View Full Version : devmode
March 3rd, 2007, 06:15 AM
how do i activate the devmode? i just want to know the codes. i can bring up my console, but i dont know what to type in.
March 3rd, 2007, 08:08 AM
cheat_deathless_player 1
activiates deathless
cheat_super_jump 1
activates super jumps
gives all vehicles around you
gives all weapons around you (even flag and oddball)
cheat_bottomless_clip 1
No clip end to whatever weapon your holding (infinite ammo)
cheat_medusa 1
whoever lays there eyes on you, they die (works only in SP)
To deactivate cheat type it again only put "0" instead of "1"
ex. cheat_deathless_player 0
to go to devcam type
If you wanna stream around the map in cam hold and click down the"middle" mouse button or w/e it is called and move around
To go up I usually press R and F
To go slanted or spinning press G
To teleport to Cam type
To get out of dev cam type
camera_control 0
I hope this helps..
March 3rd, 2007, 09:46 AM
Get console up, press tab ;)
March 3rd, 2007, 11:26 AM
any way to get third person camera?
March 3rd, 2007, 12:03 PM
any way to get third person camera?
March 3rd, 2007, 02:25 PM
March 3rd, 2007, 04:11 PM
The Commands!
There are hundreds and hundreds of various Commands that are able to be used in Devmode, I’ll just be going over the usable/funner ones.
To activate the command panel that lets you use these commands, hit the ~ key. It should be in the top right corner of your keyboard, below escape and above tab.
Helpful Hints.
You can take ANY command from here, highlight it, copy it, and paste it into the command panel. To paste it, just right click!
Typing in Cheat, then hitting tab will give you all the commands starting with “cheat”. Type in anything, see if it comes up!
Cheat_all_powerups - This spawns one of each powerup around the player
Cheat_all_vehicles - This spawns one of each vehicle around the player
Cheat_all_weapons - This spawns one of each weapon around the player, including the flag and oddball skull
Cheat_spawn_warthog - This will spawn one regular warthog next to the player
Cheat_bump_possession <#> - This lets you take control of any character you make contact with
Cheat_deathless_player <#> - This makes you absolutely invincible, even from falling but be aware someone can kill you if you get hit in the back!
Cheat_bottomless_clip <#> - Gives you unlimited ammo
Cheat_infinite_ammo <#> - Same as bottomless clip, but lets you relead
Cheat_medusa <#> - Any enemy that looks at the player will automatically die
Cheat_super_jump <#> - This lets you jump very high. (should be used with deathless player Cheat, otherwise you may die while falling)
Cheat_jetpack <#> - No fall damageCheat_active_camoflauge <#> - Gives you Active Camo.
Cheat_teleport_to_camera – Teleports you to the camera.
NOTE – where <#> appears, you put a 0 or a 1. 0 turns the cheat off, 1 turns it on.
Using The Camera
First off, to the camera to where you are and the way you are facing, Type “Debug_camera_save”. Now to load the camera, type “Debug_camera_load”.
To start moving, hold down the middle mouse button/scroll mouse.
W - Forwards.
S - Backwards.
A - Strafe left.
D - Strafe right.
R - Move up
F - Move down
G - Spin camera on the X axis???
Scroll mouse up - slows down the camera movement
Scroll mouse down - speeds yo the camera movement
Camera_control 0 - takes you back to MCs view.
Manipulating The HUD
Showing + Hiding Stuff
Hud_show_crosshair 0/1 - makes crosshair disappear.
Hud_show_shield 0/1 - makes shield bar disappear.
Hud_blink_shield 0/1 - makes the shield bar blink
Hud_show_health 0/1 - makes health bar disappear.
Hud_blink_health 0/1 - makes the little health + to blink
Hud_show_motion_sensor 0/1 - makes the radar disappear
Hud_blink_motion_sensor 0/1 – Makes the motion sensor (of all things) to blink red and green????
Show_Hud 0/1 - Makes the whole HUD disappear.
The HUD Timer.
Hud_set_timer_time <minutes> <seconds> - Typing Hud_set_timer_time 10 05 will make the timer appear in the top corner, counting down from 10 minutes and five seconds. You get the idea.
Hud_set_timer_position <x-axis> <y-axis> <HUD corner> - Typing in Hud_set_timer_position 0 0 top_right, will put the timer snug in the top right corner. Same goes for the bottom_right, bottom_left and top_left. Fiddle around with the x & y settings for a more precise setting.
Use Hud_set_timer_position 250 280 top_right to set the timer underneath your crosshair.
Hud_set_timer_warning_time <minutes> <seconds> - This set the timer to flash red when told to. So putting in Hud_set_timer_warning_time 1 00, will make the time flash red when the time reaches 1 minute to go.
Cinematic_start <#> - Starts the cutscene (when in multiplayer the letterbox bars will come up, and you’ll be frozen in place_
Cinematic_stop <#> - Ends the cutscene
Cinematic_show_letterbox <#> - Shows the letterbox bars, but doesn’t stop you from moving (it also makes the HUD timer look nicer)
Cinematic_screen_effect_start 1 – lets you use screen effects.
Cinematic_screen_effect_set_video 1 <#> ( – Gives you the effect used for Jenkins 343 Guilty Spark Camera (1 makes the screen have noise, 0 leaves it out)
Cinematic_screen_effect_set_convultion <Intensity> <Type> <Starting level> <Ending Level> <Speed> - This is a cool one. There are three levels of intensity and 3 different types. 1 has a zoom-in effect (, 2 doubles/triples/quaddruples your vision ( (like going cross eyed), 3 sort of pixelates the screen (, like the video effect on 343GS, but without the overlay images. The blur or zoom one is used for the area outside the scope when zoomed in with the pistol.
Miscellaneous Commands
Object_destroy_all – Destroys all the objects on the map. This includes scenery, vehicles and bipeds.
Rider_ejection <#> – Makes you stay in a vehicle, even if it has flipped.
AI_Allegience <team> <team> - (only works in SP) makes the specific kind of enemy your ally. E.g putting in AI_allegience player flood will make you allies with the flood. Teams are player, covenant, flood, sentinel.
Quit – Does what it says, quits the game.
Rasterizer_fog_atmosphere <#> - Takes out the atmospheric fog
Rasterizer_fog_plane <#> - Will take out the fog plane
Rasterizer_Wireframe <#> - Shows the map in wireframe
Unit_kill (unit (list_get (players) #)) – Kills the specified unit (Use sv_players to get the number of the player you want to kill :D) Server side only.
Unit_suspended (unit (list_get (players) #)) 1/0 (1=suspend 2= unsuspend) – Suspends a player, stops them from moving. Server Side Only.
Unit_exit_vehicle (unit (list_get (players) #)) – Forces a player to exit the vehicle they’re in. Server Side only.
Core_Save – Saves every single thing at the time the command is entered. This includes where bipeds are, weapons, explosions, where bullets are.
Core_load – This loads the core save.
A list I made December 2005, so there's alot of commands that have been found that aren't there.
Mr Buckshot
March 3rd, 2007, 07:29 PM
Wrong - that separates the camera from the player and simply lets you explore the level without moving the player.
For an actual 3rd person view gameplay, look here:
March 3rd, 2007, 07:35 PM
Wrong? Ha.
You see yourself in 3rd person with the dev commands. Do you even know how 3rd person h4x by bitter works? I doubt it, yet I do....
His moves the camera, just like you can in the dev command I put.
Mr Buckshot
March 3rd, 2007, 07:42 PM
When I tried it, it simply put me into what I call "movie making mode," which allows you to navigate unreachable areas of the level and move through walls, etc, to obtain scenic shots from preferred angles.
Edward Elrich
March 3rd, 2007, 10:04 PM
(in response to post #7, by Timo) Yes, that's right. The debug camera kinda reminds me of Bleach when Ichigo goes Soul Reaper. Using debug camera "forces" you out of your body. (I can't remember how to get back INTO your body using the devmode commands, though. I thought "debug_camera 0" did it, but it doesn't always work for me. Loading the last checkpoint does, though, but make sure you don't pick one up while using the camera.)
And my addition, which prevents you from dying while using the camera.
game_speed <#>
(# represents the speed the game goes at. 0 is paused, 1 is normal, work from there to figure out the rest of it. Don't use too bit of a number or the background gets choppy. Decimals can be used too (i.e. 0.5, 1.5, 2.99, etc.) This is just the video speed, audio remains normal, however.
March 3rd, 2007, 10:12 PM
camera_control 0 brings you back to the MC's view
March 4th, 2007, 10:12 AM
I think what he meant is, bitter B's third person hack simply activates the debug camera and has it follow you around. Seems reasonable to me...Yes it is reasonable.
However this dude is asking for dev commands...
March 7th, 2007, 10:34 AM
I found a new one:
cheat_omnipotent <true/false>
Any and all damage coming from the player is an instant kill.
March 7th, 2007, 05:12 PM
The cheat that gives you active camo does not really work in multiplayer, it turns out that online players will be able to see you, but you won't be able to see yourself and AI also.
Is there anyway to show only the reticle, nothing else? No, right?
March 7th, 2007, 08:43 PM
disable HUD elements until you got only the crosshair?
March 7th, 2007, 10:29 PM
You can't disable the gametype indicator, iirc.
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