View Full Version : Need for Speed Undercover

September 8th, 2008, 05:06 PM
FINALLY it looks like they figured out....

most-wanted lighting
most-wanted styled environment

Carbon and prostreet sucked, and I think they got that.









Not much else on it right now, cept a few teasers with some storyline stuff...

I hope this one isnt a flop as well....until the recent couple I have been a huge fan...

September 8th, 2008, 05:07 PM

Any videos yet? :)

September 8th, 2008, 05:07 PM
Shit, those graphics are beautiful. It looks like it'll be good enough though.

September 8th, 2008, 05:11 PM

September 8th, 2008, 05:22 PM
That 3rd picture looks amazing.

September 8th, 2008, 05:25 PM
Yes there are videos on Needforspeed.com, but none of actual gameplay...its all just storyline stuff

September 8th, 2008, 05:26 PM
Last NFS game I played was Most Wanted on the gamecube :( I might get this for 360, that'll make up for the rubbish gfx on gamecube MW :P

Looks like a movie teaser lol damn looks awesome.

September 8th, 2008, 06:32 PM
Unlike Most Wanted I hope they FINALLY implement night AND day back in. They were in the old need for speeds. Also third picture looks complete amazing. Driving in a tropical after-storm ftw.

September 8th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Fuckin' sick! Its about time they realized how hard Carbon and ProStreet blew, and im glad that they brought back the Most Wanted look to it. Plus the graphics are :awesome:.

September 8th, 2008, 07:22 PM

Pyong Kawaguchi
September 8th, 2008, 07:57 PM
Why do racing games look visually the best?

September 8th, 2008, 08:07 PM
added more pics...

September 8th, 2008, 08:19 PM
maybe it wont suck like NFS 5, 7-11.

September 8th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Damn that looks good, too bad I don't really play racing games. Is there a higher res version of the third pic?

September 8th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Why do racing games look visually the best?
because they dont have to spend time working on a good story, believable characters or plot.

and it's really not that good, sure the cars are great and all but the other stuff isn't that hot to blow chunks over.

September 8th, 2008, 09:43 PM
maybe it wont suck like NFS 5, 7-11.

NFS 5 was probably their best, if not tied with MW or UG

September 8th, 2008, 09:47 PM
i really liked underground 2 and missed all the custimisation that it allowed for you.

MW was great, but i wanted to be able to do alot more to the car then just change it's paint :/
If they got the Environment of MW down (looks pretty good) customization of Underground 2 and the ability to do every type of race in both games it will own.
it's just fun playign in the sandbox sometimes :)

September 8th, 2008, 09:50 PM
First three pictures aren't ingame FYI for all you tards being like OMG AMAZING.

NFS lost everything after underground, the series is poo.

September 8th, 2008, 10:31 PM
NFS 5 was probably their best, if not tied with MW or UG
You can't be serious, selling their souls to Porsche didn't make a good game.

Dr Nick
September 8th, 2008, 10:41 PM

The Police cars have nfs on the front bumper.

September 9th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Looks awesome. Hopefully it's like Underground 2 and Most Wanted combined, but with GUNZZZZZZ

Seriosuly though, they need to do a Mad Max style Need for Speed, where you customize your shitbox dirt cart ride thing into this awesome sauce thing with miniguns and shit.

Wait, that sounds like Rage :3

September 9th, 2008, 01:43 AM
I'm certainly getting this, looks like they're back on track after their pro street fiasco.

September 9th, 2008, 05:00 AM
Looks awesome. Hopefully it's like Underground 2 and Most Wanted combined, but with GUNZZZZZZ

Seriosuly though, they need to do a Mad Max style Need for Speed, where you customize your shitbox dirt cart ride thing into this awesome sauce thing with miniguns and shit.

Geez, I feel like playing Carmageddon again. A current-gen Carmageddon would be seriously :awesome:

Anyways I agree with the MW style but Carbon had the greatest customisation. They also need to bring back the ability to free-roam with cars you customise outside of the story mode. After you finished Carbon, you couldn't make enough money for new cars. I don't know why they took that feature out of UG2.

Being EA I hope they don't dowse it in ads like ProStreet. They even had sponsors for the bloody achievments :mad:.

September 9th, 2008, 06:32 AM
Yeah, Underground 2 was definitely an amazing game, and I hope that this one is like it, but better. I don't know, but having a little pimped-out Mazda Miata being able to go over 300kph was just very satisfying.

So far, this seems to be missing the pimping-out part (no underglow :(), but it seems like it has many other good things, such as cops, which were always fun.

September 9th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Its open world. I read that somewhere....

September 9th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Yeah, Underground 2 was definitely an amazing game, and I hope that this one is like it, but better. I don't know, but having a little pimped-out Mazda Miata being able to go over 300kph was just very satisfying.

So far, this seems to be missing the pimping-out part (no underglow :(), but it seems like it has many other good things, such as cops, which were always fun.
amen brother.


Pyong Kawaguchi
September 10th, 2008, 08:31 AM

The Police cars have nfs on the front bumper.
been like that the last billion games EA made of NFS

September 11th, 2008, 10:08 PM
maybe it wont suck like NFS 5, 7-11.

I liked Porsche Unleashed for its turn on the series and style but it wasn't that great. I'd say that I probably enjoyed NFS 3: Hot Pursuit the most since it was the first NFS game that I played and innovated friggin cops into it with good graphics (at the time). I liked NFS 4: High Stakes as well with a damage system, some great new maps, but it still had the same crap graphics. NFS 6: Hot Pursuit 2 is probably my favourite next to NFS 3. The exotic cars and environments just captivated me. And the graphics were something to drool over back then. Sometimes I'd just randomly install it play it just to see what it looks like. It's a very beautiful game and I've racked up hours upon hours upon hours with just NFS 3 and NFS 6 alone. Underground 1 was pretty good. Very impressive in my books. Underground 2 was a pretty slick game as well but I didn't liek it as much as the first one. I dunno, I like cinematics :eyesroll: Once Most Wanted came out it was just basically sick street cars as well as exotic ones with police and timeshifting. I personally didn't find too much interest in it. After that I just disregarded any NFS game that came out. It just drifted way too far away from the traditional gameplay that I knew and loved from the previous games. UG2 and MW stretched it pretty far for me but Carbon just shot the last arrow straight into the heart of NFS. Pro Street was the imp dancing on NFS's corpse. Let's see if this one is bullshit too.

NFS 5 was probably their best, if not tied with MW or UG

Hahaha, definitely not. :lol:

September 11th, 2008, 11:58 PM
HA HA yeah.

NFS3 was my first pc game I ever played...period.
I had over 3k downloaded cars for that game, and played it way too much. This is one of the best.

NFS4 was decent. I played it for the same reasons I played NFS3, but I enjoyed parking my ferrari on the train tracks.....It was fun....

NFS5 was awsome for me. I played it more than I should have. I guess I was just a Porsche fan, and I loved the style of the singeplayer and factory driver missions. It was different than its counterparts, and made for one hell of a game.

NFS6 I agree had stunning Graphics when it came out....yet I didnt play it too much. I mostly did free runs and left it at roaming the cities really fast and enjoying the beauty.

NFS7 I didnt get right away, because I wasnt really into the whole tuner genre. But being a fan I finally fell and bought it, and It was the best so far. I played this game about as much as I did HP and PU combined. I really got into tuners (until the spoilers/body kits got rediculous and no longer looked sporty, like ALL of the AI in the game.).

NFS8 I played alot mostly because of the free-run option, but I still think UG1 was a better play-through.

NFS9 was the shit. No criticism I can give here. It had jaw-dropping Graphics at the time, and was by far the most fun to play.

NFS10 can suck my cock

NFS11 had a pretty engine.....but It blew ass, and made me go play GRID.

September 12th, 2008, 12:06 AM
Any one else worked out you play as an undercover cop? I really hope they dont screw it up with the cow/law.

September 13th, 2008, 03:08 PM
This game looks AWESOME. I went and played some MW again after watching the trailer :D :D :D

Also Maggie Q fuck yeah

September 14th, 2008, 11:30 PM
but still cops...but I only really care about the free roam. I want cops to chase me like MW, and I think they probably will.

September 21st, 2008, 10:51 AM
New gameplay video links

September 21st, 2008, 10:54 AM

September 22nd, 2008, 02:35 PM
I spy a Lexus IS 300. :3

September 22nd, 2008, 02:42 PM
Looks like most wanted :|

September 22nd, 2008, 03:35 PM
Hey Con, you are my most wanted. :-3

It looks fun, racing games just appeal to me in many ways. Just that high speed awesomeness.:p

September 22nd, 2008, 03:37 PM
http://www.needforspeed.com/undercover/tri...lot/home.action (http://www.needforspeed.com/undercover/tricitycarlot/home.action)

http://www.needforspeed.com/undercover/tri...tte/home.action (http://www.needforspeed.com/undercover/tricitygazette/home.action)

I sense fail...

'98 Toyota Supra
$25,000, Twin Turbo, AWD, 320hp, 315lbs/tq

LMFAO wow, that right there tells you how bad this game will be.

September 22nd, 2008, 04:52 PM
you kidding me? That car is awesome.... I'm glad they brought it back.

September 22nd, 2008, 05:02 PM
Hey Con, you are my most wanted. :-3

It looks fun, racing games just appeal to me in many ways. Just that high speed awesomeness.:p
Same here, infact when I play NFSU2, I usualy just cruise around using my action replay to go 50X faster, those semi's allways flew about 30 ft in the air xD

September 22nd, 2008, 09:35 PM
you kidding me? That car is awesome.... I'm glad they brought it back.

Thats not the point. The supra is my favorite car in the world and I would kill to own one, the point is their has not been an AWD supra since the Celica Supra, which was during the 80's.

I hope they aren't this fucking stupid.

September 24th, 2008, 01:35 PM

September 24th, 2008, 08:45 PM
Are you retarded? He thought I ment why did they include it because I hated the car, when in reality I love it and I was explaining what they did do wrong.

Learn to read fucking moron.

September 25th, 2008, 02:55 PM
Sorry, I miss read that...

January 19th, 2009, 03:04 PM
So has anyone got/played the game? I'm curious to see how it's like; most reviewers gave it pretty mediocre ratings.

January 19th, 2009, 03:10 PM
So has anyone got/played the game? I'm curious to see how it's like; most reviewers gave it pretty mediocre ratings.

Gah I'll give you a rundown later seeming as I dont want to type right now, but It wasn't anywhere near mediocre. Also note that you really didn't get to use the full enviroment that much. It was mostly focused on the city area.

January 19th, 2009, 05:16 PM
So has anyone got/played the game? I'm curious to see how it's like; most reviewers gave it pretty mediocre ratings.
^^ Same here, I'm thinking of getting a driving game for the 360. Undercover is one of the considerations. Like Xet said alot of reviewers said it was pretty poor and didnt live up to the full potential, then again a friend has it and he said its really good (but wont bloody let me borrow it :P)

January 19th, 2009, 05:17 PM
I got the game for my little brother for Christmas, we played it. We loved it. The reviewers are full of shit.