View Full Version : Death Planes?

August 28th, 2008, 07:33 PM
How do you make them actually work. Ive tried making the "death box" in sapien but it doesn't work. So if someone could link me to a tutorial or something...

August 29th, 2008, 01:44 AM
Aww man.. I was looking forward to some Death Planes, it sounds awesome.

Anyways, you mean killzones? Well shi-

E: didn't realize this was H2V section.

August 29th, 2008, 01:29 PM
they are called kill trigger volumes, and u make them in sapien

u drag them out in sapien and i add like a 1,2,3,4 ... at the end of each planes name (idk if thats nessesary).

p.s. when u make them make sure u get close because it may look like a death zone is in the right spot but it inst (due to your position on the x, y or z axis).

August 29th, 2008, 04:05 PM
Umm well i made the death zone but it doesn't seem to actually kill you when you go in it is the problem. Is there anything you have to do besides put them in the map to make them work?

August 29th, 2008, 04:31 PM
they cant all have the same name, just add like numbers after each separate one. Make sure they have 3 dimensions and try not to make them overlap. I fthey are working sapien should make them green.

also, as i said b4, make sure it is where u think it is, you may thing it is in some put u made but it might be in the sky.

August 29th, 2008, 07:59 PM
I know its in the right place and i only put 1. I'm doing a remake of damnation and its important that when you fall below the map you die.


Fixed it. Apparently you can't rename the kill box... Which is kinda retarded : P

August 30th, 2008, 03:59 PM
i dont know what to tell u. draw out a kill trigger volume under the whole map (it can go outside the bsp a bit). Call it like killtriggervolume1(whatever the default name is) and compile. It works everytime for me.

I mean to double check, open the scenario in guerrilla and see if they are there.

August 30th, 2008, 04:01 PM
here are the official instructions: from HERE
Kill Trigger Volume

A kill trigger volume is used to create a trigger area or volume that kills the player when he enters it. These areas are most commonly used for preventing the player from going outside of the level, such as when the player falls off a cliff or into a deep chasm.
To create a kill trigger volume
1. In Sapien, open the scenario.
2. In the Hierarchy Pane, click the Mission folder, the Game Data folder, and then the Kill Trigger Volume folder.
3. In the Game Window, right-click to place the kill trigger volume and adjust it as you want.

*********Note: Do not change the name of the kill trigger volume from its default name, as this may prevent the kill trigger volume from working.******* (u can change it, i do, i add a number to the end of the default name)

4. Save your .scenario file, create a new .map cache file, and then run the level in game to test the kill trigger volume.
When a kill trigger volume is placed, a green cube appears with a Gizmo located in its lower-left corner. When the kill trigger volume is selected, it is green; when unselected, it is red.
The kill trigger volume can be selected and manipulated just like any other object. To adjust the orientation of the kill trigger volume, simply use the Gizmo to move or rotate it around as you would any other object. (For information about moving and rotating objects, see the Asset Manipulation Gizmo (http://h2v.halomaps.org/editor/ManipulationGizmo.html) section.)
You can also move its position by manually entering values in the position boxes for x, y, and z in the Properties Palette.
To change the dimensions of the kill trigger volume, hover the mouse over any of the kill trigger volume’s edges to highlight the side. When highlighted, click and drag the face along its axis.
Make sure the kill trigger volume covers the entire area you wish to have affected. The kill trigger volume can extend outside the level or intersect or penetrate the level geometry. A level can have more than one kill trigger volume.

August 30th, 2008, 04:14 PM
ok, fixed, good!

August 30th, 2008, 05:11 PM
:XD: You made 3 posts right after i said i fixed it!

August 30th, 2008, 05:45 PM
i figured that out, thank you. you should lock this