View Full Version : Tales of Vesperia

September 7th, 2008, 06:37 PM
So, of course, Namco released another Tales game this time on the 360. I really like it so far. There is lots of new fun stuff to be had (Namely the Coop ability, you can allow any character in your party to be played by anyone on another control in-fight)

Discuss anything about the game.

September 9th, 2008, 03:16 PM
Is it better than Tales of Symphonia?
If so, I'm getting it. That game lasted me for at least a year on the gamecube =D.

September 9th, 2008, 06:04 PM
So far it seems as good as Symphonia, if not better :).

September 10th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Vesperia is awesome. I'd have to say it's on par with Symphonia (instead of better or worse), since both games have their own advantages and their own distinct feel. I'd definitely recommend the game if you liked Symphonia. The combat system is a lot of fun, the game is beautiful, and the characters are great.

There is a demo of the game on the XBLM, but the default controls are awful and the demo won't let you change them. They are not placed in positions analogous to where they are on the GC controller. If you do get the game, I'd recommend changing them ASAP, to something like X-artes, A-attack, RT-guard, B-fatal strike, which for me made the controls far more practical and intuitive.