View Full Version : This is getting irritating (politics) [rant]
September 4th, 2008, 10:38 AM
I'm sure many some of you are keeping up with the election for this year. I've been browsinig the news on it and this whole Palin thing is confusing the hell out of me. It just defies any and all logic.
With Palin, we've got:
A mother of a child with down syndrome that's less than a year old.
A mother who returned to work just three days after giving birth.
The mother of a disfunctional family.
A mother who will have an underage and unwed daughter give birth shortly after the election is over.
The mother claims said daughter has plans to marry father of said baby.
A clear religous nut.
A woman who uses, and is clearly going to use, religion to steer political and economic events.
Kind of an inverse of those religious nuts saying "god kills soldiers because america supports gays". She believes and says our troops are on a mission of god.
Someone who spreads word that it is god's will that a natural gas line be built.
Someone dealing with America's natural resources (ding ding ding).
A small community politician with only experience in leading given local population
Someone without any international policy experience.
Someone outspoken in her belief you need combat experience to lead the country.
A person who believes the only right solution to birth control is abstinence.
Someone who has voted down sex education programs and funds.
So yeah. Do you guys really think this is going to fly? I'm guessing the GOP is trying to tell America it's down with middle class problems, but jeez. Having a VP candidate dealing with them isn't a way to say that. You're reminding us how bad our problems are, not offering a solution to it. This is just feeding the fire to the problem. This woman is clearly a bad mother. Yes, she has her ideals and is sticking to them very well, but look at her. She should be concerned about her newborn son and her daughter, not her work. What's she going to do with the kid when she's required to travel to another country? Drag her preggerz kid along with her so she can hold him? What happens when that little bugger pops out? Is she going to take time off of work to be with her kid and grandkid? The office of the president is a responsibility to this nation. She's already preoccupied. What happens when McCain dies of old age here in a few years? Why would you want her in the office?
Are they just trying to help the democrats win or is this all republicans care about?
September 4th, 2008, 11:18 AM
I really don't see the reasoning for choosing her at all. I mean, I'm thinking really hard and it doesn't make sense.
I'm not American, but I do get CNN and watch it sometimes in the morning to keep up to speed, and she just doesn't get the whole fuel thing. It sounds as if she wants you to continue using fossil-fuels instead of trying to steer away from them, which is really what the world should be trying to do.
I didn't know anything about that list, besides the fact that her kid has downs. How exactly will she handle her duties as well as her family?
Maybe I don't pay attention enough, but McCain and her form a pretty conservative looking duo and I'm really not too sure about them at all.
But hey, not my country. :)
September 4th, 2008, 11:28 AM
The stupid. It burns. D:
She needs to be shot.
September 4th, 2008, 12:08 PM
She is conservative and she is suppose to get the female voters from Hillary (-> Obama) to McCain.
September 4th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Hillary might be wanting a woman figure in the office, but even she wouldn't support Palin if she were in her own party.
September 4th, 2008, 01:13 PM
I heard that she thinks Global Warming isnt a man made thing (that we are the reason its happening)
She is a religion nut job, but with the line "God Bless America" you cant really get out of it. I know us brits say God Save the Queen, but one, we dont mean it, two we hate it being our national anthem and three queen doesnt have any power.
Not comparing UK to USA. Just saying, Bush is a religous man, I feel that he wasnt so god crazy, this women though I feel will go crazy.
Btw, say Obama was to win, do you think he would get shot? (For being first black president) my American friend thought he might =\
September 4th, 2008, 02:26 PM
I've heard from a friend that she left an Alaskan town 2 million dollars in debt and wanted to build a bridge just to do it. On the news last night, there is controversy that there may be nudes of Sarah Palin on the net.
Oh the bridge is actually called Gravina Island Bridge, otherwise known as the “Bridge to Nowhere”. Oh, and the bridge collapsed killing 8. She's also being investigated for firing a sheriff or some crap who wouldn't fire her ex brother in law so her sister or w/e could win the custody battle in divorce.
September 4th, 2008, 02:36 PM
Btw, say Obama was to win, do you think he would get shot? (For being first black president) my American friend thought he might =\
Pretty sure McCain is equally in danger since the rest of the world hates him.
September 4th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Pretty sure McCain is equally in danger since the rest of the world hates him.
McCains a smart guy, he added this complete twit as his vice president, no one in their right mind would shoot him, then she'd take power :(
Bad Waffle
September 4th, 2008, 05:34 PM
I've heard from a friend that she left an Alaskan town 2 million dollars in debt and wanted to build a bridge just to do it. On the news last night, there is controversy that there may be nudes of Sarah Palin on the net.
Oh the bridge is actually called Gravina Island Bridge, otherwise known as the “Bridge to Nowhere”. Oh, and the bridge collapsed killing 8. She's also being investigated for firing a sheriff or some crap who wouldn't fire her ex brother in law so her sister or w/e could win the custody battle in divorce.
Hey man, lets not just hate on the republicans, cant we just hate ALL OF THEM?
here here?
September 4th, 2008, 05:59 PM
Im getting irritated about hearing Palin's crap. I think McCain is gonna lose the election by the awful decision he made about choosing Palin. The other I think McCain choose her is to just win over Hillary's women voters. Thats pretty much it.
September 4th, 2008, 06:03 PM
Also, when Palin was mayor, she fired a local librarian because she refused to remove certain books. The town protested, the librarian got her job back.
September 4th, 2008, 06:19 PM
But only Republicans are truly deserving of a DOUBLE FACEPALM.
My unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, it's the motherly thing to do to accept a nomination for Vice President.
September 4th, 2008, 06:24 PM
But only Republicans are truly deserving of a DOUBLE FACEPALM.
My unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, it's the motherly thing to do to accept a nomination for Vice President.
I dont get what she is trying to say here.
September 4th, 2008, 06:24 PM
They arn't even real Republicans tbh. Fucking neo cons.
September 4th, 2008, 06:30 PM
Campaign 08 is like a great episode of Maury.
September 4th, 2008, 06:32 PM
They arn't even real Republicans tbh. Fucking neo cons.
If the values of a party gradually change to something different, the party name typically remains the same. But yes, they are neo cons. Bad ones at that.
Btw, say Obama was to win, do you think he would get shot? (For being first black president) my American friend thought he might =\
All higher up political figures have threats against their lives. The secret service isn't just there for the president and the cabinent, but for pretty much the entire checks and balances system.
I've heard from a friend that she left an Alaskan town 2 million dollars in debt and wanted to build a bridge just to do it. On the news last night, there is controversy that there may be nudes of Sarah Palin on the net.
Oh the bridge is actually called Gravina Island Bridge, otherwise known as the “Bridge to Nowhere”. Oh, and the bridge collapsed killing 8. She's also being investigated for firing a sheriff or some crap who wouldn't fire her ex brother in law so her sister or w/e could win the custody battle in divorce.
I want to hear more about this. Any trustworthy articles or anything out there? The debt thing alone is a buzzkill.
September 4th, 2008, 06:48 PM
I want to hear more about this. Any trustworthy articles or anything out there? The debt thing alone is a buzzkill.
Apparently it wasn't 2 million in debt, it was 20 million in debt.
— Mayoral performance. ( Palin, who portrays herself as a fiscal conservative, racked up nearly $20 million in long-term debt as mayor of the tiny town of Wasilla — that amounts to $3,000 per resident. She argues that the debt was needed to fund improvements
September 4th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I like how everybody on the internet pretends to understand politics :)
I also love how people judge candidates on "little" things. No, not just on the republican side, but on the democratic, too.
September 4th, 2008, 07:42 PM
I like how everybody on the internet pretends to understand politics :)
i lol reading these topics too.
great source of entertainment, tho the stupidity gets on my nerves sometimes.
September 4th, 2008, 09:10 PM
We don't need to know how to run politics. All we need to know to rag on the politicians is that desirable results are not being created.
September 4th, 2008, 09:17 PM
Hey man, lets not just hate on the republicans, cant we just hate ALL OF THEM?
here here?
Lewis Black once said:
We need someone moderate in power.
September 4th, 2008, 10:05 PM
I like how everybody on the internet pretends to understand politics :)
I also love how people judge candidates on "little" things. No, not just on the republican side, but on the democratic, too.
yeah because i need to understand politics to the core to know that these past 8 years have been total shit, and McCain is intent on driving them the same direction, right?
September 4th, 2008, 10:26 PM
She has a vagina zeph, so clearly we should vote for her.
you know womens liberation and all that dribble.
September 5th, 2008, 02:31 AM
I still say Anarchy for '08-2012 *huzzah*
We be better off dead.....
September 5th, 2008, 06:17 AM
On the news last night, there is controversy that there may be nudes of Sarah Palin on the net.
I haven't found any nudes, but there were some pics of her in a bikini posted on...something, I can't really remember.
Might have been Rotten O_o
I don't like the idea of having a gun/religious-nut in control of nukes.
September 5th, 2008, 09:08 PM
this message brought to you by Fox News, last great institution defending the rights of hard-working women everywhere.
September 5th, 2008, 10:26 PM
"A mother of a child with down syndrome that's less than a year old."
Get your facts straight before you insult someone dude, her down syndrome kid died at birth and her 5 YEAR OLD daughter has autism, not down syndrome
"The mother claims said daughter has plans to marry father of said baby."
And that's wrong how, isn't that what most people would deem, oh say responsible?
"Someone outspoken in her belief you need combat experience to lead the country."
Considering almost every president has been in the military, i cant possibly imagine why
"A mother who will have an underage and unwed daughter give birth shortly after the election is over."
You think you could handle a teenage girl better, how about trying?
September 5th, 2008, 11:11 PM
yeah because i need to understand politics to the core to know that these past 8 years have been total shit, and McCain is intent on driving them the same direction, right?
I think it's funny how if you get a bad presidency term, everybody is all the sudden on the other party's side, without knowing, or understanding what both candidates are saying. Like I said before, I think it's funny that people make huge deals about the smallest, stupidest stuff that doesn't, or hardly affects the presidential race at all. Then, the base their decision off of that crap.
Gosh, this place is almost as bad as
Part of me just wants to argue in this thread about how stupid people can be, but another part of me just wants to just stay out of this because I know, no matter how hard I try, everybody will just jump on the bandwagon.
September 5th, 2008, 11:20 PM
I think it's funny how if you get a bad presidency term, everybody is all the sudden on the other party's side, without knowing, or understanding what both candidates are saying.
That's one of the major problems with the party system. :/
September 5th, 2008, 11:55 PM
"A mother of a child with down syndrome that's less than a year old."
Get your facts straight before you insult someone dude, her down syndrome kid died at birth and her 5 YEAR OLD daughter has autism, not down syndrome
No, he is not dead, he is alive and well. Did you not watch the RNC? One of Palin's daughters was holding him.
September 6th, 2008, 12:54 AM
I think it's funny how if you get a bad presidency term, everybody is all the sudden on the other party's side, without knowing, or understanding what both candidates are saying. Like I said before, I think it's funny that people make huge deals about the smallest, stupidest stuff that doesn't, or hardly affects the presidential race at all. Then, the base their decision off of that crap.
Gosh, this place is almost as bad as
Part of me just wants to argue in this thread about how stupid people can be, but another part of me just wants to just stay out of this because I know, no matter how hard I try, everybody will just jump on the bandwagon.
It is true that news in the United States is never about anything practical, it's about people debating the strength of a given candidate's character, which is to say, the most subjective topic they could get shipped double-time out of the anal repository, the "news" is irrelevant incoherent crap about "flip-flops" "swift-boating." A lot of Americans have an intentional disinterest in politics, it bores them or it offends them, people who know the issues don't vote for people who can win. Because when you get down to it, the problem with politics is it's full of politicians.
Albert Nock once wrote in his essay What the American Votes For, "But what was I to vote for, an issue? There was none. You could not get a sheet of cigarette-paper between the positions of the two parties. A candidate? Both of them seemed to me to be mediocre time-serving fellows who would sell out their immortal souls, if they had any, for a turn at place and power, and throw in their risen Lord for good measure."
On the other hand, voting independent can seem like tossing your vote, and people always come off as nit-picky in their grievances with candidates. The Borowitz report had an article a while back:
"The liberal blogosphere was aflame today with new accusations that Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) is trying to win the 2008 presidential election."
I have to take a stance in the middle of the issues here, I don't listen to cable news, I hate it, all of it, even MSNBC, because it's just a left-wing take on the same steaming cow-patty of fake debates. I'd never deny I'm a viciously partisan Democrat, but I'd choose the option to dismantle the party in an instant, (providing the Republicans were gone too.) ...But I suppose that's the problem right there. It's a bout of arms race era logic, and I don't want to be enjoying the political equivalent of a bloated military industrial sector for the rest of my life. This kind of thought disgusts me in it's simplistic logic and lazy attitude, as if it were unalienable law that this problem is unsolvable and the logical thing to do is give up and accept the hand you were dealt when thousands of lives are on the line daily controlled by the choices you make as a voter. (Though I can't think of a solution for the life of me.)
A regimen of apathy, or the other extreme, a refusal to make political compromises on candidates, are none too appealing to me. Contrary to those, however, total party allegiance is just as much a fool's game. For now, it's a game of lesser evils, a game that the chief goal of every voting citizen should be to bend and break.
Oh, and one more thing, it's deeply bothersome to me when people point out the fact that no one in a forum dedicated to something completely different are going to be experts on any given subject, as if that qualified as a reason to cease discussion. If the problem is our ignorance, then why is socratic learning to be frowned upon?
September 7th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Haha, guess what I saw today, a bloody Barack Obama 2008 bumper sticker, in England, on an English car.
I wanted to rip it off but didnt have enough time, I get the reason for having one in USA, but cmon one in England? We dont give a toss if you support him quit shoving the American BS in our faces, we're tired of it on the news already.
September 7th, 2008, 09:35 PM
Haha, guess what I saw today, a bloody Barack Obama 2008 bumper sticker, in England, on an English car.
I wanted to rip it off but didnt have enough time, I get the reason for having one in USA, but cmon one in England? We give a toss if you support him quit shoving the American BS in our faces, we're tired of it on the news already.
sig this blind.
September 7th, 2008, 10:56 PM
Damnit missed a word out :gonk:
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