View Full Version : [APP] Termy's Server APP (SAPP)
August 18th, 2008, 03:21 PM
So, I decided to release this because some people kept asking for it, this is not the final version so it may contain some bugs. Commands listed below are accessible via rcon, console and init.txt. There were more commands, but i decided to remove them considering the fact that some naughty admins:lol: could use them in wrong way(yea changing spped etc:D)
Here is a list of commands:
load Loads server plugin (sapp.dll), commands listed below are available only if 'load' had been issued before.
unload Unloads server app, useful when new version of sapp.dll is released :-) and you want to perform update without restarting server.
ip [player_number] Displays player's IP, Rev DNS and CD-KEY hash
afk_kick [seconds] AFK players are kicked after a given period of inactivity, if [seconds] is 0 then afk kicking is disabled
ping_kick [ping] If player's ping is higher than [ping] for about 20 seconds, he's kicked. However, player who just joined the game and his ping is high for a while is not punished by this feature.
afk Displays inactivity periods (in seconds) of players.
coldsnap_ag [enabled] Coldsnap antiglitching - players trying to c4 switch or glitching into bases are kicked instatly, this feature also protects from a certain server crash that happens when player gets into certain location.
ipban [player_number] Player is banned by his IP rather than by his CD-KEY hash.
ipban ip_number eg ipban
ipbans List of IP Bananas.
ipunban Unbans IP.
cpu Displays Processor's brand string, and operating system version info.
uptime Displays uptime of sapp.dll and operating system.
pl = sv_players
k = sv_kick
b = sv_ban
say = sv_say
about :*
I tested it only on Windows XP SP2 and on (don't know what they are runnig) but it should work as well on other systems supported by Halo CE.
Information about installation and download:
SAPP in action::eek:
August 18th, 2008, 04:08 PM
I just tried it out here on my server at work and somehow managed to get it to crash in less than five minutes (I was trying too much junk I think. D: ) Regardless though, the ability to have someone auto kicked for being afk or having a high ping is something I've been wanting for a long long time. Thanks for sharing it with us and keep up the good work. I hope this app goes far. :D
August 18th, 2008, 05:39 PM
interesting, will check this out now.
-edit- pretty neat, would be alot cooler if you could execute commands via the chat system instead of rcon.
also, doing ip crashes the server.
try adding some of these ( features :o
pretty nice so far.
August 18th, 2008, 05:49 PM
I'm interested in how you calculate a players idle time.
Bacon, I though rec0's app got fixed already.
August 18th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Looks great, I yet still have to test it.
August 18th, 2008, 07:35 PM
I'm interested in how you calculate a players idle time.
Bacon, I though rec0's app got fixed already.
It did, but APPARENTLY Bacon has yet to receive the fixed version from Pat yet. At least that's what he tells me.
August 18th, 2008, 09:31 PM
coldsnap_ag [enabled] Coldsnap antiglitching - players trying to c4 switch or glitching into bases are kicked instatly, this feature also protects from a certain server crash that happens when player gets into certain location.
Delete this command please, you're ruining my fun.
August 18th, 2008, 09:32 PM
Delete this command please, you're ruining my fun.
Uh...No? When I played the map I wanted to kick the those kids in the teeth for doing that. Pissed me off.
August 18th, 2008, 09:34 PM
Uh...No? When I played the map I wanted to kick the those kids in the teeth for doing that. Pissed me off.
You know what's funny, the first time I ever did that (before it was a widely known trick) I got 3 killtaculars :D
August 18th, 2008, 09:37 PM
You know what's funny, the first time I ever did that (before it was a widely known trick) I got 3 killtaculars :D
I wonder if it'll kick me if I nuke and switch!
August 18th, 2008, 09:51 PM
who gives a shit about that garbage map tbh.
August 18th, 2008, 09:53 PM
who gives a shit about that garbage map tbh.
I thought it was awesome fun to grief the stupid roleplayers on.
August 18th, 2008, 09:59 PM
I thought it was awesome fun to grief the stupid roleplayers on.
August 18th, 2008, 10:03 PM
I like the IP ban feature. I hate the people that get new CD keys illegally...
August 18th, 2008, 10:23 PM
On another note, if somehow rec0s app was updated to allow it to recognize admins by IP that would be even more secure than Hash right?
August 18th, 2008, 10:30 PM
On another note, if somehow rec0s app was updated to allow it to recognize admins by IP that would be even more secure than Hash right?
how do you figure?
August 18th, 2008, 10:57 PM
On another note, if somehow rec0s app was updated to allow it to recognize admins by IP that would be even more secure than Hash right?
IP spoofing isn't uncommon.
August 19th, 2008, 02:58 AM
On another note, if somehow rec0s app was updated to allow it to recognize admins by IP that would be even more secure than Hash right?
No, it would be less secure. Anyone (siblings, etc) would then have access to your administration as long as they were in the same house.
Plus, a lot of people have dynamic IP address' that change weekly-monthly. And yea, it's pretty easy to spoof an IP if you know how to do it.
August 19th, 2008, 03:32 AM
Thanks for testing it, I have never had any problems with ip command, I guess there are some problems with calling getnameinfo in separated thread, so removed Rev DNS checking from ip command, and added "ipd [player_number]" that does that and shouldn't crash server.
I'm interested in how you calculate a players idle time.
Simply checking player's mouse movements(view angles).
Anyway, should I add commands for speed changing and teleporting players?:rolleyes:
Feel free to glitch, C4 switch, AFK on this coldsnap server::D:lol:
August 19th, 2008, 06:03 AM
add speed and other goodies.... also, make it so only admins can use commands based on cd hash.
August 19th, 2008, 08:20 AM
As far as useful features go... would you be able to add something that allows admins to set a recurring server announcement every 'x' amount of time? While this might be annoying to some players, I think it'd be great for announcing rules or even special events since not everyone pays attention to the MOTD.
August 19th, 2008, 11:08 AM
No if you add those speed stuff then it makes it like rec0's app and wasn't the whole point of it being private to null the possibility of over using it... I say just add commands that help out server operators and give admins the right thought cd hash and typing commands in the chat box. But I say don't add the other stuff like for fun goofing around games.
August 19th, 2008, 11:51 AM
I'm interested in how you calculate a players idle time.
Oh come on...that's easy ;)
August 19th, 2008, 12:36 PM
Oh come on...that's easy ;)Bit of a long winded way isnt it though? I wasnt sure if he'd go to those measures just to get idle time. :D
August 19th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Question on IP, when I tried the ip players thing I did it on myself and it showed my internal ip address. Now if someone else did it would it show my external ip address or my internal one?
Also can you make it so server admin's don't get kicked after the certain amount of seconds if they are using rcon... I have it set at 3 minutes (180 seconds) and I get kicked sometimes if I go over it...
August 19th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Maybe, maybe, but sv_say like to crash server, you know:confused:
For those asking for chat-based commands:
I suck so badly at reverse engineering, don't know how chat system works, and so far I have no clue how to send ** SERVER ** message just to player(admin) that is typing commands via chat system. Only rec0 could do that. :)
ip displays address that player is connected from, no matter who executes ip
August 19th, 2008, 05:46 PM
You should ask rec0.
Oh wait D:
August 19th, 2008, 06:00 PM
This has the potential for community support and customizability for coder-type server admins, based on the fact that it has to refer to an external DLL for functionality.
Unless you feel that you'd like to do more research and perhaps do so in a later version, can you tell us what's in the DLL?
August 19th, 2008, 06:17 PM
add speed and other goodies.... also, make it so only admins can use commands based on cd hash.
Convince Rec0 to update the server app to 1.08 and release it to the public :aaaaa:.
August 19th, 2008, 06:18 PM
Pat already updated it to 1.08 and it's not going to be public. Termy made a public one so use his.
August 19th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Pat already updated it to 1.08 and it's not going to be public.
correct, but it doesn't work.
(rec0s app is dead)
August 19th, 2008, 09:24 PM
So may I have the dead version... As you kinda figured I collect Halo CE apps.
August 19th, 2008, 09:28 PM
So may I have the dead version... As you kinda figured I collect Halo CE apps.
August 20th, 2008, 04:05 AM
So may I have the dead version... As you kinda figured I collect Halo CE apps.
August 20th, 2008, 11:48 AM
Unless you feel that you'd like to do more research and perhaps do so in a later version, can you tell us what's in the DLL?
Everything, the DLL is where the magic happens, the new dedicated just injects the DLL. The DLL is where the majority of code is stored.
Why didnt the updated rec0's app not work?
August 20th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Why didnt the updated rec0's app not work?
The exe wasn't the updated...the custom dedicated server was.
August 20th, 2008, 02:35 PM
Everything, the DLL is where the magic happens, the new dedicated just injects the DLL. The DLL is where the majority of code is stored.
I knew that much. :rolleyes:
I mean, what's in the DLL? How does it work? What I want to know is how flexible the DLL is; would it be possible to basically make rec0's app into a DLL that would load and run right with the load function injected into the server.
August 20th, 2008, 06:51 PM
So your saying basically re-create the rec0 app as a .dll and have it injected into the haloceded.exe instead of having a modified haloceded.exe that works alongside with the rec0 app.
August 20th, 2008, 07:58 PM
would it be possible to basically make rec0's app into a DLL that would load and run right with the load function injected into the server.
Of course. In a few weeks a server tool will be released that does this for haloPC and haloCE .
August 20th, 2008, 08:32 PM
Wasn't it due 2-3 years ago... Lol just kidding but yeah finally Imega will be done and released.
August 20th, 2008, 08:41 PM
Simply checking player's mouse movements(view angles).
What if they die and respawn facing a different direction. That would count as changing the view angle. Also, pings spike sometimes but I'm assuming you average the pings of the players and then boot. If you haven't taken it into account already, then it's something to think about. Anyway, nice app. Despite some crashing bugs it's quite useful to someone who runs a server regularly. The idle and ping kick features are great.
August 20th, 2008, 10:57 PM
Your app works along side with HSE. Wow so I have HSE and your app on my dedi. No problems just thought I'd let you know if you cared...
I love the ping kick BTW.
August 21st, 2008, 11:55 AM
I would LIKE to see a "kick on TK" instead of the usual 'ban on TK' system added... for automating that process... Nice work! BTW Super Sniper , if i have any question about HSE, shold i pm you here or on the halomods thread?
August 21st, 2008, 01:51 PM
I knew that much. :rolleyes:
I mean, what's in the DLL? How does it work? What I want to know is how flexible the DLL is; would it be possible to basically make rec0's app into a DLL that would load and run right with the load function injected into the server.
It's quite easy in theory. The DLL loads on startup and redirects certain functions when they are called to your DLL and then back to the application. You intercept the normal program flow.
September 12th, 2008, 01:27 PM
I have just released new version - 0.4 Beta
Major changes:
Chat-based commands(yeah it wasn't as hard as it seemed)
Event system(executing given commands when something happens, so kicking on TK can be done easily :))
Improved say commands
Devmode commands are available now, just like any other ones.
Fixed some bugs(but there are new ones)
halofp protection
Fixed some bugs(don't worry, there are new ones)Detailed description and download here ( :D
September 12th, 2008, 03:06 PM
Nice one, possible alternative to rec0's app?
Does it use CD hashes to verify admins when using the chat-based commands?
September 12th, 2008, 04:54 PM
Good job, keep it going :D
Can you change chat commands to have "/" instead of "\" (I don't want to reach across the keyboard, and it's more convenient (plus I'm a lil' lazy :P))
September 12th, 2008, 07:10 PM
Thanks for sharing such a great app. It's come in very handy in the past few weeks (in particular for the afk/ping kicks) :D
Anyhow, I went ahead and tried this latest version and I seem to have some issues. I don't know if it's me, but the event_join commands don't seem to work. I tried everything I could think of but I can't get them to come out. I even tried repatching a fresh copy of 'haloceded.exe' with the latest patcher+app dll from the site in case it was the issue but no dice. Another issue I have is that it looks as though the event_kill commands don't work all the time and only seemed to work whenever I was the one that actually triggered them. Here is the 'SAPP' section of my init.txt config file:
;sapp commands should be placed after sv_mapcycle_begin
; general commands
afk_kick 300
ping_kick 500
;eventids - join
event_join 'wait 6000;say $n "{ITS} Clan - Dallas, TX"'
event_join 'wait 7000;say $n "Press F2 for rules/custom maps list"'
;eventids - tk and kills
event_tk 4 'say $n "One more tk and you are banned, \n!"'
event_tk 5 'say $n "Bye, \n =)"
event_kill 25 'say $n "\n! has $kills kills."'
event_kill 50 'say $n "\n! has $kills kills!!"'
event_kill 100 'say $n "100 kills.. Nice aimbot, \n =P"'
I check to see if the events are loaded via the 'events' commands and it only shows the event_kill and event_tk commands from the init. As for the event_tk ones, I don't know if they work since I haven't actually seen anyone TK in the couple of hours I was playing with the app. Hopefully I'm just missing something simple, but I re-read the commands on the site multiple times just to make sure. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Hmm..still can't figure out the event_join issue, but apparently the event_kill messages is only displayed to the person who set it off. Any chance this could change in a future version or is there some other way of doing it?
September 13th, 2008, 09:27 AM
Yeah, event_join was broken and i just uploaded fixed version to site. And when it comes to event_kill im not sure if I understood you, but f you want to display kill messages to all players use:
event_kill 25 'say * "$name has $kills kills."'instead of:
event_kill 25 'say $n "\n! has $kills kills."'I haven't had any issues with event_kill.
added cmdstart command for you :lol: So do cmdstart /
September 13th, 2008, 09:58 AM
so you can turn off tk ban in init.txt and use this app to kick on tk?
that's awesome.
you, or someone should write up a more in depth setup guide with all possible parameters, because it seems like there is really alot to this.
September 13th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Is this like rec0's app? You should try get as many features as he had in his in this one. Like speed, and /names to see all the players names used in server (if he didn't know), and yeah... lol
September 13th, 2008, 10:55 AM
When I get the time I'll write up a very in-depth guide.
This is simply amazing Termy. Keep it up.
September 13th, 2008, 12:07 PM
When I get the time I'll write up a very in-depth guide.
That would be nice, English is not my primary language so istructions on site are not so clear.
FluffyDucky™: I have speed and other naughty features im my private version:XD:
September 13th, 2008, 12:26 PM
Very nice. What's your primary language?
September 13th, 2008, 12:54 PM
C++. LOL :D:D
No seriously, its Polish.
September 13th, 2008, 01:32 PM
C++. LOL :D:D
That was funny. +rep
September 13th, 2008, 01:47 PM
w00t :D Thanks for the suggestion/fix, Termy. That did the trick.
I was wondering, where does the app keep the administrator list? I'd like to be able to add a few admins manually without them being in the server. Also, do you plan to add other events like someone successfully capturing the flag? The /names command someone mentioned earlier would be nice too, so I hope you consider adding it in a future release. Thanks :D
September 13th, 2008, 01:55 PM
must have private version...
Lol but guys take it easy he just released a new version let him have a little rest time... :rolleyes:
September 13th, 2008, 02:26 PM
must have private version...
Lol but guys take it easy he just released a new version let him have a little rest time... :rolleyes:
We're not demanding a new version right now. We're just requesting features for a future release. I'm pretty content w/ all the new features he added. It was worth the wait.
September 13th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Yeh, i must finally see the world outside my dark room ::D:D JOKE
Admins file is located at sapp/admins.txt in halo direcotry.
September 13th, 2008, 10:02 PM
That would be why me and bacon couldn't use it? LOL
September 13th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Lol poor gameservers users...
September 14th, 2008, 01:50 AM
I see this app on the {ITS} server all the time, nice project keep it up. :)
September 14th, 2008, 02:20 AM
Lol wut? This works on gameservers.
September 14th, 2008, 05:42 AM
I've noticed a couple of things so far:
1) Using the events (event_join, event_tk too possibly?) causes the server log to stop. I noticed this after I tried looking up the latest logs for the weekend. To make sure I erased my 'haloserver.log' file and restarted the server (so it would automatically create the file). The first two lines of the server log are recorded ('log opened' and the 'settings' line showing what map was loaded + gametype. Whenever someone joins the server it records them entering the server and being assigned to a team (JOIN SUCCESS and TEAMS JOIN) , but after that the server stops recording (since I guess this is where 'event_join' is trigered. The messages are displayed w/o a problem for the new player. Maybe i'm doing something wrong, but these are the commands i'm using:
;-------- eventids - join --------
event_join 'wait 10000;say $n "{ITS} Clan - Dallas, TX (equipped w/ SAPP 0.4 - )"'
event_join 'wait 11000;say $n "Press F2 for rules/custom map details"'
event_join 'wait 20000;say $n "Auto Kick - AFK for more than 10 minutes"'
event_join 'wait 20050;say $n "Auto Kick - Ping consistently higher than 500"''
Edit: Okay, after some more testing (trying shorter messages, less messages, etc) , it seems that part of the issue is my fault. The haloserver log command didn't like there being more than one event_join command line. I had to rewrite the lines in the following manner:
event_join 'wait 10000;say $n "{ITS} Clan - Dallas, TX (equipped w/ SAPP 0.4 - )";say $n "Press F2 for rules/custom map details"'
Unfortunately I had to leave out other two lines about getting auto kicked into the event_join command above since the server would only show part of the third line and then cut off. As for gaps in the server logging, those still happen each time someone joins. I'll have to wait till another time to see whether the log file will remain active when multiple people enter the server.
2) The other problem I noticed might be related (or could just be a coincidence) , but at random times if someone joins it causes everyone else to get kicked out of the server (they see a 'network connection lost' message). The person who joined stays on the server though. I'm wondering if it's related to the way I'm using the event_join command (i'm assuming the server executes all for instances at the same time the moment the person joins ?)
I'd check the logs to see the names that have triggered those events, but unfortunately I didn't notice the first problem until a short while ago. =( If there's any other information I can provide, let me know though. Thanks.
September 14th, 2008, 09:17 AM
First issue wasn't related to event_join but to wait command. Executing commands that were logging something(sv_kick, sv_ban, sv_say)from non-haloceded thread was sometimes causing server to crash. So before executing any command it was disabling log and restoring its state again when execution completed. So, when you executed 4 wait commands at one time, logging system got disabled.
I fixed it now, log is disabled only for commands mentioned above.(but't not for rcon nor console).
When it comes to second issue, hmm, maybe try to disable antihalofp - it's enabled by default and let me know if it still happens.
Thanks for finding these problems.
September 15th, 2008, 05:48 PM
ok, i am having a issue with the admin add feature, can i add a directory in the files manually out of the game? if so, what format would i do to do this. maybe a example from the admin list directory if possible. would it be like
name cdhash ip? or name cdhash
other then that problem i have, i love the application
September 15th, 2008, 06:53 PM
ok, i am having a issue with the admin add feature, can i add a directory in the files manually out of the game? if so, what format would i do to do this. maybe a example from the admin list directory if possible. would it be like
name cdhash ip? or name cdhash
other then that problem i have, i love the application
When you add an admin in game it creates a folder called 'SAPP' inside the halo folder. Inside that folder is a file called users.txt , which is your admin list. The list inside text file has the following format:
and so on..
You would then restart your server and that's it. To check, go into your server and user the 'admins index' command to make sure they display correctly. You can further check by issuing a command via the ingame chat (ie. \sv_map bloodgulch ctf or /sv_map bloodgulch ctf if you used the ' cmdstart / ' option ).
September 15th, 2008, 07:25 PM
ok, so if i understand you, in the user.txt file it should look like this maybe
:0:jables mycdhash:0:
or :0:jablesmycdhash:0:
cause in game, i get adminadd function can not be executed at this time. and what i do is like this rcon pass adminadd 1 is that wrong? of course is not my ip, but as an example, i used it.
September 15th, 2008, 07:50 PM
ok, so if i understand you, in the user.txt file it should look like this maybe
:0:jables mycdhash:0:
or :0:jablesmycdhash:0:
cause in game, i get adminadd function can not be executed at this time. and what i do is like this rcon pass adminadd 1 is that wrong? of course is not my ip, but as an example, i used it.
You can't put your name in the file. It has to be
As for using the command with the IP, Termy's homepage doesn't say anything about using a single ip. You might have to specify a range of ips instead:
According to the example provided on the homepage it would be something like this:
rcon rconpass adminadd 3
In this example he is adding the player whose player index number is '3' and is allowing them to operate on two different ip ranges (the ips between and ) and (the ips between and I haven't delved too much into networking but I do believe that's how it would break down. Maybe someone w/ more experience than me can back me up or refute my post.
As far as i'm concerned though, using your CD Hash is good enough for the sake of security. Unless someone comes up with a way of spoofing your cd key hash (or unless they get ahold of your product key somehow) then you should be safe.
September 15th, 2008, 08:20 PM
yea, i cant get the rcon feature to do the admin add. creating the directory dont work. i tried with ip, without ip, everything almost, could it be the server is hosted with gameservers? but everything else works. just not the admin add.
September 15th, 2008, 08:23 PM
i am on a gameservers dedi and i added myself manually with the sapp/users.txt file.
app works fine.
September 15th, 2008, 11:01 PM
yea, i cant get the rcon feature to do the admin add. creating the directory dont work. i tried with ip, without ip, everything almost, could it be the server is hosted with gameservers? but everything else works. just not the admin add.
okay, make sure you create the sapp folder in the same place as this screenshot:
As you can see, the users.txt file is inside of there. Like Bacon, my server is also hosted on gameserver so there's no reason why it should not work. Try restarting your server again.
When you try to add yourself do you do sv_players beforehand to see what index number you have?
I mean, just using 'rcon rconpass adminadd yourplayernumber ' should work just fine.
September 16th, 2008, 06:40 AM
is there an event for capping the flag?
also, you should add various shortcuts (or the ability to make shortcuts) for any given commands...
for example... instead of having to do /sv_map bloodgulch ctf you can just do /m bloodgulch ctf .... or like rec0s app (, /m bg ctf
you were able to make shortcuts for players as well, so make a shrtcut for [HIV]bacon™ to be just b... and it would be possible to do /k b (to kick me)
also, things like /team to switch your team and /spd for speed would be very welcome, if your scared of abuse you can make it so any command like that is viewable to everyone in the server.... or like rec0s app (, make a /stunts command that enables various things such as speed and teleporting...
anyway, great app, keep up the good work.
September 16th, 2008, 07:13 AM
Aka, we want rec0 to come back and make app work on 1.08 since Korn wont give out the source. Or, try and make it exactly like rec0's but better. You'll get there eventually. :)
September 16th, 2008, 07:15 AM
pfft, tbh rec0s app is highly unstable, and termy has a far better way of getting it onto dedis.
termy also already has alot of great features that arent in rec0s, so if he just keeps adding to it, we will have a real winner.
September 16th, 2008, 07:18 AM
Hay bacon, lets go have a tea party so I can smash you with my cup! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!! And tbh, what features does this have that rec0's doesn't? And it really needs to be more user friendly like rec0's app. Shortcuts, easy / commands, I'm just soo used to rec0's app I'm going to be very fussy until it gets more similar, but I agree he is doing a great job.
September 16th, 2008, 07:56 AM
is there an event for capping the flag?
also, you should add various shortcuts (or the ability to make shortcuts) for any given commands...
for example... instead of having to do /sv_map bloodgulch ctf you can just do /m bloodgulch ctf .... or like rec0s app (, /m bg ctf
Hey Termy, yesterday when I saw you on the its server my question was going to be similar to what bacon was suggesting here (the ability to make shortcuts). Would that be possible? I think it'd be a good way to avoid having to code more trivial/specific commands since it would now be up to the user to do so.
The syntax could be something along the lines of:
addcommand mnext 'sv_map_next'
addcommand bgctf 'say * "Next Map - Bloodgulch - CTF";sv_map bloodgulch ctf'
addcommand lo3 'say * "Get Ready!";wait 5000;say * "3";wait 500;sv_map_reset;say * "2";wait 500;sv_map_reset;say * "1;wait 500;sv_map_reset;say * "GO!"'
Maybe that last one's a bit too long, but you get the idea. If it even let you call a custom command within a custom command then that'd be better.
Once in game, the administrator would then be able to execute it by adding a slash before it (via ingame chat) or by calling it via rcon if necessary (eg. rcon rconpass bgctf ).
Here's hoping that's actually a possibility. Thanks again. :D
September 16th, 2008, 12:07 PM
Does /voteban work, or is that a command I made up?
September 16th, 2008, 02:25 PM
Nice idea, Kaishounashi, i will add that commands soon as well as events for game start, changing team, ping_kick, flags, afk_kick and glitching.
Also adding admins should work even if sapp/users.txt cannot be created, you will simple lost admin list after server restart.
This is syntax of users.txt file
admin_name and priviledge_level fields are not used yet so it should look like:
:0:404509hf455443593459349599924:0: means that admin will only be an admin only if his ip range is from to or from to
September 16th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Do you have to specifiy ip ranges. Or can you have different level admins. Like total control admins and then IP ranges admins?
September 17th, 2008, 06:24 AM
No different level admins yet.IP ranges are optional.
BTW, anyone know what happened to pings in gamespy lobby?
September 17th, 2008, 06:49 AM
Nope, but it is annoying me. :(
September 17th, 2008, 07:29 AM
ah good, it isn't just me, i was resetting my internet and trying all sorts of things to get it working again..... damn j00 gamespy :mad:
September 17th, 2008, 07:32 AM
oh I thought it was my computer being fucked up.
September 17th, 2008, 07:47 AM
yeah, since this ping problem started I can't go into my server by double clicking on it (it stays stuck on 'negotiating conection to server'). =( I can however use the direct ip + port to get in. I checked a few servers at random and they also have the same issue (the CIA server, STW, HCET CHI). Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. It helps kill time at work. >_>
September 17th, 2008, 08:19 AM
I just connected fine to my server and the HIV server... 9:11 Est. Yeah it still didn't show the ping in the lobby but once in game it shows. It works now??
September 17th, 2008, 09:04 AM
yeah, HIV server still worked for me yesterday when this problem started too. I don't know if has to do with the server location or something. Mine's located in Dallas while the HIV server is in Chicago. I've tried everything I could think of short of doing a server reinstall (which I don't think should be necessary). =/
September 18th, 2008, 04:37 PM
Oh another thing. After installing sapp .04 fix 2 beta Omega's Version changer stopped working for me. Halo CE loads but after the annoying warning messages comes up it blinks once and doesn't load. I reinstalled it and it works fine without the version changer and the sapp in it but when I put the version changer in it stops working.
Any ideas?
September 18th, 2008, 05:50 PM
the version changer has absolutely nothing to do with sapp, and having one or the other should have 0 effect ...
unless your trying to patch haloce.exe with the sapp patcher O-o
also, warning messages?
September 18th, 2008, 06:28 PM
Well I mean like it says my graphics card isn't up to minimum requirements...
Well I know it has nothing to do with it but that's what happened
I put in sapp .4 beta and then the modified strings and the verison 1.07 .exe just stopped working
so I had to update to 1.08 again to make Halo CE work.
September 18th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Yeah that might have to do with your graphics card being an Intel piece of shit :downs:
September 19th, 2008, 05:04 PM
:( no need to bring up my misfortunes...
September 20th, 2008, 06:15 AM
Re: the no-ping issue w/ halo
It seems that the gamespy master server is down: Halo Forum:
Gamespy forum:
It also seems to be affecting other games that rely on gamespy as well. The gamespy staff seems to be aware of this and working on it now.
Edit: woot, looks like it's fixed (for halo ce at least). I see pings again. :D There's still a few servers that don't show w/ any ping though. Mine was doing that too until I restarted it a few minutes ago.
Re: supersnipers' issue
hmm, weird. So when you run your server you run it from the default Halo installation folder? Guess SAPP doesn't like the modified strings.dll file or something. Have you tried copying the contents of your 'halo custom edition' folder elsewhere and running your dedi (w/ SAPP) from it? If it works, then you'll at least be able to confirm that sapp and the version changer don't play nice w/ each other.
September 20th, 2008, 01:01 PM
Well I was playing in a different server that had Termy's app and I noticed something..
Well most of you know I play as Fro§ter well apparently when I score flags my name changes...
As you can see it totally disregarded the fact that I had a Unicode symbol...
September 20th, 2008, 01:22 PM
Normal Halo doesn't recognize Unicode symbols in the scoreboard, what makes you sure that a hack would be better?
September 20th, 2008, 01:54 PM
hmm, are you sure it was Termy's app? I don't think he's released a version that displays flag captures yet (that is, unless that's a test server for his app). The only other server (aside from the HIV one) with a custom app of some kind was one of the SG servers. It also made annnouncements when someone captured the flag.
in regards to termy's app. I had another instance where it booted the majority of the people in the game once someone entered. Out of 12 people, four people were left. The server logs don't show anything unusual, other than the people leaving (they all get a network connection lost' message). I'm guessing maybe the server chokes for a couple of seconds when executing 'event_join' or 'wait' like Termy had mentioned earlier.
As far as my settings, I set antihalofp to '0' in my init file.
Btw, does anyone know if it's possible to do a event_kill announcement that everyone can see? What I mean is that whenever I try to do one like so:
event_kill 50 'say * "\n has $kills kills."'
It'll show up on everyone's screens, but display their own name instead of the right name.
September 20th, 2008, 03:19 PM
Oh it was the SG Server Hmm any way of knowing where to find the SG one?
Don't say \n do $n I think...
September 20th, 2008, 04:43 PM
Oh it was the SG Server Hmm any way of knowing where to find the SG one?
Don't say \n do $n I think...
Sadly, no. It was also private AFAIK. I asked about it once but was met with silence from the clan members.
I tried using the $n just right now, but unfortunately that just displays the player's index number instead of their actual name (eg. **SERVER**: 4 has 50 kills. ). I guess that's at least a step in the right direction. :D Hopefully Termy will address this in the future.
September 20th, 2008, 05:52 PM
$name variable holds player name
event_kill 50 'say * "$name has $kills kills."'
Issue with players leaving server when somone enters is reallly strange, it never happened to me.
Next time try to check if players who left are on ip banlist, k?
PS:Can i see your event_joins?
September 20th, 2008, 06:57 PM
$name variable holds player name
event_kill 50 'say * "$name has $kills kills."'
woot. thanks :D I must've been blind to not have seen that variable before...
Issue with players leaving server when somone enters is reallly strange, it never happened to me.
Next time try to check if players who left are on ip banlist, k?
PS:Can i see your event_joins?
Yeah.. about those, i'm still using more than one event join.. maybe that's it. Here you go though:
event_join 'wait 10000;say $n "{ITS} Clan - Dallas, TX (using SAPP by T3RM1N@T0R - )";say $n "Press F2 for rules/custom map details."'
event_join 'wait 20000;say $n "Auto Kick - Ping consistently higher than 500";say $n "Auto Kick - AFK for more than 10 minutes"'
I added one more event join to warn people about the issue i'm having (which might possibly make things worse now that I think about it).
Anyhow, the weird thing about the times it's happened today is that it didn't kick everyone out. I'm not sure how often it happens since I haven't checked through all the server logs, but i'm sure it's been going on now and then.
September 20th, 2008, 09:04 PM
im having issues with the chat commands now, i got the admin list working, but now when i go to do the /pl or /k or those commands in the text box. it appears in the game. i dont know of any other issues. most works tho. just not the text commands for me.
September 20th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Yeah same, I added myself as an admin through rcon, restarted the server and tried the commands but it did not work. Are they enabled yet?
September 21st, 2008, 11:50 AM
its \ if your not using cmdstart /
September 21st, 2008, 03:15 PM
so In game I would type in the text box
say 1 \n "what's up?"
Also how do you use cmdstart i'm kinda lazy...
September 21st, 2008, 03:33 PM
I wonder if it'll kick me if I nuke and switch!
I wonder if there is a command or part that immediately boots them for staying in one spot for 30:00 minutes. Damn snipers and their mountains....unlike some people I try to be epic and cross the entire plain and capture the flag....
September 21st, 2008, 03:49 PM
oops, lol guess i got to excited to use it i forgot to check what i was supposed to use, lol, works great now tho. unbanning the text ban shuts server down tho. testing all features now. see what crashes and what doesnt.
September 22nd, 2008, 11:15 AM
Damn snipers and their mountains....unlike some people I try to be epic and cross the entire plain and capture the flag....
those people, unlike you, prefer the defensive positions on the team
October 10th, 2008, 08:43 PM
Would it be possible to add an event for administrators joining the server, something like "event_admin_join"? It would function just like "event_join" but it would only go off if someone in the admin index joins. If this were added then you could setup a command like:
event_admin_join 'wait 6000;say "Server Administrator: \n"'
Announce when server administrators join the game.
Also, what is the command to broadcast messages to everyone playing? For example, lets say that I want the server to say "**SERVER**: playername has 50 kills!" to everyone in the server. I know that if you use the following it won't work at all:
event_kill 50 'say "$name has $kills kills!"'
And if you use the next one it only sends it to the player who just got 50 kills:
event_kill 50 'say $n "$name has $kills kills!"'
So how do you send it to all the players in the server?
October 11th, 2008, 12:37 AM
Also, what is the command to broadcast messages to everyone playing? For example, lets say that I want the server to say "**SERVER**: playername has 50 kills!" to everyone in the server. I know that if you use the following it won't work at all:
event_kill 50 'say "$name has $kills kills!"'
And if you use the next one it only sends it to the player who just got 50 kills:
event_kill 50 'say $n "$name has $kills kills!"'
So how do you send it to all the players in the server?
He actually mentioned this on the previous page (and it's also on top of this one).., but just replace n$ with an asterisk.
event_kill 50 'say * "$name has $kills kills."'
that should do the trick.
October 11th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Yea, went back and reviewed the thread after posting to look for any mention of a feature like the admin feature that I suggested and got it... Thanks though.
So simple to, I should have got it...
October 17th, 2008, 05:07 PM
I have a lot to say about this excellent program:
#1: EXCELLENT job on this so far, and Thank You VERY much for releasing (At least this much) to the public!
#2: I won't beg for the special commands.. I know you don't want people cheating. But I still would like some of them *sniff*. Though I definately could use a force_team_switch for my Zombies server. Esp. if that could be used into an event that when a red is killed by a zombie, the are forced to switch teams.
#3: I found a couple glitches that I'll share, and hope you can improve.
And, #4: I have a lot of ideas to add, most of them I'm sure are rather good. But I'll add that to this later, becaue it really is a LOT.
There's alot I want to add, but I'll leave it at that for now.
What I want most though, is Logging for commands done by admins, and the admin levels to be implemented, esp. to keep anyone but me from using events, admin list modification, load and unload, and all generic sv_ commands. I have some troubles with admins, so I need to be able to log what commands they use, so I know which admin banned a player, or similar.
October 17th, 2008, 05:12 PM
Though I definately could use a force_team_switch for my Zombies server. Esp. if that could be used into an event that when a red is killed by a zombie, the are forced to switch teams.Read the thread:
This was made for version 1.07 so IDK if it works for 1.08 I haven't tried it yet.
(PC only) Hosted server release:;11559475;/fileinfo.html
(PC only) Dedicated server release:;11559498;/fileinfo.html
(PC, CE, Trial) Final release:;11563166;/fileinfo.html
October 17th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Hey, Thanks a LOT man!
I'll try it out then... but I think i remember reading that 1.08 patch thread that this was one of those that didnt work for 1.08... But thanks for helping me find it!
Unfortunately, that didn't work for me. Apparently it Can work for 1.08, but it wasn't what I wanted, because that only forces Everyone to one side always, to enforce a stunts server (That didn't seem to happen though). I need something you can pick and choose the player or something. IF there was the source still, like it says, that'd be awesome and I could use it to make my own thing to work, but alas.. nay.
October 17th, 2008, 06:04 PM
#2: I won't beg for the special commands.. I know you don't want people cheating. But I still would like some of them *sniff*. Though I definately could use a force_team_switch for my Zombies server. Esp. if that could be used into an event that when a red is killed by a zombie, the are forced to switch teams.
Only commands I'm begging for:
1) Forcing Team Switching.
2) Teleportation (Admin level restriction please).
3) Speed (Admin level restriction please).
4) event_admin_join (Announces a special broadcast when an admin joins).
October 17th, 2008, 06:14 PM
And names.
October 17th, 2008, 08:26 PM
And names.
Why? Doesn't really matter who's who now-a-days, you're all fags.
October 17th, 2008, 09:44 PM
But I agree with those commands.
one other thing I'd like to see is make devmode enabled on a dedicated server.
October 17th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Uh this APP does that - enable devmode.
If you have the APP in, (I'm not sure if only patched, or if it needs to be loaded), you can do any devmode command. That was Definitely one thing I liked from this :D
October 17th, 2008, 11:34 PM
But I agree with those commands.
one other thing I'd like to see is make devmode enabled on a dedicated server.
Yea, this enables Devmode on the dedicated server so that admins can use whatever commands. So technically you could manually input all of the code required to teleport/force teams switch/kill players/speed up players.
October 17th, 2008, 11:44 PM
So... Do you know anything similar to a devmode command to force a team switch? I've looked and found nothing. I think though devmode wasn't supposed to be able to.
October 18th, 2008, 01:56 AM
You're right; forced team switch is a hack.
You have to change the player's team index in the MP players info part of memory, find out what player index the player has (complicated i think), and then run a (unit_kill) on said player.
October 18th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Well someone could make a custom dev command code...
October 18th, 2008, 01:03 PM
October 18th, 2008, 10:43 PM
Why? Doesn't really matter who's who now-a-days, you're all fags.
And that comes from the heart.
October 19th, 2008, 03:13 AM
And that comes from the heart.
October 19th, 2008, 03:19 AM
No, that was harsh. Bad Xero is bad. :(
October 19th, 2008, 03:32 AM
No, that was harsh. Bad Xero is bad. :(
You know I love you long long time.
October 20th, 2008, 01:48 AM
I will add team_change(if it's as easy as kill player and chnge his team index) and more commands when i have time.
Aßyll - its possible to make a zombie gametype that will change player team when hes killed by zombie player. I don't promise anything because drink too often and im sooooooooooooo tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeddddd... :]
October 20th, 2008, 03:46 AM
I will add team_change(if it's as easy as kill player and chnge his team index) and more commands when i have time.
Aßyll - its possible to make a zombie gametype that will change player team when hes killed by zombie player. I don't promise anything because drink too often and im sooooooooooooo tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeddddd... :]
LOL, that's funny.
From what I understand, to get the player switch to work you need to do the following:
1) Admin executes team switch command on player.
2) App switches the specified players team index.
3) App kills the player after the index is switched so that he'll respawn on the other team.
Hope that helps.
Other commands like...?
*Chants* event_admin_join
il Duce Primo
October 20th, 2008, 02:11 PM
Is there a possible way to let the players vote for the next map on the list or maybe even veto?
October 20th, 2008, 03:54 PM
That was in HSE.
But yeah that is a great idea.
October 21st, 2008, 03:58 PM
I will add team_change(if it's as easy as kill player and chnge his team index) and more commands when i have time.
Aßyll - its possible to make a zombie gametype that will change player team when hes killed by zombie player. I don't promise anything because drink too often and im sooooooooooooo tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeddddd... :]
It'd be Really great if you did.. And it's alright if you take forever, I'm very patient. I've waited for about 7 or 8 months for a server app to come out, and now that you have made one, I am almost ultimately happy.:D
But... do you mean a setting in your App, that when people are killed they need to switch, or an actual part of custom gametypes??
I'm uh.. still working on the other lists still, of bugs and my ideas.. One fatal bug I found was concerning textbans:
If you try to textunban an index Not in the textbans list, it crashes. (I think you had something to catch similar stuff with ipbans, that says Error, but not one for textbans).
And it'll be great if you could add it so that Any command done by the app from chat would send back the result-text to the player (Particularly banlist would concern this problem ;))
October 26th, 2008, 08:21 PM
this might be a little more advanced.. but is it possible to somehow integrate remote rcon?
October 26th, 2008, 10:06 PM
this might be a little more advanced.. but is it possible to somehow integrate remote rcon?
A third party program that lets you access the server console via RCON? Like a server management program that lets you administrate the game without needing the game console or the game running?
I doubt that's going to happen for awhile. Would be awesome though.
October 27th, 2008, 01:06 AM
its been done before, when halo pc 1st came out...
October 27th, 2008, 02:41 AM
its been done before, when halo pc 1st came out...
October 28th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Here's that remote rcon utility, updated by me so it Can work with haloce dedi servers. :)
I also have a clue how to make it work on a gameserver's server, if you want. (untested tho, and it might not work even because of allowed network ports.)
October 29th, 2008, 02:07 AM
Wow justin, you could have pit all that into one post. Also, I still want termy's app to work exactly like rec0's but with his features. I'm fussy, even though rec0's is unstable it's extremely user friendly. I loves it, but as I have said before... Termy is doing a great job.
October 29th, 2008, 06:15 AM
lmfao justin, nice double triple killtacular killtacular post
October 29th, 2008, 07:53 AM
you did it wrong stank :|
October 29th, 2008, 11:17 AM
lmfao justin, nice double triple killtacular killtacular post
Point taken to real value to what I said so forums have been cleansed of my presence. xD sorry for the drunk rant fellows.
November 18th, 2008, 12:47 AM
Bump; Termy, if you are alive, have you made in progress in this APP atm? Just curious.
December 7th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Bump; Termy, if you are alive, have you made in progress in this APP atm? Just curious.
December 7th, 2008, 02:45 PM
Was this the talkative server app that I hated oh-so-much?
That was used in the HCEL server awhile back?
December 7th, 2008, 03:33 PM
yes lol.
December 7th, 2008, 03:35 PM
People started bitching/whining about how the app is going to ruin Halo, how many times have we heard that. People gave up and decided to go play with some play dough. I assume thats what termy did, the rest of us developers gave up as we cant apparently please any one.
December 8th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Please don't give up... The APPs help my server be so awesome! Thanks to your excellent work with such dedication to the difficult world of reverse engineering, my players are now better off! (Like especially the IGM Brainz app)
December 10th, 2008, 07:12 AM
People started bitching/whining about how the app is going to ruin Halo, how many times have we heard that. People gave up and decided to go play with some play dough. I assume thats what termy did, the rest of us developers gave up as we cant apparently please any one.
December 10th, 2008, 07:28 AM
Well, the main reason people started disliking the app is because it had a bug that would suddenly kick the whole server at random. It always seemed to happen whenever someone entered the match too. Sure, the app may have been a bit too 'talkative' at times, but at least that could be controlled. I ran it on my server for a while, despite the kicking issue, but decided it wasn't worth the annoyance of having everyone kicked out in the middle of a good match. =| I love the lamp and I hope Termy gets the time/motivation to continue working on it.
December 10th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Do you realize the "random kicks" was the ping_kick (most likely, I think)? and players get laggy on joining. So thats more the server admin's fault for setting ping_kick too low.
December 10th, 2008, 10:59 PM
Do you realize the "random kicks" was the ping_kick (most likely, I think)? and players get laggy on joining. So thats more the server admin's fault for setting ping_kick too low.
You'd have to be there to actually understand what I meant. I talked to Termy himself and he even gave me a newer slightly modified build of SAPP to see if it would fix the issue. He saw the mass kicking happening first hand as well, so i'm pretty sure i'd know if it was something that simple. I've recently started playing with the app again for a couple of days, running it 'silently' (no event announcements of any kind) and so far i've had no issues.
December 11th, 2008, 02:38 AM
yah its not the ping kick.
December 11th, 2008, 07:15 AM
^ At times it would kick half the server randomly.
December 11th, 2008, 04:26 PM
^ At times it would kick half the server randomly.
Yea, cause you joined with your 400+ ping and cause the entire server ping to go up overall!
December 11th, 2008, 05:39 PM
Wanna fight? Also its 267, get it right! You nub! :D
December 11th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Meh I'd own you all.
Oh hey I'm daffy at halomaps >_<
Anyways Another thing it was missing was more admin control I mean what was the point of admins...
December 11th, 2008, 07:48 PM
Anyways Another thing it was missing was more admin control I mean what was the point of admins...
He was eventually going to add permission levels to the administration feature afaik. All it's really good for now is to keep the admins from being kicked for setting off the afk or ping kick limit.
December 14th, 2008, 07:49 AM
Hello people!
I have decided to add some "private" functions such as player speed control and teleporting to public release. Moreover, I fixed some minor bugs. However, I'm not able to fix player-kicking issue right now, it must be bug that happens only when certain circumstances are met, i can't even cause it on my home server.
I sure this won't ruin halo world, as it's hard to meet any admin on dedicated servers. What is more, it may be used to add extra fun on server.
Imagine commands like:
event_join 'speed $n 2'
event_tk 2 'kill $n'
event_join 't $n bridge'
Because I have a very little free time, im not working on sapp as much as I did during summer and not responding on this forum.
Have fun with new release: http:\\ (
December 14th, 2008, 09:21 AM
Ah just go back to good ol' sv_kick.
December 14th, 2008, 03:43 PM
OHMYGODTHANKYOU!!!!!!!! (I also swear to use those abilities for GOOD and not evil!)
It'll be a shame though that you won't keep extending it.
December 14th, 2008, 05:32 PM
Ha "Naughty Commands" you can do with alldev, but I like it and it should make it easier. Great update Termy. Hopefully you will still be able to work on this project even if not every day :)
December 14th, 2008, 06:12 PM
They may be available on alldev, but would it work on with a dedi?
December 14th, 2008, 06:35 PM
No, but thanks to Termy's app allowing Alldev it would.
December 14th, 2008, 08:04 PM
Oh snap.
December 14th, 2008, 10:25 PM
Wait really? hell, yes!
December 15th, 2008, 09:55 AM
for setting up teleport locations, how are we supposed to know the coords?
December 15th, 2008, 02:36 PM
d player_number
It will display information about player, including his cords.
December 16th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Sweet, these are pretty much all the commands that I've wanted... Now the only thing this thing needs is player name shortcuts! :p
Now I can't remember how to get the text commands working (example: typing "\admins index" should list the admins through text and not console), halp!
E: My LAN IP was changed up when I setup a network bridge awhile back, had to fix up my local DHCP to make this work (without having to add the new IPs to the app that is).
E E: The teleport locations don't save anywhere so they have to be set again every time the server shuts down... It seems that they will stay up as long as the server is running, but once the server is restarted they disappear and you have to set all your locations again...
This sucks, big time...
Could I recommend a text file output or something similar to what you do with "users.txt" Termy? Instead of making a text file for users though just make it something like "locations.txt" and have it store locations (per map if it's possible) in a format like the following:
:map_name:location_name:X Y ZI'd be willing to donate $20 USD if you got something like that working!
December 16th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Actually try adding it to your init.txt, like the Events. (I think that's how he wanted it) and it works okay for me. :)
oh, except it doesnt recognize different maps at all... lol. Nah, you just gotta remember which locations are for what map. But just add the tel's in the init like
t add origin 0 0 10
t add bluecliff -44.32 -12.23 52.99
t add redcliff 16.99 -20.30 49.18
December 16th, 2008, 11:29 PM
Actually try adding it to your init.txt, like the Events. (I think that's how he wanted it) and it works okay for me. :)
oh, except it doesnt recognize different maps at all... lol. Nah, you just gotta remember which locations are for what map. But just add the tel's in the init like
t add origin 0 0 10
t add bluecliff -44.32 -12.23 52.99
t add redcliff 16.99 -20.30 49.18
That's way to much work... I agree though, you could name all of your locations like "MapName_LocationName"... It would take WAY to long to type those in though, my way would be way faster and more organized, if it's possible of course...
This will work for the Official Yoyorast Server Paris though, since it's only ever playing one map, with varying gametypes.
December 18th, 2008, 03:43 PM
I just wanna say THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU again, Termy! Everyone's loving the stunts you can do on my server - cmt_snow_grove ridges are so much fun to run up! More and more players are loving my server thanks to your SAPP!:D
Just the next few things I'd like, such as set ammo (or battery), weapon, nades, health, and shield on players, and a relative teleport cmd, like 'jump'. It'd also be great if SAPP could save its configuration to like an alternate init.txt file, so that you don't have to remember what you put, and add it to the init.txt each time.
And, if you could use players' id instead of coordinates, so that you dont have to memorize numbers, and can add locations from a player, or tel To another player. (Maybe have that a parallel cmd to t, like player_t, if it's too much trouble to overload the t command)
Lastly, to fix up my idea for my SuperStunts server, could there be a different version that instead of admins doing stuff to other people, you just have anyone can do commands, but only to themselves? i.e. instead of [\s # <speed>], anyone can then do [\s <speed>] which will only do it to themselves. (It also disabled other global commands, and maybe won't allow any normal server commands? Okay.. that's going into the realm of admin levels, that differentiate what commands you can do at what level...)
Then again, I re-remember that you had quit for the project. (at least at this time). So... let this just be a list of ideas I have to share with the public. ... ;) If/when I can learn how to make my own server app, I'll try to add these in.
December 19th, 2008, 02:35 PM
First off, great app.
Is it possible that you can add a feature where a user can use a players current location when adding a teleporter?
t add location_name player_number
December 19th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Or even simpler, /st d shorcutsarethebest
December 19th, 2008, 08:09 PM
I haven't tested this out yet (due to current issues) but I have a question, can admins run these new commands as well or is it just for the server operator.
December 19th, 2008, 08:20 PM
I haven't tested this out yet (due to current issues) but I have a question, can admins run these new commands as well or is it just for the server operator.
Admins can run the commands, but teleport locations can't be saved by anyone without access to the "init.txt" file.
December 19th, 2008, 08:26 PM
Admins can run the commands, but teleport locations can't be saved by anyone without access to the "init.txt" file.Well that's good that admins have some power now but it's a shame that the teleport locations aren't stored in a differen't place like the admin list is.
Now I know Termy said you had to look at the player details using the command for it but is there an easier way to find the coordinate points?
December 20th, 2008, 08:58 PM
Well that's good that admins have some power now but it's a shame that the teleport locations aren't stored in a differen't place like the admin list is.
Now I know Termy said you had to look at the player details using the command for it but is there an easier way to find the coordinate points?
No, the "d" command is the only way to display them. Use console and RCON to add teleport locations and check them in the "d" command. When you use Termys app commands in console the output that it displays stays on the screen until you close the console or run out of room in the console display area, it's really easy to add coordinates or write them down when they stay on the screen until you get rid of them.
December 20th, 2008, 10:40 PM
Ah, thanks again Freelancer.
February 16th, 2009, 05:40 PM
... I can't use the textunban command. I did textban 7 and it worked
then when I try to use textunban 7 all it says is error
how do I unban them.
February 16th, 2009, 08:27 PM
You have to find the index from textbans, (like for sv_unban)
February 16th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Use console and type:
"rcon pa$$word textbans"
Find their number.
"rcon pa$$word untextban number"
It's a index list that's built up just like the ban list as Abyll stated. For instance, if you have 123 banned users and you ban player 5, you don't type "sv_unban 5" to unban player 5, you type "sv_unban 124".
Hope that makes sense!
February 16th, 2009, 09:45 PM
ah that's what I was doing wrong... well yeah i went to try that out and i re-opend my server and the text ban was gone. I'm guessing if you close the server, just like the locations it doesn't save. Well looks like i need to include those in my init.txt now...
but thanks i do understand now.
February 28th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Version 0.6 of SAPP was released on Termys website, but it's currently broken! It seems that all server messages are repeated, for example:
Hello Freelancer™, Welcome to the Lancers Edge 1.08 server!
Hello Freelancer™, Welcome to the Lancers Edge 1.08 server!
Hello Freelancer™, Welcome to the Lancers Edge 1.08 server!
So yea don't update yet, but his website has a list of the updated features. It also says "New version available - v0.5! (28.02.2009)" at the top of the page, but it really means "v0.6".
E: Nevermind, make sure to move all of your events out of your "init.txt" and into "sapp\events.txt", this fixes the duplicated events.
February 28th, 2009, 08:46 PM
thanks for the update lancer.
March 1st, 2009, 07:14 PM
woot, new version :D (thanks for the update freelancer)
some nice new commands in this, in particular the server version changer.. I tried it already and it seems to let you transport people back and forth between versions without any issues.
also, in case anyone is interested.. here are some teleport coordinates for bloodgulch and danger canyon. Just place these in your INI file along with your other SAPP commands. I'm planning on adding more of the popular maps (cmt_snow_grove, z_sanctuary_h2_pb2, etc) in the future but for now this might (or might not?) help someone. Feel free to suggest better names/locations or even contribute more to this list. =P
;-------- teleport points -------------------------
;format: t add location_name x y z
;danger canyon
t add dcmiddletop -0.10 30.00 5.25
t add dcwtf 0.00 45.40 15.00
t add dcredbase1 -4.52 -11.00 -3.03
t add dcredbase2 -10.74 -0.33 -1.33
t add dcredbase3 -19.07 -3.47 -3.03
t add dcredtower -3.50 -3.51 5.00
t add dcredflag -12.09 -3.45 -1.24
t add dcbluebase1 4.52 -11.00 -3.03
t add dcbluebase2 10.74 -0.33 -1.33
t add dcbluebase3 19.07 -3.47 -3.03
t add dcbluetower 3.50 -3.51 5.00
t add dcblueflag 12.09 -3.45 -1.24
t add bgwtf 61.64 -121.91 25.00
t add bgoverhang1 91.17 -116.50 18.25
t add bgoverhang2 55.70 -155.00 21.50`
t add bgsniperhill 73.47 -104.29 5.10
t add bgfrg 62.69 -136.22 1.92
t add bgrocket 72.69 -126.51 1.19
t add bgoscave 108.74 -107.52 2.12`
t add bgpistolcave 70.52 -88.06 5.68
t add bgredbase1 84.15 -160.48 1.00
t add bgredbase2 91.82 -150.55 1.10
t add bgredbase3 98.49 -157.64 2.70
t add bgredflag 95.42 -159.42 0.29
t add bgbluebase1 48.85 -87.47 1.08
t add bgbluebase2 38.03 -89.64 1.03
t add bgbluebase3 36.69 -80.84 2.70
t add bgblueflag 40.27 -79.18 0.29
March 1st, 2009, 10:33 PM
Hmm. I'll be kind and give mine for SnowGrove. I have only a few spots on the upper ridges, but I got almost every strategic point and every tree. :D
; for All maps. :)
t add origin 0 0 7
; random ones,
t add high -20.00 -45.00 120.00
t add waterfall -26.92 -64.19 65.24
t add waterfall2 -18.59 -75.44 123.67
t add admintower -21.92 -45.60 55.00
t add redtree1 -42.23 32.17 52.90
t add redtree2 -24.52 21.33 53.50
t add redtree3 -31.25 35.20 54.00
t add redtree4 -33.43 9.34 54.6
t add redtree5 -31.89 0.40 51.43
t add redtree6 -51.34 10.67 48.24
t add midtree1 -18.83 -41.41 53.7
t add midtree2 -17.797215 -24.816610 49.009399
t add midtree3 -39.588718 -32.844784 56.215843
t add midtree4 -46.540997 -35.198696 57.622059
t add bluetree1 33.285095 -7.305224 54.565590
t add bluetree2 33.069901 -14.345118 55.904335
t add bluetree3 15.618372 -26.711739 47.680271
;houses and stuff...
t add midridge -28.53 -19.39 61.03
t add midbase -30.40 -37.70 44.32
t add secondridge -21.61 -10.55 121.66
t add baseridge -6.29 20.42 63.42
; red side:
t add redcanyon -37.77 1.68 39.87
t add redcliff -37.83 15.62 50.88
t add redsmallcliff -19.15 24.03 45.5
t add redshotty -33.52 41.97 42.89
t add redbridge -41.64 -14.02 47.08
t add redcenterpit -49.69 -15.19 -288.37
t add redbasepit -25.59 -10.82 -288.37
t add redshelf -22.85 -14.70 44.72
; blue side:
t add bluecliff 14 15.5 49.2
t add blueshotty -1.70 18.01 42.57
t add bluebridge 3.31 -35.11 48.69
t add bluecanyon 32.17 -21.91 42.86
t add bluehighridge 37.95 -22.75 117.88
t add bluecenterpit -0.29 -42.37 -288.37
t add bluebasepit 11.28 -21.07 -288.37
t add bluerock 19.85 -14.45 37.99
; Locations for CMT_DISSOLUTION
t add pillar 6.71 2.15 -2.75
t add Floodtree 30.43 8.76 -4.00
July 17th, 2009, 05:07 PM
Hey there...
I was just wondering... was the "network connection lost issue" fixed ? Because it still exists, i got the sapp from here - LINK (
Installed and sometimes like 13 players (if server is full) get NCL and it happens completely random...
This issue was discussed in post #65 but after that i didnt notice anyone telling it was fixed or anything...
This bug is extremely frustrating and i would appreciate any help, thanx )
July 17th, 2009, 06:56 PM
I would suggest checking this article out when seeing how much people your server can handle.
To check your upload speed visit
July 17th, 2009, 07:28 PM
There's a bug on sapp that likes to randomly boot everyone outa the server. I haven't had it happen to me for awhile now.
July 17th, 2009, 07:30 PM
supersniper, if PYX340 ( is who i think he is, hes using a 100MBit dedi server (up and down).
there wasnt a problem with the NCL till we installed sapp (i havent had time for Asgard ;D)
but yea, seems like a SAPP issue, might be related to antihalofp, ive turned it off for now, just to see.
July 18th, 2009, 01:10 AM
Brandini what happened to
And yeah you bettah work on asgard ;)
July 18th, 2009, 01:18 AM
Lost our server.
I will eventually, im just making my database system so i duplicate the devicator features and MSAccess can goto hell :)
July 18th, 2009, 06:17 AM
Ye BrandiniMP, its me :)
supersniper, LAG is not the issue here, we have ~20Mbit upload external and 100Mbit upload internal and hosting 6 servers, im sure that waay more than enough... The problem is with these spontaneous NCL's players are getting, we didnt have this before we started using SAPP... Also its not user connection related, as I and my friend were playing same room using same connection routed and i got NCL and he didnt, so its kinda random thing...
July 18th, 2009, 03:34 PM
As far as I know the NCL issue is something that has been going on ever since Termy added event announcements to SAPP (one of the main draws of the app). In my case what would happen is that someone would trigger an event (either join the server or a kill/betray amount) and I would see the server spout out some weird (what looked like chinese) characters right before it kicks people out. I now use Devicator mainly but still use SAPP for the auto ping/afk kick and the version switching. Not using event_join/kill/tk seems to have stopped the issue for me.
Perhaps with the new upcoming SAPP release we will see this get fixed. Here's hoping.
July 19th, 2009, 05:12 AM
if termy every bothers to make it, i havent seen him about for ages.
July 19th, 2009, 11:13 AM
sapp is a buggy pos, don't use it.
July 19th, 2009, 11:52 AM
Meh he said he would be working on it over the summer but that was like in June...
July 19th, 2009, 12:31 PM
So, why dont people like using rec0s? Is it because his is 1.08 only or something?
July 19th, 2009, 12:48 PM
So, why dont people like using rec0s? Is it because his is 1.08 only or something?
It's because of all the things it does, it crashes a lot, and it's just generally abused by users.
July 19th, 2009, 01:02 PM
It's because of all the things it does, it crashes a lot, and it's just generally abused by users.
You talking about rec0 or SAPP?
July 19th, 2009, 01:21 PM
It's because of all the things it does, it crashes a lot, and it's just generally abused by users.Meh the abusive part isn't that much of a problem anymore (with the right admins 'Sel')
But yeah It's not liked that much due to the fact that it's so unstable.
August 7th, 2009, 06:13 PM
you know how when you try to join a server you were banned from it tells you that you were banned? can you change the message it displays for different people? i would love to be able to ban some asshole then change his ban message to "fucking A. what dont you understand about 'you are banned'?"
or to make it cycle through a list of predefined messages? would be so much fun imo
August 7th, 2009, 07:51 PM
That's part of I think.
August 7th, 2009, 08:19 PM
The strings for ALL connection errors (dropped, closed down, kicked, banned, etc) are pulled from, yes. Ban messages a la GoldSrc/Source would mean a modification of both the dedicated server and client.
August 8th, 2009, 03:10 PM
you know how when you try to join a server you were banned from it tells you that you were banned? can you change the message it displays for different people? i would love to be able to ban some asshole then change his ban message to "fucking A. what dont you understand about 'you are banned'?"
or to make it cycle through a list of predefined messages? would be so much fun imo
The message is 100% on the client. The server just sents a packet to flag the ban, the client then executes the code to remove player from server and then show the ban message.
I suppose the only way to show a ban message, would be, when you execute /b or whatever it is. It goes
"**SERVER**: <User> is being banned, screw you aimbotter"
"**SERVER**: <User> is being banned, screw you aimbotter"
"**SERVER**: <User> is being banned, screw you aimbotter"
Then it executes the actual ban command, it'd have to wait a few seconds, so the player had time to read it.
September 11th, 2009, 02:51 PM
I love SAPP, and I am exicted about Termy being back on the project. The connection issue that boots everyone out of the game can sometimes be affected by increasing your IP ban list. I pulled up my logs for months, and I noticed that any time a person with **UNKNOWN** for their cdkey trys to join is one of the major causes of the 'lag-wave' phenomenon. I spent a long time pulling a list together of IP addresses with the same issue, and banned them. I seems to have cut the connection issue in half.
I have the even system set up for a very simple set of commands:
For team killing punishment:
event_tk 1 'say $n "Team kill punishment. Edge of the map for you!"; t $N eom'
event_tk 2 'say $n "Team killing Jerk. Die!"; wait 1000; kill $n'
For kill rewards:
event_kill 14 'say $n "1 more kill until Sniper reward teleport"
event_kill 15 'wait 2000; t $n ts; say $n "Now let them all taste your wrath!"'
event_kill 19 'say $n "19 kills?"
event_kill 20 'say $n "20 kill time-out. Save some for the rest of us."; wait 2000; t $n sr'
TS is the Sniper rifle at the top of the highest tower.
SR is the Secret Room.
Just to add more teleport points to the collection:
Yoyorast Island (Original)
ITS (inside top sniper) 5.75 -18.95 -162.70
BS(bottom sniper) 36.63 -25.80 -182.15
HR (hill rocket) *not the one near wart hogs 21.66 -32.68 -177.98
WHR (wart hog rocket) 7.38 3.91 -175.97
WT (warthog turrent) 7.20 12.69 -168.86
BT (beach turrent) 58.89 -20.97 -194.13
SH (sniper health) 13.68 -20.89 -168.35
CH (cliff health) 12.42 -34.89 -181.47
BBH (beach bridge health) 35. 16 -20.64 -190.73
OV (over shield) 1.85 -20.84 -167.89
C (camaflauge) 14.40 -20.49 -173.95
RF (road fuel rod)-2.93 12.23 -181.40
BF (beach fuel rod) 36.59 -26.84 -189.68
XF ( "x" flame thrower) 7.10 14.10 -178.06
HF (hidden flame thrower) 27.57 -32.71 -187.96
MWR (middle warthog ramp) 6.91 -22.67 -186.71
EWR (end warthog ramp) 6.80 -32.41 -181.71
UWR (under warthog ramp) 6.56 -35.03 -186.30
IMR (inside mongoose ramp) 106.86 -20.88 -183.69
MMR (middle mongoose ramp) 82.73 -20.92 -194.55
EMR (end mongoose ramp) 6461 -20.09 -199.09
UM (under mongoose) 98.16 -20.99 -199.09
G (ghosts) 7.30 32.03 -168.01
BCR (beginning cement road) 6.32 -41.52 -181.63
MCR (middle cement road) -25.33 -53.21 -191.49
UCR (under cement road) -21.21 -50.40 -202.57
GR (glass road) 23.56 -20.31 -183.78
ECR (end cement road) 37.90 -30.61 -194.20
BDR (beginning dirt road) 18.87 -20.35 -187.65
DRT (dirt road turn) 37.31 -13.30 -187.03
EDR (end dirt road) -2.21 -10.84 -188.29
RL1 (ramp landing 1) 22.99 -5.44 -181.22
RL2 (ramp landing 2) 21.64 -27.52 -182.36
RL3 (ramp landing 3) -1.09 -46.19 -185.63
CUT (cement "U" turn) -22.06 -60.77 -182.40
CLT (cement "L" turn) 6.71 -45.40 -174.34
TSR (top sniper ramp) 6.80 -18.86 -166.79
RL4 (ramp landing 4) 7.25 -8.72 -170.94
Special thanks to all my admins for the collected coordinates and time:
Hunter, Cynthia12 and Titan Jr/Omar2841
September 11th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Never thought of using sapp to give rewards.
September 12th, 2009, 03:23 AM
Never thought of using sapp to give rewards.
I had a similar system setup on my server back when I was using SAPP, had a stunts setup as well. Unfortunately I experienced to many mass kicks so SAPP had to go.
From Termy:
Hey Termy, would it be possible for you to create a "server messaging" application for Halo CE dedicated servers? I'd love an app that JUST does welcome messages and periodic messages for advertising and information!
If you could make it hook into the dedicated server similar to SAPP so it works on server that would be awesome. I'd use SAPP for this but I can't use it until you fix the random player kicks caused by SAPP!
It would be possible, but I don't have much time jus now to do it now
as i have a lot of other programming jobs :>
, also i think it would't solve random player kick problem because im
almost 100% sure that its caused by sv_say that is modified in SAPP
(well, orginally sv_say wasn't able to send personalized messages, so
i modified it at a very low assembly level so it can do that, but it
wasn't done in perfect way, so sometimes messages are sent to wrong
player or causes server to lagg/disconnect players)
I'm sure of that because last summer i was running server that DIDN'T
have any welcome messages and it ran perfectly on (, no
kick issues at all.
Unfortunately, when people started to complaing about these issues i
had no longer server available to test it.
So making new app with that will not help at all, as long as you need
personalized messages sent to players.
It probably would help if just regular sv_say is used, but im also not
sure of that.
November 4th, 2009, 07:35 AM
doesn't seem to work with 1.9 servers.
November 4th, 2009, 11:36 AM
doesn't seem to work with 1.9 servers.
November 4th, 2009, 11:57 AM
lol any app that requires the use of Halo's memory addresses will not work for 1.09.
that's a fact.
November 4th, 2009, 02:38 PM
ikr, but still the injector program does detect the correct version.
+ who said that they changed exactly those memory locations?
well anyway it isn't working.
November 4th, 2009, 03:10 PM
ikr, but still the injector program does detect the correct version.
+ who said that they changed exactly those memory locations?
well anyway it isn't working.
I just took a look at it for a few seconds and it seems everything has been shifted.
November 4th, 2009, 08:00 PM
ikr, but still the injector program does detect the correct version.
+ who said that they changed exactly those memory locations?
well anyway it isn't working.
It's kinda common sense that a new build of an application that had code changes will have its variables' values moved around in memory.
November 4th, 2009, 11:29 PM
Well, SAPP actually did a memory search to find the memory it uses, like for the sv_say function and the chat codecave. Though, I'm not sure if it also used other memory locations than what it searched for.
November 5th, 2009, 04:36 AM
Well, SAPP actually did a memory search to find the memory it uses, like for the sv_say function and the chat codecave. Though, I'm not sure if it also used other memory locations than what it searched for.this post is GOLD. too bad no halo devs take use of pattern scanning, no more updating apps for other versions, ever
November 5th, 2009, 04:45 AM
November 5th, 2009, 12:51 PM
this post is GOLD. too bad no halo devs take use of pattern scanning, no more updating apps for other versions, ever
i wish.
November 5th, 2009, 02:48 PM
this post is GOLD. too bad no halo devs take use of pattern scanning, no more updating apps for other versions, ever
1. Pattern based scanning isn't a guarantee-able method
2. Not as easy to use for finding static data
3. You can't guarantee you won't ever have to update the pattern again. Compiler/linker changes or actual codebase changes can affect something being inlined or the way a statement was compiled into machine code.
4. Pattern scanning requires more information to be stored on hand. If there are changes to the pattern (due to patches, etc) you need to search for, then you have to store 2+ patterns.
5. Pattern scanning isn't exactly abstractable, due to different compiler and linker techniques applied to code.
6. Slower initialize time
7. If a program's internal data structures change, this all becomes moot.
8. etc.
November 5th, 2009, 03:02 PM
Well, SAPP actually did a memory search to find the memory it uses, like for the sv_say function and the chat codecave. Though, I'm not sure if it also used other memory locations than what it searched for.
Either skyline or Scythe said that everything shifted: Ie: Patterns broke.
November 6th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Where's the update? eh don't let a bad patch delay this.
I expect it be released today. Do not disappoint Termy.
November 7th, 2009, 06:39 AM
Either skyline or Scythe said that everything shifted: Ie: Patterns broke.
I did.
November 7th, 2009, 08:03 AM
I did.
November 13th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Patrick I have it fixed and running on my server on 1.09 right now.
I used Brandini's fixed 1.08 haloceded, patched that with SAPP, hexed that to 1.09, used visual studio to change filversions to match for 1.09. Now SAPP runs.
November 14th, 2009, 07:43 AM
That'd be nice if you'd share with use. plz
November 14th, 2009, 08:53 PM
That'd be nice if you'd share with use. plz
I would but as I said I used other peoples work not a thing of my own here. Also the exe from brandini had cd check, version check, and ascii check removed. It would be irresponsible of me to post it here as then we would have a bunch of sapp enabled hacked servers on CE full of cd keyless players. I'm sure someone will have a proper fix for it sooner or later.
November 14th, 2009, 09:01 PM
Do what you did with a standard 1.09 dedicated server and it should work just fine.
November 14th, 2009, 10:02 PM
that won't work....the best I can offer is to fix the no cd key check...I saw a tutorial here, or patricks, or maybe brandinis sites. ill look around for it. The only shit I know, I picked up from their sites or from Bacon, for simple hexing.
November 14th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Didn't Omega release a modified BMP's exe that undid the no-cd key check?
Edit: Found this:
0x530236 = allows users with the same key to play simultaneously.
Patched: CMP EBP,EBP
Original: CMP EDI,EBP
0x52F9D7 = kicks users that have an invalid key, reported by the master server.
Patched: NOP x5
Original: SUB EDI,005AF868
Double Edit:
November 14th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Didn't Omega release a modified BMP's exe that undid the no-cd key check?
Edit: Found this:
0x530236 = allows users with the same key to play simultaneously.
Patched: CMP EBP,EBP
Original: CMP EDI,EBP
0x52F9D7 = kicks users that have an invalid key, reported by the master server.
Patched: NOP x5
Original: SUB EDI,005AF868
Double Edit:
Ill give that one a go Chris.
November 14th, 2009, 10:21 PM
OK I updated that for you guys, I haven't tested it but unless he also put the version check back, this fix should work.
it is using the 1.08 strings so make sure you replace yours with the ones I included.
November 14th, 2009, 10:22 PM
November 14th, 2009, 10:36 PM
No Problem, but if it is working let me know, I will install haloce again later and test it. I am sure no one wants to bother with this until it is verified functional.
November 14th, 2009, 10:46 PM
Sapp gives you a warning that it's not supported for the version but it seems to work.
Edit: Client is older then the server. Joined with 1.09, and the dedi showed up on the list. So, I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's sapp overriding the version number?
November 14th, 2009, 11:02 PM
No it isn't in SAPP.dll. It was changed to match 1.09. The only file you have that is different than my functioning server is the haloceded.exe. Even though it has fooled gameservers into seeing it as a 1.09 server, when it checks the client version it is checking for 1.08. The version I have does not check the users version of halo on join. This enables you to run a 1.08 server executable and have it appear as 1.09 while using 1.08 strings. Also meaning it should be much easier to get OS, rec0,etc., etc. to work again. As far as I know doing it this way fixes all the shit that 1.09 broke while allowing everyone to play.
November 14th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Tried again with sapp not on by default and client was newer then the server. It could be from me not changing my strings to the 1.08 ones. That may be the problem.
November 14th, 2009, 11:09 PM
Tried again with sapp not on by default and client was newer then the server. It could be from me not changing my strings to the 1.08 ones. That may be the problem.
try the strings, if it isnt that, then itll be that brandini had version checking off in his exe.
November 14th, 2009, 11:14 PM
Just tried again, with the old strings, client is older. It's not sapp doing it, it's the exe. Look around in the Hex editor and see if it has the version number in it. I don't get why it's not working.
November 14th, 2009, 11:39 PM
Just tried again, with the old strings, client is older. It's not sapp doing it, it's the exe. Look around in the Hex editor and see if it has the version number in it. I don't get why it's not working.
Yeah man, I dont know, it is working fine on my server. if you want to check for yourself. Only difference in the two is I know for sure Brandini patched his to remove the version check of people joining. that is why I decided to go with his exe to begin with. Once I add the nocdkey check back ill give you that exe.
November 15th, 2009, 10:35 AM
Didn't Omega release a modified BMP's exe that undid the no-cd key check?
Not this again, freelancers server had this for a while, please dont aid the pirating fucktards and allow servers to not check for legit cd keys, it also aids hackers.
November 15th, 2009, 12:24 PM
Learn to read, I said undid what BMP did.
November 18th, 2009, 05:45 PM
Limited - your haloceded shows up on the 1.09
> I can't join it when using your strings, or when I put in 1.08 strings or 1.09 strings (server-side)
> However I could join it if I changed MY strings to 1.08. Apps worked too.
Bottom line: doesn't work, and it's depressing :(
November 18th, 2009, 06:18 PM
Yea, it just broke my halo and wouldn't let me join on my other pc.
November 18th, 2009, 07:17 PM
Here is a working version WITH cd key check. You are welcome xD.
Now everyone can stop xfiring me about it!
Verified working by both me and Abyll!
Also i updated teleport locations that I got out of my database of rec0's app. Add these directly after the sapp load command in your init.txt. Then you will be able to teleport to any of the xyz co-ordinates I saved using only the locations name.
Hope you guys enjoy all the teleports!
November 18th, 2009, 09:28 PM
IG-Brainz works with this by the way.
November 19th, 2009, 01:36 PM
Here is a working version WITH cd key check. You are welcome xD.
Now everyone can stop xfiring me about it!
Verified working by both me and Abyll!
Also i updated teleport locations that I got out of my database of rec0's app. Add these directly after the sapp load command in your init.txt. Then you will be able to teleport to any of the xyz co-ordinates I saved using only the locations name.
Hope you guys enjoy all the teleports!
nice job:neckbeard:
November 19th, 2009, 02:44 PM
If you got devicator to work on v1.09ce that would be even better.
Thanks tho
November 19th, 2009, 03:53 PM
That reminds me, to get this working, I made a new folder for it.
All you need to run in it's own folder is the dedi exe strings.dll and,, and and any other map you want to play.
December 22nd, 2009, 02:17 AM
:( SAPP is officially dead.
the site is expired.
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