View Full Version : My choices for a new PC

September 30th, 2008, 11:13 PM
Okay, so here is my delema:

I either get a Tablet PC for drawing, texturing, and stuff.


Save up for a motherboard and stuff for my desktop that is collecting dust.

Any advice is welcome.

Reaper Man
September 30th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Tablet PCs are a joke. Get a real tablet if you want to be drawing.

September 30th, 2008, 11:42 PM
Tablet PCs are a joke. Get a real tablet if you want to be drawing.I can't really draw, but with a tablet PC I could use the computer to my advantage.

How are they a joke? The one I used was pretty useful.

October 1st, 2008, 12:24 AM
Most tablet PC's have relatively crappy "tablet" components to them. Tablet PCs are designed for jotting down notes, not for serious art. Anyone trying to sell one to you as such either works at Best Buy and/or has no idea what the fuck he is taking about. A $50 Wacom will outperform pretty much any tablet PC's screen.

That, and most tablets have shitty/old hardware in them. Mostly integrated graphics and such, which will not run 3DS Max in a satisfactory manner.

Tablet PC's aren't cheap either. Most of the decent ones are around $1,500 to $2,000. What I would recommend:
1) Get yourself a nice mid range desktop. $1,000-$1,200 is about the sweet spot right now, although I've managed to get nice setups together for around $700 excluding the OS, monitor, etc.


If you need mobility, spend $300 - $1200 on a decent/midrange laptop/netbook. Spending any more then that is a waste because the hardware is probably going to have terrible battery life.

Which should you get? If you don't intend to do any kind of school stuff for the next few years (or whenever you plan on entering college, if you haven't already) then go with the desktop. More power for less money, but you give up mobility.
2) Learn how to draw. A computer isn't going to magically make up for your lack of skill.
3) Get yourself a $100 Intuos or similar. Try to stay with Wacom - they have been around forever and their newer tablets are actually noticeably better then the cheap OEM crap that is usually peddled in stores (luckily, mine is from the same OEM that Wacom used back when I got it :3).