View Full Version : 3ds Max Glass

August 29th, 2008, 06:20 PM
hey is there a way to add glass (unbreakable) to a base? all the tutorials ive found only show how to make it if ur moeling a map with the compileing ETC but i just want it on my base plz help
i am not making an entire map only modeling a base and maybe textureing it

August 29th, 2008, 06:28 PM
just dont add the breakable property.

August 29th, 2008, 06:43 PM
no i mean all the glass tutorials always make u compile this and that to put in ur map how do i make it to just put in my model?

also so i dont have to make another topic i have one more question....

how do i add like fancyness to my doors? idk what to do to em they r just a box :|


August 29th, 2008, 07:43 PM
umm.. I don't mean to be rude but... learn how to model.
Search for some modeling tutorials.

For glass just make a single plane, give it the glass texture you want to use and make sure it has the two sided property "%"

August 29th, 2008, 07:50 PM
ive seen alot of modeling tutorials acaully and idc if u say i suck thats a good thing for me cause then i can get ppl to tell me how to get better ^.^

August 29th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Did this really need a new topic. I mean could you not just add this to one of your (many) other topics?

And also, glass isn't really hard but you need to learn more about the engine and how the "rules" of halo collision models really work before you start doing stuff like that.

August 29th, 2008, 08:01 PM
erg u guys dont get it :|

im NOT putting this into any map or anything like that its just a plane old base model....

so every glass TUT says to do this tht and another thing then u have to compile bitmaps again ETC
im NOT putting this into a map so is there a TUT for just 3ds max and not for CE map making? thats what im trying to say

and for my other question how can i make my "doors" more umm stylish? they r too boxey :|

August 29th, 2008, 10:13 PM
For a glass material, just change the opacity of the material to like 50 or something. For more stylish doorways... sigh just learn the modeling program better. There are a bunch of tools that can help you do that. I'll start off by saying use the cut tool, create face/poly tool (create while polygon or face is selected), move vertices around etc.

August 30th, 2008, 01:24 AM
erg u guys dont get it :|

I'm NOT putting this into any map or anything like that its just a plane old base model....

so every glass TUT says to do this tht and another thing then u have to compile bitmaps again ETC
im NOT putting this into a map so is there a TUT for just 3ds max and not for CE map making? thats what im trying to say

and for my other question how can i make my "doors" more umm stylish? they r too boxey :|

Actually we do its just everyone around here is on a powertrip and hates helping people correctly. Sorry, someone had to say it... also I apologize ahead of time cuz im a little drunk... so mispelling and such.. yeah..

Anyway, like the person said above me to make a "Glass like material" in 3dsmax you would open up the 3dsmax material editor using M (hot key to open the material editor if u need more info on the material editor search it on google on sure there is plenty of information 3dsmax is pretty popular) then you would apply a material to the faces that you want to make into glass, and then you would edit the material accordingly to have the set opacity you desire. (note: opacity means how transparent something is.) as in you can see through it.

As for a right or wrong way to do it, there really isn't one you can make it look however you want in 3dsmax, but for halo you would need to do a couple of extra things (if you were to put your base ingame that is, like if you want whom ever downloads your base to be able to have glass ingame) then you would need to texture it accordingly, and also for the glass use an alpha map (determines how transparent a .bitmap is in the halo engine) white being completely visible and black being not visible at all (within the alpha map of your texture). Alpha maps are simply extra channels in photoshop other than the red green and blue channels (of course if your using photoshop, in gimp i have no clue how they work really... but it should be similar) but yeah, thats how bitmaps work in halo they have a base map which is the regular red green and blue, then you can compile the .bitmap again to use the "alpha channels" which get compiled separately and give the base map opacity based off of the alpha channel.

Anyway I hope this helps you understand why so many people insisted on telling you how to set it up for ingame purposes, mostly because no one who mods halo will probably download the model unless its set up correctly for the halo engine, I also hope this helps explain the difference between creating a glass like material in 3dsmax vs making glass for halo, they are extremely different because of how the halo rendering engine works vs 3dsmax which is more simplified because it render's frame by frame opposed to halo which constantly render's ingame content for a player.

I'd also like to tell you to never ever say that we don't understand your question, I understood it perfectly, its just you need to do things a certain way when it comes to halo modding. I'd also like to point out that this is a halo modding forum, not a modeling forum, if you have questions on modeling I'd suggest going elsewhere because there is probably somewhere else that would offer much better help for making "glass" in 3dsmax that has nothing to do with halo.

The way stuff is done in 3dsmax vs doing stuff in 3dsmax FOR halo is VERY different, keep this in mind. Its also why you received complicated instructions related to making glass. Just remember in the future if your asking for help, the person helping you probably knows a lot more then you, and they hate being told they don't understand something...

I understood your question perfectly... hope this helps and good luck with modding halo, or modeling or what ever your hoping to achieve here.

But really if you just want a tut for 3dsmax glass making your looking in the wrong place, google would be the best place to look for something like that, a simple search would probably get you at least 5 tutorials.

Edit: lmao...

and for my other question how can i make my "doors" more umm stylish? they r too boxey :|Uhm, learn to model better, get more creative... thats all ?I have to say to that question really, maybe take a class on 3d modeling idk, its up to you and how much time your willing to spend towards learning the complex program of 3dsmax, as for making something less boxy, check out the chamfer tool its good for beginners, but its a bad habit if you rely on it to much, because it will often make your meshes messy.

Seriously tho, just take some time to explore the program and click buttons to see what they do, if something gets fuked up u can always fix it or reinstall it, or come here for help (or else where or google it) I learned almost everything I know about 3dsmax by clicking buttons and having no clue what they fuken did.

August 30th, 2008, 10:21 AM

WOW well u both helped me ALOT and for the viva la vida guy this does have to do with halo because i was gonna maybe texture it and put it on hce.halomaps.org in the 3d models section