View Full Version : Looking for advice and help...

September 8th, 2008, 04:55 PM
I've been working on a map called DMT-Cairo Station for a while now and its been really frustrating lately. The mod is nearly done except for 2 big things that I just lack the ability to fix.

Game play Balance and the God damn kestrel physics model.

Its a vehicle CTF map based around Cairo Station and is meant almost as a sequel or a tribute to Hugeass. The map has potential for awesome "space battleness" but I just don't know how to balance out all the weapons and vehicles properly because the big vehicles are weak as hell due to the annoying "If you shoot the cockpit it kills the player instantly" And I don't have any idea how to fix this because my play health changing script ended in epic failzorz.

If anyone could help me re create the damage system tiamat used on Coldsnap I that would be awesome.

Also here's the list of weaponry / vehicles on the map.

(The vehicles are listed in order of heavy vehicles to light vehicles)

- Missile Pelican (added a self destruct so that when you hit q it blows up the ship)
- Longsword (Nuke replaced with Shiva Nuclear Mines)
- Kestrel (Rockets Replaced with a High ROF Gauss Cannon)
- Jet (Missiles now have lock on)
- Gauss Hog
- Missile Hog

(Weapons are all more or less Twice as powerful as they used to be and have a matching skin and HUD. Except pistol it was already overpowered)

- Assault Rifle (similar to tiamats Hugeass AR)
- Shotgun (More powerful)
- Pistol (exactly the same)
- Sniper (1 shot kill. Takes down jets)
- Anti-Air Rocket (2 second lock on time before firing kills most heavy vehicles in 1 or 2 shots)

The reason for so many Infantry weapons is that down the center of the map there is a foot path that you can take when there are no vehicles in the hanger (or when you feel like sniping).

So if anyone wants to help me out with the balance for this map you can post, PM, or Xfire me. (xfire= wankzta) I want to get this map out and over with so I can work on my next project (Class Based Halo)

Oh and Pictures (Yes i know the level is REALLY fucking shiny, But I like it.

Last thing I'd like to add is the back story.
Basically 2 ships in slip space on opposite ends of Cairo station. Ships fly out the hanger and drop into regular space around the station and battle for the flag and what not. Players and warthogs teleport out of the hanger onto the station. YOU CANNOT GET BACK INTO THE HANGER AFTER YOU EXIT! Which eliminates spawn camping nicely.

September 8th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Halo:CE needs a new pelican :/

(With better skins/textures)

September 8th, 2008, 04:58 PM
You read that entire post in like 3 seconds?

September 8th, 2008, 05:02 PM
This map will NEVER, EVER have good gameplay, so you can forget that right away. Vehicle maps never work the way they're expected to.

September 8th, 2008, 05:05 PM
This map will NEVER, EVER have good gameplay, so you can forget that right away. Vehicle maps never work the way they're expected to.

Pessimistic Much?

Cold snap had pretty fun decent game play and huge ass did too (sometimes) both of those were done pretty well and where fun. On the other hand there are millions of poorly done vehicle CTF mods (*cough extinction *cough *cough) so this could go either way.

September 8th, 2008, 05:30 PM
Pessimistic Much?

Cold snap had pretty fun decent game play and huge ass did too (sometimes) both of those were done pretty well and where fun. On the other hand there are millions of poorly done vehicle CTF mods (*cough extinction *cough *cough) so this could go either way.

:shake: There's a difference between "gameplay" and "gimmick". Also, you'll never get enough people at once to have a truly "epic" spacefight. And as soon as people start getting killed, you have to wait for respawns and vehicles to relocate. Keep at it, though. Just saying.

September 8th, 2008, 06:40 PM
Very interesting. You could make the Longsword a wee bit smaller and make it a bit faster. Replace the Nuke like you said with something else and I think instead of rockets it should have high powered bullets (okay maybe rockets would work).

September 8th, 2008, 07:15 PM
:shake: There's a difference between "gameplay" and "gimmick". Also, you'll never get enough people at once to have a truly "epic" spacefight. And as soon as people start getting killed, you have to wait for respawns and vehicles to relocate. Keep at it, though. Just saying.

By my definition gimmicky maps are maps that have one weird cool thing and no game play. Cold snap had a lot of game play and many cool things. I believe there's a difference between a gimmicky map and a re-imagining of halo.

Also if I made Longsword smaller and faster it would just be another pelican.

September 8th, 2008, 09:55 PM
I have a halo 2ish pelican skin for the halo1 pelican. I do not remember where i got it from. Ill post pics up tomorrow as soon as I can.

September 8th, 2008, 11:02 PM
Heh, when we were in beta for Hugeass we would have a pilot and copilot in TS, we would then issue bombing runs with the longsword and such. Good times.