October 5th, 2008, 11:00 PM
Just found this (http://helpbubba.synthasite.com/) on reddit:
Bubba is a very special cat with special needs. I adopted him from a well respected, cageless, no-kill shelter. He spent two of his crucial kittenhood months on the tough streets of Chicago. The shelter did their best to socialize Bubba, but he remained shy and timid. Within the first month of owning Bubba, he suffered multiple food allergies, FUD, and needed an amputation for a previous leg injury that did not heal properly. Although he has bonded strongly with my husband and me, Bubba is still uncomfortable around visitors. He gets very anxious and will hiss and hide.
I hate to think of Bubba's distress when company comes over. He has already been through so much in his short life. My husband and I have tried many behavior and training techniques, including play therapy, to help Bubba overcome his shyness. We have spoken with several animal behaviorists and they all seem to think Bubba's shyness is a result of losing his mother at an age which is usually too young for a kitten to be weaned, living on the streets as a kitten and being forced to fend for himself, and the poor state of his health for the first few months of his life. Add to this the stress of shelter life and you have one neurotic kitty.
Out of desperation and concern for Bubba's emotional health, we finally called in a pet psychic. I know. You think pet psychics are scammers. I did too until I saw how Bubba, who usually hisses at everyone prior to hiding under the couch, had full trust in the pet psychic immediately. The tears welled in my eyes as I saw Bubba purring in contentment while in her lap. I knew at that moment she was the real deal.
Through speaking to Bubba telepathically, the psychic determined that Bubba is so shy because HE is really a SHE. Bubba is transgendered. Bubba suffers from low self-image and has been mentally distraught because she has been forced to live in a male cat body for so long.
The ratio of trans-cats is similar to that of humans that are transgendered. This phenomenon has gone unnoticed in the scientific community as most people have not paid enough attention to the emotional health of their pets. I am working closely with the pet psychic these days to realize Bubba's wants and needs. Bubba seems to be improving.
I am starting this site to raise national awareness of transgendered pets, to raise money to enable Bubba to continue his therapy sessions with the pet psychic, and to raise funds for Bubba's upcoming gender reassignment surgery.
If this story has touched you, please feel free to donate to my cause. Bubba and transgendered pets everywhere thank you for your kindness and support. I thank you for your time, your compassion, and your generosity. Please help Bubba's cause. Spread the word about this site to everyone you know. Every donation, no matter how small, helps. Help me to help save Bubba. Uh,
I'm sorry, WHAT!?
Bubba is a very special cat with special needs. I adopted him from a well respected, cageless, no-kill shelter. He spent two of his crucial kittenhood months on the tough streets of Chicago. The shelter did their best to socialize Bubba, but he remained shy and timid. Within the first month of owning Bubba, he suffered multiple food allergies, FUD, and needed an amputation for a previous leg injury that did not heal properly. Although he has bonded strongly with my husband and me, Bubba is still uncomfortable around visitors. He gets very anxious and will hiss and hide.
I hate to think of Bubba's distress when company comes over. He has already been through so much in his short life. My husband and I have tried many behavior and training techniques, including play therapy, to help Bubba overcome his shyness. We have spoken with several animal behaviorists and they all seem to think Bubba's shyness is a result of losing his mother at an age which is usually too young for a kitten to be weaned, living on the streets as a kitten and being forced to fend for himself, and the poor state of his health for the first few months of his life. Add to this the stress of shelter life and you have one neurotic kitty.
Out of desperation and concern for Bubba's emotional health, we finally called in a pet psychic. I know. You think pet psychics are scammers. I did too until I saw how Bubba, who usually hisses at everyone prior to hiding under the couch, had full trust in the pet psychic immediately. The tears welled in my eyes as I saw Bubba purring in contentment while in her lap. I knew at that moment she was the real deal.
Through speaking to Bubba telepathically, the psychic determined that Bubba is so shy because HE is really a SHE. Bubba is transgendered. Bubba suffers from low self-image and has been mentally distraught because she has been forced to live in a male cat body for so long.
The ratio of trans-cats is similar to that of humans that are transgendered. This phenomenon has gone unnoticed in the scientific community as most people have not paid enough attention to the emotional health of their pets. I am working closely with the pet psychic these days to realize Bubba's wants and needs. Bubba seems to be improving.
I am starting this site to raise national awareness of transgendered pets, to raise money to enable Bubba to continue his therapy sessions with the pet psychic, and to raise funds for Bubba's upcoming gender reassignment surgery.
If this story has touched you, please feel free to donate to my cause. Bubba and transgendered pets everywhere thank you for your kindness and support. I thank you for your time, your compassion, and your generosity. Please help Bubba's cause. Spread the word about this site to everyone you know. Every donation, no matter how small, helps. Help me to help save Bubba. Uh,
I'm sorry, WHAT!?