View Full Version : Weird File Read Error.

August 30th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Today i was gonna compile some music for a secret room in a map I'm working on and some new sounds for some weapons but tool is acting weird. Its never done this to me and I'm not sure why it's doing this now.

08.30.08 12:05:27 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
08.30.08 12:05:27 reference function: _write_to_error_file
08.30.08 12:05:27 reference address: 42ca20
08.30.08 12:05:27 Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
08.30.08 12:05:27 file_read('data\sound\8bc\8bc.wav') error 0x000003e6 'Invalid access to memory location. '

C:\Microsoft Games\Halo CE>tool sounds sound\8bc ogg 1
Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
Importing sound\8bc
file_read('data\sound\8bc\8bc.wav') error 0x000003e6 'Invalid access to memory l
ocation. '

C:\Microsoft Games\Halo CE>

It looks like it can't access the file when it should be able to since i have nothing else accessing the file.

August 30th, 2008, 01:00 PM
Is gurilla open? It sometimes does that when gurilla is open for me.

August 30th, 2008, 01:01 PM
Nope. I reset my computer to see if something was assessing the file that shouldn't be but it still wont work. It gives the same error.

August 31st, 2008, 02:56 AM
What format, bitrate, sample rate, and channels are you saving the WAV as? What is the purpose of the sound: impulse from a dynamic source, or disembodied ambience/music?

August 31st, 2008, 10:28 AM
44.100 PCM 16bit Mono. And its music.

September 1st, 2008, 01:22 PM
22050 PCM Signed, Stereo. That's what you should use. Also, close goldwave or whatever when you save.