View Full Version : HSE (Halo Server Extensions) Is BACK!

August 21st, 2008, 05:37 PM
Well I've been posting at halomods for a while and this is for those of you who know what HSE is and liked it well Fallen_Angel (one of the creators) is now working on a brand new HSE.

Fallen_angel: If I still had the source code, I could probably help you out, but it's long been lost...

But... good news...
Tonight I've started planning a new version of HSE, written in .NET, as a windows service.

Planned features so far:
- Kick, Ban, etc. voting
- Map voting
- Map Cycle
- Admins identified by CD hash
- Stats Tracking
- HTTP-based management console
- Plugin-based architecture

If you know of anyone who might be interested in helping out, by all means point them in my direction.

Obviously, I'm going to require beta testers as well, so if you know of anyone willing to try this on their server, let me know.

Website coming soon...


August 21st, 2008, 05:45 PM
Sup sup.

August 21st, 2008, 09:21 PM
So wait. Can I, some random fuck, use this in my server? Or do I have to be a dedicated server. I really dont understand how any of that crap works...

August 22nd, 2008, 06:59 AM
if it ever gets released, anyone can use it.

pretty sure you'll need to run a home dedi from your comp tho.

August 22nd, 2008, 07:59 AM


August 22nd, 2008, 08:48 AM

Get back to changing permissons for VIP!, Me and Beer are hungry for moar forums.

August 22nd, 2008, 09:32 AM
Just spreading the word... No hard feelings Pat/Omega...

August 22nd, 2008, 11:52 AM
Get back to changing permissons for VIP!, Me and Beer are hungry for moar forums.
Huh...I didn't change anything...I'll check again :p

Just spreading the word... No hard feelings Pat/Omega...
Nah...just needed to find a nice smilie. It didn't reflect my attitude when posting that post. :D

February 23rd, 2009, 02:01 AM
Well yeah... fallen_angel has disappeared (again) but I was searching my old harddrive that i found in my basement today and I found a bunch of all halo apps and stuff and i also found a text file that contained the chat comands for HSE.

Using HSE in game

HSE supports many commands, and the availability of these commands will vary from server to server, as different admins may want different options
enabled and disabled.
Commands are passed to HSE via chat text in game - HSE looks out for certain command 'tags', then reacts when it encounters one.

Voting relies on these command tags to operate.
You pass commands to the voting module of HSE using the /vote command tag.
So, for example, to get a list of available maps, you should type /vote maps, and HSE would return a list of maps available for voting on.

The voting module supports the following commands:
changemap Starts a vote to change the current map and mode
/vote changemap <map> <mode>
resetmap Starts a vote to reset the current map
kick Starts a vote to kick a player from the server
/vote kick <playerID>
ban Starts a vote to ban a player from the server (usually moderator only)
/vote ban <playerID>
maps Shows a list of maps
modes Shows a list of game types
players Shows a list of player ID's and Nicknames

When voting to change the map, you should replace <map> with the filename of the map you wish to load, minus the .map, or use HSE Map Shorthand
(eg. bg for bloodgulch, di for DeathIsland, tl for timberland)
The same applies for the <mode> - either use the full name is it is only one word long, or use HSE Shorthand - s for slayer, ts for team slayer, koth for
king of the hill etc

PlayerID's are either the player name (case sensitive), or the text ID followed by the ID number from the /vote players command.

Now if anyone wants to have a vote system on your server just set up HSE (Which is such a hassle btw) and set admins and there you go. They still work with 1.08 I tried and yeah there you go.

Also a download to HSE you can get from here (thanks to bacon for hosting): http://www.hivclan.net/stuff/HSEBetaTwo_RC2.exe

February 23rd, 2009, 05:54 PM
Does this work on real servers?

February 23rd, 2009, 06:07 PM
I hope to see this implemented into a lot of servers, map voting is pretty cool.

February 23rd, 2009, 06:08 PM
Well I'm getting the command prompt to recognize the commands which it does nicely but when I try to execute some of them like /vote kick 1 it says player ID invalid so yeah i'm still fiddling around with it. But it does work.

February 23rd, 2009, 06:20 PM
Well I'm getting the command prompt to recognize the commands which it does nicely but when I try to execute some of them like /vote kick 1 it says player ID invalid so yeah i'm still fiddling around with it. But it does work.

Real servers, as in hosted off gameservers.

February 24th, 2009, 08:24 PM
IDK I have a home dedi. I'm guessing if you get all the files right and provide gameservers with the files then it could work because it uses a chat bases system, no rcon needed.

But yeah i got the voting system to work. All commands work. So yeah I recommend you guys implement this in your servers.

February 24th, 2009, 08:37 PM
I'll talk to justin or ducky about putting this on the hcel next time I see them.

February 24th, 2009, 09:37 PM
It's a hassel to set it up, if you need they can send me the init.txt (with rcon password removed) I could fix up the dameon.ini (because HSEShell is super buggy and it needs to be edited manually in a lot of areas) and then if they want to put the rcon password in I'll tell them where to put it.

But yeah it works. Some things to note is that the vote commands only work if everyone votes within 5 seconds of the start.
Custom Gametypes need to be one words so fill spaces with - or _
I'll list all the shortcuts for original maps and gametypes.
Always have a back up of your dameon.ini (that works) because if you mess with one thing then it will not work.

**I couldn't find some of the map shortcuts.***

Shortcut lists
Blood Gulch = bg
Infinity = in
Ratrace = rt
Prisoner = pr
Death Island = di
Danger Canyon = dc
Sidewinder = sw
Chiron TL-34 =
Gephyrophobia =
Timberland = tl
Longest =
Derelect =
Damnation =
Chill Out = co
Battle Creek = bc
Boarding Action = bs
Hang Em' High = he
Ice Fields = if
Wizard = wi

Slayer = s
Team Slayer = ts
Capture the Flag = ctf
Assault = as
Team assault = ta
Race = r
Team Race = tr
King of the Hill = k
Team King of the Hill = tk
Crazy King of the hill = ck

*all other default gametypes need full name typed out. and replace spaces with underscore.One thing I realized is that /vote yes or /vote no does nothing if you vote to change the map it just changes it automatically... maybe it's cuz i'm an admin but still i'm confused on that part.

February 24th, 2009, 09:37 PM
It would be pretty cool to see a version that will work with Custom maps. Maybe a version where you can add map names and abbreviations into a .dll file?

February 24th, 2009, 10:20 PM
it does work with custom maps, you just have to add them into the vote module manually by editing the the dameon .ini.

February 24th, 2009, 11:03 PM
I'll fiddle with this on my server(s), see what happens... I'm still looking forward to Omega's app though. Hopefully he implements chat based commands.

February 24th, 2009, 11:19 PM
Omega finally came back so yeah Imega will be moving forward but as of right now, this is the best I can get. I don't think rec0's app has a voting system?

But like I said it takes a lot of manual editing of the dameon.ini

February 24th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Omega finally came back so yeah Imega will be moving forward but as of right now, this is the best I can get. I don't think rec0's app has a voting system?

But like I said it takes a lot of manual editing of the dameon.ini
Rec0's app does not have a voting system.

February 24th, 2009, 11:38 PM
So yeah try this out and let me know if it just negates the /vote yes and /vote no commands and changes or kicks or bans the player automatically. Because for me it just did it automatically basically like a sv_map <map name> <gametype> command or the sv_kick and sv_ban command.