View Full Version : Grenades detonating after first bounce

Echo Ranger 449
September 18th, 2008, 02:21 PM
*Edit:not solved. It's still the detonation timer keeping it from detonating*
There seems to be nothing that will allow the detonation to be delayed once the projectile starts the detonation process. Minimum velocity was one way, but it skips the detonation timer and immediately detonates the projectile.

Guerilla so-callingly states that the frag grenade is already set to start the detonation timer as soon as the projectile impacts an object. However, it's more like "at rest" instead. Is there any way to make it so it could detonate "after first bounce"?

I'm hoping to make it so the Halo 3 grenade bouncing trick could be used (player sees an opponent and throws it ahead of him against the ground- the grenade bounces and detonates several feet above the ground without coming into contact with anything).

Also, if this isn't possible, what then makes Guerilla's "after first bounce" different from the "when at rest" option?

September 19th, 2008, 09:17 AM
Have you edited the speed of the time from when it first bounces to the detonation? The original timer was 3 seconds (I think, it might have been two) and in H2 and H3 its 1 second.
E: Three seconds is enough time for it to bounce twice, rest for about 1/2 a second then detonate.

September 20th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Have you edited the speed of the time from when it first bounces to the detonation? The original timer was 3 seconds (I think, it might have been two) and in H2 and H3 its 1 second.
E: Three seconds is enough time for it to bounce twice, rest for about 1/2 a second then detonate.
I have some problems with this, since I've seen frag grenades land, come to a stop, get hit by a plasma, fly off again, land, come to a stop, and then they exploded. Whats with that?

September 21st, 2008, 10:54 AM
Well, I don't know then.

September 22nd, 2008, 06:33 AM
It's been a while since I've opened up HEK, but is there a .damage tag (or something) that you can choose what happens on different surfaces?

Echo Ranger 449
September 23rd, 2008, 09:08 AM
I can't get the projectile to start the timer after hitting a surface-- only after it comes to rest.

I got around part of this problem by making it so that the projectile detonates after reaching a certain velocity. I adjusted the horizontal friction in such a way that the projectile will detonate immediately when close to the player (after the arming time depletes). Most of the time most of the velocity is parallel (when close to the player), so set the friction high for parallel.

When you throw it far, about 70% of the velocity is perpendicular in most impacts. set it so in most cases, it reaches the minimum velocity on the second bounce. Remember the minimum velocity is: velocity squared equals the perpendicular velocity squared plus the parallel velocity squared.

V^2 = Vh^2 + Vp^2

This is one reason why it's difficult to find the vertical and horizontal frictions that will let it bounce on the second impact: even at close range, there is still some vertical velocity that needs to be accounted for (in case you wanted your projectile to bounce on the second impact, not after the arming time depletes). Seems to me like a simple application would make figuring out the ideal frictions easier. Still however, the player can throw the grenade at his feet, causing most of the velocity to be perpendicular (vertical). Like I was trying to say, it really is a trial-and-error thing. I just wish there was some way to make it so the detonation timer could be adjusted to detonate after the projectile impacts a surface. I'll just go with what I've got for now.