View Full Version : [TF2] R.I.P scout :(
August 24th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Natascha rapes the scout into oblivion, i wish he'd stop getting nerfed for a while, it's getting hard to play my ADD infected bonking machine.
Last night i played for a few hours, and was playing really, really well but natascha and the blauntsager (or whatever) was just rapeing me. Demo mans? Laugh, soldiers? Laugh snipers? ROFL
but a heavy medic combo? :gonk:
i hope they do the scout update next, we need a nwe way to play him to take out these weapons that pretty much immobilize him.
August 24th, 2008, 04:23 PM
Why are you going near a heavy in the first place (and the buttseaker is just as easy to avoid as the needle gun and it doesn't even crit).
August 24th, 2008, 05:24 PM
n00b you don't even play Scout like us Scout lovers do, you can't even know ._.
Every single class update has nerfed the scout in some way, and I'm getting pretty fucking tired of it as well.
A full clip of blutsauger is more than enough to kill a scout, and it only takes a few shots from natascha. (not to mention these days a mere split second of flame is enough to kill a scout)
August 24th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Needle gun > Blutsauger. Besides, 2 scattergun blasts are better than a clip of needles. Gotta get in close and hit hard.
Fire was usually painful for scouts anyways, and the pyro update made it how pyros SHOULD be.
And usually if you're in range of a minigun as a scout, you're dead anyways. And if not, go a soldier or demoman, and that heavy is at a disadvantage against you.
Once engie is out of the way, scouts will have a hay-day with every class update.
August 24th, 2008, 10:15 PM
Needle gun > Blutsauger. Besides, 2 scattergun blasts are better than a clip of needles. Gotta get in close and hit hard.
Fire was usually painful for scouts anyways, and the pyro update made it how pyros SHOULD be.
And usually if you're in range of a minigun as a scout, you're dead anyways. And if not, go a soldier or demoman, and that heavy is at a disadvantage against you.
Once engie is out of the way, scouts will have a hay-day with every class update.
I disagree, most heavies using the regular minigun can't keep their aim steady enough to kill me. With the new one they don't even have to.
I agree that having the new minigun be good against fast classes but bad against heavy ones is a fair trade, I just want to know when the Scout gets any new tricks.
August 24th, 2008, 10:23 PM
The scout update! :awesome:
And like I said, all other updates from here on out minus the engie one will be a scout's heaven.
August 25th, 2008, 12:09 AM
Why do you say that. >_>
August 25th, 2008, 12:12 AM
Soldier - Outrun and outrange those bastards, make em shotgun you, and then run in for teh kill.
Demoman - Pipebomb? STRAFE LAWL. Stickybomb? Outrun!
Spy - Cmon.
Pyro and Heavy are the scout's natural enemies, but afterwards, it'll be fine.
August 25th, 2008, 01:59 AM
assuming new unlocks don't alter that.
August 25th, 2008, 02:46 AM
but thats the thing, up until the medic update you could take down a medic, it wasn't easy if they where a real good medic, but now it's impossible, like i have moments where i empty an entire clip of scattergun blasts into the medics chest (without crits) and he kills me and walks away with full health, because he has a gun that can sap my health and regenerate his.
But now natascha is fucking rediculous, just fucking impossible to out manouver a heavy with that thing, no matter what you do. 2 hits and your as slow as a soldier and it takes away the only assett the scout has going for him, and a few more hits and your looking at a respawn timer.
But's fucking hard as hell to avoid heavys now which gives me the shits. suddenly that corner at the end of the courtyard seems like a long fucking way away.
and i've taken down lots of heavys as a scout n00b..... dunno why you cant. It's all about being able to manouver, dodge and use the terrain to your advantage + a few good bonks.
not to mention since they nerfed hte melees a while back (lowered the crit percentage) it hurt the scout more then any other class.
and i wish they'd do something aobut the point system for scout. had my best game last night as a scout (11 kills, 1 life) yet i still didnt beat my record for high points which is 13.
where shit like the medic i have 36 and 34 :|
August 25th, 2008, 03:26 AM
that's mostly from heal points and is designed to encourage people to use the class.
August 25th, 2008, 06:34 AM
well what incentive then is there to play the least played class in the game. >_>
August 25th, 2008, 06:55 AM
A change of pace, good for quick caps, excellent skirmisher, has a fucking baseball bat?
August 25th, 2008, 06:59 AM
thats nerfed, and seeing as the percentage of chance of a crit is reletive to the amount of damage and assists done, the scout is significantly weakened and left at a significant disadvantage to any other class.
Bonking used to be good, but they nerfed the melees somewhere, and now i cna hit a fucking medic 6 times (on average) not kill him, and not get a crit.
It's just bullshit.
upped percentage of crit for a scout would make all the difference.
August 25th, 2008, 07:10 AM
I disagree. I may not play the scout as much as you or pooky, but I get plenty of kills when I do. I really don't know what your talking about. :eyesroll:
August 25th, 2008, 07:43 AM
I'm positive Crit melee's used to be a higher percentage. as this made a huge difference to the scout, i can get kills fine, but i can have the game of my life and empty 2 full clips of scattergun shots without missing, and under fire (basically pulling some serious bullshit out of my ass, was doing this last night :^D) only to get more points with 2 rockets that dont even hit someone :/
the only times i see a scout being played in something like gold rush is when the clocks in the dieing seconds and people wont to keep the cart movign in over time, otherwise theres no incentive to play as him, that 2x faster cart movement is nice, until they fire 1 rocket at you :\
Basically if im having the game of my life and dodging rockets , avoiding heavys, and bonking demomen, i want to you know, have that show on the scoreboard :/
i tear my hair out quite regulary simply because of how many times i bonk someone before i get a crit, and it does make all the difference.
August 25th, 2008, 09:57 AM
idk, yesterday I tried Scout on goldrush just for the hell of it and found it can work really well on offense AND defense if you're coordinated with the rest of the team. Mostly you want to just rush the engys before they can set up and bonk the snipers, and it's a big help to everyone else.
August 25th, 2008, 04:59 PM
If you really care about points, play soldier like the other fags. If you want to have fun and still help your team go scout.
Or spy. :3
August 26th, 2008, 02:17 AM
If you really care about points, play soldier like the other fags. If you want to have fun and still help your team go scout.
Or spy. :3
Lol funny thing is Spy is one of my highest points.
The thing with scouts is in the end, they're not meant to be killing machines. Their hit and run bastards who do enough damage to weaken them when they face your other teammates. Best place for scout these days (after latest update) is Arena because of the lack of running back to base to get health and stuff.
I love scout too, 2nd most hours on it.
August 26th, 2008, 07:13 AM
I played a few games of arena earlier as scout mostly (or medic/heavy) and got plenty of kills. I was coming at the top of the leader charts. I really don't know what you were talking about. >__>
August 26th, 2008, 03:27 PM
I played a few games of arena earlier as scout mostly (or medic/heavy) and got plenty of kills. I was coming at the top of the leader charts. I really don't know what you were talking about. >__>
The players in aussie pubs are shit. Come play on tN with me and try that.
August 26th, 2008, 03:33 PM
u know it's sad but true.
August 26th, 2008, 04:26 PM
I played a few games of arena earlier as scout mostly (or medic/heavy) and got plenty of kills. I was coming at the top of the leader charts. I really don't know what you were talking about. >__>
Well that's where scout can shine. He can keep coming back for more damage while just running away.
August 26th, 2008, 04:55 PM
The players in aussie pubs are shit. Come play on tN with me and try that.
True, but it shows that it needn't be an issue for zilla. :P
Or you if you were desperate.
August 30th, 2008, 12:42 PM
I'm pretty new to TF2, however I played before updates, played after pyro update, played after medic, and I haven't seen the new heavy gun yet. My favorite class is Scout, and once you get close enough, Heavies have always been pretty easy to circle around. What's this new gun like exactly?
August 30th, 2008, 12:44 PM
It slows things down. A lot. :awesome:
August 30th, 2008, 06:55 PM
You'll know when they're using it. It's got a spinning and firing sound similar but noticeably different to the default minigun.
August 30th, 2008, 08:53 PM
Just started playing again. Tried the Scout. Dear God, he gets raped like it's nobody's business.
August 30th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Shit. Just ran into it today. Yeah, I feel pretty useless as a scout, even when I run in and shoot the fuck out of everyone, feel like I'm doin good, but I still have like 2 points.
Like wtf tho, the Heavy's main disadvantage is his speed, a Scout's advantage is his speed, basically now natascha is the anti-scout gun.
August 31st, 2008, 12:18 AM
Shit. Just ran into it today. Yeah, I feel pretty useless as a scout, even when I run in and shoot the fuck out of everyone, feel like I'm doin good, but I still have like 2 points.
Like wtf tho, the Heavy's main disadvantage is his speed, a Scout's advantage is his speed, basically now natascha is the anti-scout gun.
It's also the anti pyro gun.
Ironically however, I've found that unless the fatass gets some crits I can outgun them 1 on 1 as a medic with the blutsauger :lol:
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