View Full Version : Stargate Universe

September 3rd, 2008, 06:08 PM

After unlocking the mystery of the Stargate's ninth chevron, a team of explorers travels to an unmanned starship called the Destiny, launched by The Ancients at the height of their civilization as a grand experiment set in motion, but never completed.

What starts as a simple reconnaissance turns into a never ending mission, as the Stargate Universe crew discovers the ship is unable to return to Earth, and they must now fend for themselves aboard the Destiny.

The crew will travel to the far reaches of the universe, connecting with each of the previously launched Stargates, thus fulfilling the Destiny's original mission. Challenges will arise though as the ship comes into range of Stargates placed centuries ahead of the Destiny and the crew is unable to control the ship's navigational schedule. If someone is left behind, there is no way to go back for them, adding to the drama of encountering new races, enemies and adventures.

Stargate Universe will debut as a two-hour movie event on SCI FI. Following its premiere, Universe will assume a regular hourly slot in Summer 2009.

(Source: http://stargate.mgm.com/universe/)

Sounds... Interesting... I don't think that Atlantis is that bad of a show, the characters are decent and the story line is still good. However, in my opinion the show lost a lot of momentum as soon as they dropped Richard Dean Anderson from the series... He had the PERFECT role and played it extremely well.

Anyway, I hope they can IMPROVE on the Atlantis series with Universe. The story line sounds pretty neat.

September 3rd, 2008, 09:07 PM
This does sound pretty neat, I might be looking into it. The two first series were good, and I hope this one is as well.

September 3rd, 2008, 11:42 PM
Wait so what? They got the vestigle 9th chevy working, went through (how did they know the address?) and came out on some kind of ancient ship heading between galaxys? And why can't they get back to earth? :S


September 4th, 2008, 12:05 AM
Nice to see they're finally going through with this. They've been toying with the idea for years now. Really, since the creation of the movie. Really, it should be better than Atlantis since the show will have to rely entirely on the characters brought onto the ship. Not sure how they're going to make this out into a series though. I always thought it was just going to be a movie trilogy at most.

September 4th, 2008, 01:05 AM
That's the only "official" information that's been released. It was only recently released and confirmed as well.

September 4th, 2008, 03:54 AM
Yeah I was reading about it in the local paper here in Vancouver. This looks like to be the replacement for all the space only shows like Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica where most of the action is ship based. Especially with the already lost Enterprise and the soon to be gone Battlestar this is supposed to fill that niche and keep the genre within a genre alive.

September 4th, 2008, 04:06 AM
Not really "star gate" though, is it?

September 4th, 2008, 06:16 AM
The first series was overkill as it is. I think they need to let this die, or focus their attention on a really awesome stargate pc multiplayer game.

The earth portal station is a giant hub where players converse in real time, do training and shit, before jetting off through the portal to a multiplayer world, where anyone can open a portal inside THAT level, that links one online server to another in real time, that basically transforms the game into a large scale team battle, basically making an entire server full of players join another server full of players, fighting to take over the other newly formed teams "map", kinda like Frontlines, but instead of pushing the frontline back and forth with control points, you basically fight to take over the other servers map, giving you ranks and bonuses online for that specific level whenever anyone that was in the winning server plays on that level again. Thing is, the portal opened in the map to connect your game to another is uncontrollable. It could be any server hosting any map, as long as the ping areas are the same.

Or not.

September 4th, 2008, 06:40 AM
Apparently you've never heard of Stargate Worlds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Worlds). :downs:

Also, if you think SG1 was overkill, you really don't belong in this thread.

October 3rd, 2009, 12:19 AM
SGU...so anyone saw it?

*I myself thought that Rush was kind of...a jackass.
*The Destiny ship looked outstanding. It's shape is odd, but damn was it large, detailed, and had very nice flyby close up view, unlike atlantis.
*The whole FTL outside of hyperspace was...a bit too out there for me atm.
*I'm going to stay away from the plot until there's enough time for people who want to see it to see it, but there were some characters I found annoying.
*The whole visual effects were an improvement over SGA and SG-1.
*The ship itself doesn't really resemble ancient imo.
*The whole episode had a surreal atmosphere.

October 3rd, 2009, 03:59 PM
I finally got around to watching the pilot. I agree with you kid908, the ship really doesn't resemble Ancient design, though in the episode of InnerSpace that came right after the show they discussed how one of the designers wanted to go more for a Steampunk feel.

I really liked how the show drew me into the whole problem with the life support not working, and I almost forgot about it being a Stargate show, right up to the end of the two hours where they did the old Stargate series thing about making up a team to go through the Stargate and accomplish a mission. Very nostalgic :)

October 3rd, 2009, 07:41 PM
I thought the Pilot was pretty good. It was overall pretty different from SG-1, and atlantis (though a similar situation as when they first went to Atlantis) but not in a bad way. Its a bit weird to me right now, but I think the more I watch the more I will like it.

It also feels weird to me because SGA was never 100% resolved (I know theres a movie coming, but I wish it would have come before SGU.) It made me feel like the show was just starting from nowhere so it didn't fully immerse me right away. I was also kind of confused at why
They were being at attacked by a bunch of Goa'uld ships, but it didn't explain why, or when it took place (unless I missed something). Where they goa'uld, Rebel Jaffa(sp?), that one human alliance thing that has ships?

I though it was really cool how the up-res'd all the old ships and stuff. For instance the Alkesh and Motherships looked a lot more detailed than the old ones.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the direction the show takes though. This is the first time I've watched a Stargate show while it was still on air though, so its gonna suck having to wait each week for the next episode :(.

October 3rd, 2009, 09:20 PM
I've been watching stargate every Friday it was on since season 2.
I think I'll like this the more I watch it. But right now it seems stupid. The actors of the original SG were perfect. What they made was the kind of show I want to watch, the perfect amount of funny and good story. These actors are terrible.

It's not going to stop me from watching this though.

Maybe the movie will clear some things up.

October 4th, 2009, 01:39 AM
They were being at attacked by a bunch of Goa'uld ships, but it didn't explain why, or when it took place (unless I missed something). Where they goa'uld, Rebel Jaffa(sp?), that one human alliance thing that has ships?
Did you even listen to what Carter was saying? They explained that.
You also shouldn't worry too much about SGA, they'll resolve it when they resolve it.

Still have a few minutes left in it. Watching on Hulu (I don't get SciFi SyFy here)

e: Also, there are two distinct Ancient styles, and this does follow one of them. If you remember the ship that was seen in Atlantis, it had the same sorts of interior design elements as this (notably, the one in Atlantis wasn't as old, so inconsistencies in the designs are to be expected).

I'm not sure where the "more mature" story is going to go, but hopefully it doesn't become a BSG rip off (remember, BSG pretty much took the original BSG and made it "more mature").

October 4th, 2009, 04:34 AM
Just finished watching this (in HD) and I'm hooked again. Though I immediately went "oh look they're experiencing the same problems that the Atlantis team did at first", I actually like the characters so far.
To bad the sex scene lacked the full frontal nudity of the SG1 premiere eh?
I'm looking forward to this series, and I hope they don't blow it. As for the debate on the ship looking ancient or not,
you obviously missed the part about it being ancient ancient technology. For christs sake the thing was developed before the ancients learned to ascend...

October 4th, 2009, 12:47 PM
As for the debate on the ship looking ancient or not,
you obviously missed the part about it being ancient ancient technology. For christs sake the thing was developed before the ancients learned to ascend...

In the show, it said it was only several thousands years old. Last I checked, atlantis was several thousands years old.

Yes there are 2 distinct ancient design, but it resembles the "newer," but not alot. I can see the aurora class ship in it, but the overall shape just look asgard, but with ancient details all over it. Asgard shape as in the rear is usually a large crescent shape with an elongated hull to the front. Asgard ships are usually smooth, similar to covie, but the angular panels and details of the ship is ancient. There's no doubt about that. The overall shape of the ship does not resemble ancient.

I really like the atmosphere of the show. Pretty dark and mysterious at this moment. Some characters are really annoying, like i said before, and is ruining that for me. It was good to see Jack's "dry humor" again :neckbeard:The story is good so far and I finally get why the they name the episode air. Episode water prob has to do with some water supply. Rush is actually an interesting character if you can get past his "arrogance" and "jackassness."

One thing I'm really curious. Why doesn't the ship have a large supply of ZPM? I mean, the ship doesn't have to have every system operating, such as life support, until the stargate is dialed. It's on auto-pilot and knows when the people in the ship are in trouble. Why does it not know that life support is wasting power when there's no life to support on that ship? The ZPM could also be alternating like the one at atlantis (this is refering to Rush's statement about wasting the little power the ship have left dialing Earth).

Edit: nvm, FTL travel prob took a toll on the power supply, but it would still need dozens of ZPM to keep that speed for thousands of years with a few stops here and there.

October 4th, 2009, 12:55 PM
^ Remember that they found something in the database that said the ship was launched from Earth at the prime of the Ancient civilization. This would mean it was before they went to Pegasus or built Atlantis and went to war with the Wraith. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

October 4th, 2009, 01:16 PM
If they were at their "prime" wouldn't that mean they would have ZPM and advance technologies? I get that the shields and FTL travel would take a large toll on the ship, but remember, the ancients were planning on gating to the ship once it seeded enough of the universe to their liking. Wouldn't that mean, they would try to keep the life support at optimal conditions and reserve it for when they needed it?

Also, Atlantis was built during the ancient's prime time, but left Earth when a plague spread across the galaxy 10,000 years ago (Atlantis wasn't built 10,000 years ago, it only left Earth for the Pegasus Galaxy at that time). That's what I remember.

The ship wasn't launched from Earth. They never said it was. All they said was the point in the Milkyway Galaxy on the map was where the ship embarked from. This also makes the Universe stargate (or atleast the one on Destiny) older than those in the Pegasus Galaxy (the ship is shown to stopped in the Pegasus Galaxy, prob for seeding it with stargates, or testing the stargates that were seeded by earlier ships, and continued through the universe).

October 4th, 2009, 01:23 PM
In the show, it said it was only several thousands years old. Last I checked, atlantis was several thousands years old.

I'm pretty sure they said the ship had been traveling for 2 million years. I'll have to watch it again to be sure though.

October 4th, 2009, 01:26 PM
Actually, let's keep time out of this.

It's traveling FTL OUTSIDE hyperspace. We really don't know the time distortion due to that speed. We don't even know if it's 1x Speed of light or 100x speed of light.

Let's leave it at everything by the ancient is fucking old as shit.

October 4th, 2009, 02:53 PM
I just watched it again, Dr. Rush says that the ship has been traveling for at least 100,000 years, and it does in fact say that it embarked from earth. Keep in mind that the Ancients have been dead for 10,000 years, and were at war with the wraith long before that. They obviously got preoccupied with other things, especially ascension, and never went to the ship. Being dead/ascended and all, they wouldn't have been able to.

E: Also, it doesn't really talk about the power source or anything, so there most likely are a bunch of ZPMs. Besides that, the ship has taken much more damage than it ever should have(maybe it was attacked,even?) so its expected that systems that were designed to last that long are failing prematurely.

October 4th, 2009, 04:08 PM
I just watched it again, Dr. Rush says that the ship has been traveling for at least 100,000 years, and it does in fact say that it embarked from earth. Keep in mind that the Ancients have been dead for 10,000 years, and were at war with the wraith long before that. They obviously got preoccupied with other things, especially ascension, and never went to the ship. Being dead/ascended and all, they wouldn't have been able to.

E: Also, it doesn't really talk about the power source or anything, so there most likely are a bunch of ZPMs. Besides that, the ship has taken much more damage than it ever should have(maybe it was attacked,even?) so its expected that systems that were designed to last that long are failing prematurely.

I'll watch it again when I have time. Got 2 essays to write and 40 pages to read right now (the 2 aren't related. the essay is on another thing >.<)

October 4th, 2009, 04:37 PM
Watched twice, i liked it.

October 4th, 2009, 06:17 PM
Being dead/ascended and all, they wouldn't have been able needed to.

Ascended Ancients wouldn't need ships to travel at all, since they're basically all mighty beings at this point.

October 4th, 2009, 08:43 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant. They also wouldn't have wanted to, because once they ascended they stopped interacting with the lower plane.

Anyways, to move away from this discussion, I noticed in the preview for next weeks episode that they show someone picking up a human skull on some planet. Does this mean there are humans in this galaxy too? Intriguing, to say the least.

October 5th, 2009, 12:45 AM
Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant. They also wouldn't have wanted to, because once they ascended they stopped interacting with the lower plane.

Anyways, to move away from this discussion, I noticed in the preview for next weeks episode that they show someone picking up a human skull on some planet. Does this mean there are humans in this galaxy too? Intriguing, to say the least.

You know the ancients and their addiction to "seeding" everything with their genetic materials.

October 7th, 2009, 12:22 AM
I didn't like it. I thought the fat Cheetos guy's, as I've named him, character was ridiculous. Half of the cast's acting was horribad to the point that when I walked in on someone else viewing it I thought it was another shitty B movie sci-fi I mean syfy puts out every other friday night to lower the average users IQ and lull them to a state where they'll watch that shitty wrestling shit they've got going on.

The premise is fantastic, it's Voyager esque, a crew so far from home that none of the regulations and rules need to apply, where the dogma can be thrown out the window and rewritten. They can really reboot the show with this but I still think it's premier was fail. The writing was also a bit subpar, compared to the original and even some of the Atlantis episodes.

I really think the fat cheeto's guy was just thrown in there to have the average teenage moron who's playing WoW during the commercial break and then gluing his contacts to the screen while the shows back on, have some emotional attachment to the show beyond the sexual one they all develop for whichever cast member has their reproductive organs on the inside yet can still kick their ass.

In conclusion and tl;dr, show sucks, idea is good, let's hope everyone dies and some new talent comes in and saves it (save for rush, he's coo)

October 7th, 2009, 12:28 AM
I didn't like it. I thought the fat Cheetos guy's, as I've named him, character was ridiculous. Half of the cast's acting was horribad to the point that when I walked in on someone else viewing it I thought it was another shitty B movie sci-fi I mean syfy puts out every other friday night to lower the average users IQ and lull them to a state where they'll watch that shitty wrestling shit they've got going on.

The premise is fantastic, it's Voyager esque...

fantastic... Voyager esque
Stop right there, I've just lost all faith in your ability to judge a science fiction / action program.

The "fat Cheeto's guy" fits perfectly in the Stargate world based on everything we've seen the government do in relation to the Stargate Program (like supporting Wormhole Extreme). The acting was fine, remember that this was a pilot episode: they haven't worked their way into their roles yet. The show has a lot of criticism to stand up to: It's the new Stargate, and the first Stargate was "one of the best science fiction shows on television" for most of its 10 year run.

October 7th, 2009, 07:44 AM
Seen some clips.
Seems just as crap as firefly was and that was horrid.

October 7th, 2009, 09:46 AM
Seen some clips.
Seems just as crap as firefly was and that was horrid.are you stupid

October 7th, 2009, 02:12 PM
are you stupid
He just likes his Doctor Who and nothing else.

October 7th, 2009, 02:25 PM
He just likes his Doctor Who and nothing else.
No im juust trollin.:haw:

October 8th, 2009, 02:10 AM
Warlord needs to go red for that little indiscretion. Firefly is the holyness of Science Fiction, you cannot even kid about that man, you can't. Destroy this fool.

October 8th, 2009, 05:36 AM
Warlord needs to go red for that little indiscretion. Firefly is the holyness of Science Fiction, you cannot even kid about that man, you can't. Destroy this fool.
I was once in the 3 red bar zone im now 5 green bar zone.
I can joke what ever i like about firefly. i personaly did not enjoy it much at all and i've seen some pretty cheesey shows.

October 8th, 2009, 03:44 PM
No, it's the best show ever to grave the screens of television viewers. You are a heretic and must be burned.

(you're now in the 5 red bar zone?)

October 8th, 2009, 04:00 PM
No, it's the best show ever to grave the screens of television viewers. You are a heretic and must be burned.

(you're now in the 5 red bar zone?)
If it wern't for heretics we would still be dumping women in water trying to make them confess to being witches.

October 8th, 2009, 04:10 PM
womens rights lol

October 8th, 2009, 04:14 PM
If it wern't for heretics we would still be dumping women in water trying to make them confess to being witches.
The difference is, those heretics were correct.

October 8th, 2009, 04:59 PM
womens rights lol
this is not a joke thread..

October 8th, 2009, 05:08 PM
firefly was shit

October 8th, 2009, 05:14 PM
firefly was the shit

October 8th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Yuki http://www.modacity.net/forums/styles/modacity/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?p=471538#post471538)
firefly was the shit


Who likes shit? Seriously? You gotta be some kind of

copied the text from dictionary.com haha

October 8th, 2009, 07:23 PM
You're doing it wrong.

October 8th, 2009, 10:58 PM
:gonk: the firefly thread got derailed to BSG. Now the stargate thread is getting derailed to Firefly.:gonk:

Rush is cool, but a real jackass XD reminds me of McKay.

October 9th, 2009, 04:22 PM
Except Mckay somehow got a hot girl from Firefly..Whoop!
And to be honest,who here wants a go with Rush:O
Cant wait for next episode..I srsly cant wait until they find some Ancients..They probably will find,oh yes,hopefully,Ancients are everywhere!

October 9th, 2009, 08:44 PM
p sure ancients all learned to ascend man.

McKay and whats-her-tits from Firefly made an awesome TV couple, lol

October 9th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Well what about all the humans in Pegasus galaxy,They are ancients sorta,like humans from earth. Merlin didnt acsend even tho he could do it if he wanted. There was a ship that traveled faster than light from pegasus to Milkyway that Deadalus stopped.It was anicent,thus anicents was piloting it(later they get killed by replicators,suh whatever) Besides this is Sci Fi,they will probably bring in more of the anicents, just to spice it all up..Also there are two actors that havent yet made an appearnce in the series.

October 9th, 2009, 10:04 PM
Well what about all the humans in Pegasus galaxy,They are ancients sorta,like humans from earth. Merlin didnt acsend even tho he could do it if he wanted. There was a ship that traveled faster than light from pegasus to Milkyway that Deadalus stopped.It was anicent,thus anicents was piloting it(later they get killed by replicators,suh whatever) Besides this is Sci Fi,they will probably bring in more of the anicents, just to spice it all up..Also there are two actors that havent yet made an appearnce in the series.

First off, the humans in the Pegasus were 2nd gen (maybe 3rd gen) of humans, they are not ancients; most of them lack the gene anyways.

Merlin didn't ascend because his consciousness was downloaded into Dr. Jackson. His physiology could not allow him to ascend (similar to how the asgard couldn't ascend).

The that the Daedalus hailed was not traveling faster than light, it was traveling .999 the speed of light. The ancients were still alive because time is relative. To them, 12 years passed by. They did not know if the war was won and they didn't need to ascend, seeing how they were in perfect health.

They already confirmed 1 ancient will appear on the show: in ascended form. This series is about the ancient's history. It's not about them, or meeting them.

I DO NOT get the new stargate at all! I thought the bulb like-thing above the stargate replaced the chevron, but offworld gates seem to lack such object. The entire gate rotates (front and back) which makes no sense. How does it stay in one place? All the chevrons light up when the stargate is dialing, making it no possible way to tell anything. It's just really different from past stargate. Also why does the stargate on the ship release some smoke from vents on the sides when it shuts down?

This episode was better than the premier. The acting was better.:golfclap:

October 10th, 2009, 03:21 AM
Dont need the gene to be anicent, Some human doesnt, and its a fact that you easily can get the gene. i think the lights taking the chevrons place..Looks awefully alot like the lights in halo :P Probably releases Smoke because it get hot? There are different designs of the gate,appearntly, The one in Milky way galaxy is the first gate. Then the ones in SGU, must be second version and after that the ones in pegasus galaxy. The ones in SGU looks like the ones from Stargate Atlantis.

October 10th, 2009, 12:35 PM
Dont need the gene to be anicent, Some human doesnt, and its a fact that you easily can get the gene. i think the lights taking the chevrons place..Looks awefully alot like the lights in halo :P Probably releases Smoke because it get hot? There are different designs of the gate,appearntly, The one in Milky way galaxy is the first gate. Then the ones in SGU, must be second version and after that the ones in pegasus galaxy. The ones in SGU looks like the ones from Stargate Atlantis.

uh. Yes you need to gene to be ancient. But there's other DNA markers to make a human ancient. The gene require to use weapons and technologies is the most useful and distinctive. Learn about genetics before you say you don't need the gene to be ancient. The different between human DNA and ape DNA is less than 5%. So yes, you need the gene to be ancient, but just because you have that gene doesn't make you ancient. In the show, the diff between human and ancient can be as close as less than 1%

No other stargate does it. It is doubtful it was heating up. Remember, stargates can withstand vlalot of damage and still work.

No shit is a different design. The milkyway gate is different from the Atlantis and universe. You got to be blind not to see that.

October 10th, 2009, 02:07 PM
The gate on the ship obviously has different properties, seeing how its got its own chevron and all, and that its address never has to change relative to location like other stargates. So yeah, maybe it could need to release smoke so it doesn't overheat or someshit, idk.

October 10th, 2009, 02:15 PM
The gate on the ship obviously has different properties, seeing how its got its own chevron and all, and that its address never has to change relative to location like other stargates. So yeah, maybe it could need to release smoke so it doesn't overheat or someshit, idk.

I get why it might need to release the smoke upon being dialed from the milkyway, seeing how the power requirement was enormous, but how much energy build up can there be if the ship is in proximity of an offworld gate? Maybe it's just cosmetic. You know ancients and their cosmetics.

Ancient: hmm...this gate doesn't have enough pizazz for when we finally dial aboard.
Ancient 2: hmm. You're right. Lets add something for each time the gate dial. Maybe a huge release of smoke from the side?
Ancient: Fuck yeah! That would be awesome

October 10th, 2009, 02:53 PM
Yeah I completely pulled that out of my ass. Maybe it is just cosmetics, maybe we're just a bunch of nerds discussing irrelevant details about a Sci Fi show on an internet forum :smith:

October 11th, 2009, 12:44 AM
Anyone care to think that the mechanism rotating the gate could be pressure based? Maybe when the wormhole closes it releases the pressure that was built up from the rotating mechanisms.... Not to far fetched, since the ship is an OLD design.

October 11th, 2009, 06:18 PM
Anyone care to think that the operating system operating the gate could be OSX based? Maybe when the wormhole closes it releases the smoke that was built up from the machintosh doing complicated computer work... Not to far fetched, since the ship is an OLD design.

October 12th, 2009, 11:47 PM

October 16th, 2009, 10:15 PM
OMFG, I am loving all the cgi scenes in this show!

Might be spoiler:
OMFG, the camera view of the Destiny going through the gas giant was amazing. It does oddly resembles BSG cgi battle scene, but not alot imo.

The show's first season seems to be about getting the ship back to operational status and find resources to keep people alive. I'm really interested in seeing who the main adversary for Universe is. My friend and I agreed that replicators are the most-likely existing enemy to appear on the show. The replicator was in the milkyway galaxy, pegasus galaxy, and asgard home galaxy as well as in the void between galaxy. If any pre-exisitng enemy is going to reapear, the replicators are a sure bet.

I thought the character of Rush is becoming more believeable. Eli still need a bit more fine tuning. The acting are getting better. The problem is getting more intense, but seen before in stargate previous series (power shortage, going into the sun with no way to stop). All in all, it's good.
Your thoughts about the new ep?

October 17th, 2009, 12:18 AM
Acquiring now.

Yea that episode was interesting, I like how they're capturing the atmosphere of the situation as well, for example:
Using the kino to apparently spy on that one chick while she was changing, and Eli standing watching what's-her-name shower. Because seriously, you know you'd all be doing that if you could in that situation when there's nothing else to do, lol

November 22nd, 2009, 08:51 PM

So uhh, is it just me, or is this show getting worse and worse at it goes on. I liked at first for the most part and was really hoping it would continue to get better, but that's not the case, imo. It's had its high points, but it seems like its mostly been "drama drama bullshit bullshit" the whole time.

I appreciate that they are trying to change up the style, but it is still Stargate, and I want some motherfucking aliens and sweet ass planets and explosions and what not. I think is cool what they're doing with the episode titles, "water" "air" "time" etc., being each new dilemma in that episode and what they need to survive, but they really need to move the story along soon. I think they need to introduce an enemy, or some other ever-present danger/problem (besides getting home/ship working, because we know that wont happen) which hopefully will happen if:

they use that chair and get the info so they can activate the ships systems, and the show can take off an a new direction.

November 22nd, 2009, 08:58 PM
I'm just sitting back and waiting for Dr. Rush to become a zombie and rush (pun) everyone.

November 22nd, 2009, 10:39 PM
It doesn't have the "Stargate" feel to it, they're filming it more like a shitty soap opera and it's getting very annoying. It was cool when they used the "Keno-vision" camera style in the episode where they found the Keno's, but they've overdone it now...

Hopefully when they figure out how to work the ship the show starts getting better.

November 22nd, 2009, 10:46 PM

So uhh, is it just me, or is this show getting worse and worse at it goes on. I liked at first for the most part and was really hoping it would continue to get better, but that's not the case, imo. It's had its high points, but it seems like its mostly been "drama drama bullshit bullshit" the whole time.

I appreciate that they are trying to change up the style, but it is still Stargate, and I want some motherfucking aliens and sweet ass planets and explosions and what not. I think is cool what they're doing with the episode titles, "water" "air" "time" etc., being each new dilemma in that episode and what they need to survive, but they really need to move the story along soon. I think they need to introduce an enemy, or some other ever-present danger/problem (besides getting home/ship working, because we know that wont happen) which hopefully will happen if:

they use that chair and get the info so they can activate the ships systems, and the show can take off an a new direction.

Stargate is not, and has never been, about motherfucking aliens, sweet ass planets, or explosions. Stargate is about the characters, and always has been. Shit, for a good amount of SG-1 there were no outlandish aliens present. And um; taking the show in a new direction? I understand your frustration, but they wouldn't do that in the first season when the entire premise of the show is based on the fact that they're stranded on the ship.

They said, from the BEGINNING, that this show would feature few aliens (though when they would appear, they would be very different) and that it would be about the interaction and drama between the characters. If you went in expecting anything different, you would have been, and should have been, dissapointed.

tl;dr get a new tv show, buddy.

November 22nd, 2009, 11:20 PM
I think introducing an enemy would be a bad decision. They do that with almost every space sci-fi tv show. They did it with SG-1 and Atlantis and I am sick of it. Besides how would they battle an enemy with one decrepit old ship they can barely control and possibly millions of enemies to fight/kill? That, and they're a billion fucking light years from Earth, how would they kill off humanity or something if it would take them so long to reach earth?

I don't like how most of the stuff that goes on in the show doesn't seem to have very much scientific based explanation. Like the episode where (SPOILERS AHEAD) they needed to fix the ships air scrubbers. At the end of the episode almost as a footnote they found some watery shit and put it in the scrubber things and that served to fix their air problem! They never even explained how the scrubbers worked or how they knew how to fix them!

Eli and Rusch are the coolest characters on the show!

The graphics (overall feel, the colors, contrast, etc. of the cameras) reminded me of BSG. I hate that show. The zooming in on the peoples faces drives me nuts, and I like being able to see the background.

November 22nd, 2009, 11:33 PM
Wow, nice demeanor there, buddy.

Lol anyways, I understand that it's about the characters, and that is what I love about it. However, previously there has always been a perfect balance. I like how they are making more in depth with the characters, trust me I do, but I don't feel there is a good balance to it. Also please note that what I said about aliens etc. wasn't meant literally, I was just referring to the old "stargate feel" which imo isn't as apparent as it should be.