it all works out...

Also I'mma bit curious why it's so diffcult to rig these bipeds. As far as I can tell based on the model, it should be a tad simplier than rigging a more complex biped model..

January 13th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Also I'mma bit curious why it's so diffcult to rig these bipeds. As far as I can tell based on the model, it should be a tad simplier than rigging a more complex biped model..

The base bones are probably easy, but don't forget the parts of sonic that are usually taken care of by havok physics in other games (the spikes, for example).

January 13th, 2009, 03:00 PM
ah, well I was under the impression they'd be making fully customized animations, that could handle the bones used to control the spikes, or whatever else is unique to the sonic model.

January 13th, 2009, 03:20 PM
Someones defensive...
I was just going off all that I read, and didn't I see your work mentioned is all..

Didnt mean for it to seem as though i was making an angry reply , it was intended to give all the information about what i am capable of.

As for your other questions , gameplay wise , i do have some videos from youtube from a while back of things that are working ingame , but its an old one , here i`ll post it here for you to see , given that this is a year old , reason for that is that during that time i have not put everything together into one map again , the rest of the gameplay elements are scattered in various maps , but they do all work.


^ Basic gameplay elements (at this point in development it was just Sonic ingame nothing else , apart from Rings)


^ Trying yet again to get springs to replace the teleporters , which have yet to be done so they are accurate , as when you step on them you fly slightly to the side.

Apart from these old videos nothing really to showcase of the more recent work apart from the boost , but i have not got the most recent version that kills enemys from Kirby yet.

As for bipeds , reason i have not done it myself is that i am covering it at Uni atm so before that , i had not messed around with it myself , i didnt want to touch apon it , because i am more into doing maps than characters and animations, the whole fuss over rigging itsself is that we could not find anyone for ages to help out with it until Doan offered and even then some of them had to be modeled first , and finding decent reference for some of the stuff is just plain annoying.

As for more recent stuff , i think there is one video , its just a small demo of the boost before it got any sort of effect on it , it just shows off how its done with damage effects and how it looks in CE , its on the blog in my sig link if you follow it.

January 13th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Yeah but, dont they teach you ultra low poly in Uni?

Also, just out of curiosity, what has/is taking the longest of the mod? As in what feature, be it, bipeds, maps, rings, running etc etc.

January 13th, 2009, 04:00 PM
Pretty neat vid, I know it's old and stuffs, but I like what I see so far..
But I'm intrested see how monster battles would play out!

January 13th, 2009, 04:05 PM
You have something that really irritates me about some games.

Please give sonic an animation when he turns his body. Other than him just spinning left or right I'd like to see his feet move.

January 13th, 2009, 04:05 PM
Yeah but, dont they teach you ultra low poly in Uni?

Also, just out of curiosity, what has/is taking the longest of the mod? As in what feature, be it, bipeds, maps, rings, running etc etc.

To reply to your first question , my fiancee is on the same course , and has been through all of this , and this is what the tutor is like

"He teaches you how to model a box plane , and a low poly edge modeled car , then tells you how to do a character in one lesson and then tells you to go off an do it , his teaching methods also poor as he does 4 hour long tutorials without breaks which are supposed to teach you stuff by watching him do it , but not being able to do it yourself at the same time which does not help people remember because by the time the tutorials over , there has been that much to taken in that you`ve already forgotten most of it"

So yea , his teaching methods are not the best , all 3 classes he takes are suffering and are thinking of complaining this term about it worst thing is , he is only a self taught modeler thats been doing it for around 4 years himself so he knows a little bit more than the majority of the class , but on numerous occasions i have shown him up infront of everyone in lesson because of how little he knows , and also hes taken what people have told him and claimed that its all his own doing which is not good , but anyways ... thats off topic.

Anyways , the thing thats taking the longest at the moment is animations for characters , its just trying to find people to help as i have not even messed around with them myself yet.

January 13th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Damn thats gotta suck. Do you have a class rep? Some one that represents you all but can do so annoymously? If I was you I would go complain if you dont feel it will get any better. No use paying tons of money.

In one of my classes we had the same thing, 2 hours straight of maths, the guy at the front just jambled on and on, you could only focus for the first 15 minutes and then naturally turned off. We spoke to the course leader saying what was happening, and it got fixed.

Is your course related to gaming at all though? The art department at my uni sort of do both, so for actual art like movies and tv things, and designed for gaming, which would be following the 4 poly sided rule and low poly :)

January 13th, 2009, 04:26 PM
Our course is related to gaming for the majority of it , it covers 3d modeling , and basic texturing aswell as making a simple level in Unreal 2004 for the first year , and the second year focus`s on creating character models , making a more advanced map in UT , and then further on in the year which i am doing soon is character animations (looking foward to so i can help the mod more), rigging (which i am getting my fiancee to teach me) and then some work based stuff with Sony which is quite near us.

Hell out of our class , i am the most experianced, because of doing all this stuff for Halo , i have a good background of working myself up trying to model before i came on the course and messing with various stuff before hand , i feel sorry for the ones (rest of the class) that have never done any 3d work in their life before , because i am having to help the entire class now because the tutor sucks that much.

Anyways offtopic again lol

January 13th, 2009, 04:30 PM
Their teaching you that simple stuff at college or is this some other type of class?

Oshit 999 post almost to a thousand!

January 13th, 2009, 04:38 PM
you where right with your first assumption Wanksta , most of the people on this forum are way better than anyone in my class including the teacher.

January 13th, 2009, 04:39 PM
So this is a college class?

January 13th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Yes , when i talk about Uni , basically the original course was from Huddersfield university , but basically they allowed the course to branch out to my local college so i am studying there as its closer to my home , so technically i am doing a University course , in a College.

January 13th, 2009, 04:53 PM
I just wanted to... um, stop in and say "this is fucking amazing". That will be all.

January 13th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Yes , when i talk about Uni , basically the original course was from Huddersfield university , but basically they allowed the course to branch out to my local college so i am studying there as its closer to my home , so technically i am doing a University course , in a College.

Ha ha looks like college is a lot easier than high school. I can't wait to get out of HS it fails. Wasting my time learning things I will forget next week for tests that have no real repercussions on the industry I plan on working for.
Oh how I love the edufailtion system.


January 13th, 2009, 10:39 PM
Small update in showing working gameplay elements , this is still WIP , because of minor tweeks , but this is our first working attack ingame , the Sonic Boost.


January 13th, 2009, 10:50 PM
I know it's a WIP, but those giant leaves (the snow.weather_system on B40)
dont look good. They kinda make it hard to see and look...rather enlarged.

Fake edit: The Sonic Boost on the other hand is good.

January 13th, 2009, 10:57 PM
level has nothing to do with it unfortunately , thats just a test level kirby has been using for everything the falling leaves are not important.

January 14th, 2009, 01:51 AM
However they're getting in the way. :smith:

Also lol at the Chief and Hunter getting their asses kicked by Sonic.

Super Smash Bros Riot should include Halo characters. :v:

January 14th, 2009, 07:30 AM
Would it be possible for the player to stop, once hitting an enemy, then recover to attack again in about a second?

January 14th, 2009, 03:30 PM
I think that would defeat the point of the boost Advance , the whole point is to keep flow going through the level , thats why the boost allows players to plow through enemys without having to fear them , and having the satisfaction of killing them.

January 16th, 2009, 01:56 PM
I know it's a WIP, but those giant leaves (the snow.weather_system on B40)
dont look good. They kinda make it hard to see and look...rather enlarged.
dude.. those leaves are custom leaves.. they acualy spin.. chopely (I didnt put enough frames in lol)

level has nothing to do with it unfortunately , thats just a test level kirby has been using for everything the falling leaves are not important.
lol, same way those hunters where for chao pickup tests.. (the hunters where the chao lol)
it was so awesome picking up the hunters as they are shooting at you and then use em as sheilds lol.

and over to the side, you see the sheild powerup (which ive sadly been informed wont be used in the acual release... I liked my sheild bubble..)

January 16th, 2009, 03:48 PM
This mod is so beautiful and brings back such great memories.

January 17th, 2009, 10:16 AM
I was playing sonic riders zero gravity yesterday and I remembered how much I like sonic (even though the game isn't that good) so now I'm looking forward to playing this mod.

January 24th, 2009, 08:44 PM
since the update about the boost , things have been worked on , like enemy rigs and animations , aswell as the mp character rig being re done , but we are having a slight problem , we have included another attack , aswell as that we have included a third function , basically that is ment to ground the player when they want to land instead of keep drifting over stuff because of the air time the jump has , mainly due to momentum , so i asked kirby to do some editing and the results have us stumped atm , heres some quotes of whats been done , and i hope someone can help out.

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
hmmm.. I dont see what is creating the isues with the sliding kick.. the force applied is applied correctly..

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
lets try quadrupling the force for better results lol

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
hmm.. still no results..

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
lets increase the radius it hits and see if that acleast makes him respond to it..

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
hmmm.. still no effect.. why?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
k.. if this doesnt do it, I know something is skrewed up..

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
100 force, 5 world units..

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
k.. I can prove the force is there.. but its not effecting ANY bipeds.. it effects weapons.. but even more, it only makes them spin.. it doesnt move them..

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
so.. what now? lol

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
no idea , any ideas on your end?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
watch anime? lol

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
no lol

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
any chance anyone else would know a solution?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
well.. the force is correctly being applied, and yet.. its not doing anything.. there is proof its there.. adn yet its not effecting the seroundings

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
think its because of the spinning problem again?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
no, because the spinning is canceled, and with THAT much force with THAT range, SOMETHING within the map should fly like a meteorite

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
hmmm , it worked before right , back before you tweeked it?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
it made him move downwards at a slight speed. the boost is still fine, but the kick.. it still moves at th esame speed down, nad its not noticable extra down at this time

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
what did you edit on the kick that stopped it working?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
no, im saying its the same amount of slight down it has always had.. its about 1% extra gravity

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
crap :/

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
and he locks onto the ground he touches.. it refuses to let him move when hes touching ground..

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
whats it controlled by a node with damage effects?

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
yes, one a foot behind him, with the origenal modeless boost it does the 1% gravity add, with the current boost model, it is just ground stickey..

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:
what about just doubling the node to increase the power?

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:
ive timed the power by 2000, and timesd the range by 500

"MoodyData" "Ye Not Guilty" Owls + Lazers = 1337, DaveJen says:

КĨЯßΨ_422 says:

THAT is why SOMETHING in the map... acleast SOMETHING.. should fly like a meteorite.. thats why its soo skrewed up

Anyone have any ideas?

January 24th, 2009, 09:15 PM
It really sounds like you guys are talking about something else in that XD.

January 25th, 2009, 10:37 PM


Thanks to Bobbys help , things are speeding up conciderably :)

^ Enemy working ingame

January 25th, 2009, 11:30 PM
http://s396.photobucket.com/albums/pp48/heathencopypasta/th__power_omg__by_crula.gif (http://s396.photobucket.com/albums/pp48/heathencopypasta/?start=40)
That looks awesome.

January 26th, 2009, 07:20 AM
Why didnt you kill it :V?

A simple melee to the back destroys any biped by the way.

January 26th, 2009, 08:50 AM
i Didnt kill it because i just wanted to show it off as it was rather than shorten the demo.

January 26th, 2009, 03:26 PM
Is there going to be a new contrail?

January 26th, 2009, 08:13 PM
A simple melee to the back destroys any biped by the way.
there is a "not instantly killed by melee" flag in the "$$$ UNIT $$$" section of it's biped tag. It's checked. :D

January 26th, 2009, 11:36 PM
Looking great!! :awesome:

January 27th, 2009, 06:52 AM
there is a "not instantly killed by melee" flag in the "$$$ UNIT $$$" section of it's biped tag. It's checked. :D

bye bye shortcut :V

January 28th, 2009, 10:23 AM
Huge update

Boost & Zero Grav Slide kick update

E-Cannon Ingame

E-Cannon Progression

Old 07 Trailer remastered with new content


^ All the progress above has been made since the 26th , everythings going very smoothly , and now Bobby is starting to work on the other enemys , theres a total of 5 common enemys in the entire game , there is also permutated variations of some of them , and mini boss versions of them also , so theres quite a few , but not a huge ammount.

Heres a screen of the Finished E-Cannon enemy ingame ...


Love the way in the video , it digs up the dirt with the lazers because it has that much force , its crazy.

Also HDoan finished doing all the rigs for the mod, the last one of course being one of the most important ones that we have had the most trouble with ...


Sonic Chief , current unskinned and not animated , i am hoping to try and see if we can find a 3rd animator to do him for MP so that it yet again cuts production time in half , Bobby working on the Mechs , L working on Sally and Robotnik and the other person (hopefully) working on Sonic Chief.

If anyone wishes to help , please PM me , or just reply about it in this thread and i`ll PM you , cause the deadline we are trying to meet is mid 09 , what i actually set was at the most the end of July for the entire thing.

And the way things are going we are going to meet that deadline atm , just obviously more help would result in it getting done quicker , then more time can be spent tweeking stuff.

January 28th, 2009, 11:32 AM
Music was so loud on the last one that even though my speakers are quite definitely muted, I could still hear it.

January 28th, 2009, 05:14 PM
Looks amazing.

Also, are you using bloom for halo? If not, what are you using?

April 4th, 2009, 07:19 PM
Hey again all , got some unfortunate news , which may not come as a suprise to some , but unfortunately the mod may go the same way as the Metroid mod , i have had hardly any time for it over the past 2 months , and unfortunately the people i had working on the final parts of the mod have yet again dissapeared , originally we where gonna have a release around July , but it appears that may never happen.

Unless we can get someone to animate 3rd Person anims for atleast 1 character then i am sorry to say this but its gonna be one less mod for CE.

Very sorry.


July 14th, 2009, 09:58 AM
Hey all , i know this is a huge bump , but now i have finally finished University , i got a call from someone from Lionhead after i contacted them for advice on how to get into the industry , we talked for abit , and i found out he watched the mod on moddb , so his first reaction was , get this damn mod done , so after alot of trouble , and ups and downs Max 8 has started working again for me , so i have managed to do the first cutscene level for the mod , its all ingame and looking great , check out the video.


I have started up things again , and have gotten the community involved via live cast , and i am looking for people to help me finally complete this baby.

Roster so far..


So yea , hopefully after all this time , we can finally get this over and done with O.o

Llama Juice
July 14th, 2009, 10:23 AM
*is excited*

July 14th, 2009, 10:30 AM
I can help model stuff, just not bipeds. Scenery, weapons, all that crap I can give a hand with, just let me know what you want.

July 14th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Hell fuck, I'll put a massive input in if I can get a talk with Lionhead Studios :D, that's my ideal company to work for.

July 14th, 2009, 10:54 AM
I really couldn't tell that was halo up until I watched it again and noticed the sun. Fan-fucking-tastic.

July 14th, 2009, 11:01 AM
How'd ya do the grass?
It looks great, keep it up :-3

Llama Juice
July 14th, 2009, 12:27 PM
How'd ya do the grass?
It looks great, keep it up :-3

looks like a shitton of planes with alphas on em.

July 14th, 2009, 03:21 PM
looks like a shitton of planes with alphas on em.

^ this , and trust me , its alot of polys x.x

July 15th, 2009, 10:45 AM
^ this , and trust me , its alot of polys x.x
Well as long as it looks good who gives a shit about polys. Spectacular work so far.

July 15th, 2009, 10:50 AM
Truly amazing work. :neckbeard:

July 15th, 2009, 12:53 PM
Holy crap! I love everything in that video!

July 16th, 2009, 06:42 AM
Is the music from the end section of the video from halowars?
bad n00b, stay ontopic!

Looks amazing O__o

September 6th, 2009, 07:48 PM

Back in business , alot to work on , and this is only a beta , but things are slowly getting there.

September 6th, 2009, 08:54 PM
me thinks the cabana should be rounder.

September 6th, 2009, 08:57 PM
modeled it after the 06 model , but sure i suppose i can try rounder in a later ver.

September 6th, 2009, 09:10 PM
The umbrella gives no shade :saddowns:.

t3h m00kz
September 7th, 2009, 01:53 AM
The umbrella don't give a fuck about your shade. Enjoy your skin cancer.


September 7th, 2009, 09:02 AM
Transparent joke umbrella. This looks great though.

September 7th, 2009, 10:43 AM
especially interested in this mod for a long time because of your decision to use such a limited engine.

September 7th, 2009, 11:07 AM
You had better get people who are amazing at doing portals.

September 7th, 2009, 11:08 AM

September 27th, 2009, 11:53 AM
Hey again all , this time i am back asking for halp on the next level i am doing , i am having a problem getting a shader i want right , and was wondering if anyone could help me figure how to create it.


Im trying to create a shader that looks similar to the greenish cyan glow shown here , the whole idea to this is that to make parts of the level look like Silver has been through it levatating stuff for the players to jump on , i tried doing it with a overshield shader , but it did not work for some reason , if i could get some halp or tips on how to create this effect and get it working it would be great , cause the last one i tried was just white , and then when i did get it working , it didnt do much and did not cover the whole model :(

Thanks in advance :)

September 27th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Its with the modifier shader that is on the scenery/biped tag. Im not exactly sure how to make it, you would need to experiment around and have a look at similar shaders that are in game (cant think of any atm). Try with plasma shaders, and that kind of things

September 27th, 2009, 01:50 PM
You can achieve the greenish glow affect by using Len's Flare's that glow green. You can attach them in the len's flare spot in the shader tag.
If this is what you tried last time, make sure to recompile the level so they go every where and make the spacing correct so you don't get the "too many len's flare's" error.

Rob Oplawar
September 27th, 2009, 05:24 PM
Gah! I leave the thread and go to another to get away from it, and there it is again! WTF.
LENS FLARE. Lens, like in a camera- a little piece of curved glass. GOD.
I can't figure out why this annoys me so much, but for some reason it's totally pissing me off.

September 28th, 2009, 05:21 PM

Currently still WIP , but i thought i would put it out there just as something to get feedback on.

Was thinking of trying to get a glow on the lava , and add smoke to some building parts , that and add the building support pillars in which are supposed to provide cover at the sides of both buildings instead of the sides being open to fire.

September 28th, 2009, 07:41 PM
Whole lot of not much shown lol :v:

September 28th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Unfittingly epic music used without required quantity of epic in video.

I totally love the map's environment though.

September 28th, 2009, 08:24 PM
Unfittingly epic music used without required quantity of epic in video.

I totally love the map's environment though.

Sorry p0lar i normally try to please everyone with the stuff i create , i do agree that the music was placed randomly in the video mainly due to the fact that it is played all the time at the place i work at , so i tried to sneak it in and unfortunately it did not work out :(

Anyways , ima improve on this one a hell of alot , like i said adding pillars , mb some Halo style cover into it like portable shields and stuff to see how it goes , ima also thinking of creating holes in the floor for the ladders to go up through and for ppl to shoot through, but thats for the future.

(Uploading an alt ver of the video with different audio )

Thanks for the feed back so far :)

September 28th, 2009, 08:50 PM
The music was fitting for a roller coaster... Instead you flycammed around at the pace my grampa moves. You went so slow it was hard to get a good look at the map as well... But from what I could tell it looks interesting and it's obviously missing a lot.

September 28th, 2009, 09:05 PM
changed the music now :) , gonna work more on the map tomorrow :)

September 29th, 2010, 02:20 AM
hey SonicXtreme iv been reading up on this game of urs and wanted to say it looks good better than the sonic games made by sega. well i was wondering how it was coming along since u havent posted anything new about it in a year.